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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • The circuit I offered is simply a building block for your discovery presented in it's simplest form to assure a successful replication. For a better understanding of what I'm doing you need to ask yourself "what is the circuit doing?" and understand Charging by induction

    Charging By Induction - YouTube

    simply follow nature...


    • Hi Slow and Easy

      once a gent of canada sent me parts and schematic to replicate a ou charger.
      I done my best and checked all soldered items , if the connections were made right. Could not find any fault. I added one resistor to measure the current at the loading battery. (That was the only change) Even if you have an exact recipe .I was not able to get the ou effect.
      The voltage of the running battery dropped and the volts of the charging batt remained the same.
      So the right schematic is needed at least...
      From my pov the rotoverter at yahoo groups diskussed is a promising subject.
      Someone mentioned a gain he achieved lighting 2 * 60W and 1*100 Watt bulb with an input of 40 Watts from the battery. And the leader speaks out : the 3rd phase where the parallel cap is connected is ou. This is on my list, if once money is available.


      • Originally posted by dragon View Post
        The circuit I offered is simply a building block for your discovery presented in it's simplest form to assure a successful replication. For a better understanding of what I'm doing you need to ask yourself "what is the circuit doing?" and understand Charging by induction

        Charging By Induction - YouTube

        simply follow nature...
        I never understand what kind of satisfaction the authors of such cryptic sentences get out of it. Must be some strange psychological mechanism.

        Why not talk straight? May be there is nothing to talk about?

        I understand that someone wants to guard a secret. But why hint at something in a cryptic way? That will either endanger the secret or render the hints useless. Why bother to spread useless sentences?

        I understand what people like John Bedini are doing. They sell books, CD-ROMs and public appearances. Nobody could ever replicate something useful from this information, but Bedini seems to make money from it (it is a form of entertainment to generate money).

        But why does someone spread useless information for nothing? It needs a Freud or Jung to unravel this mystery.

        Greetings, Conrad
        Last edited by conradelektro; 04-24-2012, 07:35 PM.


        • Don Smith Secret from Dream (from Senegal Africa)

          I just had a chap share a special method that he received in a dream. He dreamed that Don Smith gave him the following method and said it was the secret element that had been so far with held from us. Anyway, I was wondering if any of you serious electrical types had time to check his theory out experimentally via a quick method??

          Don Smith Secret Dream:

          #1 Question:
          If we could use secondary coil wound in two parts, (CW CCW) OR (CW CW), just to cancel the magnetic part.
          This is well known as asymmetric transformer and at present I am not able to experiment with this to prove or disprove this method.

          #2 Question:
          Now, if we could use two coils exactly such as this before for the secondary transformer? Lets say L2 for the voltage control & L3 for the current control. I forgot to mention that L2 is actually two coils wound in parallel and L3 is also two coils but wound in series.

          Then, we mix the coils. Don's choices in his suitcase device (the picture in above)
          Use a bridge rectifier to mix the two coils.

          We use volt amp coupling again. That means, (Amp X Volt) = Watt. Then, we have useful energy gain!!!!!


          • Originally posted by dragon View Post
            The circuit I offered is simply a building block for your discovery presented in it's simplest form to assure a successful replication. For a better understanding of what I'm doing you need to ask yourself "what is the circuit doing?" and understand Charging by induction

            Charging By Induction - YouTube

            simply follow nature...
            Saw this video before, sat in AWE the first time and understood the second.
            Great video!



            • Yes,I said it many times. Electrostatic induction is the key for Don Smith circuits, well - most of them. We need a magic wand cosuming always the same small amount of energy to charge capacitors many times per second and discharge into load. The obvious trouble is controlled ground connection because when somebody turn off "magic wand" the charge accumulated on second plate of capacitor immediately escape back to ground. Just follow this video and help to convert it into workable electronic analogy. Maybe a mosfet switch disconnecting ground at correct moment correlated to the HV output from tesla coil or Don Smith secondary ? I don't know the details yet, because my electronic knowledge is limited but I can trust my intuition which is very good indeed.
              Count on that - this video contains solution !


              • Originally posted by dragon View Post
                The circuit I offered is simply a building block for your discovery presented in it's simplest form to assure a successful replication. For a better understanding of what I'm doing you need to ask yourself "what is the circuit doing?" and understand Charging by induction

                Charging By Induction - YouTube

                simply follow nature...
                Thanks, Dragon. That was a cool video. Theoretically, you could negatively charge an unlimited number of metal leaf electroscopes with the same positively charged rod and an earth ground, and never lose the positive charge.

                That's cool!





                • I could go into a lengthy conversation of theory and speculation of how it works, then others would add their theory and more on top of that - soon there would be nothing left of the original idea and no one would understand it any better. The only way to truly understand it is to build it.

                  I presented a circuit that will take you to a place of understanding better than can be explained in words. There is nothing cryptic about it, all the information is there to build it - I can't give you understanding you have to earn that on your own.


                  • Ok,let's move it forward. We should replace positively charged rod with Tesla coil and metal plate not connected to the capacitor (because we don't want charge to escape via Tesla coil) - so we need capacitively coupled metals or ionizer kind of device to electrostatically charge one side of capacitor. Just that , no direct contact. And of course it must be DC pulsed from Tesla coil and ground must be connected when DC pulse is coming and disconnected when DC is shut off. The second side of capacitor will be connected to load and back to this active side connected to ground, connection to load must be also controlled .
                    I would like to draw it but don't have any good program to do it.


                    • Everybody is free to do as he enjoys most

                      Originally posted by dragon View Post
                      I could go into a lengthy conversation of theory and speculation of how it works, then others would add their theory and more on top of that - soon there would be nothing left of the original idea and no one would understand it any better. The only way to truly understand it is to build it.

