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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • In memory of ZZZZZ

    Bless her little o'l cotton socks

    I'm sure you can't help seeing the Avramenko plug in the middle of the stage So where is the definitive work in English on this peculiar little circuit ?
    Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


    • Originally posted by Duncan View Post
      .... So before you “glance at a circuit” and proclaim loudly”It cant work” start with these three common components and try and see what is happening ....
      Originally posted by drak
      ...just by looking at them, but I tried them just to be sure ....
      I've moved on to other experiments after I "loudly" proclaimed months later that a circuit can't work. I didn't want to upset Zilano so I didn't proclaim "loudly" until after she left. If you were following closely, Zilano deleted her own posts because she got mad at a certain post. Someone already archived them and they were posted as a file many pages back. I'm not a nay sayer when it comes to Don, and definitely not Tesla, I believe Don had something. I have tried many different circuits so I could pretty much tell "just by looking at them" probably because a couple of the circuits that were posted,I had already tried.


      • Originally posted by Duncan View Post
        Bless her little o'l cotton socks

        I'm sure you can't help seeing the Avramenko plug in the middle of the stage So where is the definitive work in English on this peculiar little circuit ?
        Jeonquijin (6-2010-031888-4)
        Last edited by dragon; 03-14-2012, 02:52 AM.


        • Originally posted by Duncan View Post
          Bless her little o'l cotton socks

          I'm sure you can't help seeing the Avramenko plug in the middle of the stage So where is the definitive work in English on this peculiar little circuit ?
          As far as I understood AV plug it generates at output a closed circuit along with a load while getting at input a single line HV pulsed input. This arrangement of diodes can not perform a closed circuit at load. So it might not be a AV plug.

          We can find this circuit exactly in this form in the Korean Patent by Jeong. This strange red line corrresponds there to a gate control for a SCR. Not shure of the function of the remaining true diode.

          This circuit is very smart. My understanding of the functionality if the following:.
          1. The HV is being rectified and charges the capacitors being part of the L1 coil. So it is freed from the very frequency of the HV generation circuit.
          2. The "strange" capacitor arrangement is made in order to prevent DC flowing through coil while making use of a parallel sprak gap.
          3. MOV protects from overvoltage (SCRs stad about 600 ... 800V)
          4. The circuit performs only if the HV is above the self ignition voltage of the flash tube (250....350V) depending on dimensions.
          5. Preconditions for ignition: capacitors charged + voltage above self firing from flash tube. While charging capacitors the oscillation in L1 can perform unaffected by teh chargign action.
          6. When the SCR is being fired the spark can start imediatly and will stop if the capacitors are discharged and the reverse oscilation half cycle starts (see my comment below). As Zilano states that a sprk is a must she (or Jeong) introduced the flash tube being controlled by a SCR.
          It might be possible to fire the flash tube in usual way by a ignition transformer / ignition electrode but this might be of too slow frequency.

          My notion:
          If the capacitors have too high value, the oscillation might be stopped. Imagine a swing where you push for a long time. Then you interfere with the back swinging and invest/destroy to much energy. Do not fire brute forth sparks!
          Highly charged capacitors (many coulombs) do not tend to discharge rapidly. Please do not use these tiny baby alligator clips with excessive thin wires! This is not good practice because of inductance of wires (even being short) and their resistance. Please calculate the influence of some nH or 0.1 Ohm! It is amazing! Calculate up to 100 A!
          Imagine fire fighters using a 1/2 " hose in order to save your burning house!

          So please use in the discharge path excessive SHORT and excessive THICK stranded wires!!!! The more you do that the more charge you get discharged in a predefined time - being required by the frequency of L1 coil.
          I found this by using rectified HV and then I fired starting with 100pF 8KV. We can add 100pF by 100pF and find out where the setup starts to be critical (oscillations become unstable, sometimes stop at all up to the next spark). Then shorten your wires and make them thicker. Then add additional 100pF caps.......
          So many replications do not obey those rules above being quite normal sciennce. They shoot undirected into the air and feel thy were hunting OU. We do not deal with DC and not with some sparse amps!!!!! Please keep in mind that 20KHz (minimum required frequency -> Tesla) corresponds to half cycles of 25 µs! At 20 KHz we need to discharge within this time - maximum! Did anyone had a look to this fact? Fat sparks take milliseconds in order to discharge a fat cap! This is far distant from any useful setup!
          Last edited by JohnStone; 02-19-2012, 08:06 PM.
          Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


          • Originally posted by JohnStone;

            My notion: [/I]
            If the capacitors have too high value, the oscillation might be stopped. Imagine a swing where you push for a long time. Then you interfere with the back swinging and invest/destroy to much energy. Do not fire brute forth sparks!
            Highly charged capacitors (many coulombs) do not tend to discharge rapidly. Please do not use these tiny baby alligator clips with excessive thin wires! This is not good practice because of inductance of wires (even being short) and their resistance. Please calculate the influence of some nH or 0.1 Ohm! It is amazing! Calculate up to 100 A!
            Imagine fire fighters using a 1/2 " hose in order to save your burning house!

