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  • Originally posted by mainsen View Post
    Did anybody here ever experiment with Varicaps? (electrical controllable Caps)
    Im thinking of a Setup with a transformer as part of a LC circuit, and while extracting energy with it keeping the resonance by adjusting the Varicap
    Unfortunately, a varicap diode normally has a few hundred mW dissipation rating, I mean you cannot use them in the some Watts and higher power levels. Of course there were some types in the past and perhaps there are some nowadays too (I have not searched for them) with higher power levels, probably these have higher prices too.

    But why do you think that the resonant frequency changes when you extract energy from an LC circuit? Normally the frequency stays the same, only the loaded Q (figure of merit) decreases, limiting the available energy inside the LC circuit. IF you use a transformer as part of an LC circuit, then you can consider the resultant inductance in advance and choose the resonating C accordingly.



    • Originally posted by T-1000 View Post
      The core is on very high permability - 5500, so frequencies 1-130kHz mostly. I am looking for wide band range for finding best frequency ranges and resonance. Also I would use same circuit for different purposes.


      That core seems to be good for your task. Have you considered using an audio power amplifier IC? there are some with much higher power bandwidth than the 20kHz audio 'limit' set for Hi-Fi, here is for instance the LM1875 type with a decent 20-30W output power and it has the 1dB reduction at 70kHz, and it has a gain-bandwidth product at 5.5Mhz (it has unity gain at 5.5MHz).
      OF course you would have to build the wideband up-transformer from that ferroxcube core, using a special split-winding technics to insure as high bandwidth in itself as possible, not an easy job. And the output of the LM1875 would drive the secondary coil of this transformer and the 220-240V AC (or whatever your turns ratio or using taps) would come out across its primary coil. Here is a data sheet for the IC:

      This is a smaller power, 12W power amplifier with 100kHz bandwidth, maybe the output power could be increased by paralleling some MOSFETs at the output or increasing the supply voltage:
      FET 12W Audio Power Amplifier circuit diagram and instructions

      Good luck.
      Last edited by gyula; 03-28-2013, 10:02 PM.


      • Feedback Capacitive divider JT Device

        Originally posted by janost View Post
        I have now perfected the Mosfet JT to an extremely efficient feedback circuit.
        Now you sounding (and working like) Tesla , way cool man

        Originally posted by janost View Post
        2 capacitors are used instead of 2 batteries.
        They are configured as a capacitive voltage divider.
        I like this idea.

        Originally posted by janost View Post
        It runs even if I disconnect the battery.
        The question is for how long?

        I like where this is going. X 1000 my friend! I am keenly monitoring this one ,
        Last edited by Gedfire; 03-29-2013, 07:03 AM.


        • Originally posted by Gedfire View Post
          Thanks man.Good stuff.Have not seen that schematic before.However, I was referring to the book The Inventions,Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla by Thomas Martin.Some of the schematics are presented in Don's pdf.

          Yeah I've read most of that book as well, I've been linking to that book for
          few years now, I didn't see any claims by Tesla of over 100% efficiency in
          there. I'd be happy to check them out if you noticed some.. It's full of very
          useful inventions and very useful information. Great book.



          • Honours

            Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
            Yeah I've read most of that book as well, I've been linking to that book for
            few years now, I didn't see any claims by Tesla of over 100% efficiency in
            there. I'd be happy to check them out if you noticed some.. It's full of very
            useful inventions and very useful information. Great book.


            Just to let you know that I admire your informed work,opinions and suggestions.

            You are among the members I wish to be around when I finish my device and present it for rigorous testing and evaluation etc.....If I don't see you I will definately PM you.

            Yes,I don't see any claims either in teslas notes,although it may be possibly implied.But as researchers we will experiment and find out huh? Thanks man!



            • Originally posted by zilano View Post

              warning: copper antenna rod must be insulated not to touch any coils. one has to use a high inductor(variable) between copper antenna and the feed to avramenko plug to charge battery.(not shown in the above pic)
              if one finds that battery is not charging optimally then one can add more 4700mfd/12 v caps in parallel or vary the inductance acting as resistance for hv+hf ac.whichever suits best.
              Did you test that circuits or you belive that they work?
              Last edited by SunofFather; 03-29-2013, 07:10 AM.


              • Originally posted by zilano View Post
                try to learn more about induction coils. u will see how pulsed dc is used to induce ac in secondary coil.

                2nd thing is when pulsed dc is fed in parallel Lc combination it oscillates at its Lc frequency. understand below

                Spark gap must be in resonant frencuency or it can bit in any period of time?


                • Anyone heard from Kurt lately ?



                  • Originally posted by gyula View Post
                    Unfortunately, a varicap diode normally has a few hundred mW dissipation rating, I mean you cannot use them in the some Watts and higher power levels. Of course there were some types in the past and perhaps there are some nowadays too (I have not searched for them) with higher power levels, probably these have higher prices too.

