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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • Originally posted by Guruji View Post
    Graham today I've did this and only one led lit? So what is the problem of this?
    Hi Guruji, Very interesting !

    So DC is flowing via your insulated (?) antenna !

    I wonder if you can meter this using a DMM but with 100uF across your probes to smooth the spikes and show average DC: Hence establish beyond doubt that your circuit is drawing energy through the bridge ?

    Using two LEDs like that protects against reverse potential destroying the junction of a single LED if unfortunately it were initially connected the wrong way round.

    Cheers ........... Graham.

    General - I am glad to see some others here starting to call 'bluff' as well.


    • Originally posted by mr.clean View Post

      Eric Dollard explains it very well, he acknowledges as well that the term scalar is highly misused and misunderstood, the word scalar is more of a description of the propagation of the wave, not the actual wave, which is an impulse and/or oscillating wave.
      (and yeah im aware of the whole particle, acting as a wave...different story)

      like saying "solar" energy, means energy "of the sun"

      "Scalar" is really not a common word, but simply meaning: it does not vary over time and space.

      Eric used the example: " atmospheric pressure in the room is the same in all parts of the room, that is a Scalar function.

      In this case, if the length and thickness of your connecting wires has no effect on the propagation to the load, then you could call that scalar energy...i guess

      Like how the Tesla "hairpin circuit/stout copper bars", can light a 100 watt bulb WITH heat at the load, and no heat thru the TINY 30 gauge wires 50ft long, with no time lag in propagation despite the inadequate connecting wires.
      This energy propagated could then be called scalar... i think

      anyway, many have heard it before, but to others its totally new, so thought id add that.
      Hi Mr Clean,

      I sincerely thank you for your reply, though after what I have recently witnessed here I wonder if you can understand why I don't wish to discuss this publicly any further.

      I asked that 'scalar' question of new subscriber olo to see if he knew what he was writing about when he stated "free power is based on ether which resonates with scalar wave or longitudinal wave", and he does not !

      Cheers ........... Graham.
      Last edited by GSM; 07-08-2012, 11:32 PM.


      • Originally posted by Peculian View Post
        Do you have a genuine alternative device project against their fake circuits ?
        Of course me and other sincere people here are interested only about Don Smith device replications.
        Do you believe Don was true in his claims about KWs to MWs of energy Gain with his Tesla based devices ?
        It doesn't matter what I believe, think or what I say, when I'll do my claims I'll support it with pics and measurements, as I always do on my videos.
        But to get a 5kW from 8w is a fraud; they're probably misleading with meanings - watt is not volt-ampere.


        • Vocabulary language culture etc.

          We are running at a disadvantage from many sides ,one thing right off the bat
          we don't really have a vocabulary [scalar,Photon, Aether, ETC] or the frame of reference to go along with it, and then we have the tower of babble [language barrier] and all the cultural differences and interpretation of language that goes along with that.
          And then we have Ego's and personalities ETC ETC...........

          And throw into that we are "MEN" [save a few gals!;.}

          As a matter of fact being a veteran of many years on these forums ....
          This is going surprisingly well .

          Last edited by RAMSET; 07-09-2012, 01:01 AM.
          If you want to Change the world
          BE that change !!


          • 8 watts etc

            Originally posted by promt View Post
            It doesn't matter what I believe, think or what I say, when I'll do my claims I'll support it with pics and measurements, as I always do on my videos.
            But to get a 5kW from 8w is a fraud; they're probably misleading with meanings - watt is not volt-ampere.
            Kapanadze gets a 100 kwatts from a small battery to start his device, then it consumes NOTHING. So he gets 100 KW from nothing. My advice is to read and disect his two patents. I suspect this is what Don did not tell us:
            Kapanadze loops his system. Olo's circuit does the same. (Via the ground wire)
            I have not replicated but like others I am experimenting.
            My appeal to Olo. You once took what info you needed from this forum. Now we ask that you to give something back. That is all.
            BTW I can confirm that lowering the frequency does indeed increase the power in this type of circuit.
            Last edited by a.king21; 07-09-2012, 02:35 AM. Reason: error


            • Originally posted by Itsu View Post
              Hi Woopy,

              i replicated your kacher to DC-motor setup using a 12V fan, but had to use
              a capacitor at the AV-plugs to get some "power" at the fan.

              Any chance your motor has a capacitor build in somehow?

