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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • Rant=on

    Free yourselves of this nonsense that God(or insert your own master here) or anything in nature works off of 1/4 & 1/2 wave resonance.

    It is this type of thinking, that is pushed by others, that destroys the imagination and pulls us further away. Lets understand this. There is no free energy in resonance of 1/4, 1/2, or whatever.

    Look at it like this. If you wanted to figure out how the refrigeration effect works you would not build a copper/aluminum coil and worry about calculating the F.P.I(fins per inch), C.P.D.(coil pressure drop), or size of coil. NONE OF THAT STUFF will tell you anything about(or get you) the refrigeration effect. BUT the more of your time I burn speaking of components that DO NOT create the effect the more time I buy for someone else.

    In refrigeration we deal with 'Latent' heat (aka Hidden heat) this form of heat CAN'T be measured by our meters, we can only measure sensible heat. This hidden heat is the basis of refrigeration without it you have nothing. Latent heat (removal or addition) is what creates a change of state (liquid -> vapor or liquid -> solid)

    I can show you this effect by taking a cold glass of water out of the refrigerator and placing it on the table. Condensation will form, heat will be removed from the air on the surface of the glass. This is known as the refrigeration effect. At no time did I tell you that you needed (x) size coil and (x) type of voltage. We need to find and unlock the 'effect'.

    My research now is telling me that the missing component in all these systems is nothing more then heat. Heat is a HUGE part of nature it is involved in the 'process' and in the 'exhaust' of the process.

    What benefit would I get if I were able to siphon off electrons from iron at a very low cost?
    What can I do with these electrons?
    Does the 'boiling' off of electrons resemble a natural refrigeration effect?
    If these electrons, by the million/billions are accelerated and immediately stopped what happens to there energy?




    • Kundalini

      Originally posted by zilano
      thats for u to find out! magnetic Personality of JT or without magnet.

      meditation helps create scalar waves thats why deep meditation that is a part of yoga makes one feel forget time in trance!

      yoga can be used to levitate one's body and be lighter than air.

      kundalni shakti!

      the power of KUNDALINI!

      Kundalini Awakening Systems 1 > Home

      John could not understand about free anode to emitter for those diodes you've told me. This is not a short?
      Cathode to base.
      I will post you the schematic to understand better.

      Zelina Interesting site about kundalini. Yes as you've said in deep meditation one get's in timelessness. Shakti arises (kundalini) meets Shiva in the highest chakra and one experiences space consciousness which is beyond body and mind.
      The Guru I visited in India:
      Shyam Space Home Page

      Yes we can use yoga to levitate but this is not that important.
      The aim of yoga is to be always in the present moment. Mind always pull us out of the eternal present. Mind puts us in the future or past but not in present. That is meditation to be always in that space beyond time and space and beyong suffering of the mind.
      Last edited by Guruji; 11-18-2011, 08:09 PM.


      • "If these electrons, by the million/billions are accelerated and immediately stopped what happens to there energy?"

        My idea : longitudinal wave occur in "ambient source" like sound in air when car is stopped by wall


        • Hi all,
          still no results from initial playing but some hints.
          Leraning the basics of the primary circuit I tried a CCFL HV power supply we built in our company for a small 8 inch LCD disply (backlight). It prduces quite a nice sine of about 48 KHz. Due to the fact that it is built for a CCFL tube it ist current limited.
          So look for a defect LCD monitor, lap top or TV. The most of them have built the CCFL power supply as extra PCB. Depending of the length of the CCFL tube it produces several thousend volts without load. The output voltge often depends directly from the input voltage so it can be adjusted easily.
          But please be carful. this is no toy. It might be les dangrous than an ordinary NST but it might still produce lethal shocks. I did not expeience that and I do not plan to.

          I suppose that CCFL is a nice plasma tube you can experiment other items of Don Smith.

          My strange observation i that the primary coil (series spark after a diode) resonates up to the next spark only if the voltage is set to the minimum in order to maintain the spark. The higher the voltage the shorter is the resonating time. Can't explain that just now. I assume it is because the spark fires earlier and ends later so in the end there is less energy left for resonating.

          I checked the material of my coil core made out of sink tube. In Germany und perhaps in other areas of the world it is made of polypropylene (good resistance at chemicals and heat) with some additives like chalk, soot, ZnS, TiO2 and others to save plastic material and give it the grey colour. Due to the fact that the same polypropylene material is used to build capacitors this might not be a good materiel for a core. And nobody knows what those additives do with the quality of my coil.

