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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • resonate frequency 0f low voltage flyback coils?

    Hello Cumpood,

    clarence here,

    after studying your Don Smith replication and observing the glow of the light bulb I was curious as to what the resonate frequency of the low voltage flyback driver coils was? since it would be difficult to measure the frequency of the high voltage flyback coil measureing the frequency of the low voltage coils sufices since their frequency automatically determines the frequency of the high voltage coil anyway!

    when you get a chance please could you post that info to answer my curiosity? thanks.

    as always, mike onward!


    • the image i posted is not mine,i get this image from a Chinese chatting group using a chatting software call Tecent QQ,it seems that image is two years ago. i don't get any more info about that image because all the success replicator have quit that group。 so i don't know the frequency.

      this is the early version of don smith device by another replicator,his last version is the no spark gap version that someone have already post here

      Originally posted by clarence View Post
      Hello Cumpood,

      clarence here,

      after studying your Don Smith replication and observing the glow of the light bulb I was curious as to what the resonate frequency of the low voltage flyback driver coils was? since it would be difficult to measure the frequency of the high voltage flyback coil measureing the frequency of the low voltage coils sufices since their frequency automatically determines the frequency of the high voltage coil anyway!

      when you get a chance please could you post that info to answer my curiosity? thanks.

      as always, mike onward!


      • Frequency info

        Hello Cumpood,

        Clarence here,

        thank you for your kindness in replying to my post Sir!
        I was just curious because the 2yr old replication was an almost pure D S type
        device which really grabbed my curiosity.

        thanks again!

        as always, mike onward!


        • don smith device ongoing

          these is some pics of my don smith device,spark gap is not used,i use a single mosfet,the driving voltage is 380V,the output efficient is about 50%-70% 。the secondary is as same as don smith circuit.

          the replicator have said “why don't you trying vibrate the voltage above 3000V in primary LC and see the effect in secondary if you have time "

          as the replicator said,he got the idea from telsa's Colorado Spring Notes,Tesla have provide the high efficiency setup for primary as the last image

          Last edited by cumpood; 01-13-2014, 12:54 PM.


          • negistor

            I came across a picture of a negistor circuit (see below) on this forum: Lets start the new year with a bang!

            It was taken from this website from JL Naudin: A Negative Differential Resistance Oscillator with a Negistor

            It handles about negative resistors (negistors).

            Following the hotlink on the Naudin website: "NDR Oscillator tests with Load" i came to this website: The NDR Oscillator with LOAD

            which on its own has a hotlink ("About Negative Resistance Oscillators" by the University of St. Andrews) to this website: Negative Resistance Oscillators

            At the bottom of that website i found the picture of the 3 oscillating states which was very familair to me as i have seen a similar picture in one of Don Smith his lectures and was published also on this forum some time ago.

            So i decided to build the little circuit (negistor) and do some tests to see if i could replicate those 3 oscillating states.

            Video here: negistor 1 - YouTube

            Regards Itsu
            Attached Files


            • Resonant magnetic flux effect

              If you can build, you should take a look at this.

              Lenzless resonant transformer

              I discovered resonant magnetic flux effect. Output does not affect input. Output power depends on the Q-factor of the resonant LC-circuits. Transformer gives out more electrical energy than it requires to run. Magnetic energy is contained within the core and it is used to efficiently create electrical energy.

              I did a low power version, see how much it can be scaled up. There is a pdf which exlains why it works. If you agree with my conclusions then maybe it is time to have a go at it


              • Output is series resonant circuit while input parallel resonant circuit ,right ? how is load connected to output resonant circuit ? Transformer ? The same resonant frequency on input/output ?
                Is output resonant circuit really required ? With high-Q parallel tank circuit on primary COP can be quite high if really there is no "back force" to the primary, but I doubt, because not only core comply with lenz rule but also the standard tranformer action with two closely coupled coils one on another...or I'm wrong ?


                • Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                  Output is series resonant circuit while input parallel resonant circuit ,right ? how is load connected to output resonant circuit ? Transformer ? The same resonant frequency on input/output ?
                  Is output resonant circuit really required ? With high-Q parallel tank circuit on primary COP can be quite high if really there is no "back force" to the primary, but I doubt, because not only core comply with lenz rule but also the standard tranformer action with two closely coupled coils one on another...or I'm wrong ?
                  Load is simply inside the output resonant circuit. When field collapse occurs in the output tank, current rushes to another side of the capacitor powering any load there is in its way. At the same time the two output coils enforce each other and when current rush ends there is more energy in the capacitor plate. This is how I see it.

                  So far my power levels are low, I got best results when I was able to place capacitor in the primary side.

                  There are two inductance fields here, one is from solenoid action and one is from looped action. Looped action does not affect source but solenoid action does. In order to get anything useful out from this, looped action needs to be maximised.

