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Nathan Stubblefield, A Fresh Look

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  • Nathan Stubblefield, A Fresh Look

    Hi All,

    In the last few days, I have been taking a fresh look at NS and his earth battery, or EB. It has been maybe 4 or 5 years since I read about him. The best source is from a book called "Lost Science" by Gerry Vassilatos published by Borderland Science. I originally bought the book when it came out for about $15. Since then, used copies are selling for over $100. I have heard it was being republished. There are a lot of old links offering the book for its original price. Contact Borderland direct and buy from them if indeed it is being republished? Otherwise, you will waste you time, only to be told the book is not available. Here are the links to the two chapters relating to NS from this book. Download and save these two chapters for reference.

    Earth Energy and Vocal Radio - Nathan Stubblefield

    An Introduction to the Mysteries of Ground Radio

    I personally dislike threads that fracture off and you have to keep skipping around to find references. So, forgive me if I am reposting things here that have been posted elsewhere. I want everyone to start on the same page as I present my point of view. If you are patient and want to study a little, you will understand the Stubblefield patent (attached) and what the three coils do and where to attach their leads.

    This is all based on speculation and observation. I don't claim to be any expert. All I ask is you follow my logic. You will have to learn about parallel and series resonant circuits and what Q is. Link here:

    Basic Radio

    Click on parallel and series and Q links to get basic understanding of what they are. That way when I mention them in my posts you kind of understand what I am talking about. I will keep it simple because I need to understand it also. I am a simple guy.

    Attached Files

  • #2
    A capacitor and an inductor (coil) work together to sustain an oscillation. Think of it as you, the capacitor having gained a charge from your plates in the ground push on the swing, the inductor. The swing moves away from you and swings back and you push it again. Just like when you were a kid. You realize that if you time you push to the swing, it takes smaller effort and the swing gets higher and higher. This is exactly what happens in a resonant circuit. The frequency depends on the physical size of the components. These are also referred to as LC circuits. L means inductance and C means capacitance. In the old days capacitors were called condensers if you are reading old patents and papers. Back then transformers were also called intensifiers.

    I believe NS looked at the earth as a capacitor. His grounding rods became the plates of the earth capacitor. He could increase the capacitance of the rods by either moving them closer together or making them bigger. As the electricity moved through the earth it would strike one plate and then the other. If the distance between the ground plates were equal to the wavelength, it would give a higher reading, because it is in harmony with it (harmonics). If you hit a harmonic of a signal, it will give a higher reading than just random placing of the ground rods (plates).

    Every electrical component has a combination of capacitance, inductance and resistance. If you are building a resonant circuit, you want low resistance because that will give you higher Q. The Q is your multiplication factor for gain in a resonant circuit. For example, you have two ground rods and you measure the volts between them and you get 1 volt at 2 milliamps.
    If you feed that voltage into a parallel resonant circuit with a Q of 50, you will get 50 peak voltage. There will be no power gain however, because as the voltage goes up, the amps go down.

    If you connect a series resonant circuit to the rods, the amps will climb to 100 milliamps, but the voltage will go down to zero. Again no gain in power.
    I am sure NS knew all about this. If he could somehow connect the two, he could multiply the power available.

    In the old photos of NS, he is using long helix coils to connect things together. They are longer than they need to be. He is using these an inductor as part of a resonant circuit with the earth capacitor rods (plates).
    To tune the circuits to be in harmony with the freq of the earth (a fixed capacitor), he could remove extra coils off the long helix cables. Cables like that will have a high Q because they are made of heavy gauge wire (low resistance) to hold their shape and the turns are separated from each other by a small air space. This kind coil probably has of Q of 100 or more. Variable air caps were not avail to NS in his day. So, to tune he unwound coils.

    Tear apart an old radio to get its variable air tuning capacitor. Maybe radio shack sells them. There is ebay and of course yard sales. Buy a spool of wire that is stiff enough to hold its shape and cut the spool apart. Splay out the wire to resemble NS helix coil cables and connect them to your ground rods in the following manner. Use a scope or DDM not a cheap meter which might overload the circuit and kill resonance. As you tune across the band using the air cap, the voltage will rise and fall. The peaks will be freqs that are in harmony with the earth freq.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Tishatang; 10-31-2009, 08:30 AM.


    • #3
      The best source is from a book called "Lost Science" by Gerry Vassilatos published by Borderland Science. I originally bought the book when it came out for about $15. Since then, used copies are selling for over $100. I have heard it was being republished. There are a lot of old links offering the book for its original price. Contact Borderland direct and buy from them if indeed it is being republished? Otherwise, you will waste you time, only to be told the book is not available.

