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peparation for Planet X.

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  • peparation for Planet X.

    I am a new member of this forum. Over the past few months I have observed the astonishing range and depth of talent shown on the subject of Free Energy, and electronics in general.The knowledge shown in expressing new theorys tempered by practical experence has humbled me, and has shown up many short comings in my own knowledge of electronics. I have a lot to learn, and learn I will.The extent of the expertise shown by the members of this forum has given me a great excitment of the achievements detailed , and of the future plans in store. The theories formulated, according to convential teaching "are outside the box", but are shaped by the tribulations and pain of practical experience gained over many years . Indeed, I feel that the mantra of this forum "Where everthing is possible" can be made possible by the members.
    There is an excellent article by Patrick J Kelly In his Guide to free energy Devices Chapter 15.(Google that in and you will get an earfull) it lays out the time available before Planet X will be producing effects on the Earth. These effects reign bad to disaster for all on Earth. A great increase in volcanic action, and the stripping of the earth's protective ozone layer and the Van Allen belts,are amonst the more benign effects. The earth and its inhabitants will then be exposed to the full force of the sun's radiation.Apart from killing billions, what effect will it have on our semi-conductors ?
    I have seen in many of the forum's threads clever devices controlled by semi-conductors. These circuits are very elegant and do the job with panache,The use of the semi-conductors is obviously the result of a great depth of knowledge and hard work in making sure that these active devices operate in their safe operating area. But this is now, when the last transistor goes up in smoke, well the factories are humming,the supply lines are open. So we order another 100 or thereabouts, replacements, in the knowledge that they will arive in due course, safe and sound.
    As everone knows semi-conductors are very vulnerable to electro-magnetic pulses. At the best scenerio, the sun's radiation will probably destroy the best part of the power distribution system,and, in my view ,the majority of unprotected semi-conductors. Chaos would reign in our infrastructure. Factories without power cannot produce our replacements, and so our painfully crafted devices, made to produce a modicum of electric power for our comfort, cannot function.
    I would suggest that this thread be devoted to an earlier technolgy,that was developed by the master of it. Namely John Bedini.It can be seen that a mechanical means of controlling a pulse motor would be unaffected by any radiation or EMP.Our devices would keep humming away under the most dire of circumstances.
    For those who say I am an Ivory tower type, and have never got my hands dirty, let me assure you that I have, in dirt upto my elbows. I know well the endless hours of sweat and toil only to end in failure. Well, pick up the piecies, and start again,and again , and again, to finally reach the objective.
    I have built several examples of J B 's SSG, and am now working on a window motor. A small one as a test bed for producing torque, and generating power for self running.
    I promise to work on this,and share everthing with you all, althrough my health is good, I find ,in my waning years, I have slowed down, I also have to give much assistance to my wife, who has her own health problems. So those who want a speedy result, please be patient.
    Last edited by kentman21; 10-27-2009, 02:09 AM. Reason: Typo errors

  • #2

    to the forum

    A fair number of people here realise the importance of avoiding complex semiconductor arrangements.

    I've found mechanical switching to have vastly different effects than the humble transistor, let alone the nagging fear that they won't always function or be available.

    As always, the simplest approach is often the best - and since most of us here are hobbyists that's a good thing.

    Love and light
    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


    • #3

      Planet X, Sun storms, Solar storms, are really just small potatoes if you can comprehend that there might be a supper wave heading this way.

      YouTube - Superwave: Project Camelot interviews Dr Paul LaViolette

      This is a very interesting video to watch...if you are into the above.

      Are you ready?



      • #4
        I am personally not sure about planet X, but it seems that the asteroid belt was an ancient planet called Maldek. This may be an interesting read for you too:
        2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way! - Project Avalon Forum

        Scientific Evidence suggests that the whole solar system is going through a change, and a simple planet like Nibiru cannot account for all of these changes occurring right now. It seems that there is an energetic upgrade going on.

        Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


        • #5
          I also share your concern about semiconductors, and marvel at the fact that Tesla developed his technologies without them (as they are found in their present form).

          I have found the most convincing argument for an influx of solar radiation in the book "Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps" by Robert Felix, see
          Evolutionary Leaps Felix chronicles the regular ice ages every 11,000 years and presents a very scientific case to show we are entering into a new ice age. According to Felix, this is preceded by reduced sunspots (and solar activity) lowering the earth's temperature, geomagnetic pole reversal, weakening and rupturing of the magnetosphere protecting the earth from solar radiation, followed by a massive influx of solar radiation which has produced species extinctions at regular intervals. A very convincing read that is gaining increasing attention. Here's his main site:
          Ice Age Now

          I also believe there are simple ways to build devices capable of harnessing the sea of radiant energy in which we move and live - ways that don't necessarily need the assistance of semiconductors, tho' I must confess, I rely on them right now.


          • #6
            This forum is getting wilder every day.
            In my humble guess, it is we will still be here after 2012 or any similar date you can name.



            • #7
              Recommended viewing

              Originally posted by Karl_Palsness View Post
              Planet X, Sun storms, Solar storms, are really just small potatoes if you can comprehend that there might be a supper wave heading this way.

