Originally posted by Dwane
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WARNING - just more forum gibberish; contains no real "value added" information

In reviewing many thousands of "posts, articles and publications" going back "tens of years" relating
to "free energy devices" there is virtually NO detailed "engineering analysis" nor "credible physics" to
be found on this subject. There are a few viable published "postulations" available but these fall short
as well.
Legitimate "appearing to be functioning demonstrations" are also very few; and they do not provide any
degree of verification or in-depth analysis. Although some have been made to work in the lab, all are
ridiculed as "fake" and challenged with absolute lame arguments and, for the most part, simple foolishness.
Mathematics, Physics and Engineering simply does not exist within the "free energy" realm except for a
few very rare exceptions. Without these; we all know this "science" with never go anywhere.
A simple observation - Have you ever seen a detailed Mathematical, MoM/FDTD/FEM "Electromagnetic
Analysis;" or proper functional description; be it graphic, chart or otherwise; of a Don Smith coil or Kapanadze
telescope coil? This primary requirement appears to be "non existent" at the moment; it's complex behavior
and characteristics are still a mystery! This is nothing more than a simple "coil of wire" using an air core!

Experimental developers and physicists are critical to wide spread exposure of "free energy" but to move
forward there must also be a viable process that includes decipherable reasoning, based on disciplined fact.
Fortunately our "tool boxes" are expanding significantly and at a "Moore's Law" rate.
Virtual prototyping CAE, CNC machines for precision coil winding, desktop 3D fabrication, high level
mathematics software, flow chart programming, high speed processing silicone, worldwide parts
acquisition, inter-continental multi-language communication, to name but a very few examples.
Unfortunately, we still need a properly functioning "human brain" and a great deal of "human effort" to
make it all happen. We shall see...
Trick or Treat?