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Nathan Stubblefield, A Fresh Look

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  • #31
    Ok so I guess I am asking:

    Does anyone have a working EB still installed in the ground, if so, see if you can't magnetize it somehow, or see if you cannot find what I am talking about somewhere, the original pages I saw with NS information on it has been lost to me for quite some time.

    An experiment is in order. Also reminds me of all the crop circles, when they study the surroundings they find that the impressions of the crops were made by some kind of magneto-plasma event and the surrounding soil remains magnetized =P People often report seeing lights or the area being "illuminated"


    • #32

      This is some serious research, some of my points elucidated in here. He suggests the use of some radioactive material. Yet, tesla is capable of Light without shadow, or northern lights effect.

      I still say it has something to do with drawing a magnet on the iron in the coil. If you can get the atoms to pulsate with earth core, it should continue to act like a conduit with it as long as there is a flow on the coil right? EB also reminds me of this mans work.

      H. Perrigo: Aether Energy Electrical Generator


      • #33
        Here's an interesting take on the SEB from a retired British Defence Dept EE:
        Just looked at the Stubblefield situation. I don't think his earth battery used the earth's magnetic field nor did it use "magnetic current" as some people believe. I think the answer may be more simple than that. Basically the thing is just a battery using Fe and Cu as electrodes and (earth contaminated) water as the electrolyte. But the electrodes have a special geometry in that they are spirally wound coils. Now if I am right the performance of the battery would improve if the electrons flowing from one electrode to the other, instead of arriving normal to the surface of the electrode, actually arrived at an angle, and that angle is in a direction to support the current flow along the wire. With adjacent Fe and Cu wires wound in a solenoidal bifilar manner, the presence of a magnetic field that is parallel to the axis of the solenoid will cause the electron trajectories across the gaps to bend so as to create that angle of approach (this is classical cyclotron curvature). That magnetic field is created by the load current flowing within the electrode coils and also within the secondary coil, if the polarity of the connections is appropriately arranged. The Fe core enhances that magnetic field for a given load current (hence the reason Subblefield used a long solenoid). This magnetic enhancement creates positive feedback and increases the activity of the electrolytic cell the more you load it. That theory fits well with the reported power being much greater than would be expected from electrolytic action alone. And if I am right it opens the door to enormous improvements in cell technology by the use of spiral electrodes and permanent magnets.
        To be honest, I subscribe to spin theory moreso than electron theory, but I still think the explanation is intriguing and worthy of consideration. I'm not sure what he means by "spirally wound" on a solenoid core. Maybe someone can enlighten me.


        • #34
          could someone post the diagram for the NS pulse motor? I think it is something could be helpful to this thread, using reed switch and rotor?

