complete build schematic with specs to this point!
Mr. Clean,
attached is a complete schematic at present to this point of my build with specifics on components. excuse my drawing and printing efforts. this build is a vertical build which is a different animal altogether from horizontal coil builds. has to do with wave action or something. any way you will note that the L2 coil is not segmented but simply has leads attached at the desired points. will be working this week into next to perfect the tuning of the coils and when bingo happens Im done. bon ton roule!
will have think about video- never done that before. could be a real disaster.-oh well.
you will note the stark simplicity of this device build - not many components at all. will keep you advised of results and thanks for some good tips and info on your videos. lovn it-mike, onward!
by the way the coils are B&W L1 is a 3204TL and L2 is a 2006TL !! the 3204TL costs 500.00 but you should only use 1/4 of it for this build so you can actually duplicate replica three more times!!!!! hehehehe!
Originally posted by mr.clean
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attached is a complete schematic at present to this point of my build with specifics on components. excuse my drawing and printing efforts. this build is a vertical build which is a different animal altogether from horizontal coil builds. has to do with wave action or something. any way you will note that the L2 coil is not segmented but simply has leads attached at the desired points. will be working this week into next to perfect the tuning of the coils and when bingo happens Im done. bon ton roule!
you will note the stark simplicity of this device build - not many components at all. will keep you advised of results and thanks for some good tips and info on your videos. lovn it-mike, onward!
by the way the coils are B&W L1 is a 3204TL and L2 is a 2006TL !! the 3204TL costs 500.00 but you should only use 1/4 of it for this build so you can actually duplicate replica three more times!!!!! hehehehe!