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Ark of the Covenant Replications/Study

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  • #16
    ARK creates hurricane effects? Local gravity?

    In Joshua 3, the sons of Israel are warned to stay
    2000 cubits from the ARK as the priest carry it into the Jordan.
    Assuming Egyptian royal cubit - 523mm, 20.6 inches,
    that works out to be about a kilometer or two-thirds of a mile.

    One technology that might make water move out of the way
    is the creation of a local gravity distortion.
    If you had a strong vortex, high winds, and a large spin
    around you, it might create an eye -- like in a hurricane.
    The eye would be quiet, safe, calm.
    Outside the eye, water might be pulled away in the form
    of outgoing waves, leaving a dry spot.

    For this eye to extend to greater than 1 kilometer,
    so as to include the people walking through the eye
    of the storm, you can imagine the power unleashed
    for this event. Its hard to imagine a simple capacitor
    box could do that.
    Last edited by morpher44; 11-12-2009, 06:11 AM.


    • #17
      Hey Bodkins, interesting stuff to be sure. Though I have to wonder about using numerology on english words, however the fact the english was created from whole cloth may lend credence to that approach. Also not sure that the Temple of Solomon is necessary for the Ark, though I'm sure it developed even more power in that setting.

      @morpher44: We don't know what was inside the Ark, so I would doubt that it was just a simple capacitor either. Seems more likely to me that whatever was in there was what Moses stole from the Pharoah and used to part the Red Sea.


      • #18
        Hi everybody,

        The part I found most interesting about what Nassim Haramein said about the arc is that it was NOT the box but what was INSIDE the box that made the pharaoh and his troupes suddenly come after moses etc.

        To talk about the dimensions of this simple capacitor box again, seems to me to be missing the most important point of what Haramein is saying.

        It is the crystal structure that most resembles the shape of space-time that makes the arc as powerful as it is.
        To give a pulsing from (or to) a capacitor, is probably the important part of the box. and the dimensions of the box probably have more to do with the frequency of the pulses than the arc itself.

        Just my take on it.
        thank you,


        I remember Haramein says he realized that the box was not even with the israelites when they first escaped.
        They rebuilt one like the original box to contain the arc, but only years after the original escape.
        Last edited by jeanna; 11-12-2009, 09:56 PM.


        • #19
          shape of space-time

          Originally posted by jeanna View Post
          It is the crystal structure that most resembles the shape of space-time that makes the arc as powerful as it is.
          To give a pulsing from (or to) a capacitor, is probably the important part of the box. and the dimensions of the box probably have more to do with the frequency of the pulses than the arc itself.
          The "shape of space-time".
          That was a very Otis T. Carr - like description.
          In this interview:
          Otis Carr Inteview (1 of 2) - KeelyNet 06/03/02
          he describes his power source which
          is two 1/2 cone gyro shapes -- like ice cream cones facing each
          other -- which he described as having
          "the dimensions of space itself".

          In the SciFi book "Area 51: The Grail" by Robert Doherty,
          Chapter 12:

          "Moses gained his people's freedom, but just as important,
          he gained possession of the Ark, in which was held
          THE GRAIL!!!
          He took it out of Egypt for the first time in over
          ten millennia and thus the tail becomes more interesting".

          I highly recommend Robert Doherty's AREA 51 book
          series. You must read them in order to really appreciate
          the tale he created.

          In his book ... the GRAIL is technology ... and I won't
          spoil it for you ...

          But ... the "shape of space-time" ... is a very interesting
          statement Jeanna.


          • #20
            shape of space-time

            Cone shaped coils???

            Telsa experimented with cone shaped coils.

            Here is an interesting URL with experiments:
            Jiffycoil sparks the world: Bi cone Tesla Coil

            If you were not aware of the technology, and you found
            these copper colored cone shaped things, would you
            think of them as a a very important cup relic that should
            be preserved and studied?

            Certainly this geometry lends itself to nice effects
            in a transformer -- as well as a small compact size.

            Also, the magnetic field lines would be narrow at the apex
            and wide and broad at the cone mouth.
            The toroidal magnetic field lines would produce
            a Rodin-like shape.
            Wouldn't it be interesting if Rodin's toroid math were to express --
            not the wiring diagram -- but the magnetic field line shape
            that is desirable?
            Various cone coils might be the sort of ANTI-Rodin ... to create
            the Rodin magnetic field lines.


