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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • Originally posted by bbem View Post
    I admire your experimenter craftmenship and drive.

    All the information about "Cold Electricity" (Tesla called it Radiant Energy) can be read in the book of Peter Lindemann "The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity".
    (You will also find info in the thread I posted)
    You need to choke (eliminate) the electrons out of your circuit using a coil or capacitors.
    If this is not done properly you will dissipate power and still get shocked when touching.

    If you want to see it at work, view all videos at Dole's YT channel, and read the comments.
    dole - YouTube
    Nice vid on "Cold Electricity". I'll take another look at Peter's book but could you show the schematic of the circuit you used in doing that video? Tnx
    There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


    • @ewizard
      These are not my videos, they are of a person called Dole at OU and he posted here at EF four times.

      In the comment of the video he states:
      "schematic : h t t p: / / w w w, tfcbooks, com/tesla/nt_on_ac, htm#35 Capacitors at least 2x input Voltage and capacity depend on circuit frequency you are looking for."
      -> So this is then Nikola Tesla On His Work With Alternating Currents -- Chapter IV
      Also he mentions:
      "Two 202K 40kV in parallel on each side, ignition transformer 10kV, rotary spark gap, but ordinary spark gap will work to."
      Last edited by bbem; 12-11-2013, 08:53 PM.


      • Human hair wigs now are helpful to more and more people now, and do you know why? Just here you will know how helpful the human hair wigs are to people now. In different conditions such as the party, in the office different hair style are suitable for different situation and even meet with people’s suit and so on. But if need to have the hair cut just to suit one case this is really a big trouble. If so then the synthetic wig will give a hand to people.


        • What Happened To The Search Drop Box???

          Hello @ ALL,

          I used to be able to click the SEARCH word and a drop box would drop down and then I could double click inside the box and insert the name DON SMITH
          and that thread concerning his devices would show up along with several other renewable energy threads of like kind but now when I click the search word nothing but a long involved nightmare run around of some kind shows up????

          What happened?????? can someone tell me how to get back to that simple procedure????

          would love to hear some good news about it!!!

          as always, onward!



          • Originally posted by clarence View Post
            Hello @ ALL,

            I used to be able to click the SEARCH word and a drop box would drop down and then I could double click inside the box and insert the name DON SMITH
            and that thread concerning his devices would show up along with several other renewable energy threads of like kind but now when I click the search word nothing but a long involved nightmare run around of some kind shows up????

            What happened?????? can someone tell me how to get back to that simple procedure????

            would love to hear some good news about it!!!

            as always, onward!

            Hi Clarence,
            Single left click the word Search. If your drop down doesn't appear and some form does, then single left click the Search word again. Single left click the blank area then type your search term, don smith. MAKE SURE the "Show Posts" button is selected or you will go down a bunny trail. This should solve your problem.
            Good Luck,


            • More Don Smith Videos

              Hello ,

              Any possibility of anymore existing Don videos? I understand he had done other conferences 1995 and 2003.Gave handouts. too.Can we get in touch with anyone who had attended any of Don's conferences.

              Last edited by Gedfire; 12-18-2013, 01:39 AM.


              • Here is a couple of pics of my Mazilli oscillator yoke circuit lighting a 100 watt bulb on a 12v, 4.5aH battery. The battery lasted almost an hour running the circuit at what looks like about 1/2 grid lumins. The second image is the comparison between the 100 watt bulb on the grid source, (upper bulb), and the one running on the oscillator circuit (lower bulb).
                Both Fets blew when connecting the circuit to 24 volts.
                Attached Files


                • The open ended coil acts like a spring the bemf off the primary compresses it, study this.
                  Power Transmission in a lumped circuit Scenario 2 - YouTube
                  Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                  • Positive Strategy and Possibilities

                    Dear Wesley and Vasmus and DragonsLord and Anonymous and Dunfasto and many others .

                    I am very grateful and happy with the films and translations from the wonderful people who made a device .

                    I believe they are very good working devices that inspire us to go on with understanding the technique and soon many of us will be able to replicate this technology and the Earth wil be a better place soon.

                    Wesley News part#3 Vasmus Free Energy one of the 6 translations of Vasmus by Stivep1 (coming via DragonsLord76)

                    Wesley News: ANONIM Free Energy Generator (from Armenia) the person says he worked six years on this technology and is enthousiast to show it to his brother , that`s why he put it on youtube ... I am very happy that he did it .. it inspires me

                    For 2014 it might be a good idea to have some … or more new strategies .

                    It is interesting to see how people react on new offered information.

                    I prefer to ignore all negative suggestions, questions, scenario`s … because everything that you give your attention to gets bigger.

                    Abraham Hicks inspires me with wonderful information on how to deal with this : Abraham - When others around you are negative, just hang up

                    That is also the case for putting your attention to wanted and possitive things … it gets bigger and more : Abraham Hicks - How Can I Stay Positive In This Negative World

                    Donald L Smith

                    I am thankful for your work and i know that together we can achieve more and more results .
                    I wish every body Love and Light and Free Eenergy in 2014

                    Utopia Now


                    • Originally posted by baroutologos View Post
                      I have been devoted past week at studying Donanld Smith's devices and theories.
                      This man seems serious and claims that overunity or an extraordinary energy gain can be achieved with moderate means.

                      One device illustrated, and as claime, it was presented at a Tesla symposium, it was the image below.

                      Don Smith claims that a high frequency alternating current could be modified in frequency by the application of a resistor, a capacitor or perhaps a coil (choke) wired in parallel to the initial HF source.

                      Does it tell anything to anyone that? Is it makes any sense? That illustration uses a 12 volt powered Neon Sign Transfromer to charge 8000uF caps at 400 volts or so.

                      LOL? how the... can it be? Is the man heavily miscalculating or is there any explaination to this?


                      Tells me Voltage per second vs Cycles per second.


                      • Replication Vs Experimentation

                        Hello @ ALL,

                        have really been busy with winter season farm work and as a result the finish of my DS replication has suffered drastically. however as often as I have qued the DS thread I see that the experimentors have finally killed off the upkeep of the thread. the only thing I have seen lately is the REPLICATED work of DS devices by the chinese. seems they have the naivete to see that when something works do that Same thing too instead of trying to go off and make a square wheel out of a round wheel!

                        Oh well! after the end of January I will be able to finish what I started and I will be back to show & go.

                        a promise!

                        as always, mike onward!


                        • Dear All.

                          Any ideas as to what is going on here ??


                          Cheers Grum.


                          • Dear all.

                            Here is the schematic. Please note that the Ground connection is common.

                            Cheers Grum.
                            Attached Files


                            • back to don smith device

                              one Chinese replicator just provide a suitable high voltage signal near L1 and not contact with L1,the bulb light

                              Last edited by cumpood; 01-12-2014, 05:29 AM.


                              • Looks Sweet And Simple - DS REPLICATION!

                                Originally posted by cumpood View Post
                                one Chinese replicator just provide a suitable high voltage signal near L1 and not contact with L1,the bulb light

                                Hello cumpood,

                                AT LAST a genuine simple (as pure as possible) uncluttered DON SMITH replication!

                                I see your Flyback transformer unit - The resonate cap for L1 - the proper L1 / L2 setup - The resonate cap and diode setup for L2 output - the storage cap setup for input to stepdown load use isolation transformer - the coil setup for batt recharge - SWEET!

                                as always , mike onward!

