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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • Dear Mr Clean.

    Following my insight upon Don Smith's device, I'm so curious that Farmhand could develop
    According to what I've understood about what Kelly wrote, the gap seems having one first virtue: letting the HV tranformer finding its self-resonance frequency without being constrained by the excitatory input.
    I would add this second one: being the source of ether-compression waves creation, which is mandatory for radiant energy capture. I see a great analogy there with the E.V. Gray cell.
    And Utkin gives a third one in his paper about TESLA's secrets: gathering excess energy provoked by charge pumping in the HV transformer (probably at the secondary here).

    The term scalar is ambiguous, because it only indicates a mathematical field of a non-vector quantity. I've just only starting the readings of E. Dollard and I feel of course great consistency with that I deduced from other readings, in line with Faraday, Thompson, Schrödinger and in some extent Feynman (as the guy who understood, gave some clues, but has been cautious to never deny his position of official guru) which are my main inspirations.

    Therefore, there are 2 kinds of scalar waves that may appear with electric circuits. The first one, consists of an electric potential wave as Maxwell theory allows to predict. The second one is an ether-compression wave that corresponds to variation of the local permittivity.

    Indeed, it appears that the more charges accumulate locally and the greater is the permittivity, which is in other terms the electric capacitance of the ether (in F/m). Take a toroid of 1 meter perimeter of void and it yields 8.85e-12 F as a capacitance to gather space charges due to polarization.

    At low frequency, the permittivity is a constant, as usually considered. Paul Stowe established that above the UV frequency, the permittivity does vary: this is the border between the classical wave theory and the quantum theory. It corresponds to the compressibility limit of ether and it produces effects that have never been officially studied in mainstream physics but in Tesla systems.

    When permittivity varies, does the speed of light also varies and the MC2 rest energy too. Therefore material systems tend to move toward the point of lesser rest energy, thus explaining gravity. Scalar waves as ether compression waves are thus also gravitation waves.

    This also brings up some explanations to the Biefeld-Brown effects because an asymmetrical capacitor does create a permittivity gradient which turns into Newtonian acceleration.

    When you understand well my theoretical explanations, you have lot of insights to transform space polarization energy into actual charges and currents within your circuit. There comes lot of ways to provoke ether compression, photons and electron-positron pairs creation so to gather them into the circuit for actual usability as material electricity. TESLA-DON SMITH is a way, but variants are mostly possible (Kacher coils, Romanov, Kapanadze, etc.). You may also find other techniques with the E.V Gray motor and the Hans Coler device. I forget certainly many others.

    Capturing free energy is not a rare phenomenon, it just requires to go in the HV, HF domains where ether may know compression. This is exactly like passing above the sound barrier. I'm not alas enough skilled in experimenting but I hope these explanations may help trigger on new successes.



    • Originally posted by mr.clean View Post
      hehe distracted? i need to be doing multiple projects at once, so when my attention nods off, i can go to the next and stay interested, otherwise i'd never finish a single thing

      but by ferrite rods maybe the LMD analog? those rods are .5" dia 3" long, from Digikey i believe, comes in a huge box of like 100
      coils were wound end to end, 30 gauge mag wire, then measured to find lowest inductance, and removed turns to the rest to make them all 2.133mH and all same direction (the coils will find their own polarities in the process)

      As for the Smith build, in case of plain ole good info..

      -copper tubing for primary (but it was an old coil, used it cause its dia and turns worked out, but was CCW) shouldve been same direction as secondaries (to my knowledge)

      -B&W coil cut in half (didnt have the 4turn/inch so bought the 6 turn/inch)
      better inductance anyway

      -avoid large capacitances, as Don used, based on projects Nemesis, and Zeus popular Tesla coils a huge amount of info was documented and referenced to Colorado Springs notes as guidance, along with conventional transmission line theory being possible. the intention was to construct ~the Magnifier~ but not to follow anyone elses notions on wireless power or vindication of Tesla even... was for unravelling the operation of the Magnifier, and MAX terminal output
      ..."when larger primary inductances are used, more tolerable caps can be used at smaller capacitance, and massive secondary inductances can be brought into play..."

      i weighed the coils to get an idea of needed primary tubing, then compared the lengths, actually wasnt far off from 1/4, but as discovered from the above, systems can be far out of balance and still work if compensated with small enough capacitance
      --and that the spark rate is a small fraction of the tuned frequency (not in most people's ability, unless rotary gap) so im just saying go as small L1 capacitance as you can without having to modify your coil too much

      -dont buy huge output storage caps like Don did, yes they fill right up but just tuning caps where needed and maybe diodes just before load, to act as kind of a resonance barrier in a way, or your tuning will tend to change with different loads. you generally dont want anything robbing power, and untill the big output caps fill up, a load cant be placed onto them ive found.

      gotta run, hope that helps
      Hi Mr Clean.