            • #21
              Hi All;

              There have been countless replicas of the Ark of The Covenant over the years. No one has ever been injured by these replicas ("Raiders of The Lost Ark" notwithstanding-LOL) as the Ark itself was not the source of any power. The power came from the presence of God when he dwelled with the Israelites personally, usually in a cloud encompassing the tabernacle where the Ark resided. See Exodus 24:15-18, Ex. 40:34-38 and Lev. 16:2.

              I don't know who Haramein is, but the Israelites had no Ark before escaping from Egypt as God did not tell them to build it until after He appeared on Mt. Sinai and gave Moses the 10 Commandments to put in it. This was the original Ark, there were no predecessors. This was done within a few weeks after leaving Egypt.
              Pharaoh pursued them because God hardened Pharaoh's heart towards them (in order to teach the Egyptians again that he was God), not because he was chasing an Ark that did not exist at that time.



              • #22
                Ark is carrying case...

                Originally posted by ANTIQUER View Post
                Hi All;

                There have been countless replicas of the Ark of The Covenant over the years. No one has ever been injured by these replicas ("Raiders of The Lost Ark" notwithstanding-LOL) as the Ark itself was not the source of any power. The power came from the presence of God when he dwelled with the Israelites personally, usually in a cloud encompassing the tabernacle where the Ark resided. See Exodus 24:15-18, Ex. 40:34-38 and Lev. 16:2.

                I don't know who Haramein is, but the Israelites had no Ark before escaping from Egypt as God did not tell them to build it until after He appeared on Mt. Sinai and gave Moses the 10 Commandments to put in it. This was the original Ark, there were no predecessors. This was done within a few weeks after leaving Egypt.
                Pharaoh pursued them because God hardened Pharaoh's heart towards them (in order to teach the Egyptians again that he was God), not because he was chasing an Ark that did not exist at that time.

                Nassim Haramein is a "new age" physicist. Quite brilliant.
                I recommend his entire talk ... its long though.
                Here is the part of the talk Jeanna was talking about:

                YouTube - iiisis2's Channel

                Nassim observes dimensions of Ark matches a King Tut box.
                That it also fits exactly in the Pyramid of Giza sarcophagus.
                He observed some octave dimensional relationships.
                Perfect fit.

                He points out that normally the pillar of fire is described on top
                of the ARK. And so at the Red Sea crossing, yet they are not
                suppose to have the ARK yet.
                That's when he speculates that the ARK is just the carrying case
                for the "power supply".

                See Joshua 4:23. .... "just as Jehovah YOUR God had done
                to the Red Sea"... implying the ARK was used at the Red Sea ...
                or the "power supply" of he ARK was used.
                Last edited by morpher44; 11-19-2009, 09:27 AM.


                • #23
                  Al, I think we all know what the bible says about the motivations of the Pharoah of the time, thanks. I know that you have a literal belief in the contents of said book but not everybody does and I would appreciate it if you would keep that fact in mind when posting in this thread. We are not here to be proselytized.

                  If you want to find out the direction that the research is going, I would humbly suggest that you start by looking at the John Hutchison page that I linked to in the first post in this thread. If all you're going to do is espouse your religious beliefs then I would politely ask that you refrain from doing so. Thank you!

                  If you have something to share that is pertinent to the thread, I'm sure we'd like to see it as well.


                  • #24
                    Hi Shamus;
                    I did look at the Hutchison link you provided. He may be on to something, but it will take a lot more to convince anyone of anything more than what could be nothing more than parlor tricks and unsubstantiated "Facts" as shown and claimed in the poor quality videos and photo's on that website. Don't get me wrong, I hope he is on to something. I am all for free energy and O.U. The battery that never needs re-charging looks really interesting. It's just that if you really sit back and look at that website there is really no proof of anything there, and he is careful to explain up front he is not replicating the Ark of The Covenant.

                    I will point out one drawing on his website of the Philistines being slain by the Israelites shows the Israelites are not wearing or carrying any metal. He implies the power from the ark spared them and killed the Philistines as they had metal on them. Read the account in I Sam. 4 and you will find that totally false. And when the walls of Jericho fell after they carried the Ark around the town 7 times they were carrying and blowing 14 trumpets and were escorted by fully armed soldiers; plenty of metal, but they were unharmed.

                    Here's a link about him you might find interesting;
                    John Hutchison - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    However, he is correct about being careful when experimenting with the unknown. Howard Hughes made a warship disappear and re-appear in the 1940's with tragic results (The Philadelphia Experiment). It was put together primarily by people from one of Hughes' companies working with the U. S. Navy (according to reports I saw many years ago) using giant electromagnets. Apparently the reports have been sanitized since then and they imply the event was a hoax (esp. the Navy). Go figure!

