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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • NOT TRYING TO BUTT IN _ Just a possible quick explanation

    Originally posted by atta View Post
    Hi Mr Clean!

    Its me again!

    I just want to ask how could we variate degree of grouding as donsmith mentions it?


    Hello Atta,

    forgive me for seeming to but in, however I have a piece of info shown in the thumbnail that could be added for your benefit in addition to the info MR Clean provides. the component shown to ground the high voltage secondary could be what Don was referring to.

    Mr clean,
    not attempting to interferr with a quote addressed to you, definitely not my intention, just wanted to pass some seemingly direct information by an type component used to answer the question for a fellow member, thanks to all! mike onward!
    Last edited by clarence; 01-08-2013, 04:30 PM.


    • Originally posted by mr.clean View Post
      Lol thanks, but the best ive seen was Drak's part 5, although he says it wasnt, it looked to me he had a 50watt halogen running from under 20watts in, if i recall correctly.

      He also said he was giving it another shot, and wanted to copy dons wire for wire, and may disappear if it worked..... Havent seen him around for a while.... Lol

      Oh yeah for sure a DC driver would eliminate the need for variac and inverter, those are the major losses as u said, the PVM12 from is a great little unit, with variable freq, and DC is the source
      Thanks mr.clean. Yes, I was lighting the 50w 12v dc bulb brighter going through the contraption using less power then with standard dc.You can see it in the reflection of the light on the board. The problem occurred when I lowered the voltage from ~180v down to 120v, and the frequency from very high (I can't remember what it was now) down to 60hz. I went under unity.

      Someone had said once that by using less power, high voltage, and high frequency that you can get bulbs to light brighter then with standard means. I take it that is what I did.
      I only wanted to copy Dons wire for wire to see what it would output. Nothing. So Don left something out, rewired it to hide the truth, or is fake. I don't believe it was fake, I believe it is possible, because I believe in Tesla.

      I think it all boils down to mixing frequencies. We live on a big capacitor that is constantly being overcharged (aka lightning) by something external. It has to be able to be tapped. And for this I think a good ground is required, after all the ground is one side of the plate of this big capacitor. My problem is, I live in the city and getting a good ground is hard to do.

      You have put so much work into this technology I figured you would have hit the jackpot by now. You could be very close. Keep up the great work!


      • Bingo!

        Originally posted by drak View Post
        We live on a big capacitor that is constantly being overcharged (aka lightning) by something external. It has to be able to be tapped. And for this I think a good ground is required, after all the ground is one side of the plate of this big capacitor. My problem is, I live in the city and getting a good ground is hard to do.

        You have put so much work into this technology I figured you would have hit the jackpot by now. You could be very close. Keep up the great work!
        Nuff said here! Based on all of Don's Videos ,Tesla, Old Crystal Radio Tech,SR193,Kapandanze,Moray and you know the others, Grounding RULES and ROCK.

        All this have been covered before in this said forum but I found repetition helps to enhance my awareness as I progress with this device.

        Check out Moray's over 6 feet of grounding, "dim lights got brighter as the ground pipe was driven into the bed of a creek..."

        Don said, " an adjustable grounding" He keeps emphasing "if you ground it properly".At the Tesla conference, he said the device was connected to good grounding ...In some circles a plate is used instead.More surface area perhaps? One crystal radio enthusiast mentions multiple grounds as giving significant improvement in the loudness of the crystal radios.Again don says the amps show up when you PROPERLY ground the device.Cool huh?

        HEED, TREC and all AERIALS in Kelly's pdf mention the importance of good grounding.In one crystal radio magazine article written in the early 1900's ground rods should be a minimum of six feet down in wet or damp soil,(remember the creek bed in Moray?,Nuff moisture and blacksand eh?).Curiously the magazine was scanned in and the schematics look so close to Moray's reconstructed version.

        Also water pipes to wells are emphasised as sources of good ground.

        So I am planning on doing just that.The local geology department gave me several magnetic maps similar to the ones Don spoke about (I did not ask for it, I went there looking for gold maps!)and I will try putting a 7 foot ground in a good spot.That will serve as my experimental station.I will have to travelle there when its absolutely necessary though as it is some distance off.Happy experimenting everyone and success be yours very soon.

        Last edited by Gedfire; 09-17-2012, 05:47 PM.


        • Degree of grounding

          Originally posted by clarence View Post
          Hello Atta,

          forgive me for seeming to but in, however I have a piece of info shown in the thumbnail that could be added for your benefit in addition to the info MR Clean provides. the component shown to ground the high voltage secondary could be what Don was referring to.

