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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • Profound

    Very profound indeed!! Thank-you!!

    Originally posted by daemonbart View Post

    I think that missleading information sometimes give us good hints about what they are hiding

    So every post they make give us useful information also...

    When we hit the bulls eye they will be silent, so we will know...

    Kind rgds D


    • Originally posted by Peculian View Post
      Hi Janost.

      Congrats you are trying to find the way in this jungle of missinformation.
      It is not the most easiest task to carry on, as you will see along the way to "free energy".
      Allow me to ask you something: Have you read Don Smith`s papers posted by Patrick J. Kelly`s pdf e-book ?
      If yes, that`s good.
      Now I assume you have read out most posts here.
      Are you enough time in this free energy hunting game ?
      If yes, you could make the difference of real free energy devices from the fake ones.
      I don`t know about you, but in my attention there`s not a single free energy device with powerful output
      without having HV HF (high volts + high frequency) involved.
      So, yes, the videos done by Kurt are some hints as he is in a learning proccess like all of us here.
      But you must try out for yourself what is real and what is not.
      I am not saying Kurt is here to lie us, I`am just saying he does not know everything.
      And me, as many others here are very grateful to him for having shared sincerely his results with us
      having spend a lot of money, nerves and time to find out what is what and what is not real about free energy.
      I bet you also didn`t missed out the ignorance being played here either intentionally or not.
      Of course here we have some real gentlemens who are disgussed by the way
      some members behave against their shared insights.

      And as in the real life jungles, one have to fight and work hard to keep himself alive
      the same applies here. No, there are no exceptions.
      Personally, I cannot capture their way of thinking, because they seem to enjoy so much
      to make others life difficult to the point of super-boring.

      Once one of the crowd gives a helpful hint, they are quick to poison the map so one
      gets back were he actually started.
      So yes, I agree with what Albert Einstein said:

      So Janost: here is a hint in a modest presented way:
      use higher voltages combined with higher frequencies in order to see a light of hope in your hunt for free energy.
      No, I have not a free energy machine yet, instead I keep trying.
      If you have what it takes find some HV capacitors to see the power in front of your eyes.
      Read older patents as i.e. Herman Plauson and how he converts the so called static electricity to dynamic or household electric power.
      Ah,btw, the output of your ignition coil you stated is probably in the range of HF
      so try first to lower the frequency without destroying the power it gives out
      and see in action your dynamic electricity.
      But keep in mind this is no way easy to come by. However if you keep trying maybe you will succeed.
      I am not an expert, I am just like you trying for myself to come by a solution.
      All the best. Cheers.
      Thanks for the reply.
      My post was not ment as a put down of Kurts work.
      I think what he did is absolutely the right way to do it

      You need to drive the stepup coil at resonance so being a tankcircuit showing high impendance and draw as little power as possible.
      And then the stepdown coil, again at resonance and high impendance, transforms the output to higher amperage to be able to drive a real load.

      It will be like a pendelum and only a little power to keep it swinging.
      The high voltage just makes the envoirement around it to swing in sync giving it momentum.

      I grounded the output coil at a near wall radiator and I think it will perform better with a real groundingpoint outside.
      Last edited by janost; 05-20-2012, 10:10 AM.


      • Hi Janost.
        Glad to read that you understand the main principles of real free energy devices
        as teached out by Don Smith.
        Keep on it.
        << BP Ultimate + Shell-V Power + Allies (opec) = the Ultimate Power Aligators to Suck People`s Blood !-! >>


        • janost - I have been playing with Kurt's circuit for a while now and view it as a building block. There are so many different ways to pull power off of this thing that it will take a while of experimenting to sort it all out. It runs nice off of a cordless phone charger. You can add capacitors for a larger kick. I have another transformer running off of it. But it is the wireless transmission aspects of the circuit that really makes it interesting to me. I am also using a couple of separate grounds for a higher output even though it does cause the input to rise a bit. I think that eventually I will probably end up hand winding a couple of tesla coils to replace the ignition coils. But for ease of experimentation and low cost this is a very easy circuit to replicate.


