Originally posted by level
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I went back to Tesla when I got confused.Tesla just had a high voltage high frequency coil charging a capacitor,had a spark gap, and pulse to a transformer.
He had the aerial device.
I just thought I would modernise as Don did.
So,I am seeing through Dons work just now.Not only that I have examined countless work on the web and patents.So thats how you solve the puzzle.
My own experiments has helped considerably.As you said that is the way to go.

The trick is now to charge the Capacitors at HIGH FREQUENCY .(Analogous to turning the rotor of a generator faster)I say 50kHz to 1Mhz like they use in PSU.(The enginneers know why they do this! Read up on PSU design and see how they shunt excess energy to ground!)
HIGH FREQUENCY charging is key.I will show you some Spice Sim later with thousands of amps been produced.
By the way ,there are other videos that show fast capacitor charging, especially with a joule thief setup.
Several papers exist online that show studies on fast charging caps.I will link those in later.
One extremely important thing I have noted is the fact that Don said ITS HOW OFTEN WE CYCLE THE ELECTRONS and COLLECT the energy as they return to ambient that determine power.( See five part interview part 1 .Best explanation in my opinion.
So you can cycle 12 volts at 100hz and collect the energy with a capacitor .Cycle 12 volts AGAIN ,this time at 1 Mhz and the power collected by your favourite self healing cap will much greater.
E=0.5 x C x v squared x frequency
If you are playing with coils you have to hunt down the elusive resonance.But with caps its much easier, Donald Smith knew that and so he kept showing his pulse capacitor plate setup and his commercial device and even the lastest videos had mostly capacitor based solutions.
Clean's work with the bifilar based induction heater should be the one to watch for as there is no self induction to stop high frequency currents thus you end of getting most of the available energy.
Don Smith's work progressed from the one transistor coil deal plus the multiple coil receiver at resonance and functioning at over 200Mhz to mostly capacitor based devices at a much lower frequency.That is why he said in one of his pdf that you should use capacitors with a as large a capacity as possible as it allows you to use a lower frequency.A theory confirmed by calculations and my own work with LT Spice.
Here is how the reactions were on the physics forum.I encourage everyone to join, do not mention tesla, Donald Smith Overunity etc as you may be blocked in your progress, they are kinda real sensitive over there.Ask questions about stuff,like I did.Note the answers.
Here is what happened when I asked the hf capacitor charging question.
Charging a Capacitor with High Frequency DC voltage
I am happy with the results of my experiments and results so far, nothing beats that.
This was posted recently: Freeze it and take notes.Notice frequency chances and the result.
Don Smith Table Top Device Part 4 - YouTube