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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • Originally posted by conradelektro View Post

    In your tank circuit you use a 2 µF 600 Volt capacitor (metal can type).

    Is it essential that it has 2 µF? (Should it have a high capacitance?)

    I plan to build my own three plate capacitor (with copper sheets and plastic sheets for insulation), but it would have around 200 pF. Is this to low?

    Would this be a good capacitor 56x Motor-Kondensator 5uF 400V 30x80mm ; AEG | eBay (AC motor start cap)?

    Or would this one be better5 Ölpapier-Kondensator 2,5 uF 370 V | eBay (Ölpapier-Kondensator 2,5 uF 370 V )?

    Greetings, Conrad

    P.S.: Yes, I am asking too many questions.
    If you go to small the discharge rate is exceptionally fast but the actual power is low. It's best to size them in the range of 30 to 60 hz discharge that way there is a reasonable amount of power stored and the current it generates in the discharge is fairly high. I've found 2 uf to be reasonable for my system and some of the tests I've done. woopy is using a 1uf which holds a good amount of power but I would say that would be the minimum for a good output.

    I've rolled a couple 5500pf caps and used it with the system and it works well for driving a higher frequency coil system - such as using this system to drive a secondary tesla coil primary - this works very well ( shown on my youtube channel lighting a 60 watt outdoor CFL in the tube of the secondary tesla coil.) It's quite versatile overall in its uses....

    If your going for the motor caps use a "run" cap not a "start" cap. the start caps aren't meant for continuous use the run caps can deal with the high currents.


    • Again, great info, thank you


      Thank you, the info is most helpful and saves me a lot of time (1095 KHz, 815 µH, 2 µF tank cap value and cap type).

      I guess you are talking about the Schumann resonances when you mention 6, 7.5 and 8 Hz Schumann resonances - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ?

      Tomorrow I will try to get that big plastic evacuation tube DN 200 (about 200 mm diameter) at one of the "Baumärkte".

      Greetings, Conrad


      • Last Questions

        Hi SnE,
        some last questions in order to finish the doc.
        - How many welding rods used?
        - What length?
        - Are all 6 grounds the same connection?
        Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


        • Updated Image

          Best regards,

          Last edited by vidbid; 04-26-2012, 04:19 AM. Reason: updated image



          • Hi all

            Hi Dragon and Conrad

            I tried to concentrate my effort to the basic of the system

            The "charging by induction " that Dragon proposed some post ago.

            I need to understand why this work like this , but it works like this.

            There is an amazing exciting between the battery and the kacher due to ground coupling.

            hope this helps


            Amazing exciting between ground and battery 1.wmv - YouTube


            • Originally posted by usu View Post
              Hi John!
              Ok!. If you want I will try to explain my point of view about Smith's device. It isn't my own the result of researching. But it is the result of some Russian replicators.
              First read the sheme (see the attachment).
              The description is in russian unfortunately. .....
              Thanks Sergey,
              Googel translater helped. Some words not translated. Perhaps you might like to do the small final translation in order to forward it to the community? see
              • Who is the replicator?
              • What is that box named SISG after C2.
              • What is teh function of L31? Blocking HF and while giving GND reference to center tap.

              rgds John
              Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


              • Originally posted by woopy View Post
                Hi all

                Hi Dragon and Conrad

                I tried to concentrate my effort to the basic of the system

                The "charging by induction " that Dragon proposed some post ago.

                I need to understand why this work like this , but it works like this.

                There is an amazing exciting between the battery and the kacher due to ground coupling.

                hope this helps


                Amazing exciting between ground and battery 1.wmv - YouTube
                Very nice once again woopy ! Sometimes we get to a point where our mind is spinning trying to find the answers we seek. Take note that the kacher circuit is the portion that wastes the energy - it uses a certain amount just to run, when you light the bulb there is very little change on the input. So how much power did the circuit have to supply to light the bulb?


                • Thanks

                  Thanks for the input!!!

                  Originally posted by Armagdn03 View Post
                  If you have counter wound secondary (not primary), this is most definitely not true. The counter wound coils will share the same dipole, and so will both react in such a way as to oppose the change, they will NOT cancel each other out, and will not avoid Lenz.


                  • Mt Latest Build

                    Here Is My Latest Schem. It Has Changed A Little. But Still Lights A Fl

                    30w Bulb/ Not Quite As Brite But I Am Working On That. Vidbid Gets

                    Credit For Most Of Schem Work. I Just Change A Few Things.

                    Latter All

                    P.s. Before Long I Will Have A Device Close To Don Smith
                    Attached Files


                    • Translated document

                      Originally posted by usu View Post
                      Hi John!
                      Ok!. If you want I will try to explain my point of view about Smith's device. It isn't my own the result of researching. But it is the result of some Russian replicators.
                      First read the sheme (see the attachment).
                      The description is in russian unfortunately. The document is too big for translation.
                      So ask the questions. I'll try to answer.
                      Also see the links.

