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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • Originally posted by ewizard View Post
    I just grabbed a 473 page document that hartiberlin (OU admin) found on the TPU and also some excellent Don Smith material in this I haven't seen before. The author of the document has really put a lot of work into analyzing a lot of information in great detail. I think anyone interested in replicating Don Smith's work work will benefit by looking at this and in particular pages 449 to around 453 as he states this IS the secret to successful Don Smith replication. He backs up his work with a lot of math, diagrams, tables and graphics. I've downloaded it from but as scribd requires an account and some uploading to get files I have re-uploaded it to rapidshare so everyone can grab it easily. Click Here to download from (PDF file)
    Hi ewizard

    Your book was deleted from server by Anti-OU-Team. As you can see enemies of Free Energy and Free Mankind don't lose the time.

    Can you upload your file on some free hosts for OU people ??

    for example Бесплатный хостинг файлов - хранение файлов, обмен файлами через интернет (файлообменник).
    WebFile - обмен файлами, бесплатно закачать и скачать файл, выложить файл в интернет, фотохостинг
    Download free files direct from rapidshare, megaupload, hotfile, 4shared etc. No torrent - only free downloads software, music, movies, games, books, graphics - - free file sharing and storage
    Welcome to
    Download music, movies, games, software! The Pirate Bay - The galaxy's most resilient BitTorrent site

    ps. BTW change the name of file for example energyG.rar or TestDevices etc.
    or use !#!@#$%^&* together with letters. Upload it on several hosts and give a link at once so people can download it !!


    • Here are excellent Free Impedance and RLC meter which use computer sound card !!

      Z meter have Auto calibration and measure Complex Impedance Z, the loss tangent factor, Transfer graph, and RLC in range 22Hz - 22KHz with step 22 Hz. You can easy measure ferromagarnet resonance with high resolution of computer sound card.

      Conection to computer


      Ferromagnet resonance

      HV Plazma experiments


      • more protection...

        Hi nutgone

        Here is some additional protection to your driver circuit

        You should put a diode D1 to your circuit because it protects from the revers connection
        The zener diodes that is added to circuit is for protection from the voltage spikes, it protect your IC 555
        And the R3 is there to pool the base to ground when it is closed and if there is some leakage, you could live it out but use the first two .

        rgd blackrobi
        Attached Files


        • Learn more

          Learn more about capacitors and inductors

          Electronics tutorial - Capacitors.pdf

          Electronics tutorial - Inductors.pdf


          • Don circuit

            Originally posted by zilano View Post
            with this don smith circuit u get 6000 watts of power. i posted earlier the similarity of don smith circuit with ac adaptor just to show it works like ac adaptor circuit except the core is air core and primary and secondary are reversed.

            but the middle join of don secondary must be earthed its important.

            try to contact MR. Dragon/Mr. woopy if u r interested in 3 plate capacitor induction charging and lighting the bulb if u find Don smith circuit quite complicated. mr. Dragon method also leads to the same goal of free energy.


            Thanks Zilano for response. I will go on experimenting on Don's setup hoping that I have more output one day; even that at one time my ZVS shock me nearly to the ground.
            Yes I've did the 3plate setup too with a high aerial and earth ground. I was getting a little charge to the cap.
            Today I hooked another avramenko plug from the 3rd plate to the + of the cap and saw a better charge too.


            • Originally posted by blackrobi View Post
              Hi nutgone

              Here is some additional protection to your driver circuit

              You should put a diode D1 to your circuit because it protects from the revers connection
              The zener diodes that is added to circuit is for protection from the voltage spikes, it protect your IC 555
              And the R3 is there to pool the base to ground when it is closed and if there is some leakage, you could live it out but use the first two .

              rgd blackrobi
              Thanks for that.

              Yesterday I put in D1 & C1, & it was better. I also tried feeding the 8 turn primary through diodes, but that didn't make much difference (except some hot diodes).

              I will order some 12v Zenner diodes next week, & I need to order some more resistors (I only have 100ohm & 470ohm 5w ones at the moment, I need to order a big pack of assorted ones).

