I got confused with my recent experiment.
With battery as load, adding core will reduce output current.
With capacitor as load, adding core will increase output current.
Without load, adding core will reduce output voltage.
Tests with battery or capacitor as load:
YouTube - Different load different core comparison result
Test without load:
YouTube - Coil core voltage measurement
So, which one better, air core or not?
More current is better or worse?
More voltage is better or worse?
Faster charging is better or worse?
How do I know it is better ?
With battery as load, adding core will reduce output current.
With capacitor as load, adding core will increase output current.
Without load, adding core will reduce output voltage.
Tests with battery or capacitor as load:
YouTube - Different load different core comparison result
Test without load:
YouTube - Coil core voltage measurement
So, which one better, air core or not?
More current is better or worse?
More voltage is better or worse?
Faster charging is better or worse?
How do I know it is better ?