Originally posted by janost
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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true
Originally posted by ctbenergy View PostThank you ged and level for the comments
Last night I viewed dons videos.
Seen thousands of times, always something new
Donald L Smith Inventors Weekend 2001
ДС_2001 - YouTube
this has all off the diffrent component on it
witch somtimes, say this part over her, and this part, and this part we have different blocks...
Table Top Device
Commercial Version
Capacitor Datasheet
Why he uses this large capacitor?
Is it Harmonic Resonance?
Harmonics (electrical power)
Effects of Harmonics on Power Systems
Effects of Harmonics on Power Systems | Power Quality content from Electrical Construction & Maintenance (EC&M) Magazine
i see that 2001 video is backIn the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
In the expert's mind there are few.
-Shunryu Suzuki
It gets even Cleaner!
Originally posted by mr.clean View Posthehe im glad to be of service, i certainly hope im going forwards and not back
it seems the lowest it will run uninterrupted is 270F (which i dont know the input wattage yet) but will bring my wattmeter to work tomorrow to check
i think the reason they turn off for people sometimes is just like at home the cooker is designed to maintain the same temp, so turns off when too much power is running with no load to absorb it
And one noticably cool thing is, with cooker turned up 200F further than 270F, the lights dont go brighter... so i think they are drawing maximum at the present setting based on their resistance and cooker pancake volts must be constant.
So now i should add more load and see how much wattage can be driven before the load goes below its operating voltage
anyway this is cool, and im gonna work on this as well
thanks again Ged, and keep going
here is a pic of my induction cooker right out of the box and bifilar series connected pancake coil...
im gonna take some readings tomorrow and bring my hand scope. all i have is 1500 watts to put on though, and $9 a bulb for 500 watt halogens?!?
that sux, but not as bad as LED bulbs i guess
hehe i kinda hate the name gegene, (does sound cooler in French "je-jenne")
it should just be called what it is:
"Tesla Single and Bifilar Solid State Resonant Induction"
Effectively using Pat#512,340. Fig1 Coil as transmitter and Fig2 coil as recieverLast edited by mr.clean; 05-09-2013, 06:05 AM.In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
In the expert's mind there are few.
-Shunryu Suzuki
Donald Smith Commercial Device: Unlocking the Mystery?
Originally posted by level View PostAfter looking at the table top (center tapped output coil) device closely, many people will probably be inclined to assume that either Don Smith had no idea what he was doing and his devices didn't really work, or Don deliberately scrambled up his demo circuit board a bit and also left out some key pieces of information so as not to give his secrets away.
If you build the circuit that way, then you would need to use high speed, high voltage diodes with a fairly high current rating as well to do the rectification of the output from the secondary coils. You are then presented with the problem of how to convert the high voltage DC to a useable form. There are no doubt high voltage, high power, inverter circuits that could be used to do this, but it seems like a lot of trouble to go through, unless part of Don's 'secret' of over unity requires that the output be processed this way.
Just my perspective.
Lets say that we can just build a scaled down version of the commercial device right (I can produce a schematic of a similar device that produces 1kW or 200W etc) Building it is another thing.I have held back a number of things for so long including my present device because actions speak real louder than words.I actually left a job to get a better paying one so I can afford the parts for what I am about to build next.Hopefully when I get leave in March or April,so I can produce a prototype.
Level you check out this video, these guys are using supercaps to run a bulb and drill.They just hooked em up to Supercaps.Look at this one with the supercaps running household items....
Super Capacitors powering my TV part 2 - YouTube
This one had Mr. Clean commenting.(Hey buddy here were some vital clues I teased about earlier! )
Super capacitors run light bulb and drill - YouTube
Anything look familiar or similar to Donald Smith Capacitor based devices? (Okay, Supercaps, battery charger, inverter and DRILL.Did you hear that DRILL? YEAH!) Latest 2005 pics maybe?
Now recall these guys just appear to be experimenting and having fun,no interest in overunity.But I am looking at all this Tesla,Don and others point of view and the emerging possibities as they have gone ahead and proven aspects of what we want to achieve.YES, supercaps can power inverters ala Don's discourses!
There are more GOODSTUFF videos where these came from with people just experimenting.Now its just for us to take it further with the massive knowledge base on this website.
Here is what I am gonna do next as an extension to those videos.Charge dem supercaps at High Frequency low voltage at low duty cycle, then hook da inverter up.Sweet.....this is gonna be good as Spice Simulations look very promising indeed.Yes thick wires and all.I am not gonna use diodes at first, just pulse DC from the battery, but the again,I have a dozen different configurations to try.some of which i will share as I go along.
See pictures of my prototype.Massive sparks from a microwave cap charged from 10volt battery via a flyback @4000hz.Similar concept to Don Smith Commercial Device.No reliable specs yet as I need equipment.
So here is another piece of the puzzle.These videos illustrate the KNOWNS, we continue the mission from here.
Power Up again, we are going in...
Below: just to show where I am going, no claims yet until I get wattmeters, DSO, etc.Last edited by Gedfire; 06-19-2013, 08:37 PM.
More Power 2 U Mr Clean
Originally posted by mr.clean View Posthere is a pic of my induction cooker right out of the box and bifilar series connected pancake coil...
im gonna take some readings tomorrow and bring my hand scope. all i have is 1500 watts to put on though, and $9 a bulb for 500 watt halogens?!?
that sux, but not as bad as LED bulbs i guess
hehe i kinda hate the name gegene, (does sound cooler in French "je-jenne")
it should just be called what it is:
"Tesla Single and Bifilar Solid State Resonant Induction"
Effectively using Pat#512,340. Fig1 Coil as transmitter and Fig2 coil as reciever
struggling to stay calm and objective...