              Video: Replication of Woopy's Kacher to DC motor 1 - YouTube

              Regards Itsu.
              Thank you, Itsu! I enjoyed your vid very much and especially the SCHEMATIC which you provided to us.

              Woopy noted,
              "12 volt DC motor happily spinning a prop without any " positiv " connection to the battery"
              -- but your schematic shows a connection to the positive of the battery if I understand correctly. Can you (or Woopy) explain what Woopy meant?

              Also, can you measure the output CURRENT from the battery? that would tell us a lot, IMO.


              • Thanks

                Originally posted by harishsingh View Post
                Hi a.king,
                I've seen charge parellel - discharge series capacitor bank popularized by Tesla to get the same effect.

                Brilliant. It's answered a lot of my experimental anomalies!!!!!
                Yesterday I had two banks of 6 volt batteries in series. I had a 12 volt car bulb lit. When I started charging the batts with my pulse circuit the light bulb started to go out intermittently. After trouble shooting for shorts I came to an ASTOUNDING DISCOVERY. The left bank was reading plus 5.6 volts. The right bank was reading MINUS 5.6 VOLTS!!!!!
                I put my meters across both banks: result ZERO VOLTS!!
                I checked the individual Nmhs and they measured correctly!!
                After fiddling with the batteries and effectively earthing the cold electricity, the voltages returned to NORMAL!!!
                So cold electricity can mess up your batteries as well!!!
                Bet you won't find THAT in your physics we-know-it-all book. LOL.

                I've just realised that this could be yet another reason why some of our builds don't work!!!!
                Get your capacitors BALANCED!!!!
                Last edited by a.king21; 07-09-2012, 02:36 AM.


                • Originally posted by Jokyb View Post
                  After I blew up several caps, diodes and transistors a , the guy came forward and posted another video claiming it’s a hoax.
                  Kampanadze SPAM !!!! - YouTube

                  I also tried 2 of zilano’s circuit. Unfortunately, none of them worked.

                  I have now given up experimenting. Its very frustrating and drains lots of resources for a novice electronics enthusiast like me.
                  This is what fakers expect - to stop you trying find the truth. Obviousle there are many wanna be star in free energy field so many are cheating.
                  There is something for your relief - CapCoil extra 2 - YouTube It looks very promising for taking energy out from katcher in induction->electrostatic capacitor charge way...


                  • Originally posted by a.king21 View Post
                    Kapanadze gets a 100 kwatts from a small battery to start his device, then it consumes NOTHING. So he gets 100 KW from nothing. My advice is to read and disect his two patents. I suspect this is what Don did not tell us:
                    Kapanadze loops his system. Olo's circuit does the same. (Via the ground wire)
                    I have not replicated but like others I am experimenting.
                    Exactly, he started another system, oscillator, with 9v bttry, but it triggers very HF coils' setup releasing more working material (electrons) been bounded before; energy comes not from air, earth, or ether, it comes from conductor's potential.
                    Just made a quick test of olo's schematic (all parts handy), not for kw, just to see if it works; nothing happens until I've changed schematic to corrected one. Of course no OU, but at least it's working, and it's classic SG oscillator.
                    Over and Out


                    • flyback driver for Olo circuit

                      Originally posted by DilJalaay
                      Hello all,

                      I just make a simulation of the olo circuit and am surprise that it works as olo said.

                      Here's the rest of the circuit and instructions on winding the primary and feedback coil. And a way to confirm cold electricity. Mrgalleria says his sparks run cold ಠ ಠ.

                      And he shows us a way to vary the output frequency without loosing resonance. Wicked.


                      $2 HIGH VOLT HIGH FREQUENCY POWER



                      • Woopy Kacher replication

                        Originally posted by Itsu View Post
                        Hi Woopy,

                        i replicated your kacher to DC-motor setup using a 12V fan, but had to use
                        a capacitor at the AV-plugs to get some "power" at the fan.

                        Any chance your motor has a capacitor build in somehow?

                        Video: Replication of Woopy's Kacher to DC motor 1 - YouTube

                        Regards Itsu.
                        Hi Itsu,

                        Good work and nice videos. However, in your first test sequence your 5-turn output coil is different to Woopy's as he uses a 2-turn caduceus output coil. It would be very interesting to see what difference there is with either a 2-turn or a 5-turn caduceus output coil if you have the time to try that arrangement.

                        Attached Files


                        • Same with caduceus coils

                          Hi Patrick,

                          Hi Itsu,

                          Good work and nice videos. However, in your first test sequence your 5-turn output coil is different to Woopy's ........