      Thanks for sharing this

      I see that there is a bit of a spark gap topic I have found some useful information about spark gaps on these sites, I hope it would be helpful.

      Multi-Spark Gap Experiments

      Electrical Discharges

      Best To all


      • Originally posted by African View Post
        Hi Mr Clean.

        Thanks for sharing this

        I see that there is a bit of a spark gap topic I have found some useful information about spark gaps on these sites, I hope it would be helpful.

        Multi-Spark Gap Experiments

        Electrical Discharges

        Best To all

        Hello African,

        Clarence ,

        thanks for that info you posted, I definitely saved those items! and my personal search (me) immediately virtualized one of DON,s photos from some ones past posting ( I believe it was listed as photo C34 ) which showed TWO GDT spark GAPS attached to his demo device terminal strip for that device!!! I wish I could remember that posting so I could re-save that photo back to my pc!

        All of this was interesting since the GAP experiment showed that the two combo spark gaps VS the single or three gap config. gave the way higher COP value!!!! (gigantic higher).

        thanks again, mike, onward!


        • TMT tuning vid

          hi all quick update on the Magnifying Transmitter

          TMT: Tesla Magnifying Transmitter (Pat #1,119,732) - YouTube
          In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
          In the expert's mind there are few.
          -Shunryu Suzuki


          • Originally posted by African View Post
            Hi Mr Clean.

            Thanks for sharing this

            I see that there is a bit of a spark gap topic I have found some useful information about spark gaps on these sites, I hope it would be helpful.

            Multi-Spark Gap Experiments

            Electrical Discharges

            Best To all
            hi buddy, yes ive seen this document, and it looks really good,

            but im curious, wouldn't Intalek be pumped to hook up multi-kilo watt lights to really show the output?

            I do think spark gaps are important, and I do hope this is true
            In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
            In the expert's mind there are few.
            -Shunryu Suzuki


            • Pulsed DC to AC

              Originally posted by Gedfire View Post
              Hello Peculian,
              Thank for your endorsements, useful insights and encouragement.

              To answer the question as to a AC output on L2 when the initial current on L1 is Pulsed DC here goes my very Layman ...
              (1.) Patents: Flyback Design.
              (2.) Naudin’s Solid State Generator: Notice he uses pulsed DC in and uses diodes to rectify the output from coil 2. 2SGen, an amazing tiny Solid State Generator by JL Naudin
              (3.) Magnacoster Device: Lots of diodes at the output despite pulsed DC in.
              (4.) PJK Chapter 11 page 115 May edition.
              (5.) LaserSaber’s Joule Ringer and other Joule Ringers that have secondaries.

              You are all welcome to debunk, clarify or add to what was said.This is my understanding at this time and I am willing to learn from others .

              Best regards
              Hi All,

              Just remembered one of the circumstantial if not direct evidence of pulsed DC to AC by Don Smith himself.

              The Intermediate Device with the adjustable L1 illustrates this beautifully.

              Pulsed DC to L1 and fullwave rectification (of AC current)at L2.Yes, as you know, diodes on both ends of the coil and the centre tap. Good stuff!



              • Spark Gap Power

                Originally posted by clarence View Post
                Hello Deggers,


                OOOPPS!- forgot to say that true to DON'S style he did not show the spark gap (GDT) in the center terminal connection inside the toroid.

                @ALL - cheers

                cheers, mike onward!

                Loved the discussion re: SparkGaps in the subsequent posts.

                However my main question may have been unanswered perhaps because of how I stated it.

                I am curious as to the use of the SparkGap in this device.In this case does the Spark Gap also act as a voltage limiter?

                To answer this I went back to Don Videos,

                In the 1996 Conference and the Interview Video where he tells how to build a device, he does imply another use of sparkgaps as voltage limiters.

                I am theorising that Xrays are one of the components in SG discharges that does stimlulate electron flow in metal.Maybe that was why Tesla had an Xray tube stimulating a shiny insulated metal in his aerial device.In fact I plan to try just that many month from now.(Yes,I will observe the precautions).

                At Xray frequencies I can imagine the excess power gained compared to Radio Frequencies.

                Last edited by Gedfire; 06-04-2013, 03:33 PM.


