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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • med.3012
    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
    Sorry, have to update my Photobucket acct...and having issues making payment at their site.

    so, in the meantime here it is at Forum Pics

    thank you very much ! now i see it , it was chromium problem but firefox solve the problem , i will study it , thanks once again !

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  • Ufopolitics
    Sorry, have to update my Photobucket acct...and having issues making payment at their site.

    so, in the meantime here it is at Forum Pics
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 07-06-2017, 08:17 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by med.3012 View Post
    hello Ufopolitics,

    can you please give a direct link to the images, because i can't see them, thanks in advance !

    Med, have no idea why you can't see is the direct link.



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  • med.3012
    hello Ufopolitics,

    can you please give a direct link to the images, because i can't see them, thanks in advance !


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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by med.3012 View Post
    now let's move a further steps toward realizing the discussed requirement ,

    transmitting / receiving / storage

    the first two requirement is easy to accomplish through a resonating LC circuit ,

    in the above system scalar energy portion can be found inside the capacitor , if we want to take the scalar energy to achieve a unity or a very high efficiency we need another coil connected in serial with this capacitor as a kind of conversation .. the problem in this case is you have to break the resonating LC circuit to achieve this !!!

    Hello med.3012,

    Simply love that Gif Animation!!, THANKS!!


    Originally posted by med.3012 View Post
    the problem in this case is you have to break the resonating LC circuit to achieve this !!!
    Well, related to the energy inside cap...yes, you are right...but if we want to use the B Field changes...We could leave the LC Tank Circuit completely INTACT (not braking it)...if We just conduct a PULSED (Simple Square Wave for Instance) Electromagnetic Induction (As an example) in order to excite the LC Tank COIL...with a PARALLEL COIL like I show below:


    When Pulse is Positive (Energized) at GREEN COIL, it ASSISTS the LC Tank as shown...therefore a "Upward" B-Field would be projected, charging Cap as shown.

    When GREEN COIL is OFF, then LC Tank would use the reverse spike from the GREEN COIL COLLAPSING FIELD, to ASSIST in its REVERSE B-FIELD [Downward B-Field] (just like it does when Cap reverses polarity to the one shown on my image)...

    I have been using this EXCITING FIELD approach for my Generators...and it happens that the LC Tank is the one supplying MAJORITY of its Energy-Power when secondaries are loaded...while Green Coil is not even disturbed...

    Hope this helps you...and others.



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  • tswift
    Originally posted by ricards View Post
    In a typical Hairpin Circuit.. The Output Transformer is typically in between capacitor.. from what I Understood based on your theory the "Pulled Charge" or "Phase Conjugate Electricity" is whats powering the Transformer.. as soon as the spark fires, the "Pulled Charge" is Released to the transformer.. does that mean that the "Charge" from your neon sign is "wasted"?.. If we put a similar Transformer In the "Conventional" side of the circuit.. would we get the same the output?.. a theory from a theory worth experimenting.. to find out..
    Aha! Someone was paying attention in class! It's easy enough to try it and find out what happens, right? It only took me a couple of hours to throw together some existing parts....

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  • med.3012
    Originally posted by Utopia Now View Post
    Hallo med.3012

    Yess I am interested in a video presentation and maybe do some experiments.

    hello !

    thanks for your support, a video is good since we could keep the idea in one place and it's better to organize our work in this forum to free more area for tswift's radiant energy school .

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  • Utopia Now
    Hallo med.3012

    Hello !
    all is well , just relax because it's not easy to watch any scientific video about scalar or radiant energy , i only follow and try to imagine , sometimes it's good to repeat the video so your mind can grasp something ..Lakhovsky's MWO , Rife technology ( which is hard to replicate since they hide the frequencies ) scalar waves is also important if it's true it change the waves length and act as frequency converter , i think it's better to make a little video presentation to show the idea and propose a very easy experiments so everyone can do it and what's really is going on .
    Yess I am interested in a video presentation and maybe do some experiments.
    Attached Files

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  • ricards
    Originally posted by tswift View Post
    Ok, is everyone with me so far? I'll proceed to the next step.

    Consider the famous "Tesla Hairpin Circuit", star of a few interesting youtube videos and general science curiousity. Normally used for entertainment, much like the Tesla Coil. Many (perhaps most?) serious experimenters concede that this circuit can produce unusual effects not easily explained by normal electricity, such as the ability to light up bulbs across a dead short and the ability to touch both sides without harm, even while bulbs are lit clearly drawing power. Some even go so far as to call this "cold electricity", without being clear whether they mean exactly the same thing as Gray did or not.