      I have a copy in PDF, but it is in Russian. 4MB size. If anyone is interested.

      'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

      General D.Eisenhower


      • #4
        Off topic comment

        Funny that inductors in an LC circuit are considered the highest source of loss. And yet Jeannacav and dr Stiffler appear to use them to great benefit with the sec and Joule thief circuit to support additional LED's without diminishing the brightness off other LED's.

        So, perhaps in LC circuits, the inductor can tie into the aether (as a loss or gain point) more than the capacitor.

        Just a thought.

        @ tishatang - interesting take on the earth battery, the early radio stuff can teach us a lot.

        Love and light
        Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


        • #5
          Funny that inductors in an LC circuit are considered the highest source of loss. And yet Jeannacav and dr Stiffler appear to use them to great benefit with the sec and Joule thief circuit to support additional LED's without diminishing the brightness off other LED's.
          Does Dr. Stiffler's "pinging" have something to do with the effectiveness of these circuits, and can this principle be applied to the Stubblefield EB to maximize its output?


          • #6
            A nickname for the parallel res circuit is a tank circuit. I guess because its square shape resembles a tank. I realized late last night that I made a mistake and the parallel circuit won't work without the addition of blocking diodes. It will work like it is for an antennae and ground as shown. I am used to thinking radio. What we need to do is put a diode on the positive rod pointing towards the tank circuit. We also put a diode on the negative rod pointing towards the tank circuit. This will isolate the circuit so it can freewheel and do its thing. Without the diode, any high voltage would simply bleed off into ground which is at a low potential. The diodes will let currents in but not out. Henry Moray,s early devices used an antennae and a ground. Later, he only needed a ground. I suspect he discovered the use of the diode and by the use of a second ground, he did not need the antennae?

            In regards to inductors and losses in a res circuit. It all comes down to Q. If you go to your local auto parts store and buy a roll of wire like those to wire tail lights or something. Get maybe 16 o14 gauge in a small roll, something that will hold its shape without the spool. If you find the ends and connect up with a cap, it's Q of the circuit might only be 40 or 50 if left on the spool. If you cut off the side of the spool and slip the coil out, you can stretch it a little and loosen the winds. This will increase Q because of the small air space between the turns. Q might increase to maybe 200! This is because each turn of the wire can be looked upon as capacitor plates. The energy in the inductor will leak into the adjacent turn thru this capacitor action. If you stretch out the coil, the extra space decreases the capacitance lowering your losses.

            Now look at Stubblefield patent: Notice that the bifilar iron and copper windings have a lot of space around them. This is high Q construction technique. The only reason to do this is because these coils form part of a resonant circuit. The higher the Q, the higher the gain. Otherwise, if it were a transformer, the coils would be closely wound.


            • #7
              Here is an updated circuit showing the blocking diodes. These keeps the parallel res circuit from bleeding to ground. Earth currents can get in, but not out. Energy is transferred from its iron coil into the copper coil. As the energy is transferred, fresh energy comes in from the earth to replenish the oscillator. Its freq is tuned by the variable air cap. Use germanium diodes here if you have them. They only drop about .2 volts. We may not have enough volts to push through a silicon diode? If only a little gets through, that's OK as long as we get sustained oscillation. Measure with a high impedance meter or scope across the ground rods. Be patient and vary the freq slowly. Leave it on a setting for a while. Earth currents take longer to build. Slowly go from close to open on the air cap. This will start you at the lowest freq and work your way up. By stretching or compressing you inductor, you can change your freq band. You can also substitute what ever coil you have on hand and sweep again. Even try coil of a transformer. Iron will give you more inductance. That fact the NS EB has an iron core, means he is probably below 20Khz. Here we are just proving the theory of a sustained res tuned circuit powered by the earth. The lower freqs carry more energy. Remember, the chapter talks about large capacitor plates shown in some of the photos. More evidence, he is probably using these stacks to work in resonance with the EB. The larger the components, the lower the freq.

              If someone gets oscillation and voltage gain, that will be great news. If not, it will not be a failure. We will try and solve the problem. Also, later on, we can try and prime the pump to get it going.

              If we could somehow combine the high voltage of the parallel circuit with the high amps of the series circuit, we would get energy amplification. I am sure NS EB is an attempt to solve this problem. One way to interconnect them is with the bifilar coil design. They are interlaced with each other. Whatever one coil does, it effects the other coil through induction. Also, remember there is also capacitor leakage from one coil to the other. You get capacitor coupling because the other coil is closer than its own mutual coil. In other words, capacitance will leak more to the other coil that its own coil. Look at the patent and you will see what I mean.