            So please use in the discharge path excessive SHORT and excessive THICK stranded wires!!!! The more you do that the more charge you get discharged in a predefined time - being required by the frequency of L1 coil.
            I found this by using rectified HV and then I fired starting with 100pF 8KV. We can add 100pF by 100pF and find out where the setup starts to be critical (oscillations become unstable, sometimes stop at all up to the next spark). Then shorten your wires and make them thicker. Then add additional 100pF caps.......
            So many replications do not obey those rules above being quite normal sciennce. They shoot undirected into the air and feel thy were hunting OU. We do not deal with DC and not with some sparse amps!!!!! Please keep in mind that 20KHz (minimum required frequency -> Tesla) corresponds to half cycles of 25 µs! At 20 KHz we need to discharge within this time - maximum! Did anyone had a look to this fact? Fat sparks take milliseconds in order to discharge a fat cap! This is far distant from any useful setup!
            Thanks for sharing, this is useful info.


            • after reading T1000s post I had a stooge around to youtube site re "Tesla's little secret" I was rather taken with this vid UNLIMITED FREE ENERGY IDENTIFIED - YouTube it clearly shows how difficult it is to communicate when we dont have the words
              Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


              • Originally posted by a.king21 View Post
                Thanks for sharing, this is useful info.
                It is advisable to operate our first spark setup on resistor as load first in order to learn how it performs.

                In order to foster imagination in mechanical terms:
                a) rectified HV = a bin containing water seated above you
                b) resistance to the pre spark gap capacitor = little hole in the bottem of the bin
                c) pre sprak gap capacitor = shot glass where we gather droplets out of the bin
                d) oscillation coil system = imagine a spoon being in horizontal position and suspended at the handle by a spring. Spoon being ready to oscillate up and down.

                How do you think that this spoon can be set in regular oscillation?
                A) Poor the big bin over the spoon? = brute forth sparks in ms time duration. Waste of energy! Sporious ocillations ..... every new shower will start a new sequence being essential different.
                B) Gather regular droplets in the shot glass and poor it onto the spoon if full. Sometimes you will stop oscillations sometimes you will have no effect und sometimes you will foster oscillations
                C) Poor the shot glass if the spoon is in up position (short shower at this position contains OU capability ->Tseung) . Of course you have to adjust your droplets out of the bin so that your shot glass is full at right time! But it es better to poor the glass if half full and in ther right time than waiting for fill glass and pooring not at right time!
                D) What about conducting your droplets through a system of hoses and cups - and the water out of your shot glass as well? This is the equivalent of thin long inductive and capacitive wires. (see my last post!)

                The case C) is what Vladimir refers to in his paper. This is still not OU but regular science. But it is a prerequisite in order to perform magick.
                A wizard requires some dead normal requisites first in order to perform his task.
                It will be helpful if you operate your first sparks in such a controlled way and you to this mechanical model from above. It is essential to learn how it behaves and to get a feeling of it.
                It is essential to spend the spark energy in well timed small nibbles (silent sparks) . Summmed up they can have the same energy like brute forth single sparks. Imagine a car engine having small cylinder capacity and performs at higher rotation speed. It will run more smoothly and more elasticly than a single cylinder engine with gigantic cylinder capacity but slow rotation speed.
                rgds John
                Last edited by JohnStone; 02-20-2012, 11:26 AM.
                Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                • In search of

                  Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                  Those simplified Don Smith circuit posted lately by Zilano was in fact informations privately send by Don to Bruce Perrault and then published after Don passed away. I believe they are solid ground !


                  Could you specify the schematics please.


                  My intention of running a trace is help with evidence gathering ( not saying what Zilano did was not enough).The fact is there were people at Don's conferences, members of the audience and Don's associates.I am assuming many of them are still alive and may have vaulable info they may choose to share with us.

                  I am for a forsensic examination of all these claims.Gathering the circumstantial evidence has been going very well for me so far.I will share my findings later.