Originally posted by Gedfire View Post...
So here is another piece of the puzzle.These videos illustrate the KNOWNS, we continue the mission from here.
Power Up again, we are going in...
Below: just to show where I am going, no claims yet until I get wattmeters, DSO, etc.Interesting videos.
I took note of the numbers for the first video where the guy is powering the TV, and this is how the numbers come out. I am calculating this as I type this in, so I don't know how the numbers are going to come out yet, but it should be kind of interesting. I hope I don't make any calculation errors.
He had five 2600 Farad super caps in series = 520 Farads
The super caps were charged to 12.4 Volts
If you do the stored energy calaculation, that should equal 39,977.6 Joules
When the TV shut off, the capacitors had 10V left on them.
That comes out to 26,000 Joules left on the super caps.
So the total Joules consumed while the TV was on was 13,977.6 Joules
I used the youtube video time display and noted the start time of the TV at about 1:43, and the TV shut off at about 4:28. I don't know if that youtube timer indicator is accurate for actual video duration minutes and seconds, but just for sake of doing the calculations, lets say it was close enough.
I calculate the time the TV was on being 2 minutes 45 seconds = 165 seconds
One Watt equals one Joule per second.
So, if we divide the total energy in Joules that was consumed from the super caps by the time duration in seconds that the TV was on, it comes to:
13,977.6 / 165 = 84.7 Watts average power being consumed by the TV for the duration that it was on.
I have an old CRT picture tube TV still kicking around here of maybe a bit bigger size to the one used in the video, and my TV has a label on the back that states my TV uses 168 Watts maximum, but on average it probably uses a fair bit less power than the listed maximum value. I am actually surprised that old CRT TVs used such little power, but I guess the later model ones were built pretty efficient compared to the old boat anchors they used to make.I could have made a calculation error somewhere, but I did a check and one website said CRT TV's they tested use about 0.25 to 0.40 watts per square inch (of the picture tube size I would guess), so it looks like the later model CRT TVs didn't actually use all that much power. It seems a CRT TV can use less power than running a 100 Watt light bulb, so the TV demo is actually kind of deceiving. You'd think TVs like that would have used a lot more power.
Anyway, so there you go. It seems surprising that 5 super capacitors can store enough charge to run a TV for nearly three minutes and still have lots of charge to spare, but those super capacitors amounted to 520 Farads, which is a huge amount of capacitance with a huge amount of charge storage capability. That's 520,000,000 uF !!!
The thing is though, those capacitors have to be charged up first and it should consume the same amount of power to initially charge the capactors as the capacitors have available to power a load. That's the kicker. It shouldn't really matter if you use capacitors in the Farad range or microFarad range, you still have to consume power to initially charge the capacitors up. So the only way you can tell if you are getting over unity from any charged capacitors is you have to measure the amount of power it takes to charge the capacitors first, which is probably tricky as the charge rate will probably not be even over time. It is probably easier to use whatever driver circuit you are using to drive the capacitors while powering a load at the same time, and then you can compare average input power to average output power to look for over unity.
Who knows, maybe there is something unusual going on when you charge capacitors to high voltage from a transformer or tesla coil arrangement, and I guess we can never know for sure without actually trying it. I will say this though, Don seems to have dropped some hints thoughout his presentations, and I guess a person will never know until they actually do experiments with some of these things Don was suggesting, to see what is really going on. Don is not the only one who has done these sorts of things and claimed to see over unity, so there may well be something to some of this stuff. The only way to tell for sure what seems to really have something to it and what does not is to do lots of experimenting.
The problem I see with Don Smith's 'commercial' device in the big equipment rack is not only are all the parts and wiring not visible in the few pictures, but there is apparently no details available on the custom made transformer, which is likely a very important component in the device. Maybe if you look at pictures of Don's large Toroid transformer device which there are a few pictures of, and if you can figure out exactly how he wound that toroid, it might be a really good starting point. That big toroid transformer was made of a special material though, which Don has said was a 'cobalt nickel' core, and who knows how much of a factor the exact core material has to do with the performance of the device? So many variables to consider.
Last edited by level; 02-06-2013, 02:19 PM.level
Did a test yesterday and replaced the cap to a 10nF cap.
It charges in every cycle but the energy in the cap is also 10 times smaller.
I also did a testrun lasting 1 hour without anything on the secondary.
In 1 hour the voltage in my 6V 4.5Ah lead-acid battery dropped 0.01volts, from 6.29 to 6.28volts
Don't know what that says about the current consumption?
Calculated from 6.3V down to 5.25V that would make 105h.
4.5Ah / 105h makes 43mA.
I would have to completly discharge the battery and measure the time to know if this is true?
I also have to try it on 12volts but need to charge my 12v 7Ah battery first.
It should make about 500volts on the secondary.Last edited by janost; 02-06-2013, 09:38 AM.
Originally posted by hotrod68r View Posthi janost.i got a bit more return with a 2uf across the secondary v open.would like to know what this does to input.i haven't set up monitoring of my input yet.and i don't have secondaries at this stage.could you check it out.cheers.
What it does is make a parallel resonant circuit on the secondary.
That removes the flyback and returns a half sinewave to the battery instead that lasts longer.
I can't run like that with a mosfet.
It dissipates heat and makes the mosfet less efficient.
Em radiations
I thought it is of interest to many in this thread
Resonance - Beings of Frequency (documentary film) - YouTube
Good luck to all and be safe