                    But why do you think that the resonant frequency changes when you extract energy from an LC circuit? Normally the frequency stays the same, only the loaded Q (figure of merit) decreases, limiting the available energy inside the LC circuit. IF you use a transformer as part of an LC circuit, then you can consider the resultant inductance in advance and choose the resonating C accordingly.

                    Hm ok thanks. I already suspected those Varicaps have limitations. Perhaps its possible to extend them a little by putting more caps in parallel or series.
                    Regarding the LC frequency, u propose to measure primary coils inductance with secondary shorted, if i understand u right.
                    But the primary inductance will change also depending on impedance of load and time of cyclus, and thus changing the LC resonant frequency, or not?
                    That i wanted to compensate with a controllable cap, or perhaps change resonant frequency purposeful. And i can think of more for us OU researchers useful applications like (digital) adjustable LCs, cap banks, filter, etc.


                    • cool vid

                      off topic:
                      Tesla engines - YouTube


                      • Hi mainsen,

                        You are correct, I disregarded the changing load - changing primary inductance effect, considered a fix load only, sorry.

                        Now to come to solve this, perhaps you wish to study the principle and circuits used in automatic antenna tuners (ATU, Antenna Tuning Unit), used by radio amateurs to match quasi any antenna impedance at the various shortwave amateur bands to their transmitter output impedance. Such circuits involve two key elements, one is the so called directional couplers (able to sense incident and reflected powers) and the other is an impedance matcher circuit (Pi or T network) which basically includes coils and capacitors switchable by say relays or power pin diodes. The control of these latter switches is done by a circuit controller (uprocessor) as per info from mainly the directional coupler and power detector. Very often either motorized variable inductors and/or vacuum capacitors are used in the more sophisticated units.
                        Here is a link to see a modern solution to an automatic ATU, (albeit the frequency range is between 800MHz-2GHz):
                        Here is link to a relay-switched solution: W7KF - Five Band Remote Antenna Coupler

                        Problem can be the operating frequency for your circuit because if is in the some kHz or even lower range then one has to adopt the above circuits to be able to deal with it. Still another problem can be the power level involved, this is why I mentioned it in connection with varicaps, varicaps normally work with max. 20-30V DC reverse bias and if the AC amplitude in the LC tank exceeds this, then the diodes may conduct in the forward direction, not a capacitor under that circumstance.

                        rgds, Gyula

                        Originally posted by mainsen View Post
                        Hm ok thanks. I already suspected those Varicaps have limitations. Perhaps its possible to extend them a little by putting more caps in parallel or series.
                        Regarding the LC frequency, u propose to measure primary coils inductance with secondary shorted, if i understand u right.
                        But the primary inductance will change also depending on impedance of load and time of cyclus, and thus changing the LC resonant frequency, or not?
                        That i wanted to compensate with a controllable cap, or perhaps change resonant frequency purposeful. And i can think of more for us OU researchers useful applications like (digital) adjustable LCs, cap banks, filter, etc.


                        • hi all. i tried a fully charged 18v cordless tool battery on my circuit. there was an ascending ringing tone then the led across the base-emitter died along with the transistor i been using.i tried some different npn's out of the junk box.none give as much return as i was getting.i think low turn on base v and a descent hfe are critical to performance.the mje340 is a candidate but with a b-e max 3v i'll put about 20 white leds across it. the leds i got start conducting at about 2.3v. prior to upping the voltage(6-7 v at this stage), there were 2 brief periods where the circuit went from the usual 20-40khz to 156 khz. i don't know if solder joins were touching or if its a mode the circuit can slip into under the right conditions,or if the transistor was on the way out.i got it to do it the second time by touching t1's heatsink. the meter suggested the return was slightly higher than the input,10 and a bit out for 10 in,at that point. also, i've noticed the proximity/attitude of the heatsink to the coil has a bearing on return v input. learn every day.
                          Last edited by hotrod68r; 03-31-2013, 09:03 PM.


                          • Hi hotrod68r,

                            I would like to understand the 3V base-emitter voltage for the MJE340 transistor. Here the data sheet says 5V (in the reverse direction of course)

                            I think that giving 18V supply voltage for such a circuit is big sudden "smash" for it. Gradual increase may be in order...



                            • thanks gyula. i checked 3 other pdfs and they all said 3v. i thought that was unusual. i'll put 2 or 3 leds across b-e, maybe try a staged setup with the lower v drop diodes.

                              i tried an mje340 and like the other ones the return is down on what i got with the toshiba 2sc1173 before. which is only rated to 30v e-c. maybe it had lower on resistance or turn on v or terminal damage or something. i did change the meter shunts from 3.9 to 2.2 ohms, but i wouldn't have thought that could affect the outcome much.
                              Last edited by hotrod68r; 04-03-2013, 04:18 AM. Reason: update


                              • Originally posted by zilano View Post
                                gravity field and coil

                                There not output thrafo, but input, look video one more time.

