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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • In private with Bruce. This is where most of the material in this thread comes from. Don shared with Bruce and then Bruce shared with me, so I could share with you guys.

    They were good friends and respected each others research.

    Don had a stroke and years later died of natural causes. TPTB had nothing to do with it.

    Don had some interesting theories.

    Don wasn't using an antenna.
    Last edited by soundiceuk; 12-13-2016, 05:40 PM.


    • Originally posted by Gedfire View Post
      What other good stuff that you have on Don.
      Well there was the videos that Bruce filmed.

      The Don Smith library.

      The photographs.

      The audio presentations.

      There is probably a few little bits here and there apart from their private correspondences that haven't been shared.


      • Originally posted by serendipitor View Post
        I have a long wire strung up through the trees, over hill and dale. It averages about 3m off the ground, but is less and more as the terrain varies.

        I tested the resonance of the wire against my ground (two 4' copper rods connected together, hammered into a totally saturated wet zone) using a function generator with a 1k ohm resistor in series, and the scope across the antenna. I found the 1/4 wave dip in impedance to be about 450kHz. I may shorten the wire a bit on the far end to bring it up to 500kHz, just to make it standardized according to the inventor's ideas. Because of large variations due to ground (including ground lead length) and such, there is no way to know where wire will resonate without testing and adjusting.
        Great job Serendipitor!

        Firstly I would like to say thank you to these three replicators who had the time, money and knowledge to prove whether the technology works as claimed.

        Second, I would like to get a list of experimenters and enthusiasts who would be interested in being involved in a research and development team.

        If you would like to see proof that this technology works, please add your name to the list.

        Thank you!


        • Don Smith's Bits and Pieces

          Originally posted by soundiceuk View Post
          Well there was the videos that Bruce filmed.

          The Don Smith library.

          The photographs.

          The audio presentations.

          There is probably a few little bits here and there apart from their private correspondences that haven't been shared.

          Could you share those "few little bits here and there" with us?



          • Hey your avatar suits you!

            I'll see what I can do.


            • Originally posted by soundiceuk View Post
              Hey your avatar suits you!

              I'll see what I can do.

              everything about Don Smith will be great ..


              • Don Smith Extras Outtakes

                Originally posted by soundiceuk View Post
                Hey your avatar suits you!

                I'll see what I can do.

                About my avatar indeed.Someone tossed me that bone sometime ago.Now I am ready for more or rather the T-Bone steak with less bone! Anymore Don Smith material you have would be ver very welcome!

                Feed us please!


                • After giving it some thought, I wouldn't be doing you a favour.

                  There is no point feeding a delusion.

                  Unfortunately it is a dead end. It cost me a large chunk of my time.

                  As you will appreciate time is precious.

                  My purpose here is to provide a huge time saving solution that will better humanity.

                  I feel I would be doing something negative providing anything that will waste time.

                  Too much time has been wasted already!

                  Don's radiant energy chapter is finished but the next radiant energy chapter continues.


                  • OK, my antenna is up. It's about 500 feet of 22 AWG bare copper wire, supported on PVC pipes strapped to existing fence posts. It varies in height from about 12 to 20 feet above the ground. I had started off with using the 30 gauge wire, but ran into several difficulties. First, it wants to kink very easily. Even if you pay it out by turning the spool, it still has some residual coil and wants to coil back up if there is any slack. As you're pulling the long wire through multiple supports, it's not practical to just yank on the far end, you'll break the wire. You have to work a little slack through a few feet at a time unless you had a bunch of helpers, one on each pole. Second, 30 gauge wire is very fragile. You can break it very easily if you're not extremely careful when pulling it. On my first attempt I wasn't able to get done in one day, so some of the wire was still close to the ground and everything imaginable kept happening to it. I almost stumbled into it several times myself it's so hard to see, and several other people actually did and broke it.

                    Since the outfit I bought the wire from has a $25 minimum order, I bought two spools of wire, one 30 and 22 AWG. I decided on 22 gauge because a one pound spool is just about 500 feet long, so I'd have a backup plan in case the 30 gauge didn't work out. Sure enough, it took almost the entire spool but I had just a little left. The 22 gauge is much stronger, I'm sure you could break it by pulling on it but you'd really have to try hard, it's not so easy to damage accidentally the way the 30 gauge is.

                    Antenna tests and measurements coming soon!


                    • Originally posted by soundiceuk View Post

                      Unfortunately it is a dead end.
                      it's a dead end in your side .. the problem with Don Smith resonance induction system is the misunderstanding, there's some conditions that must be accomplished in order to say it's a dead end ...


                      • Don't get your knickers in a twist!

                        Lots of bold claims from Don, Zilano and a few others. But no proof after all these years!

                        I'm happy to see a circuit diagram with component values that has been replicated.

                        Unless someone can show us otherwise, it is merely a high efficiency lighting circuit.

                        Self running I have yet to see, although it has been claimed.


                        • Originally posted by soundiceuk View Post
                          Don't get your knickers in a twist!

                          Lots of bold claims from Don, Zilano and a few others. But no proof after all these years!

                          I'm happy to see a circuit diagram with component values that has been replicated.

                          Unless someone can show us otherwise, it is merely a high efficiency lighting circuit.

                          Self running I have yet to see, although it has been claimed.

                          i am sorry because i am not a native English speaker, so i use the translator to understand something like this :

                          don't get your knickers in a twist
                          when one gets upset or crazy over something most people think is unimportant
                          Sally don't get your knickers in a twist over that split milk on the floor, silly Sally!

                          the best way to solve a complicated problem is fractionation, without a vision it's nearly impossible to replicate such system ! even it can be done almost in any part of the world ..


                          • Originally posted by serendipitor View Post
                            * I wonder about the antenna, which is approximately 1/4 wavelength at 500kHz, but will vary widely depending on height and soil conditions. An antenna modeling program shows the impedance of the antenna to be very low, just a few ohms. I don't know enough about the PPV, but I would hope that there is isolation from the very high impedance of L1 and C2 in resonance. Since this is apparently a spiky, nonlinear circuit, it is perhaps not relevant to match to the antenna in a conventional E/M sense. Also, my experience with RF transformers like this would say that C3 is probably extra. One side of the L1-L2 couple affects the other such that the whole is resonated with C2, and C3 would so strongly depend on C2 that it could be eliminated. The transformer ought to be ringing more or less continuously, so is operating in the conventional linear domain, as far as I can tell.

                            Measuring the resonance frequency i noticed something that is said here that the L2 depends on C2. C3 throws off L1 frequency. Could be my method of measuring
                            Last edited by Mwtj; 12-15-2016, 09:44 PM.


                            • Yes, L1 and L2 will affect each other. HOW MUCH they affect each other depends primarily on the coupling coefficient between them, how much of the magnetic flux from one is intercepted by the other. The way Paul's pictures showed and the way I have built with L2 much smaller than L1, I measured a coupling coefficient several posts back of something like 0.2. Most Tesla coils are built with coupling coefficients in the range 0.05 - 0.2 or so. As the coupling coefficient goes up, the more the two resonant circuits affect each other, even if the primary and secondary circuits are tuned identically individually, first the resonant peak broadens and eventually splits into two peaks at a high enough coupling (google "critical coupling").

                              To make a long story short, if the coupling is loose enough this shouldn't be a big problem. Keep the coupling loose and you can tune the two circuits individually.


                              • Used my frequency counter and function generator. Now i can actually see the frequency change when turning the caps and tune the coils.

