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  • #46
    Obama May Block Sun's Rays to End Global Warming

    Obama May Block Sun's Rays to End Global Warming - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News -

    WASHINGTON — The president's new science adviser said Wednesday that global warming is so dire, the Obama administration is discussing radical technologies to cool Earth's air.

    John Holdren told The Associated Press in his first interview since being confirmed last month that the idea of geoengineering the climate is being discussed.

    One such extreme option includes shooting pollution particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun's rays. Holdren said such an experimental measure would only be used as a last resort.

    "It's got to be looked at," he said. "We don't have the luxury of taking any approach off the table."

    So it really is a polluting particle. Even Obama's scientist admit it.

    The explanation:
    BBC - Science & Nature - Horizon
    Why would particles in the atmosphere cause global dimming?
    It's very simple - they reflect sunlight back into space. This fact has been well-known for many decades (it is why volcanoes, which can throw vast numbers of sulphate particles into the upper atmosphere, can have a strong temporary cooling effect on the Earth).

    What came as a surprise was the so-called indirect effect, whereby particles in the atmosphere change the optical properties of clouds. This happens because the presence of man-made particles in the atmosphere increases the number of sites where water droplets can form. The effect is that up to six times as many water droplets form in a polluted air mass as would naturally, but since the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere does not change, the droplets have to be smaller than they would naturally be.

    Since the reflectivity of the clouds depends on the surface area of the droplets, these polluted clouds are more reflective than unpolluted ones (since many small droplets have a bigger surface area than fewer big ones). By reflecting more sunlight back into space these more reflective clouds cut down the sunlight reaching the surface - hence contributing to global dimming.
    Many report hotter, unfriendly sun, no wind when the sky is white though. So that maybe just an unproven theory.

    Me? I would improve my sleeping aid . Shooting it to the sky just like Aromaz's Russian friend mention can come later...


    • #47
      Originally posted by Joit View Post
      A Video from Rome, not sure, if this a Afterburner or a Sprayer.
      This show the plane, the white trail and what I mean by uneven trail dispersing:
      YouTube - Orgonite Chemtrail Busting !!!

      I am not promoting orgonite for blue sky, yet . If you build it, don't use if it reduce your sleep time or make you feel do not need to sleep.

      Someone mention that you bust rain cloud by throwing positive ion to the sky. If it disturb / reduce your sleep, the energy being produced is similar positive ion. I lost my link for this, sorry.

      In my own opinion a cloud buster should have hexagon shape and produce negative ion either passively or active. The easiest test is how it promote sleep. Other test is tastier water. Watch out for being more emotional/temperamental, nightmare or more energized.
      Last edited by sucahyo; 08-12-2010, 07:14 AM.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
        you mean me? Sure, i'll gather up some rain water in a steam cleaned glass bottle next time it rains. Email me a postal address.
        P.s. Why?
        recently (I think beginning of August) the King of Thailand gave permission to Australia (Queensland) to use his RainMaking technology. This is often used in Thailand (since 1971) and been employed with great success in African countries (since 1974) and other SE nations like Indonesia since 1985.

        In 1999 the King developped a new technique HRH called "Super Sandwich"

        Basically three to nine planes are used simultanously to seed the clouds they are flying in a "L" formation completing a grit usually around 1,500 to 2,000 meter above land.

        First plane (Smaller AU-73) spray a thin mist of Sodium Chloride (common table salt obtained from low coastal area West from Bangkok). This then absorbed the bit of moisture that might be in the high air, forming miniature droplets called 'skeleton'.

        When the 'white clouds' begins to form (2 to 3 minutes); the second plane follows lower down with fine dry-ice this they call "Making clouds fat".

        The third plane (Typical 737) follows a few seconds later on higher altitude with either pure cold water or sometime in difficult conditions a third non-hazard 'chemical' which is not published to my knowledge "Send the blessing" (Before they said 'Bombardment').

        Thus in fact three planes are working in tandem, sometimes has a fourth plane (often military jet) that serves initially as spotter and during operation as Controller.