              YouTube - Superwave: Project Camelot interviews Dr Paul LaViolette

              This is a very interesting video to watch...if you are into the above.

              Are you ready?

              That was a bloody fantastic interview.

              If only 10% of the information presented (and he's made more verified predictions than einstein) is true, it's well worth watching.

              Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


              • #8
                Can't edit; want to add:

                Originally posted by Karl_Palsness View Post
                Planet X, Sun storms, Solar storms, are really just small potatoes if you can comprehend that there might be a supper wave heading this way.

                YouTube - Superwave: Project Camelot interviews Dr Paul LaViolette

                This is a very interesting video to watch...if you are into the above.

                Are you ready?

                That was a bloody fantastic interview.

                If only 10% of the information presented (and he's made more verified predictions than einstein) is true, it's well worth watching.

                Edit : I should add, it explores (among other topics) the theory allowing for alternative energy sources being worked on in this forum.

                @Baroutologos - try keep an open mind, or at least keep in mind that there's no point throwing the baby out with the bath water
                Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                • #9

                  Practical Guide to Free-Energy Devices
                  Patrick J. Kelly


                  Didn't even know this part of the book excisted !
                  Its a must read. Sigh.
                  Just spent the last 4 hours or so jumping around Utube, and this chapter.
                  Yes, fiate money and how and why.
                  Yes a nice write up and Utube , on Planet X
                  Yes the world is going to hell in a hand basket.

                  Truth, if it was not Patrick J Kelly, I would not have put eny wieght on this at all. However, as with much I'm seeing lately, it ties in well with the rest of the troubles we have on this planet.

                  I'm going to meditate now, I only have 3 years before the forth dimesion will be thrust upon me. Fellow tried to sell me a bridge in arizona once........

                  Andrew T
                  I paid cash..... Can't seem to find it though.....


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by BobBrown View Post
                    Practical Guide to Free-Energy Devices
                    Patrick J. Kelly


                    Didn't even know this part of the book excisted !
                    Its a must read. Sigh.
                    Just spent the last 4 hours or so jumping around Utube, and this chapter.
                    Yes, fiate money and how and why.
                    Yes a nice write up and Utube , on Planet X
                    Yes the world is going to hell in a hand basket.

                    Truth, if it was not Patrick J Kelly, I would not have put eny wieght on this at all. However, as with much I'm seeing lately, it ties in well with the rest of the troubles we have on this planet.

                    I'm going to meditate now, I only have 3 years before the forth dimesion will be thrust upon me. Fellow tried to sell me a bridge in arizona once........

                    Andrew T
                    I paid cash..... Can't seem to find it though.....
                    The History channel has been running this stuff for weeks now...
                    If 12/21/2012 is the start of the demiseof this planet.. then all I can say is I hope Indiana is the first to go.. I wanna go quick, I'm not into pain and suffering... !!!

                    Isn't Arizona where they transplanted the London Bridge.. maybe that one's yours... LOL


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Karl_Palsness View Post
                      Planet X, Sun storms, Solar storms, are really just small potatoes if you can comprehend that there might be a supper wave heading this way.

                      YouTube - Superwave: Project Camelot interviews Dr Paul LaViolette

                      This is a very interesting video to watch...if you are into the above.

                      Are you ready?

                      @Karl_Palsness: thanks for this pointing! A very interesting view indeed. Many of the issues that I have already been struggling lonely with for months on my thread was touched here. Three of the few books I will for sure order and pay full price for with a smile is from Dr. Paul LaViolette!

                      10% true - personally I think 10% might need more investigating, but I would put 90% at the basis of reality. For the first time ever since I heard about 2012 some 12 years ago - I found any other person believing exactly what I said then; and still! The earth will not be completely destroyed, but there will be 'fire' and this will be due to (what I called then and now) a galactic storm. Dr. PL is fitting perfect with his super wave! Man, I wished I knew about this months ago, would have saved me much doubt in myself!

                      About the new energy – which is Ancient energy; I am exhilarated!
                      Become free form ‘electronics’ – what else can I say.

                      There is however only one problem. We are basically out of time. Things are happening that very few people realize or get to know about. If it was not such a serious issue, I would have been laughing for hours!

                      A single occurance and I would say 'fluke of nature' two will make me quiet, three, well there are prophesies that the desert will bloom like a forest ... again!

                      Though it happened in January 2007 ….
                      Gerry's Site - Snow in Saudi ???

                      Again in 2008 ...
                      King sends aid to snow-hit Saudi Arabians - Healthcare -
                      Rare Snows and Cold in Saudi Arabia Ignored by US Media |

                      Strange? Well see this one … a5 months later it happened again!
                      Snow in Saudi Arabia…Again! « Bob’s Bites

                      Not only in Saudi Arabia, also in the UAE.
                      Snow falls in the United Arab Emirates « Watts Up With That?
                      “… their language did not even have a word for snow…”

                      oops! I am on the wrong thread! Yes, and no - these are the signs for Planet-X, Doomsday, 2012 - or are they a warning for us to wake up and start preparing for the CHANGE predicted by the Mayans? I new dispensation, a new way of living?
                      Last edited by Aromaz; 10-24-2009, 11:55 PM.
                      Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                      • #12
                        superwave will zap planet X

                        Nassim Haramein did a bit on planet X too ...
                        and I was very much struck by his statement:

                        "I think we're floating in grace ... another chance!!!"