                  Since no one on this forum has built at least a 1kW device yet, it is fairplay to examine the evidence,gather any piece of knowledge that is available then determine how best we can build this device.

                  With so many minds on this forum that I cannot help but think we have the greatest chance of succeeding.

                  I respect the work of those on the forum who are actively building the devices.As I can either verify or learn form them.

                  What I find fascinating is that when I look at research in the conventional scientific field I can extrapolate from their info and make comparisions with the theories of Don and Zilano.So based on the evidence so far (albeit circumstantial) I am motivated to press on.Maybe this is just the darkest hour before dawn...

                  Any saw the stuff on Cold Fusion Success.Do a search.Wonder how long they are gonna take to discredit and suppress it eh?

                  Please read an excerpt here and note the response of some as usual...

                  Cold Fusion Experiment: Major Success or Complex Hoax?

                  Read more: Cold Fusion Experiment: Major Success or Complex Hoax? | Fox News

                  A physicist in Italy claims to have demonstrated a new type of power plant that provides safe, cheap and virtually unlimited nuclear power to the world, without fossil fuels or radiation concerns.

                  The only hitch: Scientists say the method -- cold fusion -- is patently impossible. They say it defies the laws of physics.

                  Andrea Rossi doesn't seem to care. He told that his new device takes in nickel and hydrogen and fuses them in a low-grade nuclear reaction that essentially spits out sheer power, validating the strange science.

                  “With low energy, it's possible to give a heater a certain amount of energy and to get from the same heater a superior amount of energy,” Rossi explained. He claims he demonstrated the device, called an E-Cat, at the University of Bologna in Italy on Oct. 28.

                  Rossi's claims have confounded the scientific community, many of whom have either dismissed the demonstration outright or have questioned whether the E-Cat really works. Several experts who spoke to declined to comment or go on the record."

                  Read more: Cold Fusion Experiment: Major Success or Complex Hoax? | Fox News

                  A google search reveals a lot more views.

                  Oh, while we are on that remember what happened to Galileo?

                  BATTLE ON ZILANO FANS!

                  Happy experimenting,



                  • In search of

                    Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                    Those simplified Don Smith circuit posted lately by Zilano was in fact informations privately send by Don to Bruce Perrault and then published after Don passed away. I believe they are solid ground !


                    Could you specify the schematics please.


                    My intention of running a trace is help with evidence gathering ( not saying what Zilano did was not enough).The fact is there were people at Don's conferences, members of the audience and Don's associates.I am assuming many of them are still alive and may have vaulable info they may choose to share with us.

                    I am for a forsensic examination of all these claims.Gathering the circumstantial evidence has been going very well for me so far.I will share my findings later.

                    Since no one on this forum has built at least a 1kW device yet, it is fairplay to examine the evidence,gather any piece of knowledge that is available then determine how best we can build this device.

                    With so many minds on this forum that I cannot help but think we have the greatest chance of succeeding.

                    I respect the work of those on the forum who are actively building the devices.As I can either verify or learn form them.

                    What I find fascinating is that when I look at research in the conventional scientific field I can extrapolate from their info and make comparisions with the theories of Don and Zilano.So based on the evidence so far (albeit circumstantial) I am motivated to press on.Maybe this is just the darkest hour before dawn...

                    Any saw the stuff on Cold Fusion Success.Do a search.Wonder how long they are gonna take to discredit and suppress it eh?

                    Please read an excerpt here and note the response of some as usual...

                    Cold Fusion Experiment: Major Success or Complex Hoax?

                    Read more: Cold Fusion Experiment: Major Success or Complex Hoax? | Fox News

                    A physicist in Italy claims to have demonstrated a new type of power plant that provides safe, cheap and virtually unlimited nuclear power to the world, without fossil fuels or radiation concerns.

                    The only hitch: Scientists say the method -- cold fusion -- is patently impossible. They say it defies the laws of physics.

                    Andrea Rossi doesn't seem to care. He told that his new device takes in nickel and hydrogen and fuses them in a low-grade nuclear reaction that essentially spits out sheer power, validating the strange science.

                    “With low energy, it's possible to give a heater a certain amount of energy and to get from the same heater a superior amount of energy,” Rossi explained. He claims he demonstrated the device, called an E-Cat, at the University of Bologna in Italy on Oct. 28.

                    Rossi's claims have confounded the scientific community, many of whom have either dismissed the demonstration outright or have questioned whether the E-Cat really works. Several experts who spoke to declined to comment or go on the record."

