Originally posted by zilano
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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true
Kelly some more clues...
Hello Kelly and others who might find this stuff interesting...
A patent for a Solid State Electrical Generator......seems familiar? Guess who... Hmmmmm....
Solid state electric generator
And where to get the elusive metglas...
Pulse Power Cores - Saturable Reactors
If you are all aware of this stuff already, kindly disregard.
Spice Simulations
Originally posted by zilano View Postjust charge the cap anyway u do either 3 plate or just don standard way u must have a charged capacitor. i have posted convertor for it follow that. modulation not needed.
Given the number of new designs and schematics from Zilano and others and time and resource constraints, is there anyone who can get all this stuff into the Non-linear version of Spice mentioned by Don in his new video?
Simulators might be the best way to approximate a working device and its capabilities without the heavy investment.Nothing new here as the technology is very pervasive.
Don kept mentioning this program and so I investigated and may just try it.
That seem to be a smarter approach to testing these suggested schematics although nothing beats handson direct experimentation.But ,I emphasise SMART experimentation.
Interesting stuff Zzz.
Keep em coming.
GedLast edited by Gedfire; 05-06-2012, 10:00 PM.
Originally posted by zilano View Postits sine wave. all rf is sine whether FM/Am/Lw/Mw/Sw. only microchips use square waves or digital invertors used to. and dsp=digital signal processing is square wave.
use faster diodes for fwbr. adjust gap of spark gap so it fires continuously. choose a cap with higher ccapacity in mfd and in voltage. if u use slayer type xciter then voltage may range from 800- 3000 volts and if u use tesla type then add a high resitor before attaching it to envelope of cap. if u dont have high voltage caps even a 120-360 uf 600-1500-2000 volt will do but always use resistor if ur tesla terminal is beyond this range. else capacitor will warm up.
capacitors hold charge if not shorted beware! beware!
use run capacitor not start capacitor(they r leaky)
zzzzLast edited by Garsony; 05-06-2012, 11:16 PM.
Originally posted by zilano View Postits sine wave. all rf is sine whether FM/Am/Lw/Mw/Sw. only microchips use square waves or digital invertors used to. and dsp=digital signal processing is square wave.
use faster diodes for fwbr. adjust gap of spark gap so it fires continuously. choose a cap with higher ccapacity in mfd and in voltage. if u use slayer type xciter then voltage may range from 800- 3000 volts and if u use tesla type then add a high resitor before attaching it to envelope of cap. if u dont have high voltage caps even a 120-360 uf 600-1500-2000 volt will do but always use resistor if ur tesla terminal is beyond this range. else capacitor will warm up.
capacitors hold charge if not shorted beware! beware!
use run capacitor not start capacitor(they r leaky)
Originally posted by boguslaw View PostIf you really think, then analyse Tariel videos. I'm tired on posting what I found and what confirm my theory. There is always max power in secondary even at idle or when powering 60W bulb or with powering 5kW bulbs.
This is the REAL theory : we have primary and secondary, secondary always is a copy of primary but we cannot see it due to lenz law ! that is the secret of magnetic induction which we are not supposed to know !
When lenz law is avoided we see max power of primary in secondary even at idle and when secondary is loaded the power consumption on primary drop.
To make it overunity we have to :
- make primary resonant with small amount of energy added from power source to maintain resonance at required level of power (reactive)
- make secondary blind to primary by avoiding lenz law (many methods can be used the best is by special transformer)
- make usage of secondary power and a way to cope with the rest of power not used (hard task)
-make feedback to primary to cover looses to create self-running device
It's good that Dynatron knows that , he is now close to solution, but there are many others silent who knows that and actively develops working devices , mostly Russian guys.
Do not count me , i'm pure theorist and uneducated oneThe most simple you think the better you comprehend it.
Now think and answer simple question : what is the simple method (and one of the best) of converting all reactive energy into real energy when you have lenz free transformer like I described ? It's really really easy and usu should know that, right ?Last edited by Garsony; 05-07-2012, 12:32 AM.
Wesley published a page from unknown to me patent, maybe someone know abot this? (name, patent number)Attached Files
What patent is this?
Originally posted by Ganzha View PostWesley published a page from unknown to me patent, maybe someone know about this? (name, patent number)
The patent you are looking for is US7,235,945 [Energy Conversion Systems -- Correa] dated Jun 26, 2007. A copy is attached.
TerboLast edited by Terbo; 05-07-2012, 03:56 AM.
Here is a short video. I'm trying to do something with this concept from Zilano:
but without any success so far.
Does any one have better results ?
Something to show for, not just usual bubble without any prof!!Attached Files
Originally posted by thelast View PostHere is a short video. I'm trying to do something with this concept from Zilano:
but without any success so far.
Does any one have better results ?
Something to show for, not just usual bubble without any prof!!
better results so far has only dinatron from russia, but he's using a regular DS setup with very good output (to me still less than input, but with his new transformer I'm expecting a good progress); so you can try it, pretty much clear schematic (see attach; zilano, don't even think about it - to change anything);
I did it with variac got a good spark, can run a motor but not a big one.Attached Files
Originally posted by Garsony View Posti have never see high voltage DC to low voltage AC inverters, most of them 12/24 to 120/240v 100 to 3000 watt, or it must be custom made, transformer for inverter will be needed anyway.Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.
Originally posted by Garsony View Postcan i use electrolytic capacitor, what type of capacitor is better? still hard to believe that it will charged that fast to handle 25kwa load.
One single shot of HF will not contain extremeley high energy.
- So the first cap should be HF type and store some of these HF shots.
- The next stage is a bigger one with lower frequency capabilities. The HF will possibly not enter in the 2nd and shurely not the third stage but will get at lower frequency the charge from the first one.
- The 3rd stage is a normal electrolitic low frequency cap. This component will get charge from the previous stages and store the charge requested. It seves then fro low frequency load to inverter.
This approach is state of the art at PSU design in order to block the ripples in a broad frequency range before and after the regualtor. Even at 7805 it is used in order to get a dead reliable design. A 7805 might be much more stable with .1 µF than 100µf. Best stability in all modes is 10nF, 100nF, 100µF in parallel at input and output rexpectively. Please account for this because you usually produce high HF disturbance upon your dead normal electronics.
Apart that look at Utkin: He proposes the 3 plate cap and adds another big cap in parallel in order to increase the effect massively. This additional cap is NOT affected by the 3rd plate directly! It receives the charge from the pulsed 3-plate cap.
- Capacitors have self resonance as well! If you hit this area you will not see a cap! It is in fact a tank circuit! Unfortunately only the manufacturers of SMD ceramic caps write it in their spec. It might be true that this resonant operation gives additional charge. Needs to be tested.
- Some big caps are not allowed to be pulsed above a certain amperage - they will explode. Look at data sheet!Last edited by JohnStone; 05-07-2012, 11:31 AM.Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.
Originally posted by promt View PostIt can't be any success, since the whole concept is wrong, there's no juice in "rf step down transformer", so the output always be less than input (it's been tested many times);
better results so far has only dinatron from russia, but he's using a regular DS setup with very good output (to me still less than input, but with his new transformer I'm expecting a good progress); so you can try it, pretty much clear schematic (see attach; zilano, don't even think about it - to change anything);
I did it with variac got a good spark, can run a motor but not a big one.
DON SMITH Zelinka CAP.wmv - YouTube
Why then Zilano confused people over and over agen and Don S. too ?