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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • Originally posted by Nick_Z View Post
    There is no more info on that device that I know of.
    Although we have been discussing it at under the Dally thread, there are no replications of that device to date. Not all is being shown.
    So we have been trying to find what we can about it.
    There are no other devices similar to it, either, which are self running from a simple Kacher circuit to provide up to 4000kW output.
    So, it's still worth looking into it... unless we find that it's also a fake.
    But, I hope that it's not. As it gave us some hope.
    That's all I can say for now.


    i hope so too, most OU devices look like enigmatic especially motionless generators that provide huge power, i understand you mean 4000W not 4000KW

    if this device is true it will be superior compared Don Smith device since we don't need an output transformer.. in my opinion it's better to follow what we understand and let what don't .. this is for me of course but it's good to look into other interesting device.

    replication is the big problem because most open researchers in this field will face a lots of problems, the lack of resources for example .. but the situation now seem to be good due to the internet where we could share our thinking very easily but not everyone will post his success even if the first idea is yours !

    about me nothing exciting is happening, i stopped the experiment until i find a good ferromagnetic core, Metgals is the best, you can make the desire shape with easy but it's very expensive and not available in all the world , the ferrite is available but it come with small size even there's some easy way to make the desired shape using the cement , just mixing the crumbled ferrite plus the cement and some sand ... after that you could use the polyester resin over it and finally you have what you want! this is my plan to make the ferrite core i need, this is the most easy and cheap method

    the process can be enhanced according your skills.


    • Magnet Field lines of opposing magnets and attracting Magnets

      Hallo Guys I found this video on YouTube, about magnet field lines shown on an old TV like Floyd Sweet also showed in one of his video`s.

      Very interesting to see the round Bar Magnet inside the ring magnetron Magnet.
      At the end of the video you see them together in a split screen view.


      • Med.3012:
        Ok, I corrected my comment about the output of Poma's device to 4000 watts. Thanks.
        You can obtain ferrite from old monitors or tv to use as we have for the Ruslan/Akula replication. Or ferrite from the Tv flyback cores. For free.
        However, Poma's device is just using simple air cores, and still has at least as high an output as ANY of the other guys.

        Here is a video of my current build. Although I'm still working on it, so it's not a done deal. I'm trying to find how Poma does what he is showing in his video(s), in my own way. While waiting for some parts to continue on with the Ruslan replication.


        • Originally posted by Nick_Z View Post
          Ok, I corrected my comment about the output of Poma's device to 4000 watts. Thanks.
          You can obtain ferrite from old monitors or tv to use as we have for the Ruslan/Akula replication. Or ferrite from the Tv flyback cores. For free.
          However, Poma's device is just using simple air cores, and still has at least as high an output as ANY of the other guys.

          Here is a video of my current build. Although I'm still working on it, so it's not a done deal. I'm trying to find how Poma does what he is showing in his video(s), in my own way. While waiting for some parts to continue on with the Ruslan replication.



          interesting video, i agree the ferrite is available everywhere and very cheap sometimes for free , but the shape isn't optimum because it's designed for other purpose other than free energy generation, Flyback ferrite is very small to work with, TV yoke isn't the best in my device, still small size, but i am thinking about some new circuit and new optimization , sometimes it's a good idea to work in low voltage and see what's going on, this is safe and work fast .. in high voltage the work is slow ... i think we are at the same level of progress :-) Good work



          • Ruslan=Akula=Poma=CP=Kablauhov are russian trolls. Do you know this?


            You must to work with writings of Tesla, Smith, Hertz, Kapanadze, Biden, Bedini, Mark, Hubbard, Grey, Keely.
            Last edited by DigitalM; 07-01-2016, 11:21 PM.


            • Originally posted by DigitalM View Post
              Ruslan=Akula=Poma=CP=Kablauhov are russian trolls. Do you know this?


              You must to work with writings of Tesla, Smith, Hertz, Kapanadze, Biden, Bedini, Mark, Hubbard, Grey, Keely.