                      Best regards

                      That document has been translated by a very helpful Russian gentleman and it is contained within the document, so there may be something helpful in the translated text.



                      • Building blocks

                        Some might wonder how this all relates to what smith and others were doing with their systems. Think of the circuit I presented as a building block, one small portion of the whole. A way to learn, progress and discover.

                        Here is a diagram showing how this all comes together as a whole... Once you have a basic understanding of what to expect you can get creative and move forward in your own way.

                        I've presented this in the simplest possible way, starting with the basic building block, so someone could actually build a functioning circuit and somewhat understand what it's doing, what their looking for and how to get there.

                        And No, it's not the infamous 100kw, solve all, Cosmos sucking energy device that everyone claims to have but I believe you'll be quite happy with the results as long as you can successfully complete the basic circuit. It operates on a voltage low enough that the danger is low but high enough that you can see the effects of what it's doing. A foundation to expand on.

                        I've learned a great deal from some of the serious contributors on energetic over the years and this is simply my way of "giving back" a little something in hopes it will help someone even in a small way.

                        Have fun!

                        Diagram explanations: Top left: is the basic circuit I presented. Lower left: there is a second identical coil and primary to make up a single wire power transfer device. Top right: the two identical coils are stacked and driven by the same circuit forming the basics of a don smith device where the output is formed into an isolated buck converter. Lower right: is my own reduced version of the same using a 3 plate cap system and 2 separate resonant tank circuits.

                        Patrick Kelly, feel free to use these if you wish.
                        Last edited by dragon; 05-15-2012, 03:53 AM.


                        • Agreed

                          Originally posted by Haan
                          Hi Slovenia,

                          based on my replies you can tell your dreamer that he was correct.
                          Keep the revelations coming...
                          Thanks for that post.

                          And yes, we would like some more.



                          • Originally posted by dragon View Post
                            I've presented this in the simplest possible way, starting with the basic building block, so someone could actually build a functioning circuit and somewhat understand what it's doing, what their looking for and how to get there.

                            And No, it's not the infamous 100kw, solve all, Cosmos sucking energy device that everyone claims to have but I believe you'll be quite happy with the results as long as you can successfully complete the basic circuit. It operates on a voltage low enough that the danger is low but high enough that you can see the effects of what it's doing. A foundation to expand on.

                            Diagram explanations: Top left: is the basic circuit I presented. Lower left: there is a second identical coil and primary to make up a single wire power transfer device. Top right: the two identical coils are stacked and driven by the same circuit forming the basics of a don smith device where the output is formed into an isolated buck converter. Lower right: is my own reduced version of the same using a 3 plate cap system and 2 separate resonant tank circuits.

                            Thank you for sharing your ideas, it helps a lot to have a starting point or as you say "basic building blocks". Your experiments are very interesting, the results are surprising and reproducible (as Woopy demonstrates in his videos). This is rare.

                            Is this specific transistor oscillator (your basic circuit, which some call "exciter") important, because the big coil at the base of the transistor sends out unusual "waves"? Would a more conventional push pull circuit (e.g. as used in the CFLs) do the job as well? Probably not! I attach a very nice fly back transformer driver which I found in the net _-= Uzzors2k =-_ Project Site . It is probably difficult to make such a driver swing at 1 MHz, at least one needs an air coil with less impedance than a fly back transformer.

                            Some years ago I did some experiments with electrophoruses ( Electrophorus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) and electrostatic machines (see for instance this excellent site Electrostatic Machines ) and always wondered where the charge comes from. Is the charge (building up in an electrostatic machine) sucked from the air? My feeling was, it stems indeed from the air, because the performance of the machines depended on the weather. You see a source for the charge in the ground. This is no contradiction, because the ground would give up charge into the air depending on weather conditions. I see a connection with electrostatic phenomena, because all electrostatic machines either "excite" the air or some material ( Triboelectric effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) in order to accumulate charge. You try to do that with the ground.

                            Unfortunately I have to go away for some days and will be back next week with some new tests based on your very promising ideas.

                            Greetings, Conrad
                            Last edited by conradelektro; 11-05-2012, 01:20 AM.


                            • Thanks!!

                              Thanks Ged!!

                              Originally posted by Gedfire View Post
                              Thanks for that post.

                              And yes, we would like some more.



                              • Conrad, I used the kacher only because it is the simplest oscillator to put together which anyone can build quickly and easily. It isn't the best. The hartley may be a better choice but takes a bit of finesse to get it together and working at the frequency you want. The royer schematic you posted operates on saturation of the core - not a good choice for what we are trying to accomplish here with the exception of creating a large volumn of ionic disturbances which it would be great for. Another direction with similar results.

                                I've spent quite a bit of time studying electrostatics and your correct in presuming this is my direction of thought.

                                Good luck on your trip ! I to have some other projects that will be taking up a considerable amount of time but will try to check in daily...

