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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • Looking for 'free' energy, then we need a source.
    Thoriated tungsten has been mentioned above as possible spark gap material.

    Thoriated Tungsten Electrode in Peltier Cloud Chamber - YouTube

    Beta radiation from thoriated tungsten electrode - YouTube

    Now suppose a capacitor was discharged through a thoriated tunsten rod formed into a primary winding, that being overwound with a copper wire transducing secondary.

    Or a sleeve of thorium tungsten rods was constructed around a wooden dowel. This tightly overwound by a few turns of spark energising primary, and this surrounded by a capacitively tuned overwind designed to simultaneously resonate the rods as a core. Note: The outer tuned copper winding would need to be air spaced from the rods by about 5mm such that the free electron field spin orbit relationships between core and coil do not mutually degrade as they become phase shifted with resonance.

    Hope these ideas are interesting.

    Cheers .......... Graham.


    • Good Stuff

      Originally posted by daemonbart View Post
      Hi Steven!

      1: Cu coil is from big flat wire, looks like one of those springs that is climbing down a stair. Alu coil is huge, like car suspension spring. No clue of what inductance they have. Cu is solid and Alu is multi stranded. Coils are not together, separated by 10".

      2: Yes, ordinary fluorescent tube, 28W.

      3: Tube is running nice on DC. Tube seem to work like positive ion donator???
      Cap bank are electrolytic, around 1000V and 5000 microF.

      4: It is a car xenon discharge bulb, 35 W.

      Kind regards D
      Good..... good.This is the good stuff! Keep up the excellent work!

      In case I missed it and if possible,what are the input output data like?



      • Thanks Xilo

        Originally posted by xilo View Post
        Hi Daemonbart!

        hope plasmoid spark can help

        also free frequency charging. free energy!

        [[B]B]charging cap using earth is much better. use frequency just to help pump charges from ground so input is very low in micro amps and output can be any kilowatts depending on cap power.

        PS: the cap is rated not 250 volt but 1000 volt. error due to haste.
        Thanks Xilo,

        Simple and makes good sense.




        • Antigravity!?

          Originally posted by PhysicsProf View Post
          I'm trying to understand you D, but this observation of yours that "This static field is beaming out from cap bank and repells iron" is very difficult to comprehend-- can you describe the "iron" have you seen REPELLED from the cap bank?

          Also, is the "static field" a magnetic field do you think, or what?
          Hi Dr Steven,

          I noticed this first with my home-made test leads to voltmeter, the leads are very thin coaxial cable with some magnetic material in the shield, special cables I think comes from military aeroplanes, my wife and I are scrapping cables in home made machines for a living so we have a good stock of different cables to experiment with

          This wire levitate around my charged caps, strong field all around them, this field seem to be about 3 feets. I would say that it looks like a strong upwind blowing the cables out of reach of the field. I hope to post a video of this.

          This static field as far as I know now, is working as antigravity field to certain materials. As long as the caps are charged the field remains stable. If I hold the wire in the field, the wire is weightless without breaking down this field.

          I must also add, my two grounds in cicuit is not picked by random, long time observations have been done!

          This is all I know for now

          Thanks D
          "Being myself a remarkably stupid fellow, I have had to unteach myself the difficulties, and now beg to present to my fellow fools the parts that are not hard. Master these thoroughly, and the rest will follow. What one fool can do, another can."

          Silvanus P. Thompson, F.R.S.


          • Great Stuff keep em coming

            Originally posted by joefr View Post
            Hi All again

            Here is the Schematic:

            Great contribution Sir,

            Keep it up.

            So busy sometimes I don't get to read everything.

            Love your set up and hope that you will consider the many useful suggestions by the hardworking team on this forum.

            Looking forward to increased caps,more grounds and inverter hookup version.

            .......this is gonna be good!

            Daemonbart report with those beastly caps have my hair already prickly with static energy.WOW! and follow traveller!



            • Cap bank

              Originally posted by xilo View Post
              HI Daemonbart!

              what is the value of your cap bank? what voltage rated?

              I have used different cap banks, electrolytic has been around 5000microF and 1000V.

              But I was lucky to find some of these babies at my friends scrapyard, non electrolytic with quite good storage

              I hope to try them tomorrow

              Thanks D
              Attached Files
              "Being myself a remarkably stupid fellow, I have had to unteach myself the difficulties, and now beg to present to my fellow fools the parts that are not hard. Master these thoroughly, and the rest will follow. What one fool can do, another can."

              Silvanus P. Thompson, F.R.S.