          Mr clean,
          not attempting to interferr with a quote addressed to you, definitely not my intention, just wanted to pass some seemingly direct information by an type component used to answer the question for a fellow member, thanks to all! mike onward!
          thanks clarence!
          I remember don saying some thing about resister divider circuit in one of his tesla symposium vids.i thought of some thing like that.Actually doubt in my mind is if i place load between the 2nd plate and ground of coil giving me the hf/hv then it is conventional how we power up our Tesla coils.isn't it?


          • Originally posted by Gedfire View Post
            Nuff said here! Based on all of Don's Videos ,Tesla, Old Crystal Radio Tech,SR193,Kapandanze,Moray and you know the others, Grounding RULES and ROCK.

            All this have been covered before in this said forum but I found repetition helps to enhance my awareness as I progress with this device.

            Check out Moray's over 6 feet of grounding, "dim lights got brighter as the ground pipe was driven into the bed of a creek..."

            Don said, " an adjustable grounding" He keeps emphasing "if you ground it properly".At the Tesla conference, he said the device was connected to good grounding ...In some circles a plate is used instead.More surface area perhaps? One crystal radio enthusiast mentions multiple grounds as giving significant improvement in the loudness of the crystal radios.Again don says the amps show up when you PROPERLY ground the device.Cool huh?

            HEED, TREC and all AERIALS in Kelly's pdf mention the importance of good grounding.In one crystal radio magazine article written in the early 1900's ground rods should be a minimum of six feet down in wet or damp soil,(remember the creek bed in Moray?,Nuff moisture and blacksand eh?).Curiously the magazine was scanned in and the schematics look so close to Moray's reconstructed version.

            Also water pipes to wells are emphasised as sources of good ground.

            So I am planning on doing just that.The local geology department gave me several magnetic maps similar to the ones Don spoke about (I did not ask for it, I went there looking for gold maps!)and I will try putting a 7 foot ground in a good spot.That will serve as my experimental station.I will have to travelle there when its absolutely necessary though as it is some distance off.Happy experimenting everyone and success be yours very soon.

            Don also said that grouding is a relative term!
            You can use "The Air grounding or The Ground grounding"


            • Originally posted by Ganzha View Post
              Dally replicant - YouTube

              The man said that it is stupid to use Neon tube as a stabilisator he use different
              He said that VCO is working but there are no reaction what is frequency is used
              He said he has 220 volt bulb 40 Watt but he has 40 Volt on it and it is work very weak (as you could see) He said that Generator (oscillator) of nano impulses work that is indicates usind TV sets as a measure devices - he tuned TV set from Antenbna and recieve signalk from his Oscillator it looks like verical lines at TV screen/////
              That is practically all!

              I shoul ad that is stupid to use VCO in this scgematic because that is not controlled no feedback lines, that is waisting of time and materials
              The problem with Russian replicators is - they never make 1:1 copy of original circuit then they're scratching heads why it is not working. Especially when there is no understanding at all how cicruit works...


              • Air Grounding

                Originally posted by atta View Post
                Don also said that grouding is a relative term!
                You can use "The Air grounding or The Ground grounding"
                Yes,you are absolutely right.I have proven that.The ground on my car body (insulated by the tires) versus a 1 by 1 foot zinc plate produced different voltage results.Seem to work by square feet and the frequency at which you pulse it.I can understand the size of an aeroplane body and its power to enhance air grounding.I have also seen a Don plasma tube replicator and naudin using air ground and it works just fine.Again it seem to be a function of surface area that is exposed...

                Good stuff.Thanks!

                Last edited by Gedfire; 09-17-2012, 07:51 PM.


                • Dollard Don Stuff

                  Originally posted by clarence View Post
                  Hello Mr Clean, EWizard,&all,

                  clarence here- when I was perusing through DS's old pdf something jumped out at me for the first time!! The attached thumbnail is below!

                  this photo schematic is an EXACT DIY build instruction for an autotransformer high voltage type ( THE SAME THING AS AN OLD TYPE AUTOMOBILE IGNITION COIL!) oil and all!

