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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • Sharp Electrical Guy

    Well, you are a very sharp electrical guy.

    Originally posted by dragon View Post
    The only way to win an argument with an idiot is to first become one yourself... it appears everyone has become idiots. What a Pha - king sewer....


    • Originally posted by Seeker2011 View Post
      Is there a way to block posts you don't want to see?
      Profiles, Settings, Blocked Members



      • Originally posted by OrionLightShip View Post
        Why can't we just all get along and do the science?
        This forum is not about egos.

        Yes, I was guilty of getting out of line myself with my careless choice of words based on my opinions. I was also victim to much more than that, but I learned from it.

        The only thing important here or anywhere on this planet is science and spirit. Neither of those two things benefit from fighting.

        I for one am interested in what Zilano has to say. Sqelching Z or anyone else is simply not productive.

        Well said.



        • Thank You!!

          Thank-you Orion!! There are big distractions going on here for a reason. It is very evident what is happening. People are trying to get our eyes off the ball. I wonder why??

          Originally posted by OrionLightShip View Post
          Why can't we just all get along and do the science?
          This forum is not about egos.

          Yes, I was guilty of getting out of line myself with my careless choice of words based on my opinions. I was also victim to much more than that, but I learned from it.

          The only thing important here or anywhere on this planet is science and spirit. Neither of those two things benefit from fighting.

          I for one am interested in what Zilano has to say. Sqelching Z or anyone else is simply not productive.



          • Well Said!!

            Well Said!!

            Originally posted by zilano View Post
            well when people dont have enough understanding they talk as u r talking.
            plz grow up! if u have seen big trafos in any videos of smith and kapanadze running and producing power then prove it. this is not your forum you dont own it. its free for all and anyone can post who is a member. and i am a member. i have right to post. and if u dont like it u have other venues venture there. else skip wot i posted or posting.

            i get paid nothing but i wonder how much u getting paid to interfere?

            i bet a lot, from oil companies, energy supresssors?



            • Originally posted by Joit View Post
              @ Vidbid.
              Hows about stop spamming this Thread with your senseless Post, what actually dont say anything,
              just another bad try from you, to refuse to answer a simple Question straight.


              Originally posted by Joit View Post
              Hows about stop spamming this Thread
              How original. Joit considers any response to him spam.

              Originally posted by Joit View Post
              your senseless Post
              How hypocritical. Joit is the king of meaningless mumbo jumbo.

              Originally posted by Joit View Post
              what actually dont say anything

              Why don't you learn to correctly form a sentence?

              Originally posted by Joit View Post
              just another bad try from you
              I believe that English isn't your first language.

              Originally posted by Joit View Post
              to refuse to answer a simple Question straight.
              If you would first learn how to ask an intelligent question before posting your imbecilic remarks, it's possible that I might be inclined to take you seriously at some later time.


              Is that the best you have to offer?
              Last edited by vidbid; 05-13-2012, 05:04 PM.



              • Originally posted by Joit View Post
                Zilano you are ridicoulus.
                Joit, you are a discourteous, rude schmuck.



                • Dynatron can make mistakes too. It's obvious to me there is still many
                  misconceptions. In case no one noticed I, pointed out to Dynatron that the
                  flux density is maximum at idle for any power transformer, it has nothing to do
                  with working with so called "cold" electricity. And I provided a link to the information.
                  It was a misleading statement and I provided information to prove it, I did not
                  dream up the information it is well known and freely available. And Nothing to
                  do with any "cold" electricity. It's a 100% conventional effect normal to power transformers.

