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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • mikrovolt
    The study of the electrical field is important in open systems. Requires more of this.
    The rate and nature of which the electric cloud vanishes or leaks in most of our experiments we consider not successful.
    In reality we are just using the wrong parts, not insulating, not using the right meter, not aware.
    The gaseous or fluid state is more intuitive to our senses we developed a dynamo mentality
    making us always late to the party however electric fields do have exceptions at times also using the right meter.

    Ancient CRT displays of years past required degaussing. It was performed by television
    repair men. It involved moving a degaussing coil in a circular motion while moving forward
    and then backing up.(like the video meter wagging it's tail) Later televisions used a built in
    degauss coil that came on briefly when the CRT is turned on.
    The matrix controlling masses comes from the addictive transmission of television.

    Playing with static fields using a good meter gives feedback to those
    that want more than just passing a test. They need hands on technique on a variety of
    different electrostatic interactions related to alternative energy. Most physics persons
    are happy to get the e-meter out when someone asks. Unfortunately no one usually asks.

    Slayer exciter demo shown should be in every classroom.
    Last edited by mikrovolt; 05-26-2018, 09:43 AM.

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  • ilandtan
    Someone has already confirmed that rf bubble surrounds these circuits, maybe this is a way to point us in the right direction. If we increase the magnetic density by standing waves, we should get more out then we put in. This may only happen at certain frequencies. Having a tool that lets you know you are tweaking in the right direction may be useful.

    Could this be moving field magnetic amplification? The trifield meter jumps around frantically on the receiver, but is less active on the transmitter.


    Magnetic amplification produced by scalar transmission?

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  • ilandtan
    I just wanted to say I came across a video that shows why I can't see the magnetic field with my android app. The trifield meter discriminates between a stationary magnet and a moving magnetic field.


    I guess I gotta get one of these suckers, or use the wire probes that DS uses on his 2001 video. Why does DS have them? It must be something he felt was important.

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  • ilandtan
    The Undiscovered Physics of Increasing Magnetic Density

    I think there is if there is a crucial mechanism being missed. I have searched for it and I am not even sure it exists. I have a video that is now unpublished, and I downloaded it because it showed something strange during your typical "over unity" video.

    Take note of the large magnetic field with a trifield meter


    I don't have a trifield meter yet... but I do have an app on my phone that can detect magnetic fields... and can be used as a compass. Why don't I see a large shift in magnetic field with my radiating slayer coil? I think because I am not measuring it correctly. An Android app can not compare in any way to an independent device designed for this function. You know a field is there, but is it a magnetic one? It's got to be there. Don said you had to measure the magnetic field correctly.

    Is it possible that Don knew his effect could be harvested when the magnetic density increased?

    Does anybody have a trifield meter and used it on a Tesla coil?
    Last edited by ilandtan; 04-26-2018, 04:40 PM. Reason: Clarification

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  • boguslaw
    Very good road indeed.

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  • ilandtan
    Don Smith General Concepts

    I understand the angst that people must have when people embark on this road.

    1. WE wind coils and expect to have some magic power gain in resonance.
    2. WE think CW and CCW matters in gaining resonance.
    3. WE continually use closed system but barely get our bulbs to output a fraction of what we've put in.
    4. WE Constantly F---- with the exciter side of the equation, when some of D.S. devices have absolutely no resonant coils. When D.S. states all you will get is NEAR UNITY.

    After you fail you have some choices:
    1. You discover that D.S. is a charlatan
    2. you feel D.S. is sincere but misguided
    3. You think D.S. was correct but hid the most important piece
    4. The D.S. documents are tainted... conspiracy

    My thoughts on the matter are: I believe in the sincerity of D.S. period. His insights were just more than good guesses, and he built things the same way. We just never have enough to build the output. So I believe by his design to protect his mechanism to achieve the D.S. effect, he skirted the topic, or by someone's hand do we only see the part that is meaningless.

    There are two crucial components that must be present for over unity. Amplification, Feedback. I've seen it happen in audio, where a mic feeds back, if not for the clip protection circuits, would destroy the amps.

    Stop messing with the exciter. Build a resonant output with as much RF(scalar)emission as possible. Fold it in on itself so the waves builds and becomes self sustaining. This is done by harvesting the emissions, and firing it back on to itself magnetically. I think this is what Kapanadze does. Obviously you need to sync your fireback to the standing wave to your output coil. In theory if you are able to recharge the capacitor faster than you deplete it... It's no longer an oscillator, it's a constant power source.

    This is the road I'm traveling.
    Last edited by ilandtan; 04-25-2018, 02:03 AM.

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  • ricards
    Originally posted by Utopia Now View Post
    Here Don shows some bifilar or CW CCW way of winding; he says you can drive this Amperage thing with your L1 coil .
    And Don says : "It magnifies"

    Here he shows drawings from Tesla patents (CW CCW) and talks about Amperage

    Here he says: There are many ways to wind coils ... with voltage only or very little amperage or you wind them with 100% amperage and very little voltage .

    And here he talks about Tesla coil with Amperage and Voltage ( 2 coils back to back ... Probably cw ccw wound )
    he speaks of Voltage and Amperage as if it was some objects that you can get, I Used to believe in all of that..

    careful studying and experiments led me to the truth.

    sorry to say, most of his concept are 'false', but there is a little bit of truth in most of what he says..

    sometimes I think maybe that's just how he perceived it.. or maybe he meant something else..

