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Blue No More

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  • Blue No More

    A Friend of mine has posted a website that I feel is worth a mention here.

    Perhaps it would be better suited in another sub section, however I feel the information is important.

    Welcome to Blue No More

    Any comments appreciated.

    "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson

  • #2
    Very interesting. In Indonesia that jet trail do not make such cloud. Usually appear in the afternoon, although the sky above Surabaya is blue for the past few months. I just notice that it can't be heard now, but 20 or 10 years before I remember it make rather loud noise.


    • #3
      Long time ago

      Just adding my 2 cents.

      Was a while back, maybe 1970 maybe 1980 can't remember. But 4 long lasting trails did appear over Toronto Canada. these trails slowly fanned left and right, tollk a long time. Thought I saw military jets flying at the head of these. I was a kid, so sorry, no follow up.

      Andrew T
      One way to improve your life PATHS ~ Mind Energetics
      Its worth checking out.


      • #4
        Thanks for the link, Ren. This information is vitally important and excellently presented. The more we get the word out the better.


        • #5
          Ren is just as important thanks for posting please send to me in future Ren , i am here to help do our part collectively, i owe your mate a beer! We can use this influence change. trust me on that, GEET school Australia and other stuff will be on Tv next year form US. Il promo this and help, thats why i am here, non profit brother you no it.

          Thanks for posting Ren, gotta talk to him one day and thank him



          • #6
            Is this for real?

            I mean contrails can form and not appear, based on atmospheric temperature and surrounding barometric pressure. If these conditions change they will form visible contrails.
            Water particles also are magnetically attracted to each other. If you use a fog machine in the upper atmosphere the cloud steady grow bigger.

            Do you realize the number of flights everyday.

            Has somebody gotten hold of a sample of the Aerosol?



            • #7
              Hi Matt.

              Your questions are valid.

              I hold the authors opinion in high regard, Ive known him since I was a child. He has spoken at length with people from around the globe regarding this. He is well versed in the methods of research, and has lived in the area for sometime now, taking photos for a living, and has noticed the change over time. There were other topics in relation to this that we dipped into but I would rather that he presented his view himself, rather than me try to summarize what I remember.

              I may ask him to join the forums, and if he chooses (and is let in of course) he may present more of his findings.

              @ Sucayho, note slide 7/8 where he also noted a lack of sound from the aircraft.

              These are incredible claims, but these are incredible times. Just take a look at the international photos if the others dont convince you of something different happening.

              Im hoping Dr Lindemann has something to say in regards to this.

              "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


              • #8
                Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                Ren is just as important thanks for posting please send to me in future Ren , i am here to help do our part collectively, i owe your mate a beer! We can use this influence change. trust me on that, GEET school Australia and other stuff will be on Tv next year form US. Il promo this and help, thats why i am here, non profit brother you no it.

                Thanks for posting Ren, gotta talk to him one day and thank him

                No worries Ash, I would have sent it sooner, I only found out about it yesterday.
                "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


                • #9
                  Thanks mate. Okay i added it here
                  Chem Trails

                  WE have a guy in Sydney that watches the skies for us, also we have 3000 signatures to influence the oz government to investigate. We will have our own chemtrail video production done soon already filmed part of it

                  GREAT presentation!!!!! Ill ask him if he wants us to feature it, its really professional work Ren. More to come. I can mention this on TV next year when the GEET school is here

                  Thank him for me Ren its bloody great work, undeniable.
                  CHEM TRAILS ARE REAL.



                  • #10
                    Wow, I was born in Port Macquarie where these pictures were taken so this seems really close to home for me. I even recognize where nearly every picture is taken. Within the month I'm going camping up about half an hour south of Port Maquarie and after seeing these photos I think I'll take the half an hour trip and see if I can see any chem trails of my own.

                    Last edited by Raui; 10-26-2009, 10:12 AM.
                    Scribd account;


                    • #11
                      Wow ! These photos really expose the problem.
                      It might be worthwile to send the link to meteorologists around the world, to get confirmation that these formations are un-natural.

                      On the pictures of formations that are "chopped" by radio waves, it would also be interesting to try to measure the wavelength and then determine the frequency of the transmitter. By comparing with the size of the aircraft that do this, it might be possible. The chemtrails are at about the same altitude, or just slightly lower than the aircraft flight path. So on 2 photographs taken at the same zoom, one of the aircraft and the other of the cloud formation. relative measurements would reveal the wavelength. Of course, the photos would have been taken at several hours interval.


                      • #12
                        Interesting article in the Links section.


                        Worth a read.

                        "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


                        • #13

                          YouTube - chemtrails above Hornsby NSW AUS

                          YouTube - subtle pearlescant sheen in chemtrail
                          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                          • #14
                            More chemtrails being made as I film

                            YouTube - criscrossing chemtrails

                            YouTube - chemtrails being made by aircraft
                            Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                            • #15
                              Stupid people

                              An idiot on youtube keeps insisting these are normal contrails. The plane leaving the trails in it's wake was tiny but visible. I've not seen aircraft what must have been the size of an airliner up that high.

                              I've got great vision, better than anyone else I've met, and within 2 seconds the 'cloud' was twice the diameter of the length of the plane.

                              The plane itself looked white with a grey tail, but this could have been a reflection from the sun along the length of the hull, meaning the entire aircraft was probably grey.

                              At least 3 grey aircraft at that altitude leaving criscrossing contrails that thick and persistent?

                              All very odd.
                              Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.