                  Transformers Part 1 - Beginners' Guide to Electronics

                  Originally Posted by dyatronn
                  Хорошо, буду писать по русски.
                  Я думаю, что в общих чертах вы знаете о ходе наших работ по устройству Дона Смита.
                  Сейчас находимся на стадии модернизации трансформатора изоляции..Дело в том, что резонансная катушка может выдать определенный ток (у смита 3 ампера), поэтому реактивное сопротивление трансформатора изоляции должно быть большим (большая индуктивность первичной обмотки), чтоб не просаживать резонансную катушку.
                  Катушка будет выдавать всегда три ампера, если на первичной обмотке трансформатора 100 вольт и если 10 киловольт. Поэтому нам выгоднее когда первчная обмотка большого индуктивного сопротивления, потомуи напряжение на ней будет выше, а мощность от напряжения зависит квадратично. Самое прекрасное в такой системе, что можно устроить колебательный контур из первичной обмотки трансформатора изоляции и высоковольтных конденсаторов. Нагрузка на вторичной обмотке не уменьшает индуктивность первичной обмотки, а значит частота колебаний Lc остается постоянной. Частоту гна которой работает выходной трансформатор изоляции надо брать как можно ниже, потому что увеличивается ширина синусоидальных колебаний (площадь импульсов)- а это ток.
                  Все мои опыты показывают, что сердечник трансформатора должен иметь большую габаритную мощность, он работает как посредник между реактивным током холодного электричества в первичной обмотке и током вторичной обмотки.
                  Трансформатор работает не так как обычный сетевой трансформатор.
                  Увеличение тока нагрузки на вторичной обмотке обычного трансформатора приводит к увеличению магнитного потока в магнитопроводе трансформатоа, а на холостом ходу ток минимален.
                  При работе на холодном электричестве на холостом ходу магнитный поток в сердечнике трансформатора максимален и уменьшается при увеличении тока нагрузки вторичной обмотки.
                  Я подозреваю , что связано это с тем, что ток вторички подчиняется правилулевой руки (магнитный поток), а в первичной обмотке наоборот.
                  О ходе дальнейших результатов буду сообщать..
                  С уважением ко все участникам!!!
                  English translation.

                  Originally Posted by dyatronn
                  Well, I'll write in Russian.
                  I think in general you know about the course of our work on the device of Don Smith.
                  We are now at the stage of the modernization of the transformer insulation .. The fact that the resonant coil can give a certain current (Smith 3 amps), so that the reactance of the transformer insulation should be large (large inductance of the primary winding), so as not to squander the resonant coil.
                  The coil will produce always three amps, if the primary winding of the transformer 100 volts, and if 10 kilovolts. We therefore advantageous when a large inductive pervchnaya winding resistance, because the voltage across it will be higher, and the power of the voltage depends quadratically. The nice thing about this system that you can arrange an oscillating circuit of the transformer primary winding insulation and high voltage capacitors. The load on the secondary does not reduce the inductance of the primary winding, and hence the oscillation frequency remains constant Lc. The frequency of the STA is running on the output transformer insulation should be taken as low as possible because it increases the width of the sine wave (square pulse) - and it is current.
                  All my experiments show that the core of the transformer should have a greater overall capacity, he works as an intermediary between a jet of cold shock of electricity in the primary winding and secondary winding current.
                  The transformer does not work like a normal power transformer.
                  The increase in the load current on the secondary winding of the transformer leads to the usual increase in the magnetic flux in the magnetic transformatoa and idling current is minimal.
                  When working in cold electricity at idle the magnetic flux in the transformer core maximum and decreases with increasing load current of the secondary winding.
                  I suspect that this is due to the fact that the secondary current is subject to pravilulevoy hand (magnetic flux), and the primary winding of the other way around.
                  On the course of further results will be reported ..
                  With respect to all participants!
                  However Don does use a very big transformer in one of his video's and does
                  also say to use an inverter circuit with a iron cored transformer but he says
                  to use a step down transformer with a HV input stepped down to the 240 or
                  120 volts AC 50/60 Hz. I've only "seen" him use one in one video in particular.

                  I would guess that the suitcase/tabletop device as shown in the video's
                  lighting the lights bulb bank does not use the 50/60 Hz iron cored transformer
                  though and nor would it need to use it for simple light bulbs.


                  P.S. I think Dynatronn understands I am not against him or his efforts. But if I
                  see something that I think could be a misunderstanding I might just point out
                  why I think that. As far as I can tell Dynatron is not upset by my pointing this
                  out, if he is he shouldn't be. I think it is an important realization to make, that
                  it is normal.

                  Last edited by Farmhand; 05-12-2012, 11:34 PM.


                  • Vidbid
                    Your bad trys to shift the Theme to only discrediting does not really work.
                    What do you have to hide that you refuse to answer a simple Question.
                    Why do you support this Disinfo Agent.
                    Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                    • Originally posted by Joit View Post
                      Thank much better


                      • Originally posted by zilano View Post
                        dear folks!

                        its not good to fight. if u dont see clear read under.

                        u have watched don videos and kapanadze videos have u ever seen a big trafo like dynatron showing?

                        the answer is absolutely No.

                        both don smith and kapanadze use same resonance tesla coil.

