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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true
Originally posted by VasiliyBuslaev View PostSERG.V, Garsony, and especially то David Fine, hi guys. Hi All.
Very emotional answer. And how about reading what they write about him on our forums. Look to a screenshot from our forums and below the English translation. I am a professional engineer in the field of RF and microwave electronics, and the theme of the free energy of look for a long time, probably about 12 years and I know what I speak. Do not be naive, relying on television and what they show, you're people adults.
Think with your head, otherwise student with a soldering station in his hands to make you a zombie, all the time winding coils. Include constructive criticism. At Tesla, Baumann, Moray and many others never had a loud sparks flying in all directions from a large current through the spark gap. They worked with high voltage with almost no current, so that worked quietly spark gap could not be heard.
Look at the work of spark gap of Dynatron - a continuous loss to radiation. Do not hear too Kapanadze how spark gap. The fact that you are ready for stormy applause to the next showman, speaks eloquently about your poor training and incompetence.
In this forum there are good engineers?
We have. At these forums dynatron not present because his circus will be immediately visible. How can a him measure the torque on the motor shaft with pliers and screwdrivers, what that? instrumentation methods? Requirements for holding a measuring run into aggression of Dynatron.
And finally, what in the former Union talented people, very well known in the west, but it does mean that we have and talented clowns, particularly in Odessa. Be smarter, try to be attentive to what you show and do not rush to applause? that not to be cheated again.
Dynatron you killed the hope and deceive many people, remember this, except the money you do not need anything, continue your cheating. Show go on.
I suggest reading, posts in our forums:
Look to a link:
it is only a small fraction of what professionals say on our forums regarding Dynatron & Co.
Dear Patrick, the only reason why Dynatron wants to have contact with you is to use you for their own purposes.
He wants to earn themselves great status on your behalf.
And it money. This is a business and no more
With respect to all, Vasiliy Buslaev.
У меня уже наверное пол сотни человек перебывало в гостях, Все прекрасно видели, что мы и как делаем, все открыто и честно.
К Патрику Келли я не просился в книгу, это не моя инициатива, мне просто передали просьбу, которую я и выполняю....
И поверьте, никакие нападки не повлияют на рабочий процесс.
Видно кому то очень выгодно, чтоб мы замолчали и не делились информацией...
И тем не менее, все будем выкладывать в открытый доступ, как и делали раньше. И тролли нам не помешают.
Вот плата схемы накачки по типу неонового трансформатора с модуляцией. Щас над ней работаю. Завтра- послезавтра буду испытывать. В случае успеха схему опубликую.
Привет всем еще раз!!!!
Посмотрел файлик Василия Буслаева.
Оказалось - это знакомый человек
Он прячется под никами "Rever", "Micar", "Владимир"
Занимается этот человек подтасовкой фактов, уводом от реальных рабочих схем и прочее. Его уже на русских форумах давно всерьез никто не воспринимает...
Хорошую зарплату наверное ему за это платят..
Ншу команду он искренне ненавидит
Василий, или Владимир, или .... как там тебя еще, приезжай в гости, покажем девас, снимем тебя и твои коментарии на видео
Originally posted by dyatronn View PostТроллизм на уровне шизофрении!!!!!!!!
У меня уже наверное пол сотни человек перебывало в гостях, Все прекрасно видели, что мы и как делаем, все открыто и честно.
К Патрику Келли я не просился в книгу, это не моя инициатива, мне просто передали просьбу, которую я и выполняю....
И поверьте, никакие нападки не повлияют на рабочий процесс.
Видно кому то очень выгодно, чтоб мы замолчали и не делились информацией...
И тем не менее, все будем выкладывать в открытый доступ, как и делали раньше. И тролли нам не помешают.
Вот плата схемы накачки по типу неонового трансформатора с модуляцией. Щас над ней работаю. Завтра- послезавтра буду испытывать. В случае успеха схему опубликую.
Originally posted by dyatronn View PostПривет всем еще раз!!!!
Посмотрел файлик Василия Буслаева.
Оказалось - это знакомый человек
Он прячется под никами "Rever", "Micar", "Владимир"
Занимается этот человек подтасовкой фактов, уводом от реальных рабочих схем и прочее. Его уже на русских форумах давно всерьез никто не воспринимает...
Хорошую зарплату наверное ему за это платят..
Ншу команду он искренне ненавидит
Василий, или Владимир, или .... как там тебя еще, приезжай в гости, покажем девас, снимем тебя и твои коментарии на видео
Сергей всё впорядке, никто этому Буслаеву здесь не верит. Продолжай спокойно работать.
If i was on a Russian forum, I would translate my English to Russian before posting. That's just me being respectful.
Если бы я был на русский форум, я бы переводить мои английского на русский, прежде чем отправлять. Вот только мне быть уважительным.
Originally posted by drak View PostIf i was on a Russian forum, I would translate my English to Russian before posting. That's just me being respectful.
Если бы я был на русский форум, я бы переводить мои английского на русский, прежде чем отправлять. Вот только мне быть уважительным.
In passing, it is highly likely that "Flash" who joined on the day of his post is just our ass**le friend "Vasiliy" under another ID. However, it is most interesting that Dynatron upsets the opposition so much that a great deal of effort is being put into trying to discourage it.
Way to go Dyynatron !!
You do not hear the voice of reason!
I am an honest man.
By Vasiliy relationships do not have.
I am an experimenter, not a liar.
