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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • Originally posted by Patrick Kelly View Post
    You need to understand that you see as much from the video as I do and consequently, I am not an expert on the circuit, nor am I in touch with the developer. In the video he connects up a coil which he had to hand and it appears that he is not loading the secondary in any way, although, obviously, we can test with whatever arrangement we want. It seems likely that the contra-wound secondary would perform better with a good earth connection for the tap. The developer states that the NST does not have an earth but just two separate 2500V outputs. The 'line' on the input side of the NST is a shadow thrown by the 12V input cable. It really doesn't matter what NST is used as there is nothing magic about his particular NST, especially since presumably the neon spark gap will limit the voltage anyway. He uses just one neon at voltages up to 5kV to form a spark gap and suggests two in series for higher voltages.

    My concern is that Zilano said that a spark gap in series like this just produces inductive coupling with an electrical field and not a magnetic field although to me, that raises a question mark. If that is the case, then drawing energy from that four-foot wide field will increase the input power and so it may be necessary to turn the spark gap and resistor sideways, letting the diode feed the microwave oven capacitor directly and have the spark gap in parallel to that capacitor as specified by Zilano. I suspect that the circuit would operate just as well with that arrangement. People with all the parts ready to hand should be able to test this within minutes.

    Hi Patrick,
    thanks for this extended explanation showing up what is safe knowledge and what is still subject to explore. Thus we can prevent rumoured pseudo knowledge.
    rgds John
    Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


    • Well Just The Thing

      Well The "DSSS" have a beautiful grasp of the future energy Dilema, Boy I hope it rubs of on me.Thanks Dragon & Duncan practical stuff is what is needed please keep up your spirits, it will come. Love The world Population. PS. First Timer.


      • The most important Zilano post

        The most important Zilano post is the one where the breakthrough was made. This was when Zilano concentrated on simply getting an output transformer into resonance and Zilano then worked backwards. I suggest we do the same. We don't have to make a 220v 50hz 5kw or a 110v 60hz 5kw machine first. Even a 1:1 perfectly resonating output transformer should get ou. Once there, the rest is just conventional electronics straight out of the book. Think about it....


        • Originally posted by a.king21 View Post
          The most important Zilano post is the one where the breakthrough was made. This was when Zilano concentrated on simply getting an output transformer into resonance and Zilano then worked backwards. I suggest we do the same. We don't have to make a 220v 50hz 5kw or a 110v 60hz 5kw machine first. Even a 1:1 perfectly resonating output transformer should get ou. Once there, the rest is just conventional electronics straight out of the book. Think about it....
          out put or other wise, apart from HT supply Mr Clean and others are using effectivly one Transformer ! Its replicated and look what its doing !!! many times what goes in is quite clear .. how and why is the thing! after all its not exactly a complicated circuit is it? make.. experiment... discover.. feedback
          ...A very simple circuit that most people could make that can bring free power to the world what a ambition to strive for!
          Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


          • Hmmm

            Hello a.king21, is that where She talked about the two 12v-230v-12v or so tranny's hooked up , one feeding and one resonate? holy Crap OHH what a girl.


            • Originally posted by a.king21 View Post
              The reason for 4 diodes in a series line is because each is rated at about a 1000 volts
              and if you use less they'll blow. Simple as that. Nothing to do with a fwbr......
              I agree its the directions that doesnt seem right.
              Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


              • Thanks!!

                Hi DJ,

                Thanks, I'll download them and check them out.

                Best Regards,
                David Fine


                • Caduceus Coils

                  Zilano tells us to stay away from the Caduceus Coils with regards to using them in her Don Smith replications. She says that they are dangerous. So, for now stick to the design not using the caduceus coils. I've read about the caduceus coils and they are some really bad boys unless you know what you are doing. They can damage your body permanently. So, a word to the wise, Don't!


                  • parallel vs. series spark gap

                    Often discussed and still not resolved. I do not want to discuss the Teslian "magic" but the known implications along with a HV source. If these basics are not known the magic will not occure - very probably. (Please consult Patrick's schematics if you intend to follow thoroughly)

                    An NST is a device necessary to light neon lights. Accordingly it should perform as AC source with high duty ratio. Neons like that and their plasma lights as long as we have current flowing. A Sine is a possible shape and a square as well.
                    Even if a NST is internally of fly back type the output might be smoothed in order to get the signal required by neons and to prevent electromagentic interference. Imagine the long wires at neons along with the plasma length itself - very nice TX antennas! We are not allowed to give them the frequency in order to radiate.

