Originally posted by zilano
hI Folks!
important do read and follow!
Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) among its many incredible inventions / insights, also made this curious machine capable of generating high-voltage discharge. For many a teslacoil is a transformer, but it is an inappropriate term: the Tesla coil is not based on the principle of operation of the common transformer!
There are various types of teslacoil:
-SSTC (Solid State Tesla Coil): teslacoil of this type is called "solid state" as it is controlled by an electrical circuit with no moving parts and no spark gap. The resonant frequency is generated directly by an electronic circuit.
-VTTC (Vacuum Tube Teslacoil): For fans of the genre, these works with vacuum tubes. To get really interesting discharges, you need to find huge military-type valves such as GU81M in some market places or specialized electronics distributors. The peculiarity of VTTCs is the high frequency of operation, generating harmless sparks via the skin effect, and you can tap them with your fingers!
-SGTC (Spark Gap Tesla Coil): This is the most famous and classic teslacoil, which we will explain below. Bases its operation on the appropriate size of a few components.
The aim in any case is to generate a resonant frequency on the primary winding that resonate on the secondary circuit, which must receive energy as a real antenna, but turning it to high voltages by reducing the amperage accordingly: in fact it is not free energy, since the energy output does not exceed the energy supplied.

When the half-wave is rising up, the primary capacitor is charged and the spark gap, which acts as an automatic switch, is opened to allow charging of the capacitor. The circuit must be designed so that the spark gap closes when the half-wave reaches its peak and the primary capacitor is at maximum charge!

When the spark gap closes, the high voltage generator is electrically separated from the circuit formed by the capacitor and the primary winding. In this condition, the capacitor start oscillating with the primary, and acts as a transmitter at a frequency that is the resonance frequency of the LC circuit:

The oscillation of the LC circuit is repeated until the charge is dissipated.
When the capacitor charge is completely dissipated during the oscillation, the spark gap no longer has enough energy to stay active, then it opens again, and begins a new cycle of charging the primary capacitor, thus repeating the above steps. This circuit without the secondary, it's just a powerful radio frequency transmitter.
The secondary circuit is a circuit that oscillates at the same frequency of the primary, but the value of the secondary inductance is much larger but still have the same frequency because C2 is a smaller capacitor compared to the primary C1 (the torus). This is the difference that introduce the big voltage amplification!
For optimum configuration of the secondary, you should adjust it to 1 / 4 of its natural frequency of oscillation, this allows for the highest point of the coil, a maximum voltage (this says the legend, and the experiments confirms...) To obtain this frequency is used just to add on top of the secondary coil a toroid or a sphere of the correct capacitance. If you imagine the wave of charge that develops on the side of the coil, you drop the peak point at the summit, the last loop: So here we have the maximum voltage at the minimum current, with discharges less dangerous and more longer! If the circuit is not sized correctly and the voltage peak point was lower, along the winding, this can lead to surface discharges over the coil with the consequent failure of the insulation and winding damage...
Imagine being on the swing, you swing your legs back and forth: the swing is initially barely fluctuates, but insisted the oscillation will increase even more. In this example, your legs are the primary winding and the secondary coil are the swing. If you continue swinging the legs (the primary using the capacitor charge) that will increase more and more and the oscillation of the swing will follow exactly the motion of your legs, but still further increases, is getting higher and higher. This is the voltage increase! The primary continues transmitting its energy to the secondary that is already oscillating, adding the two waves with each new oscillation, just like a swing. This is why it is important that the two circuits can oscillate at the same frequency!
important do read and follow!
Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) among its many incredible inventions / insights, also made this curious machine capable of generating high-voltage discharge. For many a teslacoil is a transformer, but it is an inappropriate term: the Tesla coil is not based on the principle of operation of the common transformer!
There are various types of teslacoil:
-SSTC (Solid State Tesla Coil): teslacoil of this type is called "solid state" as it is controlled by an electrical circuit with no moving parts and no spark gap. The resonant frequency is generated directly by an electronic circuit.
-VTTC (Vacuum Tube Teslacoil): For fans of the genre, these works with vacuum tubes. To get really interesting discharges, you need to find huge military-type valves such as GU81M in some market places or specialized electronics distributors. The peculiarity of VTTCs is the high frequency of operation, generating harmless sparks via the skin effect, and you can tap them with your fingers!
-SGTC (Spark Gap Tesla Coil): This is the most famous and classic teslacoil, which we will explain below. Bases its operation on the appropriate size of a few components.
The aim in any case is to generate a resonant frequency on the primary winding that resonate on the secondary circuit, which must receive energy as a real antenna, but turning it to high voltages by reducing the amperage accordingly: in fact it is not free energy, since the energy output does not exceed the energy supplied.
How it works?