        Here is a photo. The airforce jet us used as 'spotter' to identify suitable clouds.
        Rainmaking Thailand-Cloud Seeding

        and a video:
        YouTube - ปฎิบัติการฝนหลวง

        The Thai rainmaking technology does not use silver iodene

        The salt contend of the first rain drops is usually less than 3 ppm higher than the eventual rainfall. The success rate of HRH Bhumibol Adulyadej rainmaking efforts are in excess of 70%.
        Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


        • #49
          Interesting .

          After almost no cloud at morning and cloud forming minutes after some plane passing, there are rain cloud covering all sky here at yesterday afternoon that continue until morning.

          However, last month the trail will stick or will create bubbling cloud. Maybe now is different plane. Now it won't stick or will create sylph.
          Last edited by sucahyo; 08-13-2010, 06:58 AM.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
            you mean me? Sure, i'll gather up some rain water in a steam cleaned glass bottle next time it rains. Email me a postal address.

            P.s. Why?
            Hi Ben thanks mate , its so we can trace the aluminum and barium, we found it in Brisbane! It EXACTLY whats listed the geo engineering patents


            • #51
              Originally posted by Aromaz View Post
              recently (I think beginning of August) the King of Thailand gave permission to Australia (Queensland) to use his RainMaking technology. This is often used in Thailand (since 1971) and been employed with great success in African countries (since 1974) and other SE nations like Indonesia since 1985.

              In 1999 the King developped a new technique HRH called "Super Sandwich"

              Basically three to nine planes are used simultanously to seed the clouds they are flying in a "L" formation completing a grit usually around 1,500 to 2,000 meter above land.

              First plane (Smaller AU-73) spray a thin mist of Sodium Chloride (common table salt obtained from low coastal area West from Bangkok). This then absorbed the bit of moisture that might be in the high air, forming miniature droplets called 'skeleton'.

              When the 'white clouds' begins to form (2 to 3 minutes); the second plane follows lower down with fine dry-ice this they call "Making clouds fat".

              The third plane (Typical 737) follows a few seconds later on higher altitude with either pure cold water or sometime in difficult conditions a third non-hazard 'chemical' which is not published to my knowledge "Send the blessing" (Before they said 'Bombardment').

              Thus in fact three planes are working in tandem, sometimes has a fourth plane (often military jet) that serves initially as spotter and during operation as Controller.

              Here is a photo. The airforce jet us used as 'spotter' to identify suitable clouds.
              Rainmaking Thailand-Cloud Seeding

              and a video:
              YouTube - ปฎิบัติการฝนหลวง

              The Thai rainmaking technology does not use silver iodene

              The salt contend of the first rain drops is usually less than 3 ppm higher than the eventual rainfall. The success rate of HRH Bhumibol Adulyadej rainmaking efforts are in excess of 70%.
              Aromaz thanks so much for that info, you know if i had my way we could train you to use this technology over there, its non toxic.
              Drought relief

              Il talk to Trevor constable if your interested, toxic silver iodine is NOT necessary, dont want you and your fellow Thai friends suffering it.



              • #52
                I have seen this phenomenon many times in the UK (Sunderland).
                i don't think they are chemtrails.
                If you worry about chemtrials, check if the barium levels in the hairs are normal.
                Persistent elevated hair barium is an indication of chemtrail toxicity.


                • #53
                  The picture in page 22 suggests that there is a ground level air pollution, probably from a nearby combusion facility.


                  • #54
                    i've noticed they stop seeding clouds when it's windy... will start sending you samples, and watching the sky.. Have (sterile) baby food bottles in my scooter's helmet compartment, and will note wether chem-trails were precedent. Lemme know where to send them.

                    Love and light
                    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                    • #55
                      Would it have anything to do with this?
                      Can Obama respond to giant hole in Earth's magnetosphere by 2012? - Honolulu exopolitics |


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
                        i've noticed they stop seeding clouds when it's windy... will start sending you samples, and watching the sky.. Have (sterile) baby food bottles in my scooter's helmet compartment, and will note wether chem-trails were precedent. Lemme know where to send them.