    If you will at least consider my hypothesis that the capacitance of any capacitor acts as a phase-conjugate mirror then it should be clear what is happening in the hairpin circuit. As the inimitable mranguswangus illustrates in his video, one side is "conventional" energy, the side across the caps is "unconventional" energy. Yes, when driven with a spark gap there are certainly very short sharp pulses but I don't think this itself is what causes the unusual effects. Allow me to illustrate with my poor photoshop skills.

    If you were to take two of the Tesla radiant energy receiver circuits, and place them back to back in mirror fashion such that their "ground" connections" meet, you would end up with a circuit very much like the hairpin circuit (except for the output transformer). Obviously the high voltage sources at either end of the "implied capacitors" would need to be of opposite polarity, and in this case the need for the ground connection has been obviated.

    Hmmm, doesn't this circuit look mighty familiar? Where have I seen this before? Oh yes, the Hermann Plauson patent #1540998, from 1925! Let's see, that doesn't look too hard to build, certainly I have a few parts kicking around the parts bin that might prove useful....
    In a typical Hairpin Circuit.. The Output Transformer is typically in between capacitor.. from what I Understood based on your theory the "Pulled Charge" or "Phase Conjugate Electricity" is whats powering the Transformer.. as soon as the spark fires, the "Pulled Charge" is Released to the transformer.. does that mean that the "Charge" from your neon sign is "wasted"?.. If we put a similar Transformer In the "Conventional" side of the circuit.. would we get the same the output?.. a theory from a theory worth experimenting.. to find out..

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  • mikrovolt
    I think it is better to start with a slow pulse in order to
    identify what effect is doing something related to what we want.
    The original Tesla CK atmospheric and LM longitudinal earth was
    salvaged by Eric Dollard and all the Bolinas station equipment was demolished.

    We have seen so many just making a lot of suds and calling it science.
    The hybrid systems (meyl and many others) can always be modified once the right
    effect (aetheric response ) is found. We can eliminate unsuccessful attempts
    The Meyl system was designed for a specific end purpose and is also proprietary.
    Don Smith demonstration models were designed for work energy.

    The IR2110 application shows awesome waveforms and current
    probe shows the asymptotic characteristic. The progress has been
    consistent and methods logical and sufficiently documented.
    The solid state input can be modified and easily replicated.
    It could be scaled down and adapted to open source such as
    the slayer exciter kit or other depending on what effect ?

    This is the question ?
    Last edited by mikrovolt; 07-04-2017, 07:28 PM.

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  • BroMikey
    Political Scientists beware.

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  • med.3012
    Originally posted by ricards View Post
    I hope i have not offended in anyway.. If I had I apologize.. I'm only trying to picture things in my head... and how you describe things is unclear for me.

    If thats the case, I think Meyl and Don smith work do not correlate with one another... never really watched any of Meyl work.. as I have a bad feeling about it every time I start to watch the video.. I dunno I only follow my instinct...

    anyway If your into Medical Benefits of this "scalar" stuff I recommend to you Lakhovsky's Multiple Wave Oscilllator.. this is much easier to understand as It uses a teslacoil's High voltage to Pulse into the Oscillator creating "Waves".. based on my opinion this is much easier to understand than Meyl based on what we have discussed so far...

    Hello !

    all is well , just relax because it's not easy to watch any scientific video about scalar or radiant energy , i only follow and try to imagine , sometimes it's good to repeat the video so your mind can grasp something ..Lakhovsky's MWO , Rife technology ( which is hard to replicate since they hide the frequencies ) scalar waves is also important if it's true it change the waves length and act as frequency converter , i think it's better to make a little video presentation to show the idea and propose a very easy experiments so everyone can do it and what's really is going on

    Meyl and Don smith work do not correlate with one another because smith has a device that work but it's not shown to us! Meyl has a wide ideas that can lead us to a very good point, it's all about the geometry and how things can suit each other .
    Last edited by med.3012; 07-04-2017, 06:01 PM.