              I also have an old dual trace CRT oscilloscope, which was given to me (courtesy of my local Freegle/Freecycle group). I need some probes for it (which I have ordered). It doesn't have any instructions or specification books. I know what all the controls do, but I don't know what is a safe voltage to apply to it??? I understamd the X1, X10, X100 (etc etc) probes, but still don't know what the scope can actually take.
              The max setting is 20v/div. I guess I will find out soon enough. Right now it's just sitting there, waiting for probes to come from Hong Kong!

              I am hoping to get my hands on some old TVs & Microwaves this week, in a junk yard. So I will strip whatever caps & diodes I can from them.
              Is there anything else I should take off them, which I will find useful??? Maybe a transformer or two? I know I have my HV module now, but I guess a microwave or TV transformer could come in handy. I know microwaves have some pretty hefty diodes in them.


              • My circuit

                @nutgone - You asked for my circuit.

                Yes, collect old transformers, caps, etc. Test them before you use them so you can avoid nasty surprises.

                Someone remarked about the number of experimenter's circuits out there. Yes, it helps to develop some understanding of what they do so you can see the patterns of what people are doing and draw valid conclusions.

                My circuit is an example of the above. The only power supply is about 80 AA batteries and the circuit draws about 25-50 micro Amps when properly tuned. When not tuned it draws draws more or less. When operating as intended, all the diodes light up and the speaker emits a tone with a noticeable warble, due to the two audible frequencies at which it is operating. The frequencies and pulse widths are adjustable.

                My circuit features zener diodes to protect the MOSFETs.
                Attached Files
                There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                • Originally posted by wayne.ct View Post
                  @nutgone - You asked for my circuit.

                  Yes, collect old transformers, caps, etc. Test them before you use them so you can avoid nasty surprises.

                  Someone remarked about the number of experimenter's circuits out there. Yes, it helps to develop some understanding of what they do so you can see the patterns of what people are doing and draw valid conclusions.

                  My circuit is an example of the above. The only power supply is about 80 AA batteries and the circuit draws about 25-50 micro Amps when properly tuned. When not tuned it draws draws more or less. When operating as intended, all the diodes light up and the speaker emits a tone with a noticeable warble, due to the two audible frequencies at which it is operating. The frequencies and pulse widths are adjustable.

                  My circuit features zener diodes to protect the MOSFETs.
                  Thanks for that, it's given me a few ideas.


                  • Originally posted by SLOW-N-EASY View Post
                    Hey Ewizard

                    I don't know for sure what the problem is but I have been tring to download your link all day. And I keep getting an error message. Then it goes to another screen in german that one of the line says"der link ist falsh" and I interprett that without an interpreter "the link is false of this is a false link" Just wanted to let you know

                    I'm not sure what was wrong but it is working fine here today. I just started the download and it works. Perhaps a block somewhere on your end? Maybe try a proxy - whole list of them here: Free Public Proxy Servers Lists: HTTP, HTTPS/Secure/Tunnel/Connect/IRC, SOCKS, CGI/PHP/Web, transparent/anonymous/elite/high anonymous, standard, non-standard ports

                    If you are still having trouble (and I see SERG V. is having a similar problem) let me know and I'll put it up somewhere else.
                    There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                    • Hi Orion, Dragon , Berg and all

                      It is only the beginning of my understanding and thanks to your encouragements and very helpfull explanation and links , i can orient the testing to learn more and more.


                      Will keep you informed of the progress.



                      • Originally posted by SERG V. View Post
                        Hi ewizard

                        Your book was deleted from server by Anti-OU-Team. As you can see enemies of Free Energy and Free Mankind don't lose the time.

                        Can you upload your file on some free hosts for OU people ??

                        for example

                        I found it still working as I mentioned above but I'm going to upload it anyway to - my first try there said the file name triggered their filters (WTF ??) so it is now renamed to tpu-dsmith.pdf even though it's based on several inventors. Here is the link for anyone having trouble with rapidshare: Download ~25 Megabytes
                        I'm putting it up also on - dowload from 4shared
                        Last edited by ewizard; 05-28-2012, 06:02 PM.
                        There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                        • Me too! THANKS MAN!