          • Originally posted by Zardox View Post
            janost - I have been playing with Kurt's circuit for a while now and view it as a building block. There are so many different ways to pull power off of this thing that it will take a while of experimenting to sort it all out. It runs nice off of a cordless phone charger. You can add capacitors for a larger kick. I have another transformer running off of it. But it is the wireless transmission aspects of the circuit that really makes it interesting to me. I am also using a couple of separate grounds for a higher output even though it does cause the input to rise a bit. I think that eventually I will probably end up hand winding a couple of tesla coils to replace the ignition coils. But for ease of experimentation and low cost this is a very easy circuit to replicate.
            Yes, it is a simple setup.

            And the fact that you get the resonance of both coils without any tuning allthough a bit low in frequency.

            I think the key is that the ground needs to be included in the resonant circuit because it adds mass raising the output power.

            Otherwise you just have the mass in the coils and wiring.


            • Originally posted by David Fine
              Contrary to what you hear from the negative Zilano posters, Zilano left a lot of very helpful useful information. Most of her older posts have been forgotten but there was a wealth of information provided to us in them. There are hundreds of pages of just Zilano posts that I archived. I think that few people will be going back there to study all those posts like I have done. It's not by coincidence that Zilano has many detractors here at Energetic. Ask yourself, who are these persons? Zilano has shared very profound insights with us if only we would listen. Turn off the interference and re-evaluate what she has shared. Just because someone else says her information is false, don't set it aside!! Test it for yourself!!
              Hi,David Fine!

              You are a smart person.
              Don't waste your time.
              Most members of this forum always try to use the classical education for search free energy.

              This is a huge mistake unfortunately.
              This is also the reason why many of Dinatron (and Don's ideas too)statements are not clear for most this forum members.
              Unfortunately this is very common situation in the world.
              This is also a cause of dispute between the classical and the new look for many science.
              In Russia we have a department to combat pseudoscience.
              I am absolutely sure that it is funded by the Morgans and the Rockefellers.

              This situation is the result of the Morgan and Rockefeller impact.
              Try to understand the main idea of this film.
              This is russian movie about this topic.

              It's very hard to believe that you have studied for many years is a mistaken in fact . But it is true.
              This is the main idea of this film.
              Zilano have already changed her mind . And this is mostly the reason why she was expelled from this thread.

              In this sense I am struggling not for the Zilano ideas but for the truth.

              Local inhabitants want to take this wrong way again.
              Well it is their choice.

              I hope that at least someone from this forum will attempt to understand what I mean.

              Sorry guys if I offended you.

              But this is my opinion.

              Best regards,


              Last edited by usu; 05-20-2012, 02:26 PM.


              • separate dipole or separate charges

                free energy has one basis dont kill dipole but separate it. coils and magnets can do this. if u will understand this u have power of the God.infinite and abundant and can make astonishing devices which are magic to the current science and exhibit as unexplained.

                Easy to make free energy, perpetual motion machine using monopole magnet. - YouTube

                Easy to make free energy, perpetual motion machine using monopole magnet. - YouTube

                alien devices and team!
                Attached Files
                Last edited by zilano; 05-20-2012, 03:26 PM.


                • If you watch closely you'll see that the magnet is not magnetized through the thickness but in fact magnetized through it's diameter. So when he flips it over it appears to be a monopole. Watch closely when he is near the compass and the angles of the magnet.

                  This is a simple motor that can be built by anyone and their are instructions on you tube - look for simple motors - the wood is hollowed out and their are batteries connected to the nails. 1/2 of the insulation on one of the protruding wires has been sanded off to form a switch or contact brush that controls the polarity of the pulse.

                  Interesting yes, magic no....

                  How to build a simple electric motor, plus how it works. - YouTube
                  Last edited by dragon; 05-20-2012, 03:42 PM.


                  • Originally posted by dragon View Post
                    If you watch closely you'll see that the magnet is not magnetized through the thickness but in fact magnetized through it's diameter. So when he flips it over it appears to be a monopole. Watch closely when he is near the compass and the angles of the magnet.

                    This is a simple motor that can be built by anyone and their are instructions on you tube - look for simple motors - the wood is hollowed out and their are batteries connected to the nails. 1/2 of the insulation on one of the protruding wires has been sanded off to form a switch or contact brush that controls the polarity of the pulse.

