Respect those capacitors, keep a load on at all times.
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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true
Lenz Law Don Smith Happy 2013
Hallo Everyone .. Happy New Year and lots of Luck
Here some words from Donald L Smith to chear you up again.
Utopia Now
new vid
hi people, back with some improvements with apparent benefits...
Enclosed magnetic quenched gap, separate tuned secondaries,
I begin the vid using only one tuned secondary, and the output is basically what you'd expect for the input of 60v@.4A.
Then adding the other tuned secondary parallel to the first, but after the diodes, and i see just about FULL 50 watts lit, using the above described input of 24 watts.
It's encouraging, and this time im back to the step-up configuration, because i was able to accurately find resonance this time.
Helped a lot having the secondaries separate i think, but close enough to cause an interference pattern and somewhat assist one-another, it seems anyway.
SORRY vid isnt working, i hate when no audio so i took it down until its ok
40 Don Smith Device 1/01/13: Dual Quarter Wavelength Step-up Tuning and 50 Watt Halogen - YouTubeLast edited by mr.clean; 01-03-2013, 12:16 AM.In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
In the expert's mind there are few.
-Shunryu Suzuki
Originally posted by mr.clean View Post
Also I just gone to see what are connections and seems your circuit does differently from what D. Smith intended to do:
P.S> Reading D. Smith posts in Yahoo! Groups also might be interesting.
Cheers!Last edited by T-1000; 01-02-2013, 02:40 PM.
Hey Mr. Clean,
nice vid and nice stuff like always.
But u really should wear some rubber gloves to preserve yours and our hearts
Im still playing with my Multiminiteslacoilsytem, at the moment it is 1 Transmittercoil and 4 Receivercoils, following Don Smith quarterwaverule. Sytem is tuned to 324.5 kHz, using only 10Vpp frequencygenerator to drive it, as high voltage driver didnt work so well (think frequency is too high for the gas discharge tube i use). Input to the frequency generator is around 2 watts. Seems like i can add as many receivercoils i want without increasing input, and adding receivercoils even increases the power available on the other coils. Will continue testing and maybe looping if possible
Kind regards,
Originally posted by T-1000 View PostYour video has sound chooped off for some reason starting from 1:19
Also I just gone to see what are connections and seems your circuit does differently from what D. Smith intended to do:
P.S> Reading D. Smith posts in Yahoo! Groups also might be interesting.
but now its telling me " duplicate rejected ", anyway,
yes its different from Don's exact design, but it the only way i could truly resonate both secondaries,
then parallel them After the rectifiers to not mess with the resonance.
Description here:
Here i have improved the gap further by restricting the break-over voltage to a much higher level before spark discharge event occurs, Done by using the wider surface polished brass electrodes instead of smaller pointier ones.
also i enclosed the gap in PVC. could even enclose it in a Faraday cage-style RF grounded box to not broadcast radio signals outside of the residence.
(it's much more quiet in real life, a dull rattle. Just the camera is affected by the EMP of the tuned LC firing at full potential
it hasnt been this bad in past videos, it is cancelling my voice at times.
i now swithed to using two separately tuned secondary coils, and then parallel them together after rectification thru the doubled up diodes (which were still getting way too hot, indicating output peak currents exceed 6 amps WITH high voltage )
(and pretty sweet current discharges between connecting the load eh?hehe
This amount of light is surprising given the input is under 30 watts[ and thats assuming RMS volts on variac, 60 volts @ .4a (input is most likeky LESS than that)]
By employing 1 of the two secondaries, i got the expected amount of light... by employing BOTH secondaries, i basically got the FULL 50 watts!In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
In the expert's mind there are few.
-Shunryu Suzuki
Originally posted by mainsen View PostHey Mr. Clean,
nice vid and nice stuff like always.
But u really should wear some rubber gloves to preserve yours and our hearts
Im still playing with my Multiminiteslacoilsytem, at the moment it is 1 Transmittercoil and 4 Receivercoils, following Don Smith quarterwaverule. Sytem is tuned to 324.5 kHz, using only 10Vpp frequencygenerator to drive it, as high voltage driver didnt work so well (think frequency is too high for the gas discharge tube i use). Input to the frequency generator is around 2 watts. Seems like i can add as many receivercoils i want without increasing input, and adding receivercoils even increases the power available on the other coils. Will continue testing and maybe looping if possible
Kind regards,
mainsenIn the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
In the expert's mind there are few.
-Shunryu Suzuki
In all the time that I followed this thread I realised that OU was only but a dream I have seen Zilano and others claim 10KW devices without any real evidence I kept on being positive in believing that it could happen I have seen people do amazing things but no OU I also realised that to get useful energy that It must be tapped from some existing source and the only source that I could think of was static electricity and the one other source that is in abundance is our own effort that is the same as winding up your clock alarm to wake you up in the morning and as velacreations said show me.
Originally posted by Dave45 View PostThis zvs circuit was shown by Mopozco in one of his vids
TROS -- "inductor"II - YouTube
This is an ingenues circuit it pulses the coils from each end and the cap catches the bemf from both coils, now the cw and ccw coils are center tapped but they dont have to be, they run through the choke and can be run separate through the choke.
If you put power through these coils as they are shown you will find they have the same pole polarity's even though they are powered at opposite ends and have an opposite wind, in effect the field sees a dc pulse as far as n and s polarity is concerned, but we get two different electromagnetic waves.
Edit: thought I should come back and clarify I am in no way saying this setup is ou, the primary's would have to be isolated for it to go ou.
"since an inductor is able to develop enormous amount of current have tried to load it with light bulbs, and noticed amazing thing -- as load increased the output wattage increases too..."
which is not necessarily amazing because it is not necessarily true that a normal inverter cannot increase wattage as the load increases. I refer you to the Maximum power transmission theorem. When the impedance of the source (your circuit) matches the impedance of the load, you have a condition for the greatest transfer of power (watts). Thus if you have a load which has too little impedance, it would be less than optimal, increasing it would increase the wattage consumed up to the equalization point.
scoop shots Don ?
Hi Mainsen
Do you have scoop shots of the signal coming from the other coils?
And can you put a load on the other coils ...
Originally posted by mainsen View PostHey Mr. Clean,
nice vid and nice stuff like always.Yeahhh
But u really should wear some rubber gloves to preserve yours and our hearts
Im still playing with my Multiminiteslacoilsytem, at the moment it is 1 Transmittercoil and 4 Receivercoils, following Don Smith quarterwaverule. Sytem is tuned to 324.5 kHz, using only 10Vpp frequencygenerator to drive it, as high voltage driver didnt work so well (think frequency is too high for the gas discharge tube i use). Input to the frequency generator is around 2 watts. Seems like i can add as many receivercoils i want without increasing input, and adding receivercoils even increases the power available on the other coils. Will continue testing and maybe looping if possible
Kind regards,
Utopia Now
ok.... new vid
hi everyone, did another vid, this one is finally ok
40 Don Smith Device 1/01/13 - YouTubeIn the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
In the expert's mind there are few.
-Shunryu Suzuki