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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • [QUOTE=mr.clean;203701]yes the schematic looks good, it will be interesting to see what you come up with
    and try to step it down after the step up coils and really see what you have.

    Hello Mr. Clean,

    thanks for your post and will include your tip in my efforts. things are in progress as time dictates, I know youve been there done that. mike-onward!


    • Originally posted by soundiceuk View Post
      Back in March 2012 I paid $25 for the privilege of owning the DVD's.

      I was given permission to use them only on the Energy forum by Bruce.

      Sorry guys but it was me who removed my dropbox link to the DVDs after it was posted on here without mine or Bruce's permission

      I don't want to crash my dropbox account which I pay $9.99 a month for so I can share with folks like yourselves.

      I am using the dropbox account for important work outside of the Don Smith arena and I have folks that need important access 24/7.

      Seeing as Bruce is responsible for 90% of the original Don Smith videos I felt it unfair to allow the link to be public, especially without his permission.

      I was going to post about earlier it but got distracted by many things, so apologies that I never got around to it until now.

      There is a friendly way to sort this out. I will think of a solution and let you know.

      I think for now pm me
      It was very cool to hear Don talking to Bruce in the 17 minute Q&A clip.
      God, i wonder what other Don footage exists?

      Thanks Paul, its like seeing Tesla in his later years, no measure of his life, but you just know there was a time when he was quick and able, with an amazing understanding
      In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
      In the expert's mind there are few.
      -Shunryu Suzuki


      • Originally posted by mr.clean View Post
        Yes how could i have missed those lol, the diodes can be the deal maker or breaker, i strung together 30 1000v 3amp ultrafast recovery diodes, and they failed to rectify the output of L2s,
        .....i almost gave up and didnt think it worked....
        then i switched to the 30kv20mA diodes from, 2 parallel on both ends of L2, and BINGO!

        But... The power in the caps will eventually explode the diodes if you arent drawing from the caps

        And the cap in your pic prob will not be labelled + or - these caps are very close to what Tesla mightve used, they are plates of equal dimensions, submerged in oil. Not polarized like standard electrolytics.

        I dont think they play any role in tuning, so any HV caps with the right voltage rating will give you the smoothing without arcing internally.
        I also noticed that it mattered that the wires to the caps came from both directions, otherwise the HV favours the first cap and arc internally, and nothing charges.
        So if you have resonance, and you are properly rectifying the output, you will have the board that Don was holding in his hands
        That being said, that is what most of us here are wanting to know if it works, hehe myself included, it seems it does not work as Don presented it, but like he said "the smart ones will figure it out" so by making a small change to primary circuit...
        ...suddenly.... it DOES charge the caps, and in a resonant condition, much more effectively than without resonance, THAT is the gain. Not to draw from the source, but draw from the resonant L2s
        Hello mr.clean thanks for your thoughts on Don Smiths device.
        You are correct in saying that as Don presented the board with various components it does not work. I am pleased to see more of us here tackling the problem. Furthermore I have not been able to use configuration of sparkgap, capacitor and primary inductor L1 all in parallel.
        I am onto to my 3rd build. However this time I am first building high voltage power supply. Once that is built I will also present on this thread. So far in my last build, I only manage light dimly couple 120V bulbs in series and nowhere I saw any OU.



        • Janost and woopy

          Hey Janost, Thanks for sharing your circuit, I look forward to your next experiment. And Woopy! Thanks for your fast replication, Your video's are always a joy to watch. I should be back experimenting real soon and cant wait play with this.


          • Dyatronn = Dynatron?

            It looks like there is a user viewing here named Dyatronn, are you "the" Dynatron (of Russia?)
            Just curious, love his stuff got lots of questions
            In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
            In the expert's mind there are few.
            -Shunryu Suzuki


            • Originally posted by mr.clean View Post
              It looks like there is a user viewing here named Dyatronn, are you "the" Dynatron (of Russia?)
              Just curious, love his stuff got lots of questions
              Приветствую, да это я. Изменил немного имя потому что такой пользователь уже был на момент регистрации. Я из Украины.
              I welcome and it I. Changed a few name because such user already was at the moment of registration. I from Ukraine.


              • Originally posted by dyatronn View Post
                Приветствую, да это я. Изменил немного имя потому что такой пользователь уже был на момент регистрации. Я из Украины.
                I welcome and it I. Changed a few name because such user already was at the moment of registration. I from Ukraine.
                Can you make a smaller example of your circuit based on Don Smith ideas? Something scaled down for people trying to replicate.


                • info from someone who modified and used dons board device

                  Originally posted by Lightworker1 View Post
                  Hello mr.clean thanks for your thoughts on Don Smiths device.
                  You are correct in saying that as Don presented the board with various components it does not work. I am pleased to see more of us here tackling the problem. Furthermore I have not been able to use configuration of sparkgap, capacitor and primary inductor L1 all in parallel.
                  I am onto to my 3rd build. However this time I am first building high voltage power supply. Once that is built I will also present on this thread. So far in my last build, I only manage light dimly couple 120V bulbs in series and nowhere I saw any OU.

