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Resonance methods of electric power transmission
The site also mention the effectiveness of vortical design and oscillating blade for extracting energy from nature.
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Resonance methods of electric power transmission
He was an excellent electric engineer and, in his experiments, demonstrated the abilities of the single-wire electric system to transfer electric power with small losses over tungsten wire with a diameter of 10 micrometers. In the nineties, in VIESH, the testing of a single-wire line made of plastic fishing-line with a diameter of 1 mm covered by an aluminium film with thickness of 0.4 micrometers was carried out using the device of S.V. Avramenko with power of 100 W. Then, a quartz fiber-optic line with a diameter of l mm covered with an aluminium protective layer was tested as a single-wire line. After that, D.S. Strebkov suggested using layers of water, soil, oxide conductive films on the basis of oxides of indium and tin (ITO) on a glass surface as the single-wire lines. Successful experiments were conducted and patents of the Russian Federation were obtained. In 2000, D.S. Strebkov suggested using laser beams in the atmosphere and ionosphere in order to create a pipe in resonance system of electric power supply of aircrafts and the Earth. Afterwards he obtained a patent for the use of an electronic beam in order to transfer electric power in space and energy exchange between spacecrafts and earth with the help of counter-laser-electronic beams.