                        both have claimed mega watts and kilowatts

                        there is something missing that even don and kapanadze never specified.

                        think about it.

                        thats all i will say. those who get wot i want to convey will understand this.

                        Just another Proof, that you have not a single Clue how the Device really works, complaining about the 'Big Transformators", that it cant be a part of it, but dont realize, that it IS ONE Part of it.
                        But also refuse to answer specific Question about Ways to transforming at the Device.
                        More Lies over Lies comming soon? Hopefully not anymore.
                        You with a working Device? Only in your Dreams.
                        Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                        • Originally posted by Joit View Post
                          Your bad trys to shift the Theme to only discrediting does not really work.
                          What do you have to hide that you refuse to answer a simple Question.
                          Why do you support this Disinfo Agent.


                          Originally posted by Joit View Post
                          Your bad trys to shift the Theme to only discrediting does not really work.
                          Where did you mislearn English?

                          Originally posted by Joit View Post
                          What do you have to hide that you refuse to answer a simple Question.
                          When will you ask an intelligent question?

                          Originally posted by Joit View Post
                          Why do you support this Disinfo Agent.
                          How do we know that you're not one?
                          Last edited by vidbid; 05-13-2012, 05:05 PM. Reason: Clarification



                          • Originally posted by Joit View Post
                            More Lies over Lies comming soon
                            I have no doubt that they'll be issued straight out of the mouth of Joit.



                            • I am here to learn.
                              I appreciate everyone who has contributed content.
                              I hope we will find an answer to the title of this thread.
                              Please continue the work.
                              Last edited by Seeker2011; 05-13-2012, 01:42 AM.


                              • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                                Dynatron can make mistakes too. It's obvious to me there is still many
                                misconceptions. In case no one noticed I, pointed out to Dynatron that the
                                flux density is maximum at idle for any power transformer, it has nothing to do
                                with working with so called "cold" electricity. And I provided a link to the information.
                                It was a misleading statement and I provided information to prove it, I did not
                                dream up the information it is well known and freely available. And Nothing to
                                do with any "cold" electricity. It's a 100% conventional effect normal to power transformers.

                                Transformers Part 1 - Beginners' Guide to Electronics

                                English translation.

                                However Don does use a very big transformer in one of his video's and does
                                also say to use an inverter circuit with a iron cored transformer but he says
                                to use a step down transformer with a HV input stepped down to the 240 or
                                120 volts AC 50/60 Hz. I've only "seen" him use one in one video in particular.

                                I would guess that the suitcase/tabletop device as shown in the video's
                                lighting the lights bulb bank does not use the 50/60 Hz iron cored transformer
                                though and nor would it need to use it for simple light bulbs.


                                P.S. I think Dynatronn understands I am not against him or his efforts. But if I
                                see something that I think could be a misunderstanding I might just point out
                                why I think that. As far as I can tell Dynatron is not upset by my pointing this
                                out, if he is he shouldn't be. I think it is an important realization to make, that
                                it is normal.

                                Я не буду спорить , это ваше мнение, я просто скажу как думаю я и это не расходится с моими наблюдениями.
                                Магнитный поток на холостом ходу в трансформаторе минимален, и противоэдс здесь нипричем.
                                Магнитный поток в обыкновенном трансформаторе определяется ампер- витками. Если трансформатор на холостом ходу потребляет минимальное количество ампер, значит и плотность магнитного потока минимальна.
                                Если вы с колебательного контура работающий на обыкновенном токе проводимости попытаетесь снять мощность как я это делаю в изолирующем трансформаторе- у вас ничего не получится, вы сразу же понизите индуктивность контура. На холодном электричестве же все наоборот, легкие электроны первичной обмотки не видят тяжелые электроны вторичной обмотки, Частота колебаний LC не меняется,
                                При нагрузке на вторичной обмотке уменьшается только амплитуда тока первичной обмотки. Эти измерения я провел с помощью трансформатора тока включенного в первичную обмотку изолирующего трансформатора.
                                Я еще сам не полностью разобрался с процессами происходящими в трансформаторе продукции, над этим пока работаем.
                                Пока могу добавить, что трансформатор с малым сердечником на холостом ходу имеет обрезаный сверху и снизу синус из за насыщения сердечника, при подключении нагрузки на вторичную обмотку сердечник разгружается и синус становится нормальным..
                                О дальнейших результатах буду сообщать по ходу экспериментов..