                        So it appears that there was a very close miss already
                        and the SUN actually reacted and SPIT a great flame
                        towards "something" that entered our solar system --
                        diverting its course.

                        If that was planet X ... its leaving now ... so chill.

                        As for the super wave ... sounds like a job for the
                        surfers who have been studying wave theory all these
                        years and have developed a sort of Zen about waves
                        that may be our only defense.
                        If I was in charge, I would immediately start a black
                        project, hiring all surfers to work this super wave problem.
                        Perhaps we can
                        "bail out" or send a "bonzai" interference pattern,
                        or "take the barrel".
                        Whatever happens regarding the super wave, I'm sure
                        it will be "Gnarlatious!"

                        Lastly, regarding the Sun heating up, as we approach
                        the "event horizon" of the milky way galaxy.
                        This one has me worried. I think what actually might
                        save us is Einstien's relativity. It stands to reason that
                        if solar system wide we all just spin a little bit faster
                        around the galaxy, that relatively speaking ... we won't really
                        notice a thing ... except in the case of gravitational eddy currents.
                        So what we need to do is try real real hard not to leave a wake ..
                        so lets all tighten our belts and hold on!!!


                        • #13
                          Cosmic waves, climate change, etc., oh my!

                          Hi Morpher44;

                          I'm not worried about any of this fearmongering. If God created this planet specifically so we would have a nice place to live as stated by Hugh Ross, ( a top astrophysicist and author) I believe he will take care of us and it.

                          The Fingerprint of God: Hugh Ross: Books

                          That's a great looking pair of cherubims!



                          • #14

                            Originally posted by ANTIQUER View Post
                            If God created this planet specifically so we would have a nice place to live
                            If that were true ... then God did a VAST overkill on creation ...
                            what with galaxy after galaxy and all that space out there.

                            Also protecting the earth from a disaster would violate our free
                            will if the disaster is of our own making ... or our own in ability
                            to save ourselves with self preservation
                            .... and hence God's hands are tied.

                            The God of the Old Testament had no trouble flooding the planet --
                            hitting the reset button as it were.

                            I think God's creation is incredibly VAST and life has been seeded throughout this galaxy and others ... and that creation and evolution are in a spiral dance with intelligence behind it all.

                            The moon appears as if its been placed right there to help the earth
                            and may in fact be a machine -- intelligently created.
                            Yes I've read
                            "Rendezvous with Rama" - Arthur C. Clarke.

                            The earth created? Perhaps ... or it may have just
                            been a nice rock in the "Goldilox Zone" -- yes I just watched
                            "Stargate Universe" ... great writing...I'm impressed.

                            Intelligent life is in very high probability "out there" ... and
                            may concern itself with protecting inferior intelligences that
                            are not yet able to protect themselves -- in keeping with the
                            higher purpose of evolution and creation.
                            Not dissimilar to us attempting to avoid killing a deer on the road
                            because we respect life. God is good!


                            • #15
                              Hi morpher44;

                              If that were true ... then God did a VAST overkill on creation ...
                              what with galaxy after galaxy and all that space out there.
                              Well, I'm glad you feel qualified after reading Clarke to pass judgment on God's handiwork.

                              Also protecting the earth from a disaster would violate our free
                              will if the disaster is of our own making ... or our own in ability
                              to save ourselves with self preservation
                              .... and hence God's hands are tied.
                              The disasters mentioned here (Cosmic waves,climate change, etc.) are not of our making and we have no defense against them. God's hands are never tied.

                              The God of the Old Testament had no trouble flooding the planet --
                              hitting the reset button as it were.
                              And he did this why? And still he did not wipe us out, gave mankind another chance, and promised not to flood us out again. Even gave us the rainbow as a sign he would keep his promise.

                              The moon appears as if its been placed right there to help the earth
                              and may in fact be a machine -- intelligently created.
                              Yes I've read
                              "Rendezvous with Rama" - Arthur C. Clarke.
                              You would be much better off reading Ross. Try it, you might like it. It is science, not science fiction. Among other things, what is the mass of the universe? How many dimensions were in existence at the time of "the Big Bang"? How much of each element is required to form a perfect universe: what happens if the proportions are off? You will have a different perspective on things as they are.

                              -- in keeping with the
                              higher purpose of evolution and creation.
                              The Theory of Evolution is so full of holes it resembles swiss cheese. Try reading some of the books like "Scientific Creationism" by Henry M Morris or "Evolution, The Fossils Say No!" by Duane T. Gish. How about these critters:

                              Amazing Animals that Defy Evolution

                              These are only a few that are on the videos here:

                              Scientific Discoveries : Video documentary, intelligent design, teaching creationism versus science and evolution, Bible student DVD, films

                              I hope you enjoy them and they widen your perception as to which of the two is correct.