                • Not only XRays, but all frequencies above the UV are eligibles, the higher frequency, the higher energy.
                  Placing the gap nearby the secondary coil may reinforce capture and increase the efficiency. Don may have found this point experimentally by practicing. Nevertheless, all these clues seem confirming the theoretical insight about photons creation triggered on by an abrupt dU/dt.


                  • Spark Gap Power 2

                    Originally posted by quantumfuel View Post
                    Not only XRays, but all frequencies above the UV are eligibles, the higher frequency, the higher energy.
                    Placing the gap nearby the secondary coil may reinforce capture and increase the efficiency. Don may have found this point experimentally by practicing. Nevertheless, all these clues seem confirming the theoretical insight about photons creation triggered on by an abrupt dU/dt.
                    Thanks for commenting and I agree 100%. Don had the Gray tube illustrations in his archives.The Moray Valve may have operated on similar principle using the sparking capacitor.

                    Last edited by Gedfire; 06-04-2013, 05:17 PM.


                    • Originally posted by quantumfuel View Post
                      Not only XRays, but all frequencies above the UV are eligibles, the higher frequency, the higher energy.
                      Placing the gap nearby the secondary coil may reinforce capture and increase the efficiency. Don may have found this point experimentally by practicing. Nevertheless, all these clues seem confirming the theoretical insight about photons creation triggered on by an abrupt dU/dt.
                      There is no OU in this : you can also place a RF transmitter and a set of receivers and by recover part of energy spent by transmitter you would state it is OU....I saw that kind of effect with Katcher Brovin circuit when all around is full of electrostatic charge and I can recover part of energy with Avramenko plug back to power source (battery) : current consumption fallen a lot but it was still far below COP=1


                      • OK, let's restart from the beginning.
                        I don't reinvent here RF emission, I'm not at this level of gullibility.
                        You misunderstand because so-called photons at RF level are no particle but just regular spherical waves. Furthermore mainstream physics hasn't understood this fundamental difference.

                        What does an abrupt dU/dt is to provoke aether compression waves (variation of the local permittivity). Compression waves are the kind of waves that serve as TEM wave reflector and that catch inside the ambient ether waves. The ambient waves are those evidenced by the Casimir force and also those that correspond to the ZPE.

                        Therefore, you have a net matter creation upon space under the form of high energy photons. Just capture them back and you've got OU. Theoretically you provide one 1/ per photon and space provides you the other half.
                        Last edited by quantumfuel; 06-04-2013, 05:34 PM.


                        • Thought Experiment

                          While we are on this may I hear your thoughts on the following experiment:

                          Using a very still pool of water.Say 5 feet in diameter and 2 feet deep .I install several miniature linear wave generators.Say eight and put them in an regular octagonal formation say 6 inches from the centre of the said pool.I then rhythmically disturbing the centre using maybe, a tapering pendulum suspended at the end of an elastic support.Now I am taking to care to use the least energy as possible and also "tune" the "pulsings" to not oversplash and to not break the elastic support.

                          Given the linear wave generators are made from the best conductors, wound bifilar, have strong neodymiums, and have sufficient surfaces exposed for receiving the incoming waves would it be feasible that you may get more out than in?

                          Thought experimenting.(Yes, I know, I would do it myself if I had the time and resources... )

                          @Quantum, interesting expansion on your orginal post.Lets see where the discussion goes next.



                          • Crowd Fund For Don's Tech Peek

                            I'm sorry if this seems a bit criminal but,I wonder if we could crowd fund a careful
                            techy on a trip to Japan to take a video peek into at one of the vending machines
                            Don's powering with one of his devices? It will be the one that's not plugged in.
                            Last edited by teslasmyhero; 06-05-2013, 10:05 PM.


                            • You got it dude!

                              Originally posted by quantumfuel View Post
                              OK, let's restart from the beginning.
                              I don't reinvent here RF emission, I'm not at this level of gullibility.
                              You misunderstand because so-called photons at RF level are no particle but just regular spherical waves. Furthermore mainstream physics hasn't understood this fundamental difference.

                              What does an abrupt dU/dt is to provoke aether compression waves (variation of the local permittivity). Compression waves are the kind of waves that serve as TEM wave reflector and that catch inside the ambient ether waves. The ambient waves are those evidenced by the Casimir force and also those that correspond to the ZPE.

                              Therefore, you have a net matter creation upon space under the form of high energy photons. Just capture them back and you've got OU. Theoretically you provide one 1/ per photon and space provides you the other half.
                              Very nice and detailed explanation of what really is happening on tesla coil. Many thanks.


                              • Tx Stupify12 and others.
                                I published more detailed explanations in French here.
                                MagnetoSynergie - Projet générateur de photons V1
                                I also have its English translation, just ask it.

