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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • Originally posted by Zlatko View Post
    I indeed frustrated or beter disappointed.
    Few posts back she said she is worried to be called disinfo agent, but she
    pushed the wrong info abot resistor changing frequence in several posts.
    I don't understand that.
    I also don't understand Smith. I mean he convincingly explains the resistor chart story, but why if it does not work
    and wil even damage yuor equipment ?

    Well i use caps then in my build. What to do.
    Good Luck with your build Drak !
    Me too,
    I finished the device, on ferrite rod. The ‘’resonance’’ is good but is not enough. Must be something else to complete the system. The load have influences for the primary and is not good, I think.
    I understand that if the electrodes from the spark gap are cold is a good think ,if there are hot , is bad, lose energy.
    Last edited by nico; 09-11-2011, 06:50 PM.


    • Originally posted by zilano
      yes the length must be longer but turns ratio is smaller. if he has 2000 volt input to primary of 100 turns which gives him 20 volt per turn in primary so he will have 6 turns in secondary giving him 120 volt in secondary.


      Hi Zilano

      Did you post your 10 kw design and parts list? We have seen the Don Smith designs and researchers are having problems making it work to create 10kw.

      When will you start selling your 10 kw units? Any time estimate?

      Cheers Mike


      • This is what I believe:
        1. It can be done
        2. It is tricky - the main problem ALWAYS is to make secondary work alone without influencing primary, the second big problem is how to connect load to secondary
        3. Tesla did it surely - he mentioned his "bell" singing over 3 years after disconnection of circuit
        4. Frequency is not changed using resistors, but reactance of resonant circuit - if RLC is made with spark gap disconnecting it from previous RCL circuit then this circuit is oscillating with slightly damped wave but most of the energy flow is not generating magnetic field in coil, somehow it generates magnetic field in coil only in choosen frequency like. Sorry, hard to explain it. RCL is working on high frequency but normal magnetic field appear on coil at lower frequency. It's just my theory, very strange indeed.
        5. Ferrite may generated bad radiation, but it need to be checked. Surely it will be bad at high power when ferrite has a slit. Proof - SR913 statements and CosmoLV also. However ferrite is marvellous substance and I'm quite sure Tesla used it later maybe in his electric car in 1931.

        Everything zilano said looks very feasible , sometimes however hard to understand. Myself I still don't get how we can have 4 times longer secondary then primary while having it a lot thicker also. That would mean a very tiny wire for primary and a big turns of secondary.But here I think I have idea - I would use EXTRA COIL and wound secondary over that extra coil.Maning primary can be 100 turns but 90 in primary + 10 in extra coil placed like Kapanadze at 90 degrees to primary and then normal secondary thick over only exta coil.So if you have 2000V in primary then you have 2000V in extra coil and 2000/10=200 V per turn. Surel extra coil is extension of primary and now primary+extra = 1/4 wavelength (extra coil is antenna if you still don't grasped the idea).That is why I so desired to measure my car coil secondary length.To place proper extra coil and use proper frequency.It must beat like a whip.

        If this is what zilano tried to say it must work - vide Kapanadze clear box video.


        • Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
          Everything zilano said looks very feasible ...
          Most of it. Some times it was match your primary frequency to your nst and other times thats not needed. Sometimes a series spark gap will not go OU, and sometimes it will. I'm confused about why the equation of the length of wire is so important and even needed if you are going to cut the wire down anyway and compensate with caps.

          Your extra coil thing sounds interesting, but I don't quite understand it. Could you clarify a little more? 90 degrees to primary?
          Last edited by drak; 09-11-2011, 09:50 PM.


          • Originally posted by zilano
            4. if u feel u dont want to disturb resonance. just earth secondary and wind another tapping of third coil and make it resonate with secondary and tap it for pulsing trafo.
            I don't quite understand what you are saying here.

            The other parts cleared things up some. I guess the confusing bit is you are describing many different ways of doing it. I have 4 different NST's on order and waiting for them to get here. I haven't tried the longer secondary yet. Is it ok to have all the extra wire from the secondary not used in the turns, can I coil it up or does it have to be straight? I'd rather not cut it off so I can still have the quarter wave / full wave.

            Thanks for your help


            • was this post finished or removed?[it was #883 this AM

              Senior Member Join Date: May 2011
              Posts: 345

              plz wait for my post happening soon

              Hi folks!

              wait for my next post where i will give u exact coiling turns for 110, 120 volts and how much input and complete arrangem,ent of don so u can go right way. coz i want u to follow right things with right coiling so every effort doesnt go in vane. plz wait for my next post and its gonna be important for all of ya.hold ur work till then.

              Sorry just a novice trying to keep up!
              I see I posted at the same time as the Answer above

              well just get nst solid state 30-40 khz.

              we use lengths to vibrate em without needing caps. we r just inducing half wave just to make em vibrate at their natural frequency and since natural frequency of vibration depends upon the length of coil thats why lengths r important. we use mhz range coz if we use khz range lengths will be veryyyyy long.

              suppose u have 2 inch radius primary

              so length one turn required =2*3.14(2)=12.56 inches/12=1.046 feet approx

              if u need 5 turns then length required=5*1.046*5=5.23 feet

              and ur secondary length will be= 4*5.23=20.92 feet

              now u can calculate ur frequency at which its gonna work

              length(1/4 wave)= 246/frequency in mhz

              5.23=246/f in Mhz
              f in mhz for quarter wave= 246/5.23=47.03 Mhz

              now if u have 3 inch radius for secondary

              length required for 1 turn=2*3.14*3=18.84 inch/12=1.57 feet

              so no of turns in sec wil be =20.92 feet/1.57 feet=13.32 turns

              so u will have 5 turns primary with 2 inch radius and 13.32 turns in secondary with 3 inch radius pvc tube.

              thats how its calculated.

              hope u understand now
              Last edited by RAMSET; 09-12-2011, 12:05 AM.
              If you want to Change the world
              BE that change !!


