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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • Originally posted by zilano
    Hi mike yes it will work.

    Thanks Zilano

    For the spark gap in Kapanadze's videos it shows the gap really close.

    Do we want our spark gap to fire on every 30khz DC pulse from the 4kv output from flyback?

    What determines the correct spark gap spacing?

    Cheers Mike


    • Winding the Secondary for Amps


      I have been organizing material about the Don Smith device and going through some posts on this forum. zzz... i think you posted an image from one of Tesla's patents showing how to wind the secondary. you have also suggested using thick wire for the primary and putting the primary around the secondary and in the center of the secondary. And that tuning is partially achieved by adjusting the large outer coil over the large inner coil.

      In the tesla patent were two coils driven clock wise and counter clockwise and connected at the center. These two coils, when positioned one on top of the other would create a magnetic field that looks a lot like the corona of a star.

      In fact, it would create a spinning, toroidal magnetic field that would draw in material (we could say the aether) into the top of the bottoms of the toroid. The aetheric mass would eject near the center of the toroid, out along the equator. Just like the spiraling galactic plane of the Milky Way.

      It would have a tendency to suck the aether around it in like a vacuum cleaner and eject it in the equatorial plane. Then the relatively thick (and with fewer turns) center coil would impede its outward projection and thus collecting it.

      I'm seeing this now in three dimensions and not circuit diagrams. The real question is... what is the physical structure and behavior of mass flow that we are creating and how does it behave?

      If this is the underlying model, then we would expect high frequencies to suck more material in faster.

      Like agitating quick sand. Hi frequency can liquify it. Or like the Hutchison effect with metals. Liquify it. What we are doing is liquifying the aether and driving it to the center of the singularity.

      If the coils are not in resonance, then the magnetic field of one opposes the magnetic field of the other and there will be no net mass flow into the center.

      So there you have it... you need pulses... but only in one direction... tesla's famous love of pulsed dc... and resonance...

      and i would say one more thing... the correct physical structure of coils so that the magnetic field drags the aether in from the ends of the axis of the singularity.

      Technically, you could probably put the primary inside of the secondary, but it is certainly more convenient to wire it up when it is wrapped around the outside.

      I also wonder about the proper positioning. Should it really be dead center if you run a CW wind into a CCW wind for the secondary. The primary will be either CW or CCW, but not both, so it is physically more similar to the half of the secondary that is wound in the same direction as it is.

      I just don't quite know what the magnetic field at the center of the singularity looks like. If the two halfs of the secondary are balanced quite well, then the center field should be quite indeterminant.

      Oh man, I gotta go to sleep. Did I just fly off the rails? Gotta go back and read the practical stuff again.


      • Oh. And it would explain why it's possible to build a solid state tesla coil. People would say that the spark is necessary. It's necessary insofar as it creates a really sharp pulse. But if you can get the same thing from a fast switching transistor or something, you are all good too. That has been on my mind. I was thinking that there must be something special about the spark. Something like the plasma particles were picking up extra voltage because the universe has a tendency to impart spin. I don't know.


        • Microwave oven transformers with Don Smith/Kapanadze

          Please note MOTs are designed to run at 50/60 HZ and have an iron core.
          If the input frequency is in the radio spectrum ie khz and up they will not work.

          Best to use an air core or ferrite core for any transformer in this type of high frequency construction. The only place they can be used is at the very last link in the chain provided the frequency is down to 50 / 60 Hz. Then you could transform say 2Kv down to mains by using the trafo in reverse. But repeat: the frequency has to be 50 or 60hz. Good luck.


          • Originally posted by zilano
            cheaper circuit


            Hi Zilano, What is cheaper about this circuit? I see that there is no diode before the output transformer.

            Dude, you're curving my space-time.


            • Inverter Buss

              Zilano, I know you have probably tried this. Can you feed 145VDC / 290VDC straight to the buss of a 115/230 volt inverter?