                          Originally posted by nutgone View Post
                          A massive from me for that!

                          Great find



                          • Originally posted by dyatronn View Post
                            Çäðàâñòâóé Âàñèëèé!!!
                            ïîõîæå òðîëëè óæå è ñþäà äîáðàëèñü
                            Ýòî ïîíÿòíî, äîáðîæåëàòåëåé õâàòàåò êðóãîì.
                            Æäó òåáÿ â ãîñòè. ïîñìîòðèøü, ÷òî ó íàñ åñòü, à ÷åãî íåòó....
                            Åñòåññòâåííî, íà îòâå÷àòü íà ìîé ïîñò âðÿä ëè òû áóäåøü, ïîñêîëüêó íè ê óñòðîéñòâàì ñâîáîäíîé ýíåðãèè è âîîáùå ê ÷åìó ëèáî ïîäîáíîìó òû îòíîøåíèÿ íå èìååøü, à òîëüêî à òîëüêî çàíèìàåøüñÿ îáìàíîì è áåñïîëåçíîé áîëòîâíåé...
                            Òàê ÷òî äàâàé ïðèåçæàé,ÿ íè÷åãî íå ñêðûâàþ, ïîñìîòðèøü íà íàø äåâàéñ,
                            êðîìå òîãî, ÿ ëè÷íî õî÷ó ïîñìîòðåòü â òâîè áåññòûæèå ãëàçà.
                            Hi all!

                            This is my version of the translation:

                            It seems the bad guys( liars) already came here too.
                            I know we have a lot of such people around us.
                            So I invite you in to my home and I'll give you the possibility to get correct information about what is the lie and what is the true in my project.
                            I am sure you don't want answer my post , because you know nothing about free energy. You don't know anything at all.
                            Becouse you always speak an empty words and cheat people.

                            Welcom in to my house. I'll show you everything you want and my device too.
                            I just want to see your shameless face.



                            • Originally posted by nutgone View Post
                              I had another play around today. I took off the 8 turn coil from the HV module & added some more winding tape, then I re-wound it, more centrally this time, & taped over it (I haven't got any tube the right size to make it sliding, & I'm not sure it really needs to be here).

                              I also removed the ferrite rods from the centre, & it seems to be running a lot better.
                              I thought the FET was cooked, but it seems to be working. I was trying to take frequency measurements but couldn't get anything unless the FET had some work to do (ie: unless it was running a coil or connected across a resistor).

                              Now my next question; my frequency readings are not stable, I guess this is due to the spark gap. Will this steady out as I start to add caps & tune in some resonance???
                              I'm still waiting for my LCR meter to turn up from China (just a cheap one, but it should do the job) hopefully then I can start measuring some inductances & parasitic capacitances & start tuning these coils for resonance.

                              I have no idea if my variable resistors are still live, I daren't touch the damn things! They are still doing strange things when I have the screw driver on them for adjustment, but they settle down when I remove it.

                              Here's a quick pic of how I had things today, any suggestions gratefully received.
                              Also, I am using a battery, not mains, & I do understand this is little more than a very dangerous toy (which interferes with the TV reception) until I add some caps........

                              resonance depends upon frequency so play with VRs and get max output without caps or LCR meter(this will change ur intended frequency but till meter arrives u have resonance without meter).
                              About frequency variation i dont have any clue
                              Good luck


                              • Thanks!!

                                Hi Sergey,

                                Thanks for posting that. That's the same version I got earlier too.

                                Best Regards,
                                David Fine

                                Originally posted by usu View Post
                                Hi all!

                                This is my version of the translation:

                                It seems the bad guys( liars) already came here too.
                                I know we have a lot of such people around us.
                                So I invite you in to my home and I'll give you the possibility to get correct information about what is the lie and what is the true in my project.
                                I am sure you don't want answer my post , because you know nothing about free energy. You don't know anything at all.
                                Becouse you always speak an empty words and cheat people.

                                Welcom in to my house. I'll show you everything you want and my device too.
                                I just want to see your shameless face.