              Thanks for your suggestion, about me i can't judge something i didn't tested personally, maybe there's something hidden there ! the reason about this until now there's no significant progress about Don Smith device... even there's some claims from here and there but i really don't know .. the story of OU devices must be written together , we need to help each other with replication or comments and advice .


              • Faraday did a series of experiments on our subject, but not explained to the ongoing processes. Maxwell and Tesla continued this work in theory and practice, respectively. To replicate Smith's devices, we must turn to the notes of Tesla and Maxwell, as advised Smith.
                Tesla Bible @ EX.UA
                Last edited by DigitalM; 07-02-2016, 04:48 PM.


                • Originally posted by DigitalM View Post
                  Faraday did a series of experiments on our subject, but not explained to the ongoing processes. Maxwell and Tesla continued this work in theory and practice, respectively. To replicate Smith's devices, we must turn to the notes of Tesla and Maxwell, as advised Smith.
                  Tesla Bible @ EX.UA

                  i agree Smith system depend on Tesla and Maxwell works, it's all about electrostatic induction as explained by Mr Tesla, my research is depending on a very small amount of information given by Tesla regarding his famous Bifilar coil :

                  Tesla said : My present invention has for its object to avoid the employment of
                  condensers which are expensive, cumbersome and difficult to maintain in
                  perfect condition, and to so construct the coils themselves as to accomplish
                  the same ultimate object

                  constructing the coil while you have a capacitor built in is something beyond the conventional electrical science, it has a strong relation with quantum mechanic, negative energy ( Dirac ) , the electric current as we know it will be absent and we only have electrons spin as suggested by Don Smith .. this is actually what will happen in the extended Tesla Bifilar coil or shortly the ETBC.

         ( this document need an update .. )

                  the ETBC is a special capacitor coil but the role of either the capacitor or the coil is hidden in the electron spinning behavior, this mean if the electrons spin CW they actually produce magnetic field (coil) ... but if they spin CCW they produce electric field ( capacitor )

                  because the coil and the capacitor come in one state or device they must meet each other in just one point .. ! in this point Maxwell displacement current simply disappear and changed by electron spin changing mechanism; the electrons must relax to change the spin direction , the ETBC provide an excellent geometry for this special moment because each side can be either CW OR CCW according your view side ... in front of your eyes the CW side will appear as CCW from behind so it's possible to bypass the displacement current just by changing the electrons spin direction and this appear naturally ... because of this you have twice the frequency compared normal parallel LC circuit...

                  it's also this moment when we could achieve useful electric energy from the virtual reactive current ... this mean the more reactive current you give to the ETBC the power power you have, in practice it's not easy to supply a good reactive current ( thousands of ampere reactive ) unless you have the resonance or a special mechanism to optimize the process of reactive current production ..

                  the most new system is the serial ETBC ( the idea is patented now free for no commercial purpose ) in this arrangement you need a ferromagnetic core and you need several ETBC, the more the better, all the extended Tesla Bifilar coils have to be identical , the first experiments show a good amount of power but still under unity to make a self power unit ...

                  back to the reactive electric current we have to notice the use of heat sink in Don Smith commercial device shows in his 1996 video, heat sink mean you have a very strong electric current created from miliwatts source of power..., this is possible only when you have the resonance maintained, the system only convert reactive current to active and provide real power since the electrons when changing the spin they meet the condition CCW + CW together at the same time ... this is the secret to achieve real power from unreal reactive.
                  Last edited by med.3012; 07-03-2016, 12:16 AM. Reason: simple correction


                  • "i agree Smith system depend on Tesla and Maxwell works, it's all about electrostatic induction as explained by Mr Tesla, my research is depending on a very small amount of information given by Tesla regarding his famous Bifilar coil"
                    end quote.

                    If you agree that what you mentioned above is similar to what Tesla had mentioned, please quote where Tesla talks about "electrons" or "electron spin".

                    As far as I understand, Tesla wrote about tapping the Aether, not about spinning electrons, or moving electrons. Not the same thing...