Register to scam did not pass beyond the limits, and I want to tell you that Vasiliy not alone, there are many cultural and educated people. Or the mind is not welcome here?
But if you want to be deceived, then please do your job.
Be vigilant and use your head, not by words.
Patrick, I read your book with interest, thank you, and I want to continue to do so. Do not waste a collection of books from the Internet. Your reputation may suffer.
Good luck this perpetual motion seekers!
Originally posted by Flash View PostYou do not hear the voice of reason!
I am an honest man.
By Vasiliy relationships do not have.
I am an experimenter, not a liar.
Register to scam did not pass beyond the limits, and I want to tell you that Vasiliy not alone, there are many cultural and educated people. Or the mind is not welcome here?
But if you want to be deceived, then please do your job.
Be vigilant and use your head, not by words.
Patrick, I read your book with interest, thank you, and I want to continue to do so. Do not waste a collection of books from the Internet. Your reputation may suffer.
Good luck this perpetual motion seekers!
You'll forgive me if I remain somewhat sceptical.......
Mr Clean Ignitioncoils
Originally posted by mr.clean View PostYes it is a very good point, but luckily...... i did measure last nite with a digital..... 40 mA input at charged 12.6volts (my battery was almost dead in the video) and like most loads, your efficiency will be based on the efficiency of your bulbs!
So this great for led's because theyre so efficient, if you choose a bulb that gets hot, it will be less efficient, and will not kill power, but wont naturally light fully unless assisted by a vitual ground. (Air antenna or long length of wire)
But if you load is efficient enough, it should not phase the output coil, and light up the load without antennas or grounding.
But the input power is mostly causing the circuit to oscillate, and loads that contact the ringing, will in turn be excited.
Still not sure if over 100%, BUT bottom line is, at the end of the one minute run videos, the circuit did provide steady brightness, for a longer time than without the circuit. So sure its because not so much power hit the lights early on, BUT it did give longer amount of steady light, so who knows, but its exciting
As you really need the output to be grounded to be able to use the circuit without being electricutedI grounded the negative pole of the reciving coil and tied a 10cm pickup wire to the base of the transistor instead.
Now the bulbs are just as bright as before and no startup is required.
It start oscillating by it self
Still no success on self-feedback yet.
Any attempt and it stops the oscillator.
Perhaps it needs capacitorbanks (or rechargeable cells) shifted between in and output side to get it selfrunning.
And the current draw is confirmed to be in the 50mA range.
Otherwise you could not run the 3055 transistors without heatsinks.
Acually I have 2 ignitioncoils in parallell on the reciving end and no influence is seen in the current draw, ****, I might use 10 coils as recivers with no affect.
I think it sends a standing wave throught the reciver coil and the mass of the ground is resisting this shock and that is what is providing the resonance and potential to develop the output voltage.
Smoke and mirrors
I, too, think we have a few members that are more interested in being negative than being positive. What I would like to see more of is people sharing construction details. E.g. What wire sizes, lengths, coil configs, diameters, that kind of stuff. Why and how did you decide on such parameters? Did you have a particular resonant frequency in mind or did you measure it afterward? Are you more of a guess and try person or calculate and "engineer" your design. Personally, I am somewhat in the middle of some of this, but when I get done I want to have a reproducible result.There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.
Originally posted by drak View PostIf i was on a Russian forum, I would translate my English to Russian before posting. That's just me being respectful.
Если бы я был на русский форум, я бы переводить мои английского на русский, прежде чем отправлять. Вот только мне быть уважительным.
I gave a promise to translate Dynatron’s messages to this forum when he appeared here (see previous posts. page # 164). I also gave Dynatron Patrick’s request.
Please forgive me and understand that I do not have time to translate all your questions to Dynatron, and his replies. I'm not capable of sitting in the forum 24/7.
As soon as Dynatron prepares the detailed manual of his device, I will translate and publish his document here and send it to Patrick Kelly.
This way, it will be easier for me and everyone else.
To: VasiliyBuslaev, Flash and others.
I don't wanna waste my time and Dunatron's as well translating cockfights, off-topics posts, you got an invitation, go there to debate in person.Last edited by Garsony; 05-30-2012, 05:05 PM.
You've got it wrong;
what you trying to say doing just an opposite, Patric needs material for his book, you can't stop him of getting it, Dynatron and Co doing research and have support form all the world now, and you can't stop him either;
if you're so sure it's a fraud I recommend you just to go there (while they're still inviting), get all info you need and PROVE them wrong with your engineering point of view. I believe this's the best way to back up your words.
Many claims having "working OU" devices, but those're just in the word world (zelano, stivep, mustafa, SR, etc), you better chase talkers, not doers, with last ones you can't win.
Originally posted by dyatronn View PostТроллизм на уровне шизофрении!!!!!!!!
У меня уже наверное пол сотни человек перебывало в гостях, Все прекрасно видели, что мы и как делаем, все открыто и честно.
К Патрику Келли я не просился в книгу, это не моя инициатива, мне просто передали просьбу, которую я и выполняю....
И поверьте, никакие нападки не повлияют на рабочий процесс.
Видно кому то очень выгодно, чтоб мы замолчали и не делились информацией...
И тем не менее, все будем выкладывать в открытый доступ, как и делали раньше. И тролли нам не помешают.
Вот плата схемы накачки по типу неонового трансформатора с модуляцией. Щас над ней работаю. Завтра- послезавтра буду испытывать. В случае успеха схему опубликую.
Hope you will share more informations with us....