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Blue No More

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  • #76
    Thank you for posting all those links. We really do need to know more about what is going on with chemtrails, Haarp, and Scalar waves, before they stop just "practicing" on us. I don't know enough about it to comment, but it is always interesting to hear your view points.
    Just seamed to me that the chemtrail spraying of a metallic type grid allows them to use that as a kind of reflector for Scalar. Sad to see that it is being done over populated areas. Not only are the regular contrails bad also, but there is also the noise polution from their jets, and afterburners. We need to stop burning things up.
    I think that it was Bearden that mentioned about not being able to shield against a type of Scalar radiation that can be transmitted through the air, ground, or even through the oceans. Which can affect not only the weather, but, can also used against the people as well, even as a weapon.
    I hope that there really is something that works to protect ourselves, against something of that sort.


    • #77
      Nick, I think that chemtrail purposes is at least to control weather. Even without HAARP or anything else, chemtrails alone can control weather. It can stop rain. It can cause flood. That is enough to make farmers life or everyone else miserable. But I am sure chemtrail can do much more than that indicated by the many patents associated with it.

      In here the chemtrails jets are silence.

      I watch few times dark rain clouds gone by the time the chemtrails appear. For other purposes, I don't notice weird thing people report elsewhere.

      I think the headache people felt is not because misterious toxic content but only because the aluminium. You don't need to heal it, you don't need in contact with it, you only need to be under aluminium dust filtered sun.

      I believe that we can cancel the bad effect with our own scalar generator because all the symptoms commonly associated with chemtrail or HAARP or even ELF, HF, dirty electricity or whatever can be made gone if we have our own scalar generator. Headache, ringing ears, hard to sleep, etc will no longer be a problem. Many people don't believe that orgone generator can have real physical effects, even to plants and animal. Plants and animal is immune to placebo effects.

      The upper respiratory problem or red eye however, I cure with the charger, my stingo.

      Our own scalar generator can also reverse the effect caused by the chemtrail. We can convert the cirrus made by chemtrails back into rain clouds again. Here is an example:
      Field trial at June 26th, 2011 at Probolinggo, east Java, Indonesia, in an hour time:

      However, it can only works if the spraying stop. If they start again, the cirrus clouds may not form but the rain clouds do not form either, leaving the sky in thick haze. If you own scalar generator is strong enough, those haze will settle down and make the sky blue again if the chemtrail do not show up again. And they usually do not leave a hole, like shown on third picture.... .

      But better to have it than none.
      Last edited by sucahyo; 08-05-2011, 02:02 AM.


      • #78
        Although I can't say that I've seen something like that type of chemtrail here, there are enough videos showing that the chemtrails seam to be common in many places, yet nobody seams to know what is really going on, yet. Or, at least not telling. Are they done practicing yet? You'd think that they would have it down by now... maybe its not just practice any more.

        I've heard you mention about Orgonite, and your orgone generators, before, and I'm glad to hear that you are still using them, and that they are still working for you. Having a few of those around the house and yard would probably help anybody, especially these days.

        The birds are still singing, and the sky is still blue,
        but how I wish that I had a orgone generator, too.


        • #79
          Thanks Nick. Community reporting chemtrails are busier on facebook.


          • #80
            Until the criss-crossing is happening over my head...
            All I see is ocean, and big thunderheads that remind me of the "power from thin air". And how long it will take us to figure out how to imitate nature, and make our own electric power.