                    Read more: Cold Fusion Experiment: Major Success or Complex Hoax? | Fox News

                    A google search reveals a lot more views.

                    Oh, while we are on that remember what happened to Galileo?

                    BATTLE ON ZILANO FANS!

                    Happy experimenting,



                    • Tesla/Don Smith circuit notes

                      Hello everyone!

                      Since my last post couple of months ago I have made some progress and wanted to share them with everyone.

                      I have been trying all sorts of circuits from the Don Smith book. Some of them worked and some did not. So I decided to start from the beginning. Don Smith mentioned that he got his info from Tesla and specifically from the book 'The inventions, researches and writings of Nikola Tesla'.

                      The inventions, researches and writings of Nikola Tesla, with special reference to his work in polyphase currents and high potential lighting : Martin, Thomas Commerford, 1856-1924 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

                      I read through this book and found the second half of the book on HV, HV very interesting. Lots of good info there for anyone interested on electrostatic phenomenon and electrostatic induction.

                      Anyway I wanted to study the electrostatic fields produced by HV, HF currents as Tesla did. I started with the Tesla’s impedance circuit on page 339 - Fig. 183a, 183b, 183c. This circuit presents some weird effects on different type of loads such as resistive loads, capacitive loads and inductive loads (inductive load has all 3 types.) I am currently study the different effects on capacitive loads and inductive load at the moment and don't have much info in this area to share yet.

                      However I have done many different experiments on resistive loads. The first thing I did was recreate the same circuit as Tesla and used a NST rated at 6.5KV @ 39KHz as the HV, HF power source and 2 high voltage capacitors. The output of this circuit was connected directly to a 200W Halogen bulb.

                      Here is the video: Tesla's impedance circuit - Output Waveform - YouTube

                      Here is the circuit for this video:

                      Tesla used HF AC and I used HF pulsed DC instead.

                      What I learned from this circuit was that when a sharp and sudden impulse is created within the circuit any impedances in the circuit seems to receive energy. I tested this by changing the loads with different resistances. When the resistance is high (100W) the light bulb displays a very bright light (blinding light and I can’t look at the light directly) and when the resistance is low (400W) the light bulb display a low glow only. You can do your own experiments to understand more about impedances. By the way if the impedance in the load is high the surge arrestor run cold and dose not heat up (I ran is setup for hours). If the impedance in the circuit is low then the surge arrestors get red hot and the leads melt.

                      Next I moved to an inductive load. I now understand how resonance creates high impedance in L1 coil and why this is so important. I created my own L1 and L2 coil for this experiment. L1 wire length is 38 feet and L2 is ½ of L1. I did not use a ground on L2 midpoint.

                      Here is the video: Tesla/Don Smith circuit - Isolation transformer - YouTube

                      Here is the circuit:

                      Next Step:

                      Here is my plan for the next version of my circuit:

                      At this point all I have to do is place some high voltage diodes on L2 coil and charge a large capacitor (2uF to 8uF) and create another impulse in a ferrite transformer by discharging capacitor. Or just recreate Tesla’s impedance circuit after L2 and adjust the frequency for the desired output on the ferrite transformer. There are many ways to go about creating impulses after L2 and I will let everyone do their own experiments to find the best method for you.

                      The time between each impulse on L1 coil is 2000us to 1500us. The impulses must be very sharp and must have some power behind it. The total capacitance on L1 coil must be calculated in series for my setup. The same goes for L2 coil capacitance as well.

                      Here is a hint: When L1 coil goes into resonance and impedance increases the surge arrestors or spark gap should be quiet and only warm or cold to the touch. Discharge the caps before touching it.

                      I hope my work is of some help to anyone else trying to create Tesla/Don Smith’s work. If you have any questions please ask and I will do my best to answer them within the scope of my knowledge. I’m no expert and still learning like everyone else.

                      Also I wanted to give those experimenting a warning regarding resonance. The voltage on the L2 coil at resonance can amplify tremendously and is a hazard. I had to take the coils out of resonance a bit due to the voltage build up on L2 coil. I lost all feelings in my right hand couple of weeks ago from a severe shock on L2 coil. It lasted for couple of hours before I had any sensation in my hand again. Please be carful.

                      Good luck to everyone!

                      P.S. Here are some more videos:

                      Lighting a 100W bulb with Tesla’s impedance circuit:
                      Tesla's Impedance circuit - 100W light bulb - YouTube
                      By the way the high pitch ringing you hear in the video is from the bulb’s filament. I have blown about 6 bulbs already due to the violent vibrations.