                    Interesting yes, magic no....
                    Hi dragon!

                    make a rodin coil and replicate same. enjoy!

                    rodin coil is a monopole magnet. same rodin coil used by kapanadze in his overunity motor. monopoles are very strong magnets. and bedini school girl circuit use quasi monopole to charge batteries but its not truely monopole. make rodin coil or starship coil and and insert soft iron core inside toroid and u have monopole. use it and do same experiment u will be astonished!

                    four wires rodin coil

                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by zilano; 05-20-2012, 04:40 PM.


                    • @usu

                      No one should be offended by your post. In fact, it is comforting to know that knowledge is universal. Thanks for your post.


                      I am happy that you have returned. I hope you will share details of your successes and ignore detractors.

                      The movie is clearly a trick. At 1:30 you can watch sleight of hand as he does not flip the magnet over. The rest is easy as posted by dragon.

                      If you are able to split the dipole and create a monopole, please share that knowledge with us. I would love to see such a thing.

                      Last edited by OrionLightShip; 05-20-2012, 03:50 PM.


                      • Originally posted by zilano View Post
                        Hi dragon!

                        make a rodin coil and replicate same. enjoy!

                        So you dream again about a magical Rodin Coil what of course boost a Magnet into UNBELIVABLE Heights or just let Peoples again back at some Illusion what "could" Work.

                        Hows your YOU make a Rodin Coil with a Magnet and Show IT instead again further blathering.

                        Monopole Magnets from Ebay Yeah really. This is again going to be a Kindergarden with your Alien Team?

                        Btw David Fine, since you are such a Adorer from this Con Man.
                        What did you actually build from the Schematics, what you allways asking for. I dont think, that anything from it did work.
                        Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                        • I think zilano is posting silly to jerk some people's chain....

                          and it's working.


                          • Originally posted by Joit View Post
                            So you dream again about a magical Rodin Coil what of course boost a Magnet into UNBELIVABLE Heights or just let Peoples again back at some Illusion what "could" Work.

                            Hows your YOU make a Rodin Coil with a Magnet and Show IT instead again further blathering.

                            Monopole Magnets from Ebay Yeah really. This is again going to be a Kindergarden with your Alien Team?

                            Btw David Fine, since you are such a Adorer from this Con Man.
                            What did you actually build from the Schematics, what you allways asking for. I dont think, that anything from it did work.

                            well my things look alien to u thats right the physics and its laws wont get u free energy coz its based on dipole extinction. where as Kapanadze and Don smith and many others separate dipole and use it to power free.

                            try to think the way dragon did He separated the dipole charge with the help of diode and capacitor and recombined it to produce spark and lit the bulb. these were inductive charges.

                            where as rodin coil and caduceus and bifilar do same for magnetic poles. as we know magnetics can be used to produce electricity and can be used as to make motors based on magnetics.

                            it will take time for this thread to realize eventually success is by separation.

                            anyways the hard cored physicist dont and wont understand wot am telling. but eventually u will be lead to this truth in the end.

                            alien devices and team!
                            Last edited by zilano; 05-20-2012, 04:25 PM.


                            • Originally posted by zilano View Post
                              well my things look alien to u
                              You only wish that.
                              What is your reciepe today, take another Quote from the Forum today "Dont Kill the Dipole" and make another stupid Story from it?

                              You dont even get it, that a monopole Magnet in this Form from the Picture above does not exist Today?

                              Alien, yeah you are of course one, but just, because you dont live on Earth anymore.
                              Other studied Peoples call it also 'Loss of Reality'.
                              Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                              • Originally posted by Joit View Post
                                You only wish that.
                                What is your reciepe today, take another Quote from the Forum today "Dont Kill the Dipole" and make another stupid Story from it?

                                You dont even get it, that a monopole Magnet in this Form from the Picture above does not exist Today?

                                Alien, yeah you are of course one, but just, because you dont live on Earth anymore.
                                Other studied Peoples call it also 'Loss of Reality'.
                                make rodin coil. and insert iron core inside the toroid. use 120 v dc with 100 watt bulb in series. keep it connected 24 hrs. now flip the iron and do it same for other side for another 24 hrs and u have a monopole magnet. use 14 awg wire for that u have to use a larger plastic toroid. if u dont have one use one of the big hose pipes(non corrugated) and join their ends with super glue to make the donut.

                                use a fan constantly to keep toroid cool while its connected to 120 v dc

                                u will have a monopole permanent magnet.

                                Last edited by zilano; 05-20-2012, 04:46 PM.