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  • ricards
    Originally posted by med.3012 View Post
    Hello !

    i don't like to be a heavy guest , i just have an idea that collect the work of Meyl and Don smith , prof Meyl start from a resonating LC to show the connection to Tesla wireless system but while the electric field line in sphere do exist he just break the resonance inside the coil as shown, this mean the magnetic field do not exist exactly as a resonating LC , this is important because we seek OU through resonance, now if you remember what smith said : don't stick in the electric side because the magnetic side is very important!! i am not moving too fast, anyone interested can post question but i will reply only what i can clarify at least to ignore arguments...
    I hope i have not offended in anyway.. If I had I apologize.. I'm only trying to picture things in my head... and how you describe things is unclear for me.

    If thats the case, I think Meyl and Don smith work do not correlate with one another... never really watched any of Meyl work.. as I have a bad feeling about it every time I start to watch the video.. I dunno I only follow my instinct...

    anyway If your into Medical Benefits of this "scalar" stuff I recommend to you Lakhovsky's Multiple Wave Oscilllator.. this is much easier to understand as It uses a teslacoil's High voltage to Pulse into the Oscillator creating "Waves".. based on my opinion this is much easier to understand than Meyl based on what we have discussed so far...

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  • med.3012
    Originally posted by ricards View Post
    You are, This thread throughout its purpose has become a free-for-all thread ..

    Its just that you are jumping too fast.. to conclusions.. you have to suggest an experiment first.. a real replicable experiments as much as possible small scale..

    your recent post made it clear that what you are suggesting is a "Dielectric phenomenon" "Dielectric Induction" in your term its "Electrostatic Induction" as you are now talking about electrostatic charge (Electrons).. anyone cannot TRULY and FULLY visualize how an "Electron" work.. yet you jump to conclusion.. It is really hard to follow that..

    now lets go back to your suggestion.. we have to somehow break the resonance? what would that give us? based from my knowledge that would give as a "back-emf", "Radiant Spike" through the collapse of the magnetic field... if the energy is in the Magnetic field but... but if the energy is in the capacitor in the cycle of the breaking of resonance we will have a "Charged Capacitor".

    now were just in this loop of "Speculations" now were not in "Reality", I don't know what you know med, but I do know you can't explain it well.. perhaps you can use "analogy" to compare things so we can better understand what you are saying..

    Hello !

    i don't like to be a heavy guest , i just have an idea that collect the work of Meyl and Don smith , prof Meyl start from a resonating LC to show the connection to Tesla wireless system but while the electric field line in sphere do exist he just break the resonance inside the coil as shown, this mean the magnetic field do not exist exactly as a resonating LC , this is important because we seek OU through resonance, now if you remember what smith said : don't stick in the electric side because the magnetic side is very important!! i am not moving too fast, anyone interested can post question but i will reply only what i can clarify at least to ignore arguments...

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  • mikrovolt
    Originally posted by tswift View Post
    I agree. I have read most everything Dollard has written and I am in substantial agreement with him. I believe the "longitudinal magneto-dielectric" energy he refers to is exactly the same stuff I'm calling phase-conjugate electricity, and what Tesla called radiant energy. I hope that perhaps my term is a little more physically descriptive of what it actually is and does, but nature doesn't care what we call it. It only matters what it really is, and what can be verified and reproduced by experiment. There is a reason that those who have gone far in this field (starting with Tesla) have done their own experiments instead of just accepting others' theories, even if those were published in reputable college textbooks. The works of Steinmetz and Heaviside are now old enough to be out of copyright and are available in scanned book form from I have read most of them and recommend them although they are math-heavy for the unprepared.
    here is what Dollard said:
    Tesla understood that the transverse, or Hertzian, waveform was useless for the transmission of electric energy on an industrial scale.

    Here is the Bolinas station tesla - rca application is radio broadcast. schematic from Dollard
    Bolinas Tesla-RCA generator.JPG

    Konstantin Meyl uses the transverse wave RF through a pancake coil
    and candle stick tower with sphere. application bio scalar study.
    How Meyl derives scalar may not be the CK and LM shown in picture.
    We can say CK induction into the atmosphere and LM induction into the earth.
    It is this separation shown in the analog that gives confidence that
    The waves have compression and rarefaction rather than being transverse in nature.

    This comparison to the Don Smith TROS. A phenomena where a video showed
    increase in brightness when ground is introduced to Iron.
    The meter reads 834 on copper then increases to 1103 with addition of Iron
    Last edited by mikrovolt; 07-03-2017, 06:12 AM.

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