                        Love and light
                        Ben thanks a lot man, please let me know what it cost to send, what a champion you are thanks mate.



                        • #57
                          Good or bad?

                          Is this the purposes of chemtrail?

                          OLLIVIER HAIL SUPPRESSION SYSTEM

                          The ascending currents (in red) and descending (in blue) undergo repetitiously the disturbances generated by the 2 ton thrust of the elliptic shockwave emitted by the accelerator of the positive ionic particies (the Olliver SystemŽ) provoking by electrolysis the unstabilizing of the ice molecules. This ionic bombardment permits to desolve the hail that's falling in to a fine rainfail in the zone protected by the system 100 hectares (250 acres).

                          A thunderstorm is the most impressive manifestation of atmospheric electricity. The onization of the atmosphere and the condensation of water vapor on the ions changes water vapor into negatively charged liquid droplets when reaching an altitude of 1000 m (3,300 ft) or 2 000 m (6,500 ft). Water droplets in a cloud are kept apart by their repulsive electrical force. This repulsion is at the origin of the internal equilibrium of the cloud, creating a true suspension of water in the Acetylene is a highly explosive gas. The speed of the elliptical funnel-shaped shock waves is a direct consequence of the detonation that takes place in a very precise part of the system. The set of emitted and reflected waves affects the clouds' microstructure avoiding thus the crystallization of the water droplets in suspension.

                          The efficiency of the system is based on the multiplication, every 6 seconds, of 2 tons of positively ionized shock waves. The ionized shock waves fulfill their role as provokers of microstructural instability inside the cumulonimbus. The dynamics of a thunderstorm are often more complex than described above. Our fifteen years of experience in the field have shown us that protection is increased through the use of several HSE Hail Suppression Systems@ functioningO in group formation.

                          Highly speciflc, low-frequency sound waves can be used to destabilize certain values and conditions that allow cumulonimbus to evolve. The steady firing of HSE Hail Suppression System@ produces an accumulation of shock waves and sonic vibrations in the atmosphere and forms a cushion between the base of the cloud and the ground.

                          To ensure maximum efficiency, the HSE Hail Suppression System@ must begin its operation while the storms are still in the development stage, 7 minutes before the cloud formation is directly above the protected area. This allows the shock waves to reach their maximum intensity over a 3 Km (2 mi.) diameter area, at an altitude of 8000 m (26,000 ft) to 15 000 m (50,000 ff) and more.

                          We also propose the use of a radar to detect and analyze clouds, as well as to automatically trigger the HSE Hail Suppression System@. This increases the system's reliability by eliminating human intervention and error.

                          To summarize, the HSE Hail Suppression System@ offers a leading-edge technology that eliminates hailstone damage in the area protected by the shock waves. Although snowflakes may fall in the protected zone, the system does not diminish rainfall in any way. The system is also very efficient against freezing ram.


                          • #58
                            Here is an interesting pic freshly placed on the BNM site.
                            Attached Files
                            Last edited by ren; 08-16-2010, 08:32 AM.
                            "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by ren View Post
                              Here is an interesting pic freshly placed on the BNM site.
                              I have this wild theory.
                              That our low ticket prices (they are low IMO) are due to airlines having installed some super-efficient amendments to their engines, based on ionization/geet/HHO type technology. The orgone thing with cloud forming made me think that way. The chem trail thing could be just disinfothing, hard to prove. What if it's really just water vapor, but at a different ion state than we'd expect? really, it's working towards a greener future, but we're not supposed to know, for economical reasons? "We/they" don't want cars to run on this low-cost green stuff, so oil/air companies are all hush hush about it.

                              Imagine traffic blurred because excessive fog hanging around, formed from our exhaust water vapors, an then expanding. Cities would be like cloud magnets.


                              • #60
                                Only that doesn't explain why the trails are being laid down in grid patterns. Sorry, I don't buy it.

