Originally posted by dragon
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Is what you have done with your research any different than what I've been doing here on this forum? No, not really. I'm not much different than you, but did I discredit you, and piss all over your efforts? There have been two or three successful replications here with my proof of concept circuits. With another modification they will produce excess power. With an additional modification high wattage could be obtained. Can you say the same about your circuits? The answer is a resounding big NO. Did I discredit you? NO. Did I encourage, and support your effects? YES!!!
The difference between you and I is that you were too much of a coward to take a stand for your own work. You put this burden on other people, pulled up a seat and waited to see the response before you decided to make your next move.
You know what? I'm done here as well. Your mission here is accomplished. Your so called secrets are safe, for the moment.
Major Mudd here, over and out...
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