              Through experiments, NS found that one wire of iron worked better than two of copper. He later got the idea that if he wound a collector coil around the bifilar coil, it would sum all the differences regardless where the interactions would occur. This circuit shows how the EB is hooked up.

              Try building small stuff all on the surface using just ground rods. I think you will get some small success. This had to happen in increments for NS to end up with his final EB. Experiments led him there.
              I hope everyone understands it so far?

              Attached Files


              • #8
                Patent #600457

                I think Stubblefield's patent #600457 is his masterpiece.

                It is so elegant to place a bifilar coil, with two metal types:
                iron or steel wire and copper wire.

                I think that if this "Electrical Battery" was scaled up
                to a large physical size and large inductance,
                that you would really have something in terms of
                an earth battery.
                The old-time telegraph systems made use of earth batteries,
                and these were rumored to last a very very long time.

                The coil around the unit may have the ability to "self-clean"
                the oxidization that can build up because there will
                be PINGs and SPIKEs from lighting strikes around the globe,
                causing damped oscillations that may keep the
                resistance due to oxidization from becoming too great.

                Further, the DC bias created by the copper-steel electrochemical
                battery may boost the reception on the coil, similar to how
                "magnetic amplifiers" utilized a DC bias on the coil to alter
                the flux in the material, and hence alter the inductance.

                The replication I did was too small I think.

                YouTube - Stubblefield Electrical Battery Replication


                • #9
                  Sorry I can't see your video. Youtube blocked by the China FW. My next post will be a long one. It will include a new circuit, which is what I think NS used. The circuit above is what I think Moray used in his early devices. He was a radio guy and later than NS. In Moray's time crystal radio was big, and everyone was experimenting with a better cat whisker and crystal to demodulate the signal. Demodulate is a fancy term to mean rectify, turn AC into DC. Or simply a diode. NS did not have diodes. So, how did he amplify the power. Coming soon.


                  • #10
                    OK, here is my circuit on the Stubblefield Patent 600457

                    To understand the patent you have to understand resonant circuits. To review: A parallel res circuit multiplies the voltage. A series res circuit multiplies the amps. The Q of the circuit is the multiplier.

                    For example: We have two ground rods. The voltage between them is 1 AC volt at a small .002 amps. Then if Q is the multiplier, we have 50 volts peak on the parallel circuit, and .100 amps on the series circuit. If we could combine the two separate circuits, we would have a gain in power of 50 X 50 = 2500 all in theory. If we were only 10 % efficient due to loads and losses, we would still have a gain of 250, not bad. The bifilar coil in the patent is high Q construction. It probably has a Q of 100 to 200. So, you see the potential is gain a lot of power even with a small input.

                    Stubblefield did not have diodes to play with in his day. Unless he used an antennae, he would not be able to use a parallel circuit. So, what did he do to gain power? He used two series circuits to amplify the amps. The two ground rods of their respective circuits would still remain at the one volt difference. We are just pumping up the amps. He gets the gain in voltage by colliding the series currents into each other. Notice the new circuit shows the ground rod pairs at opposite voltage to each other!

                    Have you ever watched boats in a lake coming in from opposite directions. Each has a small wake. But when the wakes collide, it sets up a few big high waves. Same effect is seen when reflected waves meet the source waves. You get higher and lower waves at a lower frequency as their energies mix and match or cancel each other. these higher and stronger wave energize the collector coil wound around the bifilar pair in opposition. This is our power gain. Their must be an also unknown power gain by using one coil of iron. The higher resistance of iron can possibly link with the magnetic field of the earth, or cause a phase shift that helps the amplification factor? Or maybe has something to do with conditioning the space?

                    I have seen writings speculating on the make or break of the secondary (collector) coil. This is a simple relay set up as a vibrator. Here, it is normally closed. I should have placed it next to its battery where it can be normally open. When energized by the battery or separate EB, the coil of the relay opens and closes the contacts in a vibrating mode. This works the same as hitting a bell with a hammer. The bell will ring at its resonant tone. It doesn't matter how you hit the bell or how fast or what kind of hammer. It will still ring at the same tone. A tuned resonant circuit acts the same as a bell. The sharp pulses of the relay contacts will ring the circuits at their resonant frequencies automatically.