An SGTC teslacoil is based on two circuits oscillating at the same frequency:
Primary oscillating circuit Secondary oscillating circuit
A generator produces a frequency of 50Hz at high voltage, typically between 4 and 12kv describing a wave that repeats itself over time 50 times per second:
When the half-wave is rising up, the primary capacitor is charged and the spark gap, which acts as an automatic switch, is opened to allow charging of the capacitor. The circuit must be designed so that the spark gap closes when the half-wave reaches its peak and the primary capacitor is at maximum charge!

When the spark gap closes, the high voltage generator is electrically separated from the circuit formed by the capacitor and the primary winding. In this condition, the capacitor start oscillating with the primary, and acts as a transmitter at a frequency that is the resonance frequency of the LC circuit:

The oscillation of the LC circuit is repeated until the charge is dissipated.
When the capacitor charge is completely dissipated during the oscillation, the spark gap no longer has enough energy to stay active, then it opens again, and begins a new cycle of charging the primary capacitor, thus repeating the above steps. This circuit without the secondary, it's just a powerful radio frequency transmitter.
The secondary circuit is a circuit that oscillates at the same frequency of the primary, but the value of the secondary inductance is much larger but still have the same frequency because C2 is a smaller capacitor compared to the primary C1 (the torus). This is the difference that introduce the big voltage amplification!
For optimum configuration of the secondary, you should adjust it to 1 / 4 of its natural frequency of oscillation, this allows for the highest point of the coil, a maximum voltage (this says the legend, and the experiments confirms...) To obtain this frequency is used just to add on top of the secondary coil a toroid or a sphere of the correct capacitance. If you imagine the wave of charge that develops on the side of the coil, you drop the peak point at the summit, the last loop: So here we have the maximum voltage at the minimum current, with discharges less dangerous and more longer! If the circuit is not sized correctly and the voltage peak point was lower, along the winding, this can lead to surface discharges over the coil with the consequent failure of the insulation and winding damage...
Imagine being on the swing, you swing your legs back and forth: the swing is initially barely fluctuates, but insisted the oscillation will increase even more. In this example, your legs are the primary winding and the secondary coil are the swing. If you continue swinging the legs (the primary using the capacitor charge) that will increase more and more and the oscillation of the swing will follow exactly the motion of your legs, but still further increases, is getting higher and higher. This is the voltage increase! The primary continues transmitting its energy to the secondary that is already oscillating, adding the two waves with each new oscillation, just like a swing. This is why it is important that the two circuits can oscillate at the same frequency!
The main components of a Teslacoil:
Determine the primary capacitor:
Consider a high-voltage generator which provides 6 kV and 100 mA at 50 Hz.
Z impedance of the generator:
Z = V / I = 6000(v) / 0.1(A) = 60Kohm
C1 capacitance to obtain a similar impedance :
C1 = 1 / (2 * Pi * f * Z) = 1 / (2 * Pi * 50(hz) * 60000(ohm)) = 53.87nF
Toroid - top load capacitance: (CALCULATION OF SEC CAPACITOR C2)
As L2 inductance of the secondary coil and Fq the frequency at quarter-wave of the coil:
C2 = 1 / (4*P2*Fq2*L2)
Primary winding inductance:
As Fq the frequency at a quarter-wave, and C1 as the primary capacitor:
As Fq the frequency at a quarter-wave, and C1 as the primary capacitor:
L1 = 1 / (4P2*Fq2*C1)

I belive i need a strong driver for flyback transformer not 2n3055 , like is in my attach filles.