                          Glad you liked it, and sorry about not mentioning that, but i did use 2 turn caduceus coil lateron, but it made no difference, in fact, i think / hear that with the 5 turn normal output coil the fan runs faster.
                          But measuring the voltage on the fan with a DMM ( i know frequency will effect this measurement) shows no difference.

                          I tried this 2 turn caduceus coil also as the primary coil, but then the "power" was less.

                          Regards Itsu


                          • No connection to + of battery

                            Hi PhysicsProf,

                            -- but your schematic shows a connection to the positive of the battery if I understand correctly
                            Looking at my diagram, i don not see a connection to the plus of the battery.
                            One AV-plug goes to minus/ground of the battery, the other AV-plug goes to the antenne through the output coil, same as with Woopy's.

                            Anyway, this kacher i used has an input of 24.5V at 1.6A, so almost 40W!
                            Most is lost in heat (transistor) and RF (330Khz), and the fan (12V / 0.22A) runs of this RF via the antenna/ground.

                            Regards Itsu.
                            Attached Files


                            • @ Olo

                              I think what some folks would like to know is why have you photoshopped the original picture to make it look like two capacitors, instead of posting a picture of your setup.

                              I am not questioning whether you have or have not got a device. No one believes anything in this thread until it is displayed before their own eyes. So words and pictures of components don't mean anything here, anymore.

                              Lenz, JoeFR, Mr Clean, Dynatron, Blue Serge, Drak, Kajun Creations, Guruji are just some of the members that have shown something constructive.

                              Don posted pictures of his devices all over the internet. Nothing happened to him as they were never shown working, so where does this fear element come from

                              @ All

                              The vast majority of us are involved in this thread to become independent of our current criminal energy suppliers.

                              I find no excuse why any genuine member who posts in this thread would be able to build a device in the 50w - 1000w+ region and not be able to provide a simple proof of concept schematic, photograpgh and video.

                              Having no camera and / or video camera is easily solved. If you cannot draw a schematic then how are you able to use tools to assemble a working device?

                              You will all be pleased to know that Bruce A. Perreault's 2nd Edition - Direct Electrical Power from The Utilization of Earth IONS will provide a simple proof of concept schematic, photograph and video.

                              The 468' antenna has been ditched for a 65' (20m) antenna.

                              The simple proof of concept circuit uses 80ma at 4.5v and produces 1.5amp at 9v.

                              1st Edition owners will receive a free upgrade.

                              It has been decided not to show anything more substantial due to liability issues.

                              If you cannot see more power out than in after reading this manual then you are in the wrong arena and clearly are unable to accept the truth! The physics books have been doctored to protect some extremely greedy individuals who don't give a f@ck about any of us!

                              If you are protecting these greedy people by distracting the good folks in this thread then I advise you to get a new job. You should be ashamed of yourself! Do you really think your boss cares about you and your family? Wouldn't you like energy independence too?


                              • Originally posted by Seeker2011 View Post
                                Are you using caps at #4 and #12 on your drawing? Which ones are the MO caps? What are you using for output?
                                Thanks again.
                                Oh, and your antenna. You say it's about 30 ft. high? Do you know how much wire is wrapped around the frame? And what gauge?
                                I'm using my flyback direct to the bridge. Only MOcaps on #12. For output I'm still experimenting how I'm going to use these filled cap bank to source. Yes about 30ft; how much wire don't know exactly but not alot just making it like a one sq foot copper plate. I need to make this bigger to collect more. Gauge about 1mm.
                                For antenna I think wider is more important to collect then the thicker copper used. Anyway one should experiment by himself.

                                Originally posted by GSM View Post
                                Hi Guruji, Very interesting !

                                So DC is flowing via your insulated (?) antenna !

                                I wonder if you can meter this using a DMM but with 100uF across your probes to smooth the spikes and show average DC: Hence establish beyond doubt that your circuit is drawing energy through the bridge ?

                                Using two LEDs like that protects against reverse potential destroying the junction of a single LED if unfortunately it were initially connected the wrong way round.

                                Cheers ........... Graham.

                                General - I am glad to see some others here starting to call 'bluff' as well.
                                Interesting about metering this as you told me. Yes if I can meter this would be good especially when I increase width and hieght of antenna.
                                Ok thanks great great will do this
                                Last edited by Guruji; 07-09-2012, 11:52 AM.

