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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • As someone said: replicate it yourself.

    Dont touch things that work


    • Originally posted by mr.clean View Post
      holy crap you guys and gals!!

      OMG IVE NEVER BEEN SO PUMPED, this is really wierd, but i was playing around with single pulse-to-start direct connection to itself, and noticed the system began to oscillate when i did a certain routine of steps, then decided to remove caps where i had the battery... along with the positive.... and something magical happened....

      ... the light kept going...

      and when i thought it was going to stop, it kept coming back

      39F Don Smith Device Project: BITOROID IN SELF-LOOP, WITH LOAD, NO BATTERY NO CAP - YouTube
      Great experiment Mr.Clean !! You Hit Right on Target !! Congratulation !!


      • Congratulations

        Hi Mr. Clean
        Congrats!! looks like all your hard work paid off, Thank you for sharing your work!!


        • holy world!!

          Excellent Work Mr.Clean !

          Millions of thank you to you buddy, for sharing your hard work results.
          As I have been saying this earlier in this topic you have been & are a great positive inspiration to all of us.
          Thanks a lot. Keep on your precious work.

          I bet now that many doubting Don Smith devices as not being true, should definitely have learned a big lesson here.
          Don Smith was a genuine person with real-genuine devices.
          Kapanadze credited him as genuine.Zilano also. RomeroUK confirmed the self recharging effect
          on power supply battery if cables are calculated to the wavelength of the working frequency of the overall circuit.
          Me myself have confirmed with a simple, crude circuit that what Don Smith said and showed :a resistor can change the output frequency.
          And now Mr.Clean shows beyond any doubt that Tesla based devices of the late Don Smith are a real world fact and not just b*****t.

          Cmon guys, let`s replicate, each one of us, according to his possibilitties!
          Let the real party begin
          << BP Ultimate + Shell-V Power + Allies (opec) = the Ultimate Power Aligators to Suck People`s Blood !-! >>


          • Originally posted by janost View Post
            I am still waiting for more transformers and hopefully I will receive them today.

            If I replace the bulb in the circuit with a second transformer, wont the inductance of that influence the resonant circuit and even more so if I load the primary on it? Perhaps not much?

            And even worse, if I short the secondary of the first transformer, there will be >1Kv on the primary and over the bulb?
            Your first question: the secondary coil (say originally it gives any voltage between 5V and 24V AC from its 230V primary) normally has some ten mH self inductance and this comes in series with the several Henry primary coil of the first transformer so the detuning effect is really negligible. And if you load the primary coil of this series secondary, then the detuning is also negligible.
            Your 2nd question: yes if you short or heavily load the secondary of the first transformer, then the primary voltage of the second transformer will go high indeed so be very careful. Current transformers also should be operated with a load across its (output) primary coils and if load is removed the primary voltage may go up very high to cause trouble in insulation.

            On your transistor-controlled secondary and feedback loop idea: yes it sounds feasable but first I think you may wish to see if it was worth doing.



            • This is great news! Great work Mr.Clean I will start replicating as soon as I figure out the parts list and circuit schematic. We should all replicate and freely share this as fast as possible.


              • Congrats!

                Originally posted by Slovenia View Post
                An engineer friend of mine just sent me a circuit drawing he made from one circuit Mr. Clean posted a while back.

                Mr. Clean said, "keep in mind coil specs will change, and im using double diodes on the pos outputs."
                Good going Mr. Clean.Awesome!

                Just curious, what would happen if I removed the load while this is running.See schematic.



                • Originally posted by Gedfire View Post
                  Good going Mr. Clean.Awesome!

                  Just curious, what would happen if I removed the load while this is running.See schematic.

                  hi buddy, if the caps are off load, then they will charge up to 2kv 40uf in just a few seconds, and then most things that would encounter that would be exploded
                  Keep in mind that is an old schematic, and some values are not intended
                  In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
                  In the expert's mind there are few.
                  -Shunryu Suzuki


                  • Originally posted by Peculian View Post
                    Excellent Work Mr.Clean !

                    Millions of thank you to you buddy, for sharing your hard work results.
                    As I have been saying this earlier in this topic you have been & are a great positive inspiration to all of us.
                    Thanks a lot. Keep on your precious work.