              There is a diagram on page two of the manual in this link:

              This is the 115 volt version.

              Thank you very much, you 14 YEAR OLD, CAPS TYPING, MO-FO!!!
              Dude, you're curving my space-time.


              • Forced Node

                Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                Oh yeah, I noticed this diagram in the PDF i'll link. It shows why 1/4 L resonance, at 1/4 the highest potential is at one end and the lowest the other. The center tap taps it in the middle.

                I was looking to buy the following book....

                Tesla Coil Builder's Guide to the Colorado Springs Notes of Nikola Tesla | ISBN: 1-893817-00-8

                This may be related:

                "For those not well acquainted with Tesla coil design and operation, Hull begins by pointing out that, fundamentally, grounding the base end of a vertical coil forces a node at that end, and the coil resonates at its natural 1/4-wavelength frequency. A "good" ground connection is a must. If, however, the coil is ungrounded, and typically placed in an elevated, horizontal position, the coil then self-resonates at its natural 1/2-wavelength frequency with a node forced at the center. "

                Dude, you're curving my space-time.


                • Originally posted by zilano
                  Well its cheaper coz we r getting direct ac in output. and there r no diodes used. the output depends on the transformer. say 120 or 110 or 115 volts ac.

                  yes there is no diode.

                  I thought the diode was required to make the conversion to 50/60 Hz. If not, what is the diodes function?

                  Dude, you're curving my space-time.


                  • Originally posted by zilano

                    Hi yes we can we just have to by pass dc to dc convertor and feed 145 v dc straight. but we have to find the input points in the invertor. but output power will be limited to the mosfets capacity for output wattage.
                    so its better to use a transformer based invertor for heavy loads. means capable of handling high amps. or use a better version of this for higher wattage.

                    Hi Zilano, It's easy to spot the bus capacitors in an inverter, which is a good spot to put the DC voltage. I mostly wanted to use this for sensitive loads, and to save on weight.

                    Thanks for you help!!
                    Dude, you're curving my space-time.


                    • Originally posted by zilano
                      cheaper circuit

                      Nice cheap circuits Zilano, when can we buy one! Maybe sell a small cheap Don Smith unit like Bedini's "school girl" project! Bedini gave out the specifications for his "school girl" project design. Do you have the specifications for your unit for a small output like 5 amps at 240v?

                      Cheers Mike


                      • Originally posted by zilano
                        Hi Diode just acts as rectifier. converts alternating current to direct current.

                        Diode - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        and also

                        Rectifier circuits : DIODES AND RECTIFIERS


                        zilano zeis zane
                        I understand a diode's normal function. But in the cheaper circuit, does the spark gap provide the means for conversion down to 50/60 hertz, or is the output high frequency?

                        Dude, you're curving my space-time.


                        • Originally posted by zilano
                          cheaper circuit

                          Hi Zilano

                          Is this circuit still good for using the output to rectifiers and inverter?

                          What type of C1 & C2 capacitors do you use for the HF, HV & high currents? Mica, vacuum capacitors, oil filled or polypropylene capacitors?

                          Cheers Mike


                          • Originally posted by zilano
                            hI folks!

                            final and cheapest circuit attached.

                            easily replicable

                            and much cheaper

                            best wishes! to all!

                            thanks for ur cooperation.


                            zilano zeis zane!
                            Hi again Zilano

                            Just wondering, are the transistors on that schematic marked wrong or are the transistor symbols drawn in the wrong place??

                            Great stuff though, this looks like a winner.==Paul


                            • Zilano great stuff! I happy to find this information about Don Smitha in this forum.
                              I will build like you with resistors for 50 Hz frequence. 555 circuit too much complicated hehe.
                              Then i can power my house


                              • Originally posted by zilano
                                Hi paul !

                                if u have difficulty in making the 230v ac circuit. u can easily feed invertor ac with a bulb in series to the modulator coil.

                                Hi Zilano

                                Thanks again---you're awesome