                  I don't have time to read this thread so any questions/comments should be done in the thread I created for this.


                  • In an effort to also help to keep this thread alive...
                    I'd like to show what I've been working on lately, just in case anyone else might be interested to sharing any ideas to improve, my results.
                    Below is my version of the GeoFusion- Mazzili/yoke circuit device, which I had previously shown a picture of it using a yoke to light a single 100w, 110v bulb. I then connected more bulbs to this Mazilli/yoke circuit for a total of 460 watts, partially lit from a 12v, 4.5 hour battery.
                    The second picture is the same Mazilli circuit but connected a flyback ferrite core, and using some tuning caps before and after this flyback core, which is also then connected to a ferrite filled air coil.
                    Last night I added a bridge rectifier to the output of the feed-back coil (white coil), a filter cap, and connected it back to the battery input. It lit the bulb for over 3 hours before going out. I'm still working on this.
                    The idea is to make this into a self runner. Any ideas are welcome...
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by Nick_Z; 01-22-2014, 03:54 PM.


                    • Its Alive

                      Originally posted by Nick_Z View Post
                      In an effort to also help to keep this thread alive...
                      I'd like to show what I've been working on lately, just in case anyone else might be interested to sharing any ideas to improve, my results.
                      Below is my version of the GeoFusion- Mazzili/yoke circuit device, which I had previously shown a picture of it using a yoke to light a single 100w, 110v bulb. I then connected more bulbs to this Mazilli/yoke circuit for a total of 460 watts, partially lit from a 12v, 4.5 hour battery.
                      The second picture is the same Mazilli circuit but connected a flyback ferrite core, and using some tuning caps before and after this flyback core, which is also then connected to a ferrite filled air coil.
                      Last night I added a bridge rectifier to the output of the feed-back coil (white coil), a filter cap, and connected it back to the battery input. It lit the bulb for over 3 hours before going out. I'm still working on this.
                      The idea is to make this into a self runner. Any ideas are welcome...
                      To you, Clarence and others,

                      Thanks for keeping things alive.I still visit here perhaps twice weekly.I am very much keeping abreast of things.Just that like you,I would rather come with something than nothing at this point in time.I will stick with this thread as long as it takes.My 7:40 to 4:00 pm job is extremely demanding but, I will still power on.

                      to the guardians of the light!



                      • small simple SEARCH box dissapeared again

                        Originally posted by tachyoncatcher View Post
                        Hi Clarence,
                        Single left click the word Search. If your drop down doesn't appear and some form does, then single left click the Search word again. Single left click the blank area then type your search term, don smith. MAKE SURE the "Show Posts" button is selected or you will go down a bunny trail. This should solve your problem.
                        Good Luck,
                        Hello tachyoncatcher,
                        & ALL

                        my simple search LITTLE drop down box disappeared again and that long drawn out get nowhere at all search CRAP came back in its place!
                        I tried the procedure as shown but it never would bring it back!!

                        I would like some more good recommendations from members to overcome this crappy procedure (ADMIN needs to correct this problem once and forall!) so that I can get back to easy use of this Don Smith thread as it is near and dear to me!

                        thanks in advance members!

                        as always, mike onward!


                        • Originally posted by T-1000 View Post
                          Don't remember on which book it was but definately it is buried somethere in my PC..
                          On another hand here is a link to Donald L. Smith 1996 Tesla Symposium Part 8 - YouTube where trumpet wave originaly was shown.
                          Hi T-1000,

                          Do you have time to search and post this book?
                          I would like to know the title etc... Don read it!




                          • Originally posted by cognito View Post
                            Hi T-1000,

                            Do you have time to search and post this book?
                            I would like to know the title etc... Don read it!


                            Factor of resistance

                            R^2>4L/C overdamped ring down oscillations

                            R^2=4L/C - sinus

                            R^2<<4L/C underdamped , ringing up , that's what Tesla used and Don Smith

                            however there is one problem - actually most of current methods of powering tnk circuit makes a path for energy escape in a form of radio waves or to the source so such tank circuits does not care about that factor being forced oscillations.

                            Above is my opinion only...


                            • Here is a video I just uploaded showing my version of the GeoFusion - "Round Core" Mazilli/yoke circuit device.
                              In this video I'm lighting up 5 100 watt, 110v incandescent bulbs.
                              I'm only showing what my 4.5 ah, 12v battery can do to these five bulbs.
                              And, I'm not claiming that there is 500 watts output coming out of the device, nor can I even read my analog meter to see what voltage is at the bulbs, as the readings are not correct.

                              Here's a link to my version of this GeoFusion - round core replication.

                              Round core replication 01 - YouTube


                              • Hello ewizard, here is another interesting link to the cold or radiant electricity by ufopolitics


                                Warmest regards