                    If we apply such a neon HV source directly to a coil with a parallel spark gap - depending of our signal shape - the circuit has two choices.

                    2a. The edges are not steep. This is very probable at NSTs because they are not allowed to emit electromagentic disturbance above a standadized limit. The manufacturers comply by reducing the steepness. This applies definitely to resin blocks as normal HV transformer emitting sine shaped signals.
                    Now what happens to our coil? It draws current and draws and draws.... up to the 16 mA our NST can deliver.
                    If we have resin block sine shape the voltage at our coil will be very low. The spark gap will do anything but fire - and laugh!

                    If we have a 40 KHz NST the chances are better that the coil will oppose and build up voltage. It is a small chance: depending on inductance it will not and behave same as resin block because of higher frequency. But usuall it will not perform. No parallel spark!
                    The problem with edges not being steep is - they have too few high frequency components (see Fouriee decomposition of signals). So the prallel tank circuit does not see it.

                    Imagine the bell being pushed by hand only.

                    BTW: There are some setups where the coil is blocked by 2 additional capacitors iin order to overcome the coil short circuit. (Sorry no schematic at hand but Zilano gave the circuit)

                    2b. The edge is steep enough and contains high frequency components - see fly back condition. But very probably the FB will give better and more reliable results.

                    2c. The NST complyes with the resonant frequency of the coil or its harmonics. Then we have a perfect team. But we have no pronounced kick and it is questionable if this setup will work. But please take in account that there are many known principles in order to get OU. Tesla kick is one of them.

                    3. Now we apply this NST source to a serial spark gap. That's fine because the spark gap inhibits initial current flow and a short a circuit will not take place. The capacitor gathers charge and at a sudden moment the spark gap fires and voi la - we have our short pulse with very high frequency components (Fouriee). The tank circuit is eager to get this pulse in order to convert it into own oscillations.

                    4. Now let's have a look to a fly back setup (given the output is not being smoothed by capacitors) This is like ignition coils are operated - normally. The FB here emits short high voltage (Bedini like - mechanically controlled) pulses not being smoothed by output capacitors.

                    BTW: Keep in mind that you can operate any ignition coil (or TV FB) as non FB transformer and then the NST condition should be taken in account. As rough rule: If you have two driver transistors directly at primary coil -> it will very probably be no true FB (like Royer oscillator)

                    4a. We apply a parallel spark gap. That's fine. Our FB pulse is high, short and contains a lot of high frequency components (Fouriee). The coil will take some current, build up a (small) magnetic field, the coil capacitance will get some charge and the the gap fires and the tank does its thing.

                    4b. If we apply a serial spark gap -> our FB pulse is not so important because it charges a capacitor first and the firing of the gap will be done out of the capacitor.

                    - Please understand this as primer in order to understand basics. It is not meant as a complete view to all possible implications - though there are plenty of them. I hope you to understand now better some of Zilano's notions regardiing NST/FB vs. parallel/serial SG.
                    - This is not meant as discusson on Teslian matters. But as they live in this standard physics (as one facette of the reality) as well it is essential in order to give them room and comfortable environment.
                    - Conforming Tesla and others it is essential to have short HV kicks and it's your choice how to generate them. This discussion is NOT meant to discuss if we need sparks or not. Experiments will decide.
                    - You can get any method discussed above to run well. Fortunately the world and reality is colored and not B&W. My intention ist to show up what you deal with und please choose those methods where you feel to have them understood in order to devise successful experiments. There are three essential only to obey: tune, tune tune!
                    - These notions were devloped along with many different posts by all of you. THANKS! I share and mirror back my conclusions in order to give YOU the chance to refine them and find YOUR path to OU.
                    Last edited by JohnStone; 01-27-2012, 03:00 PM.
                    Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                    • Diode direction

                      Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                      I agree its the directions that doesnt seem right.
                      There is no basis for the diode direction which I have shown as the video does not indicate the diode direction and consequently, the circuit diagram direction is my guess and there is absolutely no reason why you should not test the circuit with the diodes the other way round.

                      The attached diagram from Don Smith shows the diodes in that direction and while it is a low input frequency design, that should not affect the direction of the diodes. Nevertheless, there are probably many different ways of implementing this OU strategy.

                      Attached Files


                      • Originally posted by Patrick Kelly View Post
                        There is no basis for the diode direction which I have shown as the video does not indicate the diode direction and consequently, the circuit diagram direction is my guess and there is absolutely no reason why you should not test the circuit with the diodes the other way round.

                        The attached diagram from Don Smith shows the diodes in that direction and while it is a low input frequency design, that should not affect the direction of the diodes. Nevertheless, there are probably many different ways of implementing this OU strategy.