          Last edited by JohnStone; 11-18-2011, 08:41 PM.
          Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


          • Originally posted by Guruji View Post
            John could not understand about free anode to emitter for those diodes you've told me. This is not a short?
            Cathode to base.
            I will post you the schematic to understand better.
            Here my schematic out of KiCad:
            base protection.jpg
            The negative voltage may occure due to the fact that your base current is being produced by a coil.
            Last edited by JohnStone; 11-18-2011, 09:04 PM.
            Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


            • Dons Device

              How is your device different than Dons? Did you make improvements?


              • Nps

                Originally posted by jharmon View Post
                On second, thought. I'm done with the NPS.
                You might want to check with Drak, he used an NPS and got plenty of action on his.


                • Originally posted by zilano
                  well try a 3 volt dc motor and connect it to a n led and attach a fan to it. now rotate the fan slowely the led will light but not bright. rotate fan faster and it will glow bright. this is basic generator and rpm stuff.

                  resonance is like a constant and higher rpm method with added advantage that it uses less energy to run coz energy moves back and forth between two coils and constructive interference produces multiplied energy.

                  frequency is just an rpm here. more the rpm more power.
                  Clearly anyone will see that your example stated above completely ignores the amount of input power required to spin the shaft. Theoretically, on paper, you can compare RPM with frequency but realistically RPM cost power in driving a motor. When you take that into consideration you will soon learn that it doesn't matter how fast you spin the shaft, output power will never exceed input its just that simple.
                  Also resonance would be more of a percentage then a constant so at resonance you will have less losses translating into greater gain but this gain is not overunity. Is there a real life example anywhere showing resonance as a constant or showing gains above unity?

                  Originally posted by zilano
                  yes lengths do matter else tesla never mentioned the 1/4 wavelength
                  Tesla's 1/4 wave resonator is from his Colorado Spring notes. At that time he was working on his Magnifying Transmitter. Tesla never stated that 1/4 wave is a requirement of free energy. Again free yourself of this convoluted thinking.

                  Here comes the hard part that people simply refuse to except as truth, ....but be honest with yourself. Tesla started researching and actively working on wireless transmission sometime in 1891. As we know in 1899 he was in Colorado, 1901 construction begin on Long Island, 1906 construction stops on the tower, and by 1910 or so is out of Wardenclyffe Tower. Tesla was a genius with his work, and we all know that Tesla believed in wireless power transmission. Does anyone recall the purpose of the transmitter?

                  Tesla stated he wanted to supply power to the most remote places on earth. Tesla had two decades devoted to wireless power and spent over a million dollars. So the big question is, Why blow all this money, time, and your reputation on building an expensive tower when free energy can be made locally? If Tesla had discovered free energy with his transmitter why continue building a world wide system? Wouldn't this system be obsolete due to the fact that energy can be created locally like Tariel?

                  Here's a fun fact for you. Tesla was sued by the electric company in Long Island for not paying his electric bill. I guess that 1/4 wave thingy wasn't working for him in 1906

                  Its an insult to Tesla to think that he did not have the common sense to understand that his transmitter would be obsolete with the discovery of locally grown free energy. I simply don't understand why this is so hard to believe.

                  Originally posted by zilano
                  moreover the energy increases so much that power is converted into rf which u cant do without resonance or a feedback circuit. electrons r xcited so much they become free from confines of the wire and escape in environment as radio waves or scalar waves. since power is in rf we dont see it not until we recept it and convert it to dc power and invertor it to useful ac.

                  we only see powers like 50 or 60 hz 120v or 110 v or 220v or 230v or 115v. low rpm low voltage. so we have to convert rf to useful domestic ac.


                  What do you mean the energy increases so much? If its anything like the example stated above most likely you are forgetting the input power. Funny how now you talk about electrons becoming free after I post questions regarding electrons. Two months ago you where talking about positive ions like Cosmo was. What's it going to be tomorrow? some ju-ju fish?. Look, free energy is not just resonant circuits, the pros here would of already figured it out.



                  • Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                    "If these electrons, by the million/billions are accelerated and immediately stopped what happens to there energy?"

                    My idea : longitudinal wave occur in "ambient source" like sound in air when car is stopped by wall
                    Would it be magnetic?

                    Thinking that maybe the effect is hidden in thermionic emissions in the open air. A low power heater can be used to add energy(heat) to the electrons in a small iron tube, maybe a high voltage pulse mixed in to add additional energy for release. Nothing solid just an idea.



                    • Don Smith's plasma ball

                      I've been trying to replicate Don Smith's plasma ball circuit for over a year now. I've got a spark gap working, but no OU. Any suggestions?