                    I bet now that many doubting Don Smith devices as not being true, should definitely have learned a big lesson here.
                    Don Smith was a genuine person with real-genuine devices.
                    Kapanadze credited him as genuine.Zilano also. RomeroUK confirmed the self recharging effect
                    on power supply battery if cables are calculated to the wavelength of the working frequency of the overall circuit.
                    Me myself have confirmed with a simple, crude circuit that what Don Smith said and showed :a resistor can change the output frequency.
                    And now Mr.Clean shows beyond any doubt that Tesla based devices of the late Don Smith are a real world fact and not just b*****t.

                    Cmon guys, let`s replicate, each one of us, according to his possibilitties!
                    Let the real party begin
                    hehe well i would consider this more Thane Heins credit, and i intend to use this bitoroid concept as HV driver for Don Smith board, but this is a pleasant surprise
                    In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
                    In the expert's mind there are few.
                    -Shunryu Suzuki


                    • Originally posted by LaserSaber View Post
                      This is great news! Great work Mr.Clean I will start replicating as soon as I figure out the parts list and circuit schematic. We should all replicate and freely share this as fast as possible.

                      WoW Lasersaber welcome,
                      thanks man i will definitely get u all a schematic once i duplicate it with new parts
                      In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
                      In the expert's mind there are few.
                      -Shunryu Suzuki


                      • Originally posted by mr.clean
                        hehe well i would consider this more Thane Heins credit, and i intend to use this bitoroid concept as HV driver for Don Smith board, but this is a pleasant surprise
                        No probs whatsoever Mr.Clean. In fact it is good to see someone giving credit where it belongs !
                        You can say that loud: It is more than just a surprise .
                        Last edited by Peculian; 11-09-2012, 05:17 PM.
                        << BP Ultimate + Shell-V Power + Allies (opec) = the Ultimate Power Aligators to Suck People`s Blood !-! >>


                        • Originally posted by mr.clean View Post
                          WoW Lasersaber welcome,
                          thanks man i will definitely get u all a schematic once i duplicate it with new parts
                          Do you have enough spare part for a replication or you have to order some? of course the crucial parts are the toroids, how did you break them (if you did) to get a gap?



                          • WoW Lasersaber welcome,
                            thanks man i will definitely get u all a schematic once i duplicate it with new parts
                            Good new spreads fast. Try not to get overwhelmed. If you share the specs or source on the toroids I will go ahead and order them today.


                            • Originally posted by mr.clean View Post
                              ... hehe well i am impressed anyway...
                              A replication of Thane Heins's Bi-Toroid (BiTT)
                              He did much of his research out of Ottawa university, if that gives him some credit
                              Anyway he has removed all his sweet R&D and the BiTT videos are gone as well, but yes there are still some who "downloaded from youtube" as i did, (wow what a great feature eh?)

                              Alright, to explain what is happening according to the inventor, and i agree,
                              (my understanding)...
                              The flux in the core of any transformer is much the same as electricity.
                              Current wants to find the path of least "resistance"... well, flux (changing polarity inside transformer) wants to find the path of least "reluctance".

                              ...So you add extra paths for it to travel, and you add another dummy secondary on load which helps feed the output secondary with B-emf.
                              ...That B-emf would have normally returned to the primary, lowering its impedance and would cause it to draw more current to maintain the voltage across the load of the secondary.
                              ...instead, the b-emf of each secondary compliments one another, and never returns to the primary winding.
                              ...the result is real active power, derived from reactive power only. no power was consumed by primary. all power is returned on the next half-cycle.

                              as for the efficiency... no-one would believe my calculations, so using Ohm's law, you all can take your best guesses

                              and btw, the ramp up wave form was an added pleasant surprise, only found at 1.22khz, very acheivable

                              here is a part 2 for the last vid.
                              With improved wire connections, I am now measuring the volts across primary coil, and in the same clip wanted to show the volts across the load.
                              I also got a better reading this time on the bulb as i clipped onto the bulb rather than the magnet wire.
                              I know that reading only volts on an open circuit can be vague and inaccurate, BUT when you measure volts across a running load, and the light gets brighter along with higher readings, then you may really have something
                              Especially when the exact opposite "should've" happened
                              Anyone wondering, the meter i used was a Velleman hand scope about $250cdn, it is VERY accurate ...
                              ...and the results here...VERY COOL....

