Originally posted by Utopia Now
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Thanks for the information on the motor. I never thought of a record player motor since it has been a long time since I seen one. I do think records sound better than a CD, but that is just me.
I did not know about the body shop material being used in Don Smiths devices. I will try to find this information and see what it may mean regarding these devices in the photographs.
As far as the pictures go, there is much information there, but each person will see something different than the next person. This is why I hope Clarence could check it out first as he seems to really know his stuff better than me. As of now I will wait for Clarence to scope it out before I say any more.
Don Smith did cover a lot of area over the years. Some of it seems easy to follow and other parts more difficult. I do think in his later years he seemed to be more camera shy and for me anyway, harder to follow. This is not to say that he did not know his work, he sure did and then some.
I will say that my respect for Don Smiths work has taken a sharp upward trend. I think as more information comes out regarding his work, over time, the level of respect will increase quite a bit.

Anyway, the pictures of Don Smiths work are a real eye opener for me and the extent of his work really shows through.