                        In Don's schematic we find a halve rectifier bridge - quite normal - while in the schematic discussed we do not use any middle contact so it is not "normal". It needs experimenting.
                        Thanks Patrick for sharing and we should understand this as idea and hint for experimenting and not as instructable for innocent building.
                        Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                        • linear resonance iin high power situations

                          Hey I'm scribbling and writing and trying my very best to alter a “mind set” that has been forced on us all, I too have had to eat the same feed as all the rest of the chickens. Its come down the chute and into my food bowl in carefully measured amounts at just the right time just as it has with every one else! You'll have to excuse me a moment I cant quite work out if some guy just came on thread to flog solar panels … stunning .. anyway as I said all fed the same crap at the same time, I am doing my very best to show as best I can in Practical systems where the sign posts to free energy are .. If you have watched the video's and links I have been posting and read the pdf (I'm still much in debt to pjk for his help with that) you will be getting a feel for the power and the wave for which we are seeking and how we might be able to use it.
                          I am leaning heavily on giants in the field and trying to make the elephant that’s sitting in the room stand up and whack everyone with his trunk,
                          I have explained that there is another type of electricity altogether, I have told you and shown you It bears no relation ship to any mathematical formula or indeed any of the principles that we have had trickle down the chute into our food / learning trough.
                          The education system has one purpose obedient drones George Carlin The Best 3 Minutes of His Career "The American Dream" - YouTube Well I'm going to try a slightly different tack .. The things that Eric Dollard and Steve Jackson and prof meyl have shown you are duplicated in high power electrical circuits so lets take a close look at that situation. As I said earlier the electrical people are taught the same subject as radio folks entirely differently (different set of feeders into our troughs different phasers/vectors different feeding times )and so are transmission line/ electronics folks they get wrapped up in baud rates but It all happens in electrical engineering too ! It does of course need translating , and I'd like to point a few of the obvious things before you read this short web-page, The linear resonance or full standing wave of which I speak (as opposed to to the herzian wave resonance which keeps cropping up with monotonous regularity) is called in heavy current engineering "Harmonic resonance", and not surprisingly just like the full standing wave in radio it is taught as a nasty dangerous thing that is to be avoided at all costs!
                          No one wants you learning about these things!! Do notice at “harmonic resonance” unexplained events occur transformers blow to pieces tremendous force is released , Unexplained is about right ! Unexplained to you .. it ain’t gonna come down your food chute in a hurry! But keep in mind that these reactances must be equal some where on a line, and left to its own devices would result in a randomly destructive monster, unexplained ?doesn't it occur to you that is what we must have ? Some thing unexplained that we are going to use and get unexplained power from?Unexplained is very different to unknown you can take it to the bank if there's something that can do huge amounts of random damage to the power structure and release huge amounts of energy quite a lot of people know the nuts and bolts. Its part of our puzzle... and a clue to the transformer matching is here also I feel .Transient high voltages ? or High voltages moving around isn’t that what we want and crave? Why they make it sound like a bad thing! don’t seem right does it?.. Harmonic resonance even sounds sorta sweet don’t it? Anyway here it is in heavy power engineering Harmonics Resonance | Electrical Science
                          Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                          • Great Point

                            Originally posted by a.king21 View Post
                            The most important Zilano post is the one where the breakthrough was made. This was when Zilano concentrated on simply getting an output transformer into resonance and Zilano then worked backwards. I suggest we do the same. We don't have to make a 220v 50hz 5kw or a 110v 60hz 5kw machine first. Even a 1:1 perfectly resonating output transformer should get ou. Once there, the rest is just conventional electronics straight out of the book. Think about it....



                            • New PDF File (Latest Zilano Lost Posts)

                              Here is my latest offering. It's the lost Zilano posts from Sept. 12, 2011 thru Oct. 28, 2011. I'm still missing the posts from Oct. 28, 2011 thru Nov. 26, 2011. So, if you have those, please supply them to me.

                              Zilano Lost Posts Sept12-Oct28 2011

                              ******FINAL DRAFT******
                              Zilano Lost Posts Sept 12 - Oct 28 2011
                              Last edited by Slovenia; 01-27-2012, 09:29 PM. Reason: added new link


                              • Harmonic resonance

                                The word we've been looking for. Let's get as much info and links as we can.
                                OU staring us in the face. Nice one Duncan. Nice one Slovenia re Zilano's lost posts.
                                What gems!
                                Last edited by a.king21; 01-27-2012, 05:29 PM.