                      Lighting three 100W bulbs (300W parallel) with Tesla’s impedance circuit:
                      Tesla's Impedance circuit - Three 100W bulbs - YouTube

                      Lighting a 100W bulb with Tesla/Don Smith circuit:
                      Tesla/Don Smith circuit - Input Waveform - L1 coil - YouTube
                      Last edited by Blue_Serge; 02-20-2012, 04:44 PM.


                      • High Frequency Pulse or High Frequency AC

                        Hi Everyone,

                        This is my first post, though I was always a guest of this site to see updates regarding this technology.

                        I am also in the process of developing a similar device based on links, books and videos posted on this site. But I am trying to do it and learning it based on my own understanding and if in times of confusion I go back to this site.

                        According to some Tesla's Literature, he uses the "disruptive discharge" to trigger the primary. Whereas I see most of the systems discussed here and also shown in some schematics that the primary is being driven by a high frequency, high voltage AC and not by a pulse.

                        I made a device before that will disruptively discharge the energy of a 1KV 6.4uF capacitor bank to resistive load (the resistor I used was not purely resistive and also have inductive characteristic so spikes appear across this resistor). The pulse has a 5ns rise time and duration of about 8us non-alternating pulse (Yes, this can be done with careful design).

                        I tried discharging this energy onto a coil of magnetic wire (just a spool of it). One discharge at a time. Every discharge causes a voltage spike across the coil which is higher than 1KV (~4-6KV). By the way, my generating circuit is a combination of digital and analog components, 12V Sealed Lead Acid battery and Power MOSFET as the discharge switch (carefully designed to handle HV).

                        I was amazed by this, I started to do a research regarding "low input, high out" power systems.

                        I also tried doing this experiment using a primary coil and secondary coil to see the effect of resonance. But this time I only tried lower voltages (200 - 500 V) so that my available instrument can still measure it. I observed distinct "ringing" across the secondary on each discharge pulse on the primary. Of course, the voltage across the secondary is very much higher than that is discharged on the primary. I never had an opportunity to do it further, like discharge on the primary at the same of that in the "ringing" frequency of the secondary, because I resigned the company that have this equipment to measure my experiments (I am now in SW Development).

                        Has anyone tried "kicking" the primary with an abrupt and quick discharge and having it resonate with the secondary? I know this will produce greater and higher voltages across the secondary.

                        Please let me know which is better: HFHV-AC or "disruptive discharge" drive on the primary?

                        Thanks in advance.


                        • I posted this on overunity:

                          Would the following work as a method of power measurement?
                          Measure the heat output of a bulb with a infrared non-contact thermometer ($30) under normal power and then measure the bulb heat output being powered by the OU circuit. This should directly correlate with output watts in percentage terms. The only drawback I see - will the light spectrum of the bulb screw up the infrared reading? Thanks

                          Edit: Use a power resister or heater coil instead?


                          • @ Blue Serge

                            Excellent documentation & experimentation! All we need is a way to measure output/input without destroying instruments or getting false readings.


                            • Blue Serge

                              Hi Blue Serge

                              You have done very good work . I think you get one of the best outputs in Don Smith replication here on forum with 200W halogen bulb.



                              • Hi Blueserge,
                                I like your clear proceeding! Thanks for sharing!
                                You might be able to answer some questions in order to give some light:

                                - What wave form does your NST perform (free running and load?

                                "You can do your own experiments to understand more about impedances."
                                Bedini states again and again that impedance matching to be essential.
                                Vladimir Utkin states that too low or too high impedance will decrease gain.

                                "By the way if the impedance in the load is high the surge arrestor run cold and dose not heat up (I ran is setup for hours). If the impedance in the circuit is low then the surge arrestors get red hot and the leads melt."
                                - In cold state do the arrestors perform sparks as well?
                                - What rated values do you use?
                                - It seems that at wrong output impedance the spark gap dumps power not transmitted at output or being reflected from putput. Behaviour like radio with wrong matched antenna. Have you got some measurements to share in order to enable more understanding?

                                Regarding the exponential growing oscillations:
                                - Where does the NST pulse and the spark event occure?
                                - Did you measure wave shape at input (NST / gap)?
                                - What event ends the growing oscillations - the spark? Waht happens if this event does not happen?
                                - Do sparks occure durign increasing oscillations?

                                rgds John
                                Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.

