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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • ilandtan
    Conceptual Thoughts

    If you have a tuning fork, such that it was tuned to a radio frequency. Then the fork is pulsed with a small energy, but HV so with the exact frequency, would it not start to resonate? The tuning fork, now resonating as a mass of metal, vibrating producing magnetic flux. You could capture that magnetic flux, much like a normal alternator does, store it in capacitors, then build circuits to sink the discharge across an isolation transformer primary at 60 Hz. Pulsed DC on the primary, feels like AC on the secondary.

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  • jim glinski
    Working idea

    I st got what I think might be the right equipment too test this don used this .radio frequency is not easy to test unless you use special equipment .but I'd you drop the frequency down its much easier and the diodes work better and the power factor is where it does the most good .thats why you have it in your house .he used a source at around 32 kHz and wound as a bifiler around the globe then he used hi voltage caps I think to get the frequency down .but in one vid he used a small hi voltage neon going to two coil's with the 1 to 4 ratio to kick up the voltage .it amazed me to find that the magnetic felid went nuts with the hi voltage it didn't follow the standard models of watts with amps and volts it just cranked up there with the voltage this where the powers coming from .the you just have to capture the magnetic flux field and a just the frequency down so a iron core isolation trans former can handle it .and you can use caps for that or resistors the caps go band the resistors don't .so your creating a tank circuit that captures the hi freq and makes it low with more power out .I don't like the no induction material going only as a air coil theres much more magnetic field captured with a hi frequency material .but how to combine it with the wire and the globe ? Not sure .maybe a hifrequency toroidal coil core and just wind that and set it on the globe .I'm using a small globe to test systems .happy hunting

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  • boguslaw
    Originally posted by jim glinski View Post
    Take the plasma globe and measure the frequency of it then take a coil of wire and check the impedance factor of the coil use the chart to pick the resistor see if you can get the frequency down to 60 cps or house hold frequency then check for power .at radio frequency It s hard to tell what you got .
    did you tested this idea ?

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  • jim glinski
    Frequency verse power

    Take the plasma globe and measure the frequency of it then take a coil of wire and check the impedance factor of the coil use the chart to pick the resistor see if you can get the frequency down to 60 cps or house hold frequency then check for power .at radio frequency It s hard to tell what you got .
    Last edited by jim glinski; 07-05-2019, 04:50 PM.

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  • Dwane
    Reference auto ignition coil. first mention comes with explanation of megajoules device starting at 00:35:00 and 1:36:00. He does pick this up later and gives the automobile and year of manufacture. 1968 Pontiac, new ignition coil.
    Last edited by Dwane; 06-30-2019, 11:53 AM.

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  • Dwane

    Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
    I think Don mentioned an automotive coil getting huge results. I haven't tried that but I would think that should work
    Have a small window of internet availability. In Don's Resonance video part 2 1995 he shows his set up using a coil. will have a look again tonight and get the vehicle he used. However, it did not look ike one of the round oil filled type. i got the impression it was squarish.


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  • ilandtan
    I think Don mentioned an automotive coil getting huge results. I haven't tried that but I would think that should work

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  • Dwane
    Hi ilandtan,
    Thanks for that link I'll have a look later when i am free of holiday distraction. Got hold of another nst and connected through a 12v inverter to get the battery condition. Worked for a short time only marginal difference. However if a coil was in series I got a reading of 40uT across the coil. Problem is now nst will not run. Only first pulse then shut down. Electronic nst not so suitable!

    Maybe I go to mazilli? I have flyback coil without diode! Can set our own pulse. This should work?



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  • ilandtan
    Originally posted by Dwane View Post
    It was approx 24.7khz.

    I have just been browsing an article by Vinyasi. It seems to make a lot of sense to me! Perhaps too to Don's work. I found the concept of the breakdown of voltage back to electrostaic voltage intriguing. Sort of rounds of the mystery!

    Too much at the moment. I am struggling to get decent 12v nst. I suppose they are becoming redundant with the influx of low voltage LED neons! I may have to dig deep. Strong US$ and big freight costs will have to be absorbed. Freight is same price as nst from USA to my island home.

    edit: the 30Kv on meter in background is me testing voltage multiplier on the slayer tesla coil output. it actually goes up to 60kvish, but probe only 50kv rated.


    Take that 24.7khz, to this site here
    I used the 96% velocity. Find out what your antenna length should be.