                    To have this make or break in the patent only makes sense if you are using resonant circuits. The same reason he used high Q winding techniques. These are resonant circuits. Everything points to it.

                    Even though the iron and copper coils are linked together as a bifilar winding, they can each have different resonant frequencies. The make or break will ring them both. Look back to the Q reference at the beginning of this thread and see the graph. The higher the Q, the longer the ring.

                    This primes the pump, so to speak, and gets things going into resonance. Then the battery and the relay are no longer needed. You collect your power through the normally closed switch. The pumping action conditions the immediate area. The longer you pump the EB, the bigger your conditioned area will become. You can add a feedback loop to sustain operation. If earth currents shift or weaken, you can prime the pump again to get things going. Once conditioned, it takes less energy to sustain the field. To get it going again might be as easy as sparking the wire as you touch it to connect.

                    Knowing these principles, you can can design your own version of the patent. It can be bigger or smaller. Smaller means higher frequencies. Bigger means lower frequencies. Normally, the lower frequencies carry more energy. I say start with what you have on hand to prove the principle. Try and use natural insulation materials instead of plastic. Fiberglass and resin are OK for insulation. I have a feeling modern magnet wire is OK as long as the coating is not plastic. Be sure and use the wood ends and cotton wrap between layers of the coils and the core. I will explain why later.

                    Before you bury your EB in the ground do the following:

                    Place the components in the ground and map the magnetic fields around a five foot radius or whatever you have room for. Write down, the direction the compass points as you walk around the spot. See how close the compass has to be to attract to the iron, say 3 inches. Then start your conditioning and see if it changes the magnetic field? Magnetic field and orientation of the compass changes will indicate conditioning is happening and how far out it has expanded. For example, the compass is now pointing to the iron at two feet away instead of 3 inches with the priming turned off.

                    I hope this helps us all in the search for cheap energy.
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      permanant magnet core

                      @ Tishatang

                      Good stuff.
                      I'm fascinating with high-Q and large inductance.
                      I think if inductances can be made large, amazing things
                      can happen ... and Q does go very high.

                      I've been reading about transformers and read that
                      if you put a permanent magnet as the core -- instead
                      of iron or ferrite, that the B-H curve has places that
                      resemble "negative resistance".

                      It stands to reason, therefore, that a Stubblefield earth
                      battery might be improved if the core is a permanent magnet
                      instead of an IRON bolt.

                      Inductors resist current change as the magnetic field
                      is induced. With a permanent magnet core, this
                      effect is more pronounced.

                      Also, I read that IRON saturates at 1.6Tesla.
                      A permanent magnet probably saturates at
                      a completely different value ... I'm guessing
                      much higher if the magnet is strong.


                      • #12
                        Permanent magnets are made from high strength steel. Mild iron that NS used will not hold magnetism very good. When at resonance, it creates its own magnetic field. I do agree that a magnet placed near an inductor influences the resonance and energy transfer. But these did not exist back in his time. He did not have diodes, variable air caps and high grade magnets. He was doing things in the 1880's thru '90s. These things did not happen until radio came upon the scene.

                        Everyone go here and download this book.


                        Search for the book called THE BOY ELECTRICIAN by Alfred P. Morgan written 1913. Give give you an idea of life back then. And, some of the things Stubblefield would probably have as far back as 1880. Download and enjoy if you like to make things. It is a DIY book. Make coils, condensers Even a tesla coil. Telephones and things like in NS time. Highly recommend this book in your library.

                        Hopefully, I am correct in my interpretation of the patent. This is what he used to build his telephone circuits and draw in investors. But, it does not explain the things he did after he became a recluse. For that to happen, we have to think outside the box. I will continue with my ideas as to how this occured.


                        • #13
                          the isurlastion on the wire in the patent is double what we are using!
                          end of problem.
                          the iron needs to be cast iron.


                          • #14
                            going one further

                            take a look at this youtube video and see where the NC battery could go if the right resonance could be achieved
                            YouTube - Free Energy Geo 1- Earth Battery? Free Energy? Part 1 of 7


                            • #15
                              I may be wrong

                              Hey guys. I may be wrong and someone may have already figured this out. If so sorry. I think I may have figured out what the tops of his stakes are. I found these in ebay. They are condensers. Not insulators. They come in many different sizes shapes and colors. Like I said I may be wrong, but they certainly look similar.
                              CAnt get the picture to past sorry.
                              I stumbled across it while researching exactly what a condenser was. I have found many pictures with Tesla next to huge condensers. And if NS was a student of Tesla then....ok just tell me if im wrong please

