To get the jist of that bit Dave have a look at JLNs circuit here and see if you get a feel for this linear wave pump Avramenko's Free Electrons Pump v1.0 by Jean-Louis Naudin note the circuit is identical prior to the antenna
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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true
John .. I just had another go at this patent … Its turning into a nightmare. The payment thing has sent me an email which just sends me around the loop all over again short I haven’t resolved anyway to make it work.... It also seems the payment thing is closing for updates ..
perhaps it might work after that.... what’s happened to pay pal and instant downloads ? anyway I have a plan involving Slovenea (perhaps)
Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.
Mr.clean circuit diagram (Engineer Drawing)
An engineer friend of mine just sent me a circuit drawing he made from one circuit Mr. Clean posted a while back.
Mr. Clean said, "keep in mind coil specs will change, and im using double diodes on the pos outputs."
"two unspecified diodes back to back (which is a most unusual arrangement"
Case A:
It conforms to Korean patent (very likely) - then: there are not 2 diodes but a SCR and a diode. The schematic conforms exact to the Korean patent figure 7. There the "inventor" states that the SCR can be repalced by other valves like IGBT or triacs .... In this case the flash tube needs to be operated above the self ignition voltage.
- SCRs are never alloed to exceed -5V at their gate!
- SCRs switch on at about 1µs and off at about 20µs. Current Mosfest's are faster.
- The Korean patent mentions a lot of diodes in the schematics where the function ist not on hand.
Case B:
It conforms not to the Korean patent and there are 2 diodes in deed. Then the flash tube needs to be operated below its self ignition voltage. A neg. HV (2KV) pulse can ignite the flash tube given the MOV does not short it. If this design works it will do only in very specific cases (i.e. long wires at MOV in order to prevent it's function at short pulses....)Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.
Good Faith Effort
If we show a really good faith effort here at replicating the Zilano device, she may come back and help us refine our attempt. It's just a thought, but I think we should keep that in mind. I know she is watching what we are saying and more what we are doing. This is a time to really put some effort into this device and not just sit on the side lines. Thanks!!
Thanks John!!!
Originally posted by JohnStone View PostRegarding:
"two unspecified diodes back to back (which is a most unusual arrangement"
Case A:
It conforms to Korean patent (very likely) - then: there are not 2 diodes but a SCR and a diode. The schematic conforms exact to the Korean patent figure 7. There the "inventor" states that the SCR can be repalced by other valves like IGBT or triacs .... In this case the flash tube needs to be operated above the self ignition voltage.
- SCRs are never alloed to exceed -5V at their gate!
- SCRs switch on at about 1µs and off at about 20µs. Current Mosfest's are faster.
- The Korean patent mentions a lot of diodes in the schematics where the function ist not on hand.
Case B:
It conforms not to the Korean patent and there are 2 diodes in deed. Then the flash tube needs to be operated below its self ignition voltage. A neg. HV (2KV) pulse can ignite the flash tube given the MOV does not short it. If this design works it will do only in very specific cases (i.e. long wires at MOV in order to prevent it's function at short pulses....)
Off topic question
Hi everyone,
I download this circuit from one Lithuanian site. Very simple and easy to build circuit. I have almost 300 Vpp, but no current at all. Frequency is about 2.5 MHz. But I felt something interesting. When I touch one of the coils end, I burn my skin badly. Has anyone of you felt something like that while experimented with Don Smith circuit?
DraganAttached Files
The AV plug Frolov on resonant tuning and the Avramenko plug (Linear wave driver)Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.
Originally posted by dragans View PostHi everyone,
I download this circuit from one Lithuanian site. Very simple and easy to build circuit. I have almost 300 Vpp, but no current at all. Frequency is about 2.5 MHz. But I felt something interesting. When I touch one of the coils end, I burn my skin badly. Has anyone of you felt something like that while experimented with Don Smith circuit?
2. L2/L3 are in fact cw/ccw connected in the middle and outer ends short circuited. My measurament showed that this setup behaves at same resonant frequency like a single cw coil with same count of total windings. In my case both resonated at 1.9 MHz.
3. It reminds on Zilano's three coil setup (middle coil in resonance and short circuited.)
4. The transisor is being controlled by the resonant L2/L3. While the core seems to be ferrite the frequency might be somwere between 20 and 50 KHz. We will know more after translation.
5.Dragen, perhaps you have too high frequency and experience skin effect losses = heat (just an assumption). The wires of 0.3 mm seem to be very thin! Perhaps you destroy your gain producing heat.Last edited by JohnStone; 01-20-2012, 08:10 PM.Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.
