missing is lv/hv module schematic
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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true
important I suspect!
In so much as TK Don Smith and Tesla Machines seem to have a common base I advise of this recently released vid ... which I consider very important to all,pls go over to here http://www.energeticforum.com/renewa...tml#post168726 and pick up off my post and Boguslaw's info below regards DuncanLast edited by Duncan; 11-26-2011, 11:46 AM.Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.
Keep testing yourselves
Hi all.
Guys & gals, I`am sure ZZ has not tested all of these circuits
for she/he would need an enormous bank account for all the
circuits parts and of course a lot of time
But, she/he has been doing a good job with hints and tips
on how every researcher in this forum could take as map points
on "where to go" and "how to go".
ZZZZ keep us triggered with these schematics.
Hopefully some people here will gather the critical points
or working principles.
Thanks and best Regards.<< BP Ultimate + Shell-V Power + Allies (opec) = the Ultimate Power Aligators to Suck People`s Blood !-! >>
Ungrounded setup
Hi Zelina, Can you tell me any more about your ungrounded setup? Does it have the same amount of output as a grounded one? Did you use the chassis of the vehicle for a ground at all? And, did you use it to charge batteries, or could you use the setup to power the car alone?
DuaneDude, you're curving my space-time.
Originally posted by zilanoRESONANCE HAPPENING IN L1 AND L2 and is harvested by harvest coil.
thanks for this proposal. Question reagarding L1 / L2: are they identical but cw/ccw?
rgds JohnExperts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.
Originally posted by zilanowell, am rich. and have tested all.
break of continuity is vital. else mr LENZ WITH LAWS comes in greeting as uninvited guest for free meal! and drinks!
unfortunately not all here are like you to afford these experiments.
I for myself, have not yet made a serious 'jump' to free energy research
because of (great) financial difficulties.
Sad isn't it ? Sure not only for me.
Too bad that you`ve disabled pm on your account,
I need to take your opinion for some info I have collected over the years
around internet places regarding free energy research.
This before I put big economical efforts which I cannot repeat anymore.
I believe ,from what I`ve seeing your posts here, that you have better info available than most of us here have collected ()
You can always drop me a pm if something indeed is alike.(my pm is on)
Anyhow,thank you the info released till now.<< BP Ultimate + Shell-V Power + Allies (opec) = the Ultimate Power Aligators to Suck People`s Blood !-! >>
Some success
Hello everyone!
I have been following this thread for sometime now and have tried different setups to power a load on the L2 coil in Don's setup.
I wanted to report that I had some success with Don's setup. Please see the attached circuit diagram for my setup.
L1 coil was wound on a 2" PCV tube and placed in the centre of L2 coil. L2 coil was from Baker and Williamson with a 3" diameter (Model 2404TL). I removed 4 windings from the center and attached a ground lead to it. The outputs from L2 coil was connected to a 100W light bulb.
I was able to light the 100W light bulb fairly well but it was not at full brightness. I did run into some problems and I was hoping someone in this forum can help me solve. I used a surge arrestor with a breakdown voltage of 5KV but after about 5 mins of powering the device the discharges from the primary capacitor goes over the surge arrestor casing and creates a loud sound. I was trying to eliminate the sound all together since a working model should be quiet as well. If any one can suggest a different method for the spark gap with little sound as possible, I would appreciate it.
As the device is left running for a bit there would be sporadic growth in brightness on the 100W light bulb. I assume this is caused by the coils going into and falling out of resonance. I still need to find a method of tuning this device for maximum effect on the L2 coil.
I will post more pictures of my device once I get back home tomorrow.
Thanks.Attached FilesLast edited by Blue_Serge; 11-27-2011, 12:04 AM.
Originally posted by Blue_Serge View PostHello everyone!
I have been following this thread for sometime now and have tried different setups to power a load on the L2 coil in Don's setup.
I wanted to report that I had some success with Don's setup. Please see the attached circuit diagram for my setup.
L1 coil was wound on a 2" PCV tube and placed in the centre of L2 coil. L2 coil was from Baker and Williamson with a 3" diameter (Model 2404TL). I removed 4 windings from the center and attached a ground lead to it. The outputs from L2 coil was connected to a 100W light bulb.
I was able to light the 100W light bulb fairly well but it was not at full brightness. I did run into some problems and I was hoping someone in this forum can help me solve. I used a surge arrestor with a breakdown voltage of 5KV but after about 5 mins of powering the device the discharges from the primary capacitor goes over the surge arrestor casing and creates a loud sound. I was trying to eliminate the sound all together since a working model should be quiet as well. If any one can suggest a different method for the spark gap with little sound as possible, I would appreciate it.
As the device it left running for a bit there would be sporadic growth in brightness on the 100W light bulb. I assume this is caused by the coils going into and falling out of resonance. I still need to find a method of tuning this device for maximum effect on the L2 coil.
I will post more pictures of my device once I get back home tomorrow.
congratulations!. That is very good news for all!
Please specify what measuerement equipment you have available. Else you get probably hints you can not follow.
Have you arrestors with i.e. 2 KV? Then use two of them in series.
Are they getting very hot? Use fan for cooling.
rgds JohnLast edited by JohnStone; 11-26-2011, 07:53 PM.Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.
I will post my exact measurements on the coils and the equipment I have for taking measurements tonight once I get home. I'm away from the work bench at the moment and dont' have all my notes with me.
I also have a 2KV arresters and I have already tried placing 2 of them in series. They still get really hot and the discharge jumps the outside of the casing. So far I only had some what a stable oscillation with a 5KV arrester. I also tried 100V arrester and 3 100V arresters in series and they gave no visible output on L2.Last edited by Blue_Serge; 11-26-2011, 07:58 PM.
Here is a short video (Link: Test 1.mp4 - YouTube) of my actual setup and the same circuit I posted earlier. The first part of the video I show you the system and in the second part I show you the signal picked up on a probe left just beside the L2 coil.
You can also hear the loud discharge that occurs over the surge arrester closer to the end of the video. This happens after couple of minutes of powering the system. Probably due to massive amount of heat generated inside the surge arrester.
I used a screw driver to test for resonance on the L2 coil. If I placed the screw driver near the center of the coil I get lots of sparks. If I placed the screw driver away from center I get very little sparks. I saw this method on another video, which I forget at the moment. Once I tune the system into resonance I expect more sparks even at the ends of the coil from center on L2.
Also the whole system was grounded to the wall outlet ground. When I removed the ground lead you will notice that the light turns off and there is no sparks on the primary coil side.
If anyone has a better idea for the spark gap I would appreciate it. Something that is quiet and will not spark over its casing.
Typically when the NST output is rectified in that manor the power consumption is cut in half or slightly lower. I was curious if Blue Serge was able to get it at or below the 100 watt input. Still, the bulb really isn't a good indicator of the actual output, simply a visual representation of work being done. It's quite difficult for our eyes to process the difference between 70 watts to 100 watts of brightness so it might seem to be full bright but without an actual measurement it's a guessing game.
I haven't seen any spark gaps, pre made, that are enclosed such as the GDT's. The GDT's run extreemly hot and typically don't last long. I've been using some home brewed gaps using Tungsten in open air and they are a bit noisey. I was thinking it wouldn't take much to take a lab type glass tube and insert aluminum ends, one rod being fixed the other being threaded and adjustable. This would keep the noise level quite low and would operate better than the GDT's.
Thank you Zilino for your advice. I will try your suggestions next.
The input power for the NST is 240 watts. (120V * 2Amps)
This system is still far from overunity, however it is a step in the right direction. I will try the this again with a third coil and see if that makes any difference. I'll keep you guys posted. Thanks.