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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true
Estimates Simulations Schematics
Does anyone have the real costs of building a DS device according to the specifications given? I thinking about the Intermediate Device.
Has anyone ever tried to simulate Don's and Zilano's schematics in SPICE or other similar programs?
Does anyone have a schematic of the Coiless Don Smith with the Capacitors (Commercial Version).
As part of my research, I am gonna ask some folks on the SPICE forum to simulate some of Dons and Zilanos schematics in non-linear mode.If you have better links to do so,fine.As I might not get to it soon enough.
Best regards,
Don Smith Device
I Am Working On A Son Smith Device I'm Stumped At This Point. The Hv Capactors Charge
And When I Arc The Cap With A Screw Driver .it Sounds Like A Gun Shot Going Off. So The Capacitor Is Charging.
I Have Calced The Resonate Freq Of The Isolation Trans But The Cap Will Not Discharge.
Can Someone With Beter Skills Than Me Give Me Some Insite?
Is The Problem Just The Resonant Freq Is Not Right Or Is There Something Else I Am Missing?
Static Electricity vs. Dynamic Electricity
Static Electricity vs. Dynamic Electricity
Electrostatic energy is omnipresent in nature. One lightning bolt contains millions of volts enough energy to power a major city for a year.
Why then, don't we harness and use this green, clean, infinitely renewable source of energy?
We were led to believe that the difficulty lies in converting static electricity to dynamic electricity, or moving current.
For "Atmospheric Energy", read "Static Electricity". They are the same thing. In other words, electrostatic energy.
spark is a device which can convert static electricity to usable electric current. A spark-gap oscillator turns a static charge into dynamic energy. The transformer in this device steps down the vibrating high voltage to practical levels of power for heating, lighting, motors & etc.
Originally posted by zilano View PostStatic Electricity vs. Dynamic Electricity
Electrostatic energy is omnipresent in nature. One lightning bolt contains millions of volts enough energy to power a major city for a year.
Why then, don't we harness and use this green, clean, infinitely renewable source of energy?
We were led to believe that the difficulty lies in converting static electricity to dynamic electricity, or moving current.
For "Atmospheric Energy", read "Static Electricity". They are the same thing. In other words, electrostatic energy.
spark is a device which can convert static electricity to usable electric current. A spark-gap oscillator turns a static charge into dynamic energy. The transformer in this device steps down the vibrating high voltage to practical levels of power for heating, lighting, motors & etc.
Originally posted by vidbid View PostAs far as I am concerned, she doesn't have to show anything to anybody, especially, when she is being treated discourteously.
We should all treat each other with respect or, at least, try to be courteous.
Originally posted by SLOW-N-EASY View PostI Am Working On A Son Smith Device I'm Stumped At This Point. The Hv Capactors Charge
And When I Arc The Cap With A Screw Driver .it Sounds Like A Gun Shot Going Off. So The Capacitor Is Charging.
I Have Calced The Resonate Freq Of The Isolation Trans But The Cap Will Not Discharge.
Can Someone With Beter Skills Than Me Give Me Some Insite?
Is The Problem Just The Resonant Freq Is Not Right Or Is There Something Else I Am Missing?
missed it, so I'll assume you're just ignoring me because you didn't like the answer.
Come on folks here is a good test of the abilities and knowledge here.
Somebody answer this person. A question has been asked can nobody else
form an answer ?
Vidbid ? Zilano ? David Fine ? Who will answer except for me.
It's good to get other opinions SLOW-N-EASY but if the opinions differ you will
still need to decide what to believe.
Are you applying AC to the capacitor ? Is your circuit as is drawn in the
drawing ? As in there is no switch, AC applied to the cap and just a diode
from one side of cap to transformer ?
8000 uf across 1 millihenry would give a resonant frequency of 56 hz, but the
NST would give a frequency in the tens of kHz range to the cap,it makes no
sense to me. Can't wait to hear the other idea's about the circuit.
Originally posted by David Fine View PostThere is a lot of testosterone here and you bruised some egos. Good luck getting your information here now.
I didn't hold out much hope of getting answers/info here anyway, there's too much back-biting going on.
Maybe the device I showed won't work, but the components I put together will help me to understand it all a bit better (I hope), & will be the building blocks to many more different devices, one of which may work.
But I may just look for another forum in which to discuss my experiments, as I think this one has lost it's way. It's unfortunate, but that's the impression I get.
Far too many "thinkers" & not enough "do-ers".
Has anyone here actually built one of these resonant coil devices? I would be very interested to hear from them, but please contact by PM, or it will just get swallowed up by the speculation & conjecture that seems so rife on these pages.
The device in question looks very similar to Kapandadze's device(s) on the early YouTube videos.