                      I presented a circuit that will take you to a place of understanding better than can be explained in words. There is nothing cryptic about it, all the information is there to build it - I can't give you understanding you have to earn that on your own.
                      You really seem to get something out of it.

                      Well, enjoy it.

                      Why not say something comprehensible, like:

                      Yes, I got OU. (Proof would be welcome.)


                      Sorry, I did not get that far. (Honesty would help others to avoid useless work and expenditure.)

                      I like your circuit and the work woopy does and shows in his videos. But it would be most helpful to know how far you came with your experiments (based on this circuit). If they led to nowhere, they still would be interesting. But what sense does it make to hide negative results behind lengthy talk? Nobody here needs childish encouragement to go on experimenting. Negative results help in the sense that other venues have to be tried. May be you are disappointed that your circuit did not bring conclusion. But is it gratifying to lead others to dead ends?

                      Greetings, Conrad
                      Last edited by conradelektro; 04-24-2012, 08:22 PM.


                      • Hi all

                        Big problem with acces to the forum today ???

                        Hi Dragon

                        I have understood one of my problem with the grounding (at the output of the secondary). This is due to the fact that i put the 1 ohm resistor at the positiv of battery to measure the current with the scope. So i intruded the ground of the scope into the positv and it perturbated all the measuremt once i connected the real ground.

                        So do not try to use a measuring shunt resistor on the positv of battery while connecting the ground on the output of the secondary.

                        Than i was happy to receive my LCR meter today back from repair, and i could measure the capacitance of my home made variable cap. So as you can see it goes from 30 pico farad up to 104 pf. I can vary the capacitance by in creasind the thikness of the dielectric.

                        Than i wounded a third flat big kacher with 50 turn of 0,4 mm stranded wire (7 x 1,5 mm ) and a 2 turns pancake coil primary, Which works also really well.

                        So guys a lot of tuning but i can assure you that once you have the device in front of your eyes and playing with it with your little fingers , you will learn a lot , and perhaps in a very near future, i will be (as i try very hardly ) able to comprehend the words of mister Dragon.

                        And if ,i miss , it is not a big problem , i will insist , or wash my brain by changing the game , and why not coming back on the subject in some time with more other experiences which can perhaps open my eyes something more and be finally able to catch it,,,,,....

                        good luck at all

                        and just for fun if you missed it amazing tuning between kacher and battery 1.wmv - YouTube

                        Attached Files


                        • answer

                          Hey there Haan

                          I was veiwing old post and noticed I didn't answer tour question.

                          If you still need it it is cat# bn-1 @ All Electronics | Electronic and Electro-Mechanical Parts and Supplies at Discount Prices

                          I f you have other question just say so & I will try to answer them.



                          • Rectication

                            Howdy T-1000

                            I just realized your question a few pages back. I realy can't tell you y it works

                            I guess it is half retied.I orginally trirf both diodes in the right direction but the neg side kept failing because of heat.

                            So I tries it backwards and stopped overheatin an crashing. I plan to put a recter like Don

                            But haven't got there yet. I have tried a capacitor bank & ithas increased the power.

                            I am self taught so I may do things that are different because don't better but I do known how to wire +&-.

                            I thought I would just reveasing the diodes because I had pick it up off of Different experimenters on the web

                            hope tha answer your question. if you want to know more details I will tru to answer.

                            stay cool


                            • Rectication

                              Howdy T-1000

                              I just realized your question a few pages back. I realy can't tell you y it works

                              I guess it is half retied.I orginally trirf both diodes in the right direction but the neg side kept failing because of heat.

                              So I tries it backwards and stopped overheatin an crashing. I plan to put a recter like Don

                              But haven't got there yet. I have tried a capacitor bank & ithas increased the power.

                              I am self taught so I may do things that are different because don't better but I do known how to wire +&-.

                              I thought I would just reveasing the diodes because I had pick it up off of Different experimenters on the web

                              hope tha answer your question. if you want to know more details I will tru to answer.

                              stay cool


                              • Originally posted by conradelektro View Post
                                You really seem to get something out of it.

                                Well, enjoy it.

                                Why not say something comprehensible, like:

                                Yes, I got OU. (Proof would be welcome.)


                                Sorry, I did not get that far. (Honesty would help others to avoid useless work and expenditure.)

                                I like your circuit and the work woopy does and shows in his videos. But it would be most helpful to know how far you came with your experiments (based on this circuit). If they led to nowhere, they still would be interesting. But what sense does it make to hide negative results behind lengthy talk? Nobody here needs childish encouragement to go on experimenting. Negative results help in the sense that other venues have to be tried. May be you are disappointed that your circuit did not bring conclusion. But is it gratifying to lead others to dead ends?

                                Greetings, Conrad
                                Conrad, If you want a specific answer that it is or isn't overunity then the answer is No it is not. The circuit I present here requires an input energy to create a disturbance in the earth ground that causes an output activity in excess of its external input. Overunity would imply that it requires no external source of energy while driving a load and provide an excess of energy to drive another load or charge batteries - it does not. If your driving a 100 watt bulb with 100 watts it is said to be 100% efficient - I say it is a 100% loss. If your driving a 100 watt bulb with 50 watts some would call it 200% efficient, overunity, or a COP of 2 - I see a 50 watt loss and there is nothing over anything, but... it is more efficient than the first. So I suppose it depends on how you view the term overunity, when I see a bulb lighting with no measurable input that, to me, is 100% efficient regardless of the load.

                                The answer your seeking would be in the discharge rate of the capacitor driving the ignition coil. Calculate the energy the cap contains when charged to a given voltage then multiply by the discharge rate per second and you have J/s which if driven continuously would equate to watts or watt/hours. Not necessarily an exact figure on the output but a general idea of what it might be doing.

                                So, what would the next logical step be?