                      • Hi Guruji,
                        you use just now a small 2 inch ferrit. You can get a bigger one out of a CRT monitor or tv. It is the deflection unit - this funnel shaped part coverd with coils at the back of the CRT itself. There is the advantage that this part is made of two sections hold together by staples.
                        Your advantage is that it can be coiled very easyly and you can experiment with air gaps (or paper gaps :-) at will.
                        But please protect yourself: If you take this part apart look for your security! Weare goggles and let go air into the CRT before in order to prevent a possible dangerous implosion. You do this by disconnecting the socket at the back of the CRT first. Then you find in the middle of the pin circle on back side a glass nipple. Break it with pliers. If you hear a hissing noise the danger is gone.
                        Last edited by JohnStone; 11-19-2011, 05:23 PM.
                        Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                        • Originally posted by a.king21 View Post
                          I've been trying to replicate Don Smith's plasma ball circuit for over a year now. I've got a spark gap working, but no OU. Any suggestions?
                          I think this project will be a good one because of simplicity and almost already made device....

                          I have a plasma ball too but I don,t know how to measure his frequency ....
                          Zilano stated somewhere , we need to match the resonance between plasma ball frequency and crown coil ;so we need to measure inductance of the coil and find the right capacitor for LC resonance ....

                          My plasma ball take the electrical current from wall socket (220V 50 Hz ) ....
                          I suppose , the plasma inside the ball have not the same frequency ....

                          My question is: how to find the plasma frequency inside the ball?

                          Zilano, if you are around ,please help us to understand and replicate the don Smith plasma I mention before , would be a good candidate for an cheap and simple overunity device for all people with low and very low budget...
                          Last edited by sinergicus; 11-19-2011, 04:25 PM.


                          • Originally posted by sinergicus View Post
                            I think this project will be a good one because of simplicity and almost already made device....

                            I have a plasma ball too but I don,t know how to measure his frequency ....
                            Zilano stated somewhere , we need to match the resonance between plasma ball frequency and crown coil ;so we need to measure inductance of the coil and find the right capacitor for LC resonance ....

                            My plasma ball take the electrical current from wall socket (50 Hz ) ....
                            I suppose , the plasma inside the ball have not the same frequency ....

                            My question is: how to find the plasma frequency inside the ball?

                            Zilano, if you are around ,please help us to understand and replicate the don Smith plasma I mention before , would be a good candidate for an cheap and simple overunity device for all people with low and very low budget...
                            Hi Synergicus,
                            the plasma ball employs a high frequency not less than 40 KHz. The volume is filled with thin noble gas. Since Tesla it is known that thin gas can be ionized well while high pressure gas is a good isolator. In high power main sitches they use pressured air up to 16 bar in order to prevent excessive arcing. So there is an optimum for ionizing somewhere between normal air pressure and vacuum ( a good isolator too) and I am shure this condition is used at plasma ball.
                            Regarding Don Smith the plasma ball gives frequency and excited electrons and ions. This seems to be a good toolbox indeed. As Zilano states again and again resonance is an issue. So your build needs to face somehow this condition.
                            Regarding resonance it ist necesseary to know that any high frequency / voltage device contains a transformer. Maybe it is important that some are normal flyback type and others are resonance transducers. CCFL power supplys and energy saving bulbs often are of the type of resonance transducer.
                            If resonance is an issue for OU it might be esssential if the plasma ball is of resonance type or not.
                            This is my knowledge regarding plasma ball I can share. Unfortunately I never built such a device and can't help further.
                            Regards John
                            Last edited by JohnStone; 11-19-2011, 05:13 PM.
                            Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                            • Originally posted by JohnStone View Post
                              Hi Guruji,
                              you use just now a small 2 inch ferrit. You can get a bigger one out of a CRT monitor or tv. It is the deflection unit - this funnel shaped part coverd with coils at the back of the CRT itself. There is the advantage that this part is made of two sections hold together by staples.
                              Your advantage is that it can be coiled very easyly and you can experiment with air gaps (or paper gaps :-) at will.
                              But please protect yourself: If you take this part apart look for your security! Weare goggles and let go air into the CRT before in order to prevent a possible dangerous implosion. You do this by disconnecting the socket at the back of the CRT first. Then you find in the middle of the pin circle on back side a glass nipple. Break it with pliers. If you hear a hissing noise the danger is gone.
                              That's not required. Every such ferrite yoke can be easily removed if you have time to unscrew the mounting stainless steel ring and remove yoke coil with core from CRT tube.


                              • Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                                That's not required. Every such ferrite yoke can be easily removed if you have time to unscrew the mounting stainless steel ring and remove yoke coil with core from CRT tube.
                                Yes, you are right if there are the older ones. The current ones are glued only. They possibly can be separated by heat in the oven.
                                But Guruji uses a ferrite torroid as he posted - not a TV flyback yoke.
                                Now all you experimenters you have the choice!
                                Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.

