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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • thanks vidbid

    Originally posted by vidbid View Post
    Thanks for posting.

    If I'm not mistaken, I believe Eric Dollard wrote something about primary and secondary coils in 1981.

    That link is
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    Thanks alot sir!


    • Originally posted by Gedfire View Post
      I think there are people on this forum who might be proficient with the program SPICE.
      Any simulation is a drastical simplification of the realitiy and can deal with matters being understood and covered by formulas only. Nobody should confuse the realitiy with formulas or simulations.

      - The problem begins with a simple spark gap. Real calculations conforming know formulas overloads any PC. We sould need a simplified model but what to simplify if we do not know waht'S important. We will shurely NOT cover effects not being known in terms of formulas yet.
      - Same with coils. The model contain some simplifications being acceptable for lower frequencies up to 100Khz. HF simulations use far more complicated models - but they are not available for free.
      - Same with capacitors having no resonance in spice.

      Nevertheless: As all setups do not fly in some undefined nirvana they live with one leg in the conventional phsyics. If we accept this we can optimize some basics before testing the setup. But that's it.

      Notion: Simulating is like walking through a swamp. You need to konw exactly where to step in order to survive with your vision of reality.
      Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


      • Tesla is roolez!

        I like to ask!
        Why we never even try to replicate classic Tesla?
        Attached Files


        • Smith cap

          Well sinca I'm working with the same design I hope Zilano will comment on the video from thelast!!! Thare are questions in the video with no answers.

          have a good one

          Originally posted by zilano View Post
          Well Mr. Dragon has already showed u all the practicality of 3 plate cap. avramenko u all know. I have specified the coil structure and preocedure to charge cap using avramenko in don device. i have also specified the method with ferrite rings to convert hf to usable dc. making dc is easy and best coz u can attach invertor to it.

          remember charges move from ground towards hv/hf put ur circuit between ground and plate of capacitor to hf/hv. where as in don case one can use avramenko/3plate cap. try to understand 3 plate cap. do some experiment. and when u know how it works everything will become clear to u. once u know how circuit working it become so easy u can juggle any in anyway u want. either its moray, don, kapanadze they will all be very clear to u.

          make a small device. start on small scale andwhen u understand how energy travels in circuit u can go for the bigger.experiments can even be done using 1.5 volt to 12 volts. try to catch energy from ground. and feed back this energy to input . if u able to do it by understanding well then no problem will come in ur way. u can ask more questions regarding 3 plate cap either with Mr. Dragon or me. or even Mr. Woopy. first understand principle where this energy coming from?

          ask questions and get answers.




          • Originally posted by Ganzha View Post
            I like to ask!
            Why we never even try to replicate classic Tesla?

            This is right direction.
            First I tried to discuss it with zilano.
            Suddenly she refused to continue.
            Could you please give me the link to the sourse of this information.
            I see it's russians again.

            I find it a very interesting.

            How the collectors looks like?
            Just balls?

            Do you have the original Tesla patent?

            Best regards,

            Last edited by usu; 05-07-2012, 12:45 PM.


            • Originally posted by JohnStone View Post
              Usaully a cascade of differnte capacitors is used (at least conforming conventianal science). PSU manufacturers use the technology below inorder to NOT spend money for BIG and EXPENSIVE HF CAPS.

              One single shot of HF will not contain extremeley high energy.
              - So the first cap should be HF type and store some of these HF shots.
              - The next stage is a bigger one with lower frequency capabilities. The HF will possibly not enter in the 2nd and shurely not the third stage but will get at lower frequency the charge from the first one.
              - The 3rd stage is a normal electrolitic low frequency cap. This component will get charge from the previous stages and store the charge requested. It seves then fro low frequency load to inverter.

              This approach is state of the art at PSU design in order to block the ripples in a broad frequency range before and after the regualtor. Even at 7805 it is used in order to get a dead reliable design. A 7805 might be much more stable with .1 µF than 100µf. Best stability in all modes is 10nF, 100nF, 100µF in parallel at input and output rexpectively. Please account for this because you usually produce high HF disturbance upon your dead normal electronics.

              Apart that look at Utkin: He proposes the 3 plate cap and adds another big cap in parallel in order to increase the effect massively. This additional cap is NOT affected by the 3rd plate directly! It receives the charge from the pulsed 3-plate cap.

              - Capacitors have self resonance as well! If you hit this area you will not see a cap! It is in fact a tank circuit! Unfortunately only the manufacturers of SMD ceramic caps write it in their spec. It might be true that this resonant operation gives additional charge. Needs to be tested.
              - Some big caps are not allowed to be pulsed above a certain amperage - they will explode. Look at data sheet!
              Thank you John,

              This is very interesting concept!!! As I know if you charge one capacitor by another you losing energy, but in our case since we work on high frequency where capacitor impedance is very, very low it may really help. I would like to know more about that?
              Anyway I still believe that Don's crystal radio idea will work the best.

              Best regards..
              Last edited by Garsony; 05-07-2012, 02:36 PM.


              • Originally posted by atta View Post
                Thanks alot sir!
                My pleasure, Atta.

                Here's an Eric Dollard quote from that material.
                Tesla indicates that the copper weight of the secondary must equal that of the primary for maximum efficiency. This of course goes along with standard transformer theory but it must be remembered that the depth of penetration of waves into conductors is microscopic for impulses. This copper requirement must be modified to equal surface area rather than weight. As to the use of water for capacitor conductors Tesla gives no reason. It would seem that this is done for the sake of simplicity and/or is a holdover from the Leyden jar. (Remember he began this in 1890). However, water has many curious dielectric properties that may be essential in operation. By theory, for maximum discharge velocity the dielectric must be a vacuum.