                  Hello Lightworker 1,

                  I have attached thumbnails from a said successful modified build of dons board build. I have not attempted this build yet because am busy on another SMIT - 1 type don build.
                  thumb titled #6 compares dons board build with his completed build.
                  #7 is just an easier to see schematic of the white on black .
                  #3gives specs on coil size,turns, etc.
                  #5gives info for voltage divider circuit if apply to an inverter.
                  other wise connection would be from cap bank to an isolation
                  transformer of appropriate volt amp rating.

                  will try this build myself later. just wanted to pass it on if it might help!
                  mike, onward!

                  I have thought about instead of going the measurement route test to determine volt and amp output rates to just hook a light bulb to cap outlet and vaporize it! if it vapoured you could count on volts and amps! oh well! metering process could follow after vapour.
                  Last edited by clarence; 09-01-2012, 04:30 AM.


                  • Originally posted by woopy View Post
                    Hi Janost

                    thank's for sharing your idea

                    I happen to have a ring ferrite transformer 300VA with one 230 volt input and two 12 volts output. And a bunch of car ignition coils.

                    So i can't wait for your results. Perhaps a little shematic to beginn my homework?
                    Just a quick note: Instead of a cap I have tried Li-Ion cells directly in an AV-plug and they charge from a bugzapper HV (about 0.05v/min) but is not selfrunning without the isolation of the transformer.

                    For 3-400VA I think the cap in th AV-plug needs to be large.
                    About 47uF upto 330uF to get a powerful discharge into the transformer.

                    Perhaps if this also work with a "bugzapper" circuit then the final "powerplant" could be done with a weldingtransformer for stepdown, ignitioncoil as stepup and an AV-plug with a large capacitor?

                    That could produce Kw


                    • Originally posted by T-1000 View Post
                      For testing a selfrunner candidate 1 - YouTube - first thing I would do, just swap batteries into super capacitor and see if it is really self sustaining. The idea with usage of AV plug to recharge source is nice
                      The thing with these bugzappers and blocking-oscillators are that they draw a huge current in the pulse when the transistor is conducting, about 500mA.
                      But if the pulse quota is say 1:10 then the total amount will be 50mA.

                      A supercap has a hard time sustaining that current pulse but a battery can.


                      • Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                        Can you make a smaller example of your circuit based on Don Smith ideas? Something scaled down for people trying to replicate.
                        Hi!! Draw the scheme of the circulation I certainly can, tomorrow I will lay out the scheme. At present I am engaged in the isolation transformer. I found out that the field configuration in the core doesn't correspond to that option. that it is described in textbooks. the field of primary winding is oddly wrapped inside, instead of outside as at a usual electricity. Therefore field correction for a secondary winding needs a special configuration of windings of the transformer... While I make experiments.


                        • Originally posted by harishsingh View Post
                          Hi Atta,
                          I have only the last 15 min segment of this presentation which was in my cache. You can download this from Don Smith - Inventors Weekend 2005 on Vimeo.

                          I wasn't taking notes. Earlier Don talked about a piezoelectric device which he made for a Japanese corp and a host of other devices.

                          There is another video on the net of his demo which he refers in this video as well.

                          Thanks Harish!


                          • Hello Janost,

                            i tried your circuit with offcourse some modifications.
                            As i have a 350V GDT only, the charging via the AV-plug was very slow
                            (seconds), so had to decrease the cap value from 630nF to 6nF.

                            I used UF4007 diodes, but my 700mAH rechargables (2x AA) did not maintain their voltages.
                            Within 2 hours they decreased form 2.5V to 2.44V :-)

                            Anyway, i will try severall other things, and await your bigger electron pump :-)

                            Video: Janost Electron pump replication 1 - YouTube

                            Regards Itsu


                            • its a priviledge and an honour

                              Originally posted by dyatronn View Post
                              Приветствую, да это я. Изменил немного имя потому что такой пользователь уже был на момент регистрации. Я из Украины.
                              I welcome and it I. Changed a few name because such user already was at the moment of registration. I from Ukraine.
                              Glad to have you here then Dimitrij (i think your name is) Oh ok Ukraine
                              I cant believe someone stole your name, we all know there's only one "real" Dynatron
                              You have the best videos, just love them. I wish you had a television show, or DVDs.

                              I recall you had a 500 watt bulb lit and in another video you had an 800 watt motor running.
                              One question is, what is the best performance you have seen with your device?

                              And another question is, what was the voltage on the stepdown transformer where you melted the insulation on the wire?

                              Great work my friend
                              In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
                              In the expert's mind there are few.
                              -Shunryu Suzuki


                              • Originally posted by dyatronn View Post
                                Hi!! Draw the scheme of the circulation I certainly can, tomorrow I will lay out the scheme. At present I am engaged in the isolation transformer. I found out that the field configuration in the core doesn't correspond to that option. that it is described in textbooks. the field of primary winding is oddly wrapped inside, instead of outside as at a usual electricity. Therefore field correction for a secondary winding needs a special configuration of windings of the transformer... While I make experiments.
                                Wow this is awesome, looking forward to it
                                In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
                                In the expert's mind there are few.
                                -Shunryu Suzuki