Zilano's Early Posts
You need to check out Zilano's early posts. She covered a lot of what you are wondering about in depth. She was very thorough. I archived all of those posts and they are presently archived in Amsterdam. If you want a link I can provide it.
Originally posted by nutgone View Post
The device in question looks very similar to Kapandadze's device(s) on the early YouTube videos.
Originally posted by SLOW-N-EASY View PostI Am Working On A Son Smith Device I'm Stumped At This Point. The Hv Capactors Charge
And When I Arc The Cap With A Screw Driver .it Sounds Like A Gun Shot Going Off. So The Capacitor Is Charging.
I Have Calced The Resonate Freq Of The Isolation Trans But The Cap Will Not Discharge.
Can Someone With Beter Skills Than Me Give Me Some Insite?
Is The Problem Just The Resonant Freq Is Not Right Or Is There Something Else I Am Missing?
this delay time must be equal to charge time of cap. so when cap fires through diode the inductance activates and induces current in secondary of trafo.
the delay time of indcutance must match charging time of cap.
so a pulsed dc is fed in primary of trafo to induce in secondary which is ac.
if pulsed 50/60 times /sec u get 50 /60 hz in output coil of trafo.
learn to read frequency nomographs
i have covered this all in older posts lay hands on it.
and if u dont understand nomographs just use spark gap in series with a cap to primary of trafo later u can rectify it to 12 volts to use invertor.
....Last edited by zilano; 05-11-2012, 08:51 PM.
Originally posted by nutgone View PostIf they're that sensitive they shouldn't be on open forum.
I didn't hold out much hope of getting answers/info here anyway, there's too much back-biting going on.
Maybe the device I showed won't work, but the components I put together will help me to understand it all a bit better (I hope), & will be the building blocks to many more different devices, one of which may work.
But I may just look for another forum in which to discuss my experiments, as I think this one has lost it's way. It's unfortunate, but that's the impression I get.
Far too many "thinkers" & not enough "do-ers".
Has anyone here actually built one of these resonant coil devices? I would be very interested to hear from them, but please contact by PM, or it will just get swallowed up by the speculation & conjecture that seems so rife on these pages.
The device in question looks very similar to Kapandadze's device(s) on the early YouTube videos.
There is no one here that has a working Don Smith device or even one in
existence that I know of, so it is all conjecture, how can it not be. Some of
us have built resonant devices and are working on Don Smith type
arrangements, my experience is there is nothing to indicate as yet that any
big gains can be made. I'm not saying it's impossible. Just that I haven't seen
anything yet to show any major gains or any indication of how major gains
can be made. I'm not trying to be dismissive or overly skeptical, just honest.
You'll get all types of non sense notions about this and that, eg. like the trumpet
waveform and such, most of which are explained by current knowledge and
understanding, but are mystified by all the misunderstandings.
I'm no expert, I assure you that. But there are no experts here either, if there
was, some sense would be made. Given the negative reception to logic here I
doubt an expert would bother trying to help anyway.
CheersLast edited by Farmhand; 05-11-2012, 09:18 PM.
Originally posted by Guruji View PostVidbid please first of all I did not mention her. Secondly don't try to be like an advocate to others cause you're like us trying to learn about this circuit.
Thank you for offering your input.
Since your comment is addressed to me, I will respond directly to you.
Originally posted by Guruji View PostVidbid please first of all I did not mention her.
Originally posted by Guruji View PostSecondly don't try to be like an advocate..
Originally posted by Guruji View Post.. to others..
Originally posted by Guruji View Post.. cause..
Originally posted by Guruji View Post.. you're like us..
Originally posted by Guruji View Post.. trying to learn about this circuit.
Now, I will speak.
I like Zilano, and I support her. If anybody has a problem with that, then I will take it up with him.
Now, I'm going to do what I want to do. If I want to support a fellow forum member whom I believe is being treated discourteously, then I am going to support her regardless of the consequences to me.Regards,
Originally posted by David Fine View PostYou need to check out Zilano's early posts. She covered a lot of what you are wondering about in depth. She was very thorough. I archived all of those posts and they are presently archived in Amsterdam. If you want a link I can provide it.
If it's a different link, then by all means share it with me.
At the moment I'm reading & re-reading as much as I can on these devices, to try & fish out as much information as I can, before I start building. It's occupying most of my waking hours (& some of my sleeping hours as well, as I'm even dreaming about it). I was told that Don Smith never revealed everything, so some parts will have to be worked out.
At least I'm enthusiastic, you've gotta give me that.
Very Bright Fellow
Hi Farmhand,
I've communicated with the chap via pm and on forum main channel. I gave him three names of experienced electrical persons to contact. One of them was you.
David Fine
Originally posted by Farmhand View PostSomebody answer this person. A question has been asked can nobody else
form an answer ?
Vidbid ? Zilano ? David Fine ? Who will answer except for me.