Originally posted by Duncan View PostThe AV plug Frolov on resonant tuning and the Avramenko plug (Linear wave driver)
Nice hints for initial experiments on sparks. Spark electrodes made out of carbon. (Grey used carbon / silver)
Included some hints regarding AV plug.
A glow discharge channel in current saturation state can - at proper conditions - have a pulsing behavior emitting excess energy (hint to the Correa couple). This is a notion paved with a long list of names and patents since 1930 culminating in the findings of Correa couple) They perform their experiments in vacuum (autogenous Pulsed Abnormal Glow Discharge, or aPAGD)
(Nobody knows if the Grey tube was void of gas.)
The long discussed question if we need a spark in order to get overunity can be answered very distinct: "It depends"
To summarize:
- We have the CW/CCW effect one coil short circuited in order to starve out Mr Lenz. (Utkin)
- We have resonance in order to have a source of energy (Tesla, Zilano)
- We have a spark as source of energy (Tesla, Chernetsky, Frolow, Correa).
- ..... more to come
Now who ist puzzeld having such a plurality of schematics? And all have their pecularities, their go's and nogo's!Last edited by JohnStone; 01-20-2012, 08:20 PM.Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.
Originally posted by dragans View PostHi everyone,
I download this circuit from one Lithuanian site. Very simple and easy to build circuit. I have almost 300 Vpp, but no current at all. Frequency is about 2.5 MHz. But I felt something interesting. When I touch one of the coils end, I burn my skin badly. Has anyone of you felt something like that while experimented with Don Smith circuit?
It generally occures when there is a miss match between the transmitter and the feeder which puts a standing wave on the line like this.Standing Wave Ratio explained - YouTube with a full 100% SWR the state internally along the full lenth of the cable is a linear wave, that is everything you try to pump into that feeder cable is reflected and the same force is obviously felt at the other end of the cable with no energy consumption, The exact opposite to resonance really but I dont know the word for it.A'la the Tesla linear wave Here is a magazine article writen by Tesla at the time that describes this very state Its a bit dated, yellowed, and written in the style of the time but I;m sure you recognise the solid linear state I have just described, this is the state to aim for to be able to harvest free energy RF Safety and Amateur Radio a point I have laboured over and over again on this thread but the scalar wave doesn't exsist and isnt taught!! and hey I might be being cocky and wrong .. but I dont think so, even on this system which is working at a far lower frequency. At a far lower frequency there will be a small ammount of RF radiation .. am I personnally worried? No but I'm not going to put it next to my arm chair or under my bed. Read the Radio hams report above and make up your own mind.
No pics or video for us I spose? We love them!!
Hope that helps a bit .. best wishes DuncanWhatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.
Danger from RF radiation: YES or NO?
The effects from RF radiations are not that simple as to produce cancer or heat and nothing more.
Exposure of humans to RF radiations degrades the production of the hormone melatonine. We need this in order to have a good sleep and to detox our body. Please do not put your mobile near your head if you stay in bed!!!!! And do not allow your children to do it.
Less problem if we have no stress and no toxic substances in our body. (i.e. quicksilver from vaccinations - especially in US)
By RF radiation we will add a certain amount to these problems.
Bat you can have similar effects if you have an opulent meal with carbohydrates at night. This increases the insuline and degrades the melatonine. Worse if you do both!
The factor of action is not the medium intensity radiated but the max. pulse power. This is why digital transmitters are worse than analog signals.
Tests at rats showed effects of damage in their brain like exposure to nuclear radiation. These findings occured after 20 min. stay near a mobile phone. And they got addict so they liked to sleep near to that phone later on. Note: Our children have very few bone at their head in order to block radiation compared to adults.
The increase of attention deficit disorder <ADD> of children maches axactly with the increase of using mobile phones by them - in all affected countries.
Such effects can promote cancer later on. I don't know why the maximum radiation intensity from base stations in Switzerland and Austria is 1/10000 of that allowed in Germany (4.5 W per square meter - highest rate in the world). And I never experienced any problem using my mobile phone in Switzerland.
Never in the past we humans were exposed to that strong cocktail of toxines, stress, malnutrition and RF.
I refer to studies of universities and I found tons of them. Watch Dr. Klinghardt (Seattle) teachings i.e. and others. I do not want to frighten you but be careful and do not believe the industry that their doing is of no problem. They pay all studies saying that there is nothing wrong with them.
I admit that healing by RF is possible as well but they do not expose our bodies permanently to their frequencies - all is a matter of dose.
rgds JohnLast edited by JohnStone; 01-20-2012, 09:11 PM.Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.