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  • mikrovolt
    Originally posted by Utopia Now View Post
    Here Don shows some bifilar or CW CCW way of winding; he says you can drive this Amperage thing with your L1 coil .
    And Don says : "It magnifies"

    Here he shows drawings from Tesla patents (CW CCW) and talks about Amperage

    Here he says: There are many ways to wind coils ... with voltage only or very little amperage or you wind them with 100% amperage and very little voltage .

    And here he talks about Tesla coil with Amperage and Voltage ( 2 coils back to back ... Probably cw ccw wound )
    DS refers to patent early cw/ccw figure 2
    Tesla patent 336961.JPG

    Side note: (ground cable must be 1/4 wave length in patent 685012 logic is same)

    For lack of a better representation dynamo of that period here is something close to what Tesla would be modifying for this patent 336961 shown in Utkins pdf below.
    This video shows a series wound motor having two cylinder (electric magnets) and a shunt between

    Nikola Tesla 1896 patent 336961 describes 3 brush dynamo regulator which is two brush and a center brush called auxillary brush. Adjustments of these brushes accomplishes control.

    There is a step down bifilar shown
    Last edited by mikrovolt; 03-15-2018, 04:36 AM.

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  • Utopia Now
    Cw ccw

    Here a picture from Don's Library.
    There are different ways to use or combine Clock Wise and Counter Clock Wise wound Coils he said .
    I think part of the trick is the Lenz Law effect that is less active in Coils like that.

    Then the resonance frequency is much higher ... well at least in the Kapanadze Grenade Coil: for a certain length of wire ... you normaly have a certain resonance freq. but if you wind it CW CCW than you have for the same length a much higher res freq.

    I think Tesla said the energy stored in coils like that is much bigger than in normal coils

    Well I am here also to learn ..
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  • boguslaw
    So basically Don said you use bifilar series (?) coil to make pure amperage. Interesting ... very interesting...

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  • Utopia Now
    Grenade coil CW CCW

    Here a picture from the Grenade coil from a Kapanadze device ..notice the CW CCW way of winding .
    Here a not so good quality video from the device

    Here a better picture from the Kapanadze Grenade coil (but do`nt read the text from the acompanied post ) Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze

    Or just remember this from Don ...
    Attached Files

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  • Utopia Now
    It Magnifies

    Here Don shows some bifilar or CW CCW way of winding; he says you can drive this Amperage thing with your L1 coil .
    And Don says : "It magnifies"

    Here he shows drawings from Tesla patents (CW CCW) and talks about Amperage

    Here he says: There are many ways to wind coils ... with voltage only or very little amperage or you wind them with 100% amperage and very little voltage .

    And here he talks about Tesla coil with Amperage and Voltage ( 2 coils back to back ... Probably cw ccw wound )

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  • mikrovolt
    Originally posted by Utopia Now View Post
    Hallo med.3012 and mikrovolt, Thanks for the very interesting info.

    I did not follow or read much on this forum lately.

    But my personal ideas is that "it" has also something to do with CW CCW wound coils or bifilar or bucking coils or partnered output coils .. 4 names for something similar.

    Probably this is very old news .. but I am interested in this part of the puzzle.
    In This Prezi document there is info about it ... specifically about what Don Smith says about it in his video`s and pdf's.

    You can click on links or video`s in the document to see mor info.
    Utopia, The cinematic director cut presentation using prezi is interesting.
    Because empirical study sometimes allows us to discover principles
    of alt energy it is the trail of facts and evidence that has been carefully hidden from public view.
    It is the technical trade secrets. When the big corporations hire teams of scientist the most clever teams that money can buy
    work so that the truth will never be discovered. It is the failed patent system that causes companies to resort to gangster methods.

    The ebooks on this website are really a touchstone to our futile efforts.
    In those pdfs are basics that empirical study such as Don Smith projects slowly discover.
    It represents countless man hours of experimentation to uncover just a few hidden physics principals
    hidden all along as trade secrets for one reason, company survival.

    My browser decided to update without permission and it erased weeks of research this week.
    The search engines and artificial intelligence work hard at concealing efforts to find answers.
    Last edited by mikrovolt; 03-14-2018, 02:00 AM.

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  • med.3012
    Originally posted by Utopia Now View Post
    Hallo med.3012 and mikrovolt, Thanks for the very interesting info.

    I did not follow or read much on this forum lately.

    But my personal ideas is that "it" has also something to do with CW CCW wound coils or bifilar or bucking coils or partnered output coils .. 4 names for something similar.

    Probably this is very old news .. but I am interested in this part of the puzzle.
    In This Prezi document there is info about it ... specifically about what Don Smith says about it in his video`s and pdf's.

    You can click on links or video`s in the document to see mor info.

    Hello !

    Thank you very much for sharing this ,


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  • Utopia Now
    Hallo med.3012 and mikrovolt, Thanks for the very interesting info.

    I did not follow or read much on this forum lately.

    But my personal ideas is that "it" has also something to do with CW CCW wound coils or bifilar or bucking coils or partnered output coils .. 4 names for something similar.

    Probably this is very old news .. but I am interested in this part of the puzzle.
    In This Prezi document there is info about it ... specifically about what Don Smith says about it in his video`s and pdf's.

    You can click on links or video`s in the document to see mor info.
    Attached Files

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