                  It also occurred to me that this same type high voltage transformer could easily be built out in the open with no oil and some ferrite core of whatever type (whether carbon-arc welding gouge rods or ferrite powder and lite elmers glue mix) or simply as an air core set up wound on small clear acrylic tube. the wand DS used in his 2005 weekend video which he pointed and pulsed the cap plate demo was just such type of device commercialy secured and used by Don. dons almost ending statements on the demo said that ANY NUMBER OF ISOLATED SEPARATE CAP PLATES COULD BE PLACED IN THE PROXIMITY AND WOULD RECEIVE THE SAME POWER WITHOUT DETRACTING FROM THE ORIGINAL!!!! that statement verifies the post by HS in one of his earlier posts showing the separate series cap schematic and also was verified by Eric dollard in one of his tutorials! just thoughts and info you might enjoy and get use out of.

                  mike, onward!
                  Good post.

                  With the multiple caps, would you have diodes? Could you post a complete theoretical schematic?

                  The impulse transformer device ala Don.Could we have a complete schematic for this too?

                  Fountain Giving Life Device uses the same multiple capacitors at a ceratin angle to the field to get electricity.Also Tesla and others had saw electricity discharging to ground from other parts of buildings.Insulated metal held the charges metres away from high voltage switching and when the charge was high enough,the energy discharged to ground.Cool stuff.Got this from Kelly's pdf.

                  Thanks Man,

                  Last edited by Gedfire; 09-17-2012, 08:10 PM.


                  • Êàòóøêà . Êîììåíòàðèè : LiveInternet - Ðîññèéñêèé Ñåðâèñ Îíëàéí-Äíåâíèêîâ


                    Внутреннее устройство, хотел написать трансформатора, но как то назвать трансформатором сложно.
                    1 фото - общий вид
                    2-фото -48 витков
                    3-фото -59 витков
                    4-фото -66 витков
                    5-фото -70 витков
                    Итого: верхняя обмотка 83 витка.
                    Под ней: коаксиал - 21 виток RG50U.(фото 7, 8)
                    Под коаксиалом 159 витков провода 0,85 мм.(фото 9,10)
                    Далее 475 витков провода 0,33 (фото 11,12,13,14)

                    The internal device, wanted to say it is transformer but it is hard to name it as transfomer.
                    1 photo - general view
                    2 photo - 48 turns
                    3 photo - 59 turns
                    4 photo - 66 turns
                    5 photo - 70 turns
                    Total: top coil 83 turns
                    Under it: coax cable - 21 turns RG50U (photo 7,8) (translation addition: 50 Ohm computer network cable)
                    Under coax cable: 159 turns coil, the wire diameter 0,85mm (photo 9, 10)
                    Next: 475 turns coil, wire diameter 0,33mm (photo 11,12,13,14)

                    Íàñòðîéêà. Êîììåíòàðèè : LiveInternet - Ðîññèéñêèé Ñåðâèñ Îíëàéí-Äíåâíèêîâ

                    "Натраивать с подключенным заземлением.
                    Настраивается с помощью генератора на TL путем подбора частоты и скважности.
                    Tune with Earth ground connection attached.
                    Gets tunned with help of TL generator when tinkering with frequency and duty cycle.

                    So all details now, good luck in replication!
                    Last edited by T-1000; 09-17-2012, 10:08 PM.


                    • Originally posted by drak
                      count them, I think you mean 21?
                      yeah, 21, it was typo.



                      • Originally posted by Gedfire View Post
                        Good post.

                        With the multiple caps, would you have diodes? Could you post a complete theoretical schematic?

                        The impulse transformer device ala Don.Could we have a complete schematic for this too?

                        Fountain Giving Life Device uses the same multiple capacitors at a ceratin angle to the field to get electricity.Also Tesla and others had saw electricity discharging to ground from other parts of buildings.Insulated metal held the charges metres away from high voltage switching and when the charge was high enough,the energy discharged to ground.Cool stuff.Got this from Kelly's pdf.

                        Thanks Man,

                        hello Gedfire,

                        I believe the information of schematics I posted in post #7327 and #7337. check and see. LOL mike onward!


                        • correct my possible misunderstanding!

                          Originally posted by atta View Post
                          thanks clarence!
                          I remember don saying some thing about resister divider circuit in one of his tesla symposium vids.i thought of some thing like that.Actually doubt in my mind is if i place load between the 2nd plate and ground of coil giving me the hf/hv then it is conventional how we power up our Tesla coils.isn't it?
                          Hello Atta,

                          Im not sure I follow your question as to the method of powering tesla coils - are you speaking of coils before the cap plates (that would be powering by Dons usual device methods). If you are speaking of coils placed after the cap plates that would be a different animal. any such coil system would have to be able to #1 handle the high voltage without arcing between coil turns, And #2 would involve ferrite or air gap cores to handle the high frequency. If I misunderstood Im sorry and feel free to correct me by any means! Sincerely LOL, mike, onward!