                    • Originally posted by DigitalM View Post
                      Faraday did a series of experiments on our subject, but not explained to the ongoing processes. Maxwell and Tesla continued this work in theory and practice, respectively. To replicate Smith's devices, we must turn to the notes of Tesla and Maxwell, as advised Smith.
                      Tesla Bible @ EX.UA
                      DigitalM - Thank You very much for the book link; one that I have not seen before but, IMHO, an extremely valuable reference and an "easy read!"

                      With respect to your "troll" comment above; maybe a bit harsh since these fellows (especially Ruslan) through their dedication, hard work, expenditure and very long hours have demonstrated that some of these [OU] techniques can produce results. Even though they may be a "bit short," or hesitant for whatever reasons, on presenting details or theories; their contributions I find to be the primary game changer - conclusive demonstrated evidence that "it" can actually be accomplished!

                      Anyway, thanks again and have a great week...


                      • Originally posted by Nick_Z View Post
                        "i agree Smith system depend on Tesla and Maxwell works, it's all about electrostatic induction as explained by Mr Tesla, my research is depending on a very small amount of information given by Tesla regarding his famous Bifilar coil"
                        end quote.

                        If you agree that what you mentioned above is similar to what Tesla had mentioned, please quote where Tesla talks about "electrons" or "electron spin".

                        As far as I understand, Tesla wrote about tapping the Aether, not about spinning electrons, or moving electrons. Not the same thing...

                        my work depend on Tesla and Maxwell and finally Donald Smith, the three together but i don't forget Tom Bearden ... , i agree Tesla wrote about tapping the Aether energy, Don Smith named it background energy but a lots of us name it ZERO POINT ENERGY or ZPE, as you see each name has a special story behind it even though they all talk about the same thing, there's a power around us that can be taped and converted to do useful work ..

                        For Tesla to do his experiments he actually need to charge a capacitor and discharge it in his system and this involve the use of a moving charges or electricity...., i can reply you regarding the process discussed, the idea of electron spin came after Tesla , and its known in Quantum Mechanical .
                        Last edited by med.3012; 07-03-2016, 06:45 PM. Reason: adding Tom Bearden


                        • ALL information in the presented book about OU devices, but it is reshuffled and it makes double sense. In other case this book wouldn't reach us! I advise to begin with page 119. It is necessary to repeat experiments Tesla one by one.
                          Do you want to start together?


                          • Originally posted by DigitalM View Post
                            ALL information in the presented book about OU devices, but it is reshuffled and it makes double sense. In other case this book wouldn't reach us! I advise to begin with page 119. It is necessary to repeat experiments Tesla one by one.
                            Do you want to start together?

                            i wasn't able to see that book, do you have another download link ?


                            • med:
                              I have never heard of Tesla mentioning anything concerning electrons, electron spin, and much less quantum anything.
                              Please quote him on that, if you can. As those terms you mentioned do NOT sound like Tesla, to me. And I doubt that Tesla would agree with those terms, and ideas. People talk about many things, some of which they don't even understand. Such as concerning the Aether, and how to tap it to obtain use able power therefrom.
                              In any case, we are all here to learn. Or to unlearn, what we are being taught in error, to this day.
                              Last edited by Nick_Z; 07-04-2016, 07:48 PM.


                              • Originally posted by Nick_Z View Post
                                I have never heard of Tesla mentioning anything concerning electrons, electron spin, and much less quantum anything.
                                Please quote him on that, if you can. As those terms you mentioned do NOT sound like Tesla, to me. And I doubt that Tesla would agree with those terms, and ideas. People talk about many things, some of which they don't even understand. Such as concerning the Aether, and how to tap it to obtain use able power therefrom.
                                In any case, we are all here to learn. Or to unlearn, what we are being taught in error, to this day.

                                Unfortunately the most interesting device is the less understood , i am talking about the CAPACITOR where you have two separated conducting plate by a dielectric, in AC the capacitor conduct the electricity even there's no real current flow, in other words the two plate are separated physically but still conduct the electricity as if there's another hidden phenomena that still not fully covered..

                                displacement current By Maxwell is a mathematical solution which is far from the reality of physic and this is another problem where we have to use the mathematics to describe a very complicated phenomena, displacement current give the correct answer but in has some flaws more details is here :


                                i will post more ...