              • Originally posted by daemonbart View Post
                Hi Dr Steven,

                I noticed this first with my home-made test leads to voltmeter, the leads are very thin coaxial cable with some magnetic material in the shield, special cables I think comes from military aeroplanes, my wife and I are scrapping cables in home made machines for a living so we have a good stock of different cables to experiment with

                This wire levitate around my charged caps, strong field all around them, this field seem to be about 3 feets. I would say that it looks like a strong upwind blowing the cables out of reach of the field. I hope to post a video of this.

                This static field as far as I know now, is working as antigravity field to certain materials. As long as the caps are charged the field remains stable. If I hold the wire in the field, the wire is weightless without breaking down this field.

                I must also add, my two grounds in cicuit is not picked by random, long time observations have been done!

                This is all I know for now

                Thanks D
                OK -- thanks for the explanation, and I look forward to this!!! - namely,
                I would say that it looks like a strong upwind blowing the cables out of reach of the field. I hope to post a video of this.
                Thanks again!
                Steven J


                • Originally posted by joefr View Post
                  Hi All again

                  This is my new setup with Kacher Tesla Coil and StepDown 300VA 230V - 12V Toroid transformer. The load in this setup does not affect the input. OK, it affect it a little as the input goes down a little when I connect 12V 60W Car bulb to StepDown transformer output.

                  Here is the Schematic:

                  Hi joefr,

                  there is a mistake in your schematic. either your primary is cw and secondary is ccw or primary ccw and secondary is cw.

                  kacher does not work with same cw cw or ccw ccw coils.

                  T and R



                  • ground charging

                    Originally posted by T-1000 View Post
                    @GSM to correct your earler post with 3 plate capacitor and 2 plates grounded over AV plug please see this - Capcoil 7 final - YouTube
                    There is no grounded loop over earth...

                    To understand Earth as transmission wire I did also find Tesla's Big Mistake? to read it in simplified form for those who have hard way to understand N. Tesla stuff.

                    Great post man, except i wouldnt have titled it Tesla's Mistake, ?

                    heres the author's conclusion from "tesla's big mistake?":
                    ..."Tesla's mistake was not really so big. Especially not a big mistake when compared to those contemporary scientists who were absolutely certain that the Earth *didn't* have any resonant frequencies, who *knew* that radio waves would not travel around the curve of the Earth, and who dismissed Tesla's wireless transmission system as crackpottery; as an unworkable violation of known physics.

                    When "Schumann" VLF earth-resonance was rediscovered in the 1950s, nobody in the conventional sciences dared court the embarassment of admitting that Tesla had been right all along.

                    Tesla is mostly a hero among the non-scientist "underground," while in conventional circles he is still ridiculed for trying to distribute electric power without using wires, or rather, by sending it through the ground. Everyone (still) knows that this is impossible, even in theory.

                    Yeah, right."...
                    So to me he confirmed Tesla's theory and work, but made a provocative title.

                    And even Eric Dollard said YES Tesla's coils were tuned to the Hertzian Cycles/s, but Tesla measured the Cycle-Decibels, so perhaps the author here just didnt know all the info that Dollard has confirmed.

                    The Tesla/Marconi system used TEM as well as LMD waves, before it was killed by Sarnov and RCA

                    This from Eric Dollard...

                    ..."i have been SUCCESSFUL in powering these up in the 40 meter band to 50 and 100 watts,transmitting thru the ground, at 291,000 miles per second (Pi over 2 times the velocity of light) from San Francisco to Los Angeles Bay area with 599+ with NO ANTENNA, very intense ground however"

                    (so that says it right there)

                    ... 24 ground rods into the salt marsh with 3 converging falts, San Gregorio, San Andreas and a third unnamed falt, with 500 ft of cable, all connected to a massive copper bus connector"...

                    .... If you can meet the requirements, you can start off with 1 amp, put it thru a 1/4 wave vertical, end up with a pure loading coil with no losses with a current of 400-500 amperes for the same amount of power..." (still unclear to me, but thats what he said)

                    ... this energy not diverging, with no radiation loss, much tighter and compact even than any lazer ever built..."

           electromagnetic radiation from this device, a very intense electroStatic field however..."

                    ... Not propagating thru space, but thru Counterspace..."