                • Mr.Clean you are the man!
                  After playing with the darlington dual ignition coil set up for a few days I have it running on micro amps. I think this thing is looking like the way to go and probably can be scaled up. There is so many places where you can pull energy off of this system that it will provide a lot of testing time and fun. When I get the chance I will try and see if I can figure out how to upload some photos. Right now I have other matters that need tending to but just wanted to say thanks for the basic building block.


                  • Originally posted by thelast View Post
                    Here is a corrected link

                    DON SMITH Zelinka CAP.wmv - YouTube

                    Why then Zilano confused people over and over agen and Don S. too ?
                    it didnt work coz user didnt follow the schematic. use a diode hv after tesla terminal and use another diode after the second spark gap. and read don document again.

                    Last edited by zilano; 05-07-2012, 05:34 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Garsony View Post
                      ... As I know if you charge one capacitor by another you losing energy, but in our case since we work on high frequency where capacitor impedance is very, very low it may really help. I would like to know more about that? ...
                      Best regards..
                      Hi Garsony,
                      you should address your complaint to Mr. Ohm. If you charge a cap from another with high voltage difference you have mostly DC.
                      What I talked about are procedures in the higher frequency areas where the reactance shall be taken in account. Small chuncs of energy traveling from one X to annother.

                      If you apply HF to a motor run capacitor being heavily coiled it is like filling a bottle under the shower. The entry is too small for that shower area. You will get much more water harvested if you apply a small funnel on top of the bottle.
                      The coiling and resistance of coiled caps for mains frequency suppose you will fill your bottle by a hose. Then you probably will not need a funnel.
                      So a low frequency cap will refuse HF currents and the maximum you get is that the HF acts on a very small area of your coiled plates (just first windings).
                      Therefore your funnel (stepped HF caps) will intercept the HF pulses, translate the HF into lower frequency in the range the low frequency cap will intercept the current.
                      In this case the diodes see - very soon - lower voltage and freely will forward energy. In the other case they see a mostly clogged bottle neck and will wait for next minute droplet to deliver.

                      Once again: this is standard knowledge and I hope you understand that there is no real DC operation at all - never ever. Some more or less HF dependance is ubiqitous (thin lead, mains caps ....). The only question if it is worth menioning or not.

                      I can not say anything how cold electricity behaves! Is it eager to enter despite these obstacels described above?
                      I want you ALL to understand what your components do or might do in order to conduct precise tests. If you have your stepped capacitor bank you can test with or without. If you do not do that you might pass one single chance of success in your life.
                      Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                      • Originally posted by JohnStone View Post
                        Hi Garsony,
                        you should address your complaint to Mr. Ohm. If you charge a cap from another with high voltage difference you have mostly DC.
                        What I talked about are procedures in the higher frequency areas where the reactance shall be taken in account. Small chuncs of energy traveling from one X to annother.

                        If you apply HF to a motor run capacitor being heavily coiled it is like filling a bottle under the shower. The entry is too small for that shower area. You will get much more water harvested if you apply a small funnel on top of the bottle.
                        The coiling and resistance of coiled caps for mains frequency suppose you will fill your bottle by a hose. Then you probably will not need a funnel.
                        So a low frequency cap will refuse HF currents and the maximum you get is that the HF acts on a very small area of your coiled plates (just first windings).
                        Therefore your funnel (stepped HF caps) will intercept the HF pulses, translate the HF into lower frequency in the range the low frequency cap will intercept the current.
                        In this case the diodes see - very soon - lower voltage and freely will forward energy. In the other case they see a mostly clogged bottle neck and will wait for next minute droplet to deliver.

                        Once again: this is standard knowledge and I hope you understand that there is no real DC operation at all - never ever. Some more or less HF dependance is ubiqitous (thin lead, mains caps ....). The only question if it is worth menioning or not.

                        I can not say anything how cold electricity behaves! Is it eager to enter despite these obstacels described above?
                        I want you ALL to understand what your components do or might do in order to conduct precise tests. If you have your stepped capacitor bank you can test with or without. If you do not do that you might pass one single chance of success in your life.
                        Thank you John. I think the good substitution for that is impedance coil. i will try it anyway


                        • I think that we could use Zazarinin's transformator in our replication, that way i redrow Tiger's device (which can use less than 10 Watt and bring out 150Watt)
                          this manner - in center i put ferrite pipe inside - coil and in the middle - cuprum nail to harvest power out I think that is better way!
                          Attached Files


                          • Originally posted by usu View Post

                            This is right direction.
                            First I tried to discuss it with zilano.
                            Suddenly she refused to continue.
                            Could you please give me the link to the sourse of this information.
                            I see it's russians again.

                            I find it a very interesting.

                            How the collectors looks like?
                            Just balls?

                            Do you have the original Tesla patent?

                            Best regards,


                            i never refused you to continue discussing. i posted the schematic to convert cold electricity to hot electricity. the method is same capacitor is cold and coil is hot. the same method is used to convert.

                            cold electricity contains single poles of each +++ and each --- where as dipoles in batteries and generators contains+++- and ---+ only majority of larger sign density rules the charg. wot we call + is actually+++- and similarly what we call negative is ---+.




                            • Zilano, please take a moment of 5min and watch the whole video!!

                              thanks, e

                              DON SMITH Zelinka CAP.wmv - YouTube

                              Originally posted by zilano View Post
                              it didnt work coz user didnt follow the schematic. use a diode hv after tesla terminal and use another diode after the second spark gap. and read don document again.

                              edit reason: insert video link


                              • Don Smith Zilano copper antenna

                                Hi I did the copper antenna circuit to charge source battery as Zilano suggested. It seems that it's holding the charge but not charging battery higher. Maybe I should use a bigger inductor.

                                Don Smith Zilano Antenna.wmv - YouTube