                          • Originally posted by clarence View Post
                            Hello Atta,

                            forgive me for seeming to but in, however I have a piece of info shown in the thumbnail that could be added for your benefit in addition to the info MR Clean provides. the component shown to ground the high voltage secondary could be what Don was referring to.

                            Mr clean,
                            not attempting to interferr with a quote addressed to you, definitely not my intention, just wanted to pass some seemingly direct information by an type component used to answer the question for a fellow member, thanks to all! mike onward!
                            im pretty laid back, lol its fine to answer someones question

                            and actually im not sure, from the Don schem, it looks like a variable cap is between earth and coil, but i have never tried that

                            ive also seen a resistor between earth and ground, im guessing that would be like putting a resistor from your positive terminal on battery, keep too much current from flowing

                            ... but ive never tried to "stop" any current, always looking for more
                            it would be nice to have that problem of too much current tho.

                            i wish i could answer that for sure, but i have noticed when i added the earth to center tap (base of both secondaries) i noticed a "thumping sharp pain" in my fingers, and when the ground was removed, just "tingling" when touching the secondary streamers.

                            so there was definitely a difference with the ground, and varying the degree of the ground connection would lessen or strengthen that effect i guess

                            also like i mentioned, using rectified HV to positive terminal, and ground to neg terminal, the caps charged about as fast as the smith coils,

                            And as we all know, opposites attract, and as we"ve all heard, the ground is abundant neg charge, so when the pos terminal gets HV, the neg terminal on the capacitor charges up to meet the charge on the pos. and it would not be possible unless there was charge available from the ground... and there is indeed, not just rumours.

                            and when they say, a "good" ground, that means moist, deep, closer to sea level, etc...
                            In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
                            In the expert's mind there are few.
                            -Shunryu Suzuki


                            • Originally posted by drak View Post
                              Thanks mr.clean. Yes, I was lighting the 50w 12v dc bulb brighter going through the contraption using less power then with standard dc.You can see it in the reflection of the light on the board. The problem occurred when I lowered the voltage from ~180v down to 120v, and the frequency from very high (I can't remember what it was now) down to 60hz. I went under unity.

                              Someone had said once that by using less power, high voltage, and high frequency that you can get bulbs to light brighter then with standard means. I take it that is what I did.
                              I only wanted to copy Dons wire for wire to see what it would output. Nothing. So Don left something out, rewired it to hide the truth, or is fake. I don't believe it was fake, I believe it is possible, because I believe in Tesla.

                              I think it all boils down to mixing frequencies. We live on a big capacitor that is constantly being overcharged (aka lightning) by something external. It has to be able to be tapped. And for this I think a good ground is required, after all the ground is one side of the plate of this big capacitor. My problem is, I live in the city and getting a good ground is hard to do.

                              You have put so much work into this technology I figured you would have hit the jackpot by now. You could be very close. Keep up the great work!
                              hi Drak yes i think the gain you had was in the high freq, AND having ur circuits tuned to the 32khz you were using, without the high freq, i would think surely it would be back down to underunity

                              So i dont think the high freq can be removed from the formula, otherwise Mr Ohm shows up when you go below 20khz

                              180v down to 120v ?
                              i think you were inputing 13v at 1.7a, (22.1 watts DC) and getting the 50watt bulb lit up ***(something i have not been able to do so far)***

                              as for my own work, i try to keep at it, but just too busy and tired to do it day-in day-out, and there is much i need to learn.

                              Im mostly going by trial and error
                              --mostly error hehe
                              Getting closer to ...whatever it is...

                              **but please dont go by the length of time, cause ur right, i should have by now figured it out, yet i dont think i have tried all that is possible.

                              yes some encouraging results, but im still at it ive got ionization all over and there must still be losses like crazy maybe just drop it all in some oil, idk.

                              but thankyou, i hope you never stop your experiments either
                              In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
                              In the expert's mind there are few.
                              -Shunryu Suzuki


                              • Originally posted by T-1000 View Post

                                So all details now, good luck in replication!
                                who are you T1000? you are so awesome! great pics man!!

                                You really put a lot of effort into trying to help us spoiled English people,
                                thanks again for everything you do

                                as for the pics, people who are willing to tear apart their work to show others, gives them credibility big time

                                and if it was a fake, why the magnet wire base layer? a faker wouldnt even know to do that
                                Last edited by mr.clean; 09-18-2012, 01:00 AM.
                                In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities.
                                In the expert's mind there are few.
                                -Shunryu Suzuki

