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Spontaneous charging radiantly charged capacitor research group

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  • I am in the process of designing a ground powered ... something... and I think a cap conditioner would be perfect. Something you leave your cap in and it gets conditioned from the ground power. Thats like a battery charger, but alternative energy style ;-)

    I would imagine the effect is time sensitive so to get the most, act fast.
    Do you think to add its self to its self, somehow have the charge gained, radiantly disrupt, and cause more of the effect? Beefy reed switch between poles next to a solid state going off...? "Cook it" on the solid state then hang it up to dry for untill its full again?


    • Crazy idea

      Hehe, I've learnt a lot doing things that shouldn't have done. Sometimes you just gotta throw away theory and connect something to something else, find out what happens, then work out why it happened.

      Good luck
      Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.