                              part 1 output on and off dummy secondary load
                              39A Don Smith Device Project: Incorporating Heins Bi-Toroid Technology - YouTube

                              part 2 input reading and more solid connections
                              39B Don Smith Device Project: Incorporating Heins Bi-Toroid Technology part 2 - YouTube

                              Mr.Clean you have explain almost whole process. After i have read your words "The flux in the core of any transformer is much the same as electricity." and "flux (changing polarity inside transformer) wants to find the path of least "reluctance" Thunderstorm Lightning Flash Idea came in my mind.

                              Well my friend you have explained process of "MAGNETIC RECONNECTION IN BI-TOROID TRANSFORMERTOROID" which have occuring in high energy plasma, but happily for us not only in plasma. Much wider in nature !!

                              I will quote the words of Professor James F. Drake from Physics department University of Maryland.

                              "Solar flares, storms in the earth's magnetosphere and disruptions in laboratory fusion experiments are examples of large scale explosive events which occur in plasma systems. The magnetic field is the source of free energy driving these phenomena.
                              Remember @The magnetic field is the source of free energy driving these phenomena.

                              This magnetic energy can be released in locations where the magnetic field reverses direction.
                              Remember @reverses direction

                              That is, the magnetic field can self-annihilate in these regions and transfer its energy to plasma flows and intense, high energy beams.
                              Remember @transfer its energy to plasma flows or current flow and intense, high energy beams - mean on

                              A major scientific challenge has been to explain the short time scales of this energy release. It is well established that the magnetic energy is released by magnetic reconnection, in which magnetic field lines in opposing directions cross link, forming a topological x-line.

                              Remember @the magnetic energy is released by magnetic reconnection !

                              Remember @, in which magnetic field lines in opposing directions cross link, forming a topological x-line. Or in simple words "Magnetic Short Circuit".

                              The topological change in the magnetic field required to form the x-line requires a breakdown in the ideal "frozen-in" flux condition,

                              The topological change mean broken symmetry or flux asymmetry !

                              Remember @ breakdown in "frozen-in" flux condition. Broken flux condition mean flux is changing his polarity or broke symmetry. This is a trigger for whole process. In fact key role there playing two opposite fluxes which reconnect themselves after hit each other or after were reversed direction.

                              Broken flux condition occurs at small scales. As a result, magnetic reconnection occurs in narrow boundary layers. This topic is considered to be one of the two or three most important topics in plasma physics over the past thirty years because it occurs in so many varied environments and because the dependence of a large-scale, explosive phenomenon on the kinetic behavior at small scale has intrinsic interest.

                              Key in magnetic reconnection is the role of whistler waves in driving and controlling magnetic reconnection !

                              Remember @Key in magnetic reconnection is the role of whistler waves.

                              We have to find those "whistler waves" and vol à la voile.

                              Traditionally it was @believed@ that the Alfven wave played the key role in driving reconnection. At small scales, however, electron and ion motion decouple and the dynamics is controlled by whistler waves. The whistler waves fundamentally alter the reconnection process, causing the release rate of magnetic energy to be insensitive to the mechanism which breaks the frozen-in condition.

                              Recent Publications of Professor James F. Drake are here. Take it all !!

                              Magnetic Reconnection had also observed Stiven Mark in his TPU and much before him Nikola Tesla and Ed Ledskalinish. Stiven Mark also said that frequency of his "whistler waves" is about 5kHz with strong gyroscope-effect.

                              @All - You shoud to read Ed's Magnetic Current. He had a right 100%. There are in fact 2 currents or better words Magnetic flows.

                              Couple a days befor i have talk with Kevin. His channel is whyme2b&#39;s channel - YouTube

                              He also made successful Magnetic Reconection experiment and guess with what kind of transformers. Yes BI-BI ... BI-TOROID TRANSFORMER. His BI-TOROID TRANSFORMER has pumped enough power to drive HITACHI 1800Watts Power Circular Saw and light bulb 100 Watts from 12 Volt Homemade Power Inverter.

                              Take a look, especially on BI-TOROID TRANSFORMER
                              12 Volt Homemade Power Inverter - YouTube
                              Homemade Power Inverter - YouTube

                              Now we know HOW TO EXTRACT COSMIC ENERGY FROM UNIVERSE !!

                              УДАЧИ ВСЕХ БЛАГ !!
                              Last edited by SERG V.; 07-17-2013, 08:26 PM.


                              • Congrats Kurt
                                Extremely well done!

                                I have always thought that overunity is found in resonance and the magnetic region.

                                Not in extreme voltage.

                                Build it ones again and your home.