              • Originally posted by zilano
                well just get nst solid state 30-40 khz. 3 kv or 4 kv

                we use lengths to vibrate em without needing caps. we r just inducing half wave just to make em vibrate at their natural frequency and since natural frequency of vibration depends upon the length of coil thats why lengths r important. we use mhz range coz if we use khz range lengths will be veryyyyy long.

                suppose u have 2 inch radius primary

                so length one turn required =2*3.14(2)=12.56 inches/12=1.046 feet approx

                if u need 5 turns then length required=5*1.046*5=5.23 feet

                and ur secondary length will be= 4*5.23=20.92 feet

                now u can calculate ur frequency at which its gonna work

                length(1/4 wave)= 246/frequency in mhz

                5.23=246/f in Mhz
                f in mhz for quarter wave= 246/5.23=47.03 Mhz

                now if u have 3 inch radius for secondary

                length required for 1 turn=2*3.14*3=18.84 inch/12=1.57 feet

                so no of turns in sec wil be =20.92 feet/1.57 feet=13.32 turns

                so u will have 5 turns primary with 2 inch radius and 13.32 turns in secondary with 3 inch radius pvc tube.

                thats how its calculated.

                we r not using full lengths we need extra for connexion also so we adjust turns accordingly say 3 turns in primary and 10 turns in secondary. keeping lengths same for primary=5.23 feet and secondary=20.92 feet

                if u feed 2000 volt in primary 3 turns then voltage per turn=2000/3=666.66 volts

                and since we have secondary 10 turns then voltage per turn across secondary is 666.66 volts

                so full voltage across secondary is 10*666.66=6666.6 volts = 6.6 kv approx

                hope u understand now

                Well, I thought we were going from nst directly to step down. What you just described is a step up. If I do a step down then I have the extra wire. So I'll ask again. Is it ok to have all the extra wire from the secondary not used in the turns, can I coil it up or does it have to be straight? I'd rather not cut it off so I can still have the quarter wave / full wave.


                • Originally posted by zilano
                  hope my work is over now

                  i take ur leave now!

                  alien atlantis and the flight crew

                  wish u best of learning and good luck!

                  only aliens can help u out and am one!


                  Well, if thats true, its been an honor. Thanks for all your help


                  • Originally posted by zilano
                    see don setup pic and follow accordingly. xtra wires must not be coiled. use required length so u wont have extra wire except for connexions. u need xtra for sliding in and out of coil. use a string first on pvc and when u find right suitable length of string measure it and make coils accordingly. this is the trickiest part but u can do it.

                    an alien

                    time to go now!

                    everybody left

                    Hi Zilano

                    Do you wind your coils with a crossover like Kapanadze coil?

                    Wound like this?

                    Cheers Mike


                    • Originally posted by vrand View Post
                      Hi Zilano

                      Do you wind your coils with a crossover like Kapanadze coil?

                      Wound like this?

                      Cheers Mike
                      Hi Zilano

                      Like how SR193 used in his coils?

                      You mentioned that you used some of Kapanadze and SR193 designs. Did you wind the coils like this Smith/Caduceus coil, Tensor Coils?



                      • Look in post #906.
                        Zilano never mentioned such windings and described earlier exactly the coils used, on secondary 2 coils connected in the middle and spaced apart with 2 output wires.


                        • Don't be a stranger

                          Originally posted by zilano
                          see don setup pic and follow accordingly. xtra wires must not be coiled. use required length so u wont have extra wire except for connexions. u need xtra for sliding in and out of coil. use a string first on pvc and when u find right suitable length of string measure it and make coils accordingly. this is the trickiest part but u can do it.

                          an alien

                          time to go now!

                          everybody left

                          LOL, the full delight and pleasure of all of us.
                          We thank you and will welcome you back anytime.
                          You are a tremendous inspiration and driving force to us all. Thank you <3

                          If you can stick arround maybe become another person incognito and wait till your goal is realized???
                          Zelina Zalano Zeis Zane the master of don smith devices. A visionary and friend of Nicola Tesla..... you honored us good.
                          fare well....
                          Head for the hills you have done enough young lady.
                          we will get it done.

                          three secrets
                          246 to get mhz
                          dancing the beat using no caps
                          using resistor to stabilize stepdown cap freq at input of IT
                          I am sorry ZZZZ I hope I am not raining on your parade.
                          you are the best
                          Best best.
                          Have a fine very fine journey.
                          we are all right behind you.

                          The inspired will stay and hold down the fort. by your leave.....


                          • Originally posted by Zlatko View Post
                            Look in post #906.
                            Zilano never mentioned such windings and described earlier exactly the coils used, on secondary 2 coils connected in the middle and spaced apart with 2 output wires.
                            Kapanadze and SR193 designs were used by Zilano.

                            The Smith/Caduceus coil, Tensor Coils exhibits unconventional EM fields and could be a way to achieve Free Energy output.

                            Both Kapanadze and SR193 used the Caduceus coil design. Maybe Zilano mixed it with the bifilar coil design?

                            Cheers Mike


                            • Why a step down

                              Don used multi stranded jumbo speaker wires for is primary but I dont think a step down is to be used before you do a step up.

                              You have to amplifie first then stepdown (reverse tesla)


                              • Originally posted by Dfortune View Post
                                Don used multi stranded jumbo speaker wires for is primary but I dont think a step down is to be used before you do a step up.

                                You have to amplifie first then stepdown (reverse tesla)
                                I thought at one point in time zilano said the nst was already a step up, that you just needed to step it down after the nst. Unless that got changed and I didn't get the memo.