                    E.Dollard Part 2 of 6: Eric Dollard Tesla Longitudinal Wave Energy SBARC Ham Radio with Chris Carson - YouTube

                    Anyway, i know im preaching to the choir here, but

                    Tuned not only by Hertzian cycles, but by the natural intonation of the inductors, and when antenna removed, indeed transmitting thru the ground as described above

                    ....Tesla is confirmed once again
                    Last edited by mr.clean; 07-01-2012, 06:53 AM.
                    In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
                    In the expert's mind there are few.
                    -Shunryu Suzuki


                    • Originally posted by dunfasto View Post
                      Hi xilo,

                      its one wire charging. thanks for posting. did you use it in any of your setups?

                      i read, to produce plasmoid spark one need microwave oven transformer can nst be used instead of MOT?

                      thanks and regards

                      Hi Dunfasto!

                      its not one wire charging. its frequency voltage charging where the input is minimal and capture of charges maximal. the energy can be graded as per requirement of the individual by choosing suitable cap for amperage pulsing to transformer.

                      yes plasmoid spark can be produced even by nst also. can be used as ion valve to release free electrons thus amplifying action reducing input at source.

                      Full Regards!



                      • Originally posted by daemonbart View Post
                        I have used different cap banks, electrolytic has been around 5000microF and 1000V.

                        But I was lucky to find some of these babies at my friends scrapyard, non electrolytic with quite good storage

                        I hope to try them tomorrow

                        Thanks D
                        HI D!

                        Thanks for the response!

                        non electrolytics are good. no polarity trouble!

                        good luck in your experiments with scalar effects!

                        all mystery lies in helical overlap wave. lower the frequency. effects are astounding!

                        Full Regards!



                        • Originally posted by Gedfire View Post
                          Thanks Xilo,

                          Simple and makes good sense.


                          Hi Ged!

                          please note this. average air spark needs 300 volts depending on air humidity and dryness. so choose a cap with lower mkfd and voltage above 200 volts since there is a tendency of charge circuit to overcharge cap beyond 250 volts can reach 315-320 volt for spark to occur.

                          when using higher mkfd caps the charge cycle slows down and spark frequency is lengthened which will cause flickering in the lighted bulb across the transformer.

                          the ideally suited cap would be like 250 volt 0.5 mkfd. for experimental purpose. which will fire faster into transformer.

                          Full Regards!



                          • Originally posted by GSM View Post
                            Hi Harish,

                            I cannot understand the language in the video.
                            Are you able to provide the manufacturer's number for this particular triode so that I might buy one to try ?

                            Cheers .......... Graham.
                            Hi Graham,

                            Sorry, I couldnt be much help here.
                            Based on the schematic and the very few leads at the tube,it looks like a 3 pin metal base. I speculate the tubes he was showing towards the end of the video with bakelite base wouldnt work. I hope someone here who can speak Russian would translate this.

                            I'm going to salvage parts from a radio and look for a smoked glass tube with a good plate voltage and try it before I can say one way or the other.

                            If you know what that third coil (blue) with an open lead is, please let me know.

                            Hope this will help you with selecting a tube.

                            ExtraOrdinary Technology | Vol 1 No 2 | Basics of Tesla Engineering Principles



                            • Schematic

                              Hi Dunfasto

                              there is a mistake in your schematic. either your primary is cw and secondary is ccw or primary ccw and secondary is cw.
                              kacher does not work with same cw cw or ccw ccw coils

                              Yes you are correct. There is an error in my schematic. Both coils are wind in same direction CW, but connection leads to L1 CW Primary coil are reversed.

                              Here are the pictures for clarification:
                              L2 Secondary CW winding direction:

                              L1 Primary CW winding direction:



                              • Originally posted by harishsingh View Post
                                Hi Graham,

                                Sorry, I couldnt be much help here.
                                Based on the schematic and the very few leads at the tube,it looks like a 3 pin metal base. I speculate the tubes he was showing towards the end of the video with bakelite base wouldnt work. I hope someone here who can speak Russian would translate this.

                                I'm going to salvage parts from a radio and look for a smoked glass tube with a good plate voltage and try it before I can say one way or the other.

                                If you know what that third coil (blue) with an open lead is, please let me know.

                                Hope this will help you with selecting a tube.

                                ExtraOrdinary Technology | Vol 1 No 2 | Basics of Tesla Engineering Principles

                                Hi Harish.

                                A Type 45 of the Arcturus 'Blue' range - 2.5v directly heated output triode.
                                This was a time when some filaments were *thoriated* tungsten to provide superior low distortion output stages.
                                (Likely higher peak anode currents.)

                                I doubt that triodes with modern cathodes will behave similarly in the circuit suggested.

                                A most interesting technical diversion just the same. Thanks .......Graham.

                                PS. I looked at the video again, but see only one trafo at the tube base.
                                Also his tube looks modern; possibly a small thoriated cathode transmitting tube, or a thyratron.
                                Last edited by GSM; 07-01-2012, 10:43 AM.