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  • Dwane
    just thought me again

    Here is my slayer, don't know if its the corona causing the larger uT's. At top of col it only around 7uT's. If I turn slayer off, it makes approximately -1.7uT's difference to plasma globe output. So some negative interaction from slayer to plasma globe.
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    Last edited by Dwane; 06-18-2019, 05:09 AM.

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  • Dwane
    just caught me!

    It was approx 24.7khz.

    I have just been browsing an article by Vinyasi. It seems to make a lot of sense to me! Perhaps too to Don's work. I found the concept of the breakdown of voltage back to electrostaic voltage intriguing. Sort of rounds of the mystery!

    Too much at the moment. I am struggling to get decent 12v nst. I suppose they are becoming redundant with the influx of low voltage LED neons! I may have to dig deep. Strong US$ and big freight costs will have to be absorbed. Freight is same price as nst from USA to my island home.

    edit: the 30Kv on meter in background is me testing voltage multiplier on the slayer tesla coil output. it actually goes up to 60kvish, but probe only 50kv rated.


    Last edited by Dwane; 06-18-2019, 04:15 AM.

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  • ilandtan
    Originally posted by Dwane View Post
    Hi ilandtan,
    I just had to open the box before I went away with the family. The image says it all. As Don used the top of the globe this and around the centre and just below gave best results. V/m overloaded. 74uT gives us 75Kv. Thats a lot to play with!

    Wowee! That's twice as strong as mine!. I have 34 uT for 34Kv. You see what we could do with a slayer coil (mine measured 5 uT) putting out 1/7th of the flux of my globe, and 1/15th of your globe. Imagine if we can translate that to power to ground like we do with RX slayers.

    What frequency do you measure?
    Last edited by ilandtan; 06-18-2019, 04:16 AM.

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  • Dwane
    Hi ilandtan,
    I just had to open the box before I went away with the family. The image says it all. As Don used the top of the globe this and around the centre and just below gave best results. V/m overloaded. 74uT gives us 75Kv. Thats a lot to play with!
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  • Dwane

    Hi ilandtan,
    Have just received the refund for the two faulty nst's sent to me. at least i have a refund!. I'll be getting another and also i'll be away for a couple of weeks with the family for a brief rest.

    my work on the figuera device has stalled while i reprogram the sequence i need and build some bobbins. maybe i will get Don and Clemente working at the same time? the plasma globe arrived yesterday, have not unpacked it yet. will leave this until i return from our family break.

    thanks for being patient with me, building at my house is also taking its toll, i have simultaneously sprained my wrist and pulled a back muscle while working on the pitched roof ceiling. very painful. anyway no pain no gain, as it is said.



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  • ilandtan
    Originally posted by p75213 View Post
    Interesting. I'd have to ask why?
    The core statements that Don Smith says about how his devices work, (if you work with building circuits) don't seem to align. I have been investigating it from a different way. I am trying to find out when his statements can be proven true, so that I can make the next leap.

    When do you see a significant magnetic flux present, and then how do you convert flux into power?

    I posted a video where Don Smith shows a strong spark from a plasma tube, that seemingly has no other circuitry. I believe that if you create a antenna to the radiated flux, you can convert the milligauss of magnetic flux into usable power. I feel this is the failure, in the pursuit. We are not creating the flux to begin with, so there is nothing to harvest.

    I have noticed in my experiments, that one of the keys are creating a switching field to ground. Then you can transfer this in a receiver, I was able to do this with my slayer TX/RX. With my gaussmeter telling me I had 5 milligauss present, I was able to run a 15 W LED on my RX, with no real tuning. So what happens when you have 300 milligauss?

    I think this is what Don was speaking of when he referenced to Prentices device and the lack of knowledge of where to harness the power. If he only knew...

    Howard , magnetic resonance flux which is every where present in huge amounts having a Gauss Meter is very important . One milli Gauss is 100 Volts of resonace flux . If PRENTICE or MORAY had known about this rest would have been HISTORY . Using a magnetometer in placing the magnetic dipoles , instead of 3 Kilowatts for PRENTICE would have been MEGAWATTS . This very correct as I use Gauss Meters Professionally for more than 60 years . Don Smith
    That quote shows that one of the major factors of this system is WHERE you harvest. Which nobody will understand until they have a gaussmeter.
    Last edited by ilandtan; 06-13-2019, 08:34 PM.

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