                    The definition of proselytize is "to induce someone to convert to one's faith"; not what I was doing and I am sorry and surprised you took it that way. There are others posting quotes from the Bible about this. Are they proselytizing?

                    Since this thread is about The Ark and all we know about it comes from biblical references I feel it important to know what is actually said about it; that is not proselytizing, just putting it all together correctly. Do you want to base your research on faulty information?
                    Apparently we don't all know what is written about Pharaoh's reasons for chasing the Israelites. Ex. 14:4-5 and 14:17-18 clearly show why he went after them and it had nothing to do with chasing a non-existent Ark.

                    That is a gross mis-reading of Joshua 4:23. There is nothing there implying the use of the Ark to divide The Red Sea. It is referring to the act of drying up the Jordan river as he had dried up the Red Sea previously, not that he used the Ark. The only thing he used at the Red Sea was Moses's rod, as stated. If an item as important as the Ark was used wouldn't it be mentioned there as it is here?

                    Ex. 13:21-22 says the Lord went before them in a pillar of a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, no mention of an Ark. Ex. 14:19 says the cloud (and the angel of God) moved from in front of them where it had been guiding them, to behind them to protect them from the approaching Egyptians until The Red Sea was split for them to pass through. Again, no Ark.

                    The pillar of fire never sat on the Ark by itself. It sat on the Tabernacle and it's contents (including the Ark) at night or went before them to provide light and guidance (no flashlights then!). The cloud sat on the Ark and/or The Tabernacle in the daytime when God was present ( Ex. 33:9,Ex.40:34, Lev. 16:2, Num. 12:5) or guided them during the day. The point is the pillars of fire and smoke were the visible dwelling place of God as He guided and protected them. There is no mention of either sitting on the Ark when it was being transported.

                    I have watched part of Haramein's video, I just momentarily forgot his name. I have not gotten to the part about the Ark and the King Tut box, etc., but it appears he has fallen victim to bad science and worse speculation, as with the "Baghdad Batteries" and "The Lights of the Pharaohs". Lights of the Pharaohs: the Electric Lights in Egypt? Guest article by Frank Dörnenburg I have seen the sarcophogi of several Egyptian kings. As they usually had several resting one inside the other you could usually fit one or more Ark size boxes in them, depending on which one you are measuring. If they had had a box with that kind of power I think they would have used it and they or their enemies (which included the Hebrews) would have mentioned it. Of course ,the Egyptian kings were notorious liars, but still?

                    Last, here is a thought I will share about the "technology". If the Ark was a giant capacitor or battery or Orgone Accumulator, etc., then how did they handle it without injuring or killing more people? Why did it not kill or injure the family of Obed-edom in whose house it spent 3 months (II Sam. 6:11)? Why were the priests standing in the Jordan river water not electrocuted? How could you cram enough power into a box that size to stop a river in flood instantaneously? and this with no explosions or ill side effects and have it immediately start flowing again when the people were safe? Why were the Philistines who carried off the Ark in I Sam. 4 not killed on the spot? Hmmm?

                    I think because , while a crate of those dimensions might be used as a capacitor, a battery or an Orgone Accumulator, the Ark of the Covenant was not and such should not be inferred.



                    • #25
                      red sea & ark

                      Originally posted by ANTIQUER View Post
                      However, he is correct about being careful when experimenting with the unknown. Howard Hughes made a warship disappear and re-appear in the 1940's with tragic results (The Philadelphia Experiment). It was put together primarily by people from one of Hughes' companies working with the U. S. Navy (according to reports I saw many years ago)...

                      That is a gross mis-reading of Joshua 4:23. There is nothing there implying the use of the Ark to divide The Red Sea. It is referring to the act of drying up the Jordan river as he had dried up the Red Sea previously, not that he used the Ark. The only thing he used at the Red Sea was Moses's rod, as stated. If an item as important as the Ark was used wouldn't it be mentioned there as it is here?

                      Ex. 13:21-22 says the Lord went before them in a pillar of a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, no mention of an Ark. Ex. 14:19 says the cloud (and the angel of God) moved from in front of them where it had been guiding them, to behind them to protect them from the approaching Egyptians until The Red Sea was split for them to pass through. Again, no Ark.

                      The pillar of fire never sat on the Ark by itself. It sat on the Tabernacle and it's contents (including the Ark) at night or went before them to provide light and guidance (no flashlights then!). The cloud sat on the Ark and/or The Tabernacle in the daytime when God was present ( Ex. 33:9,Ex.40:34, Lev. 16:2, Num. 12:5) or guided them during the day. The point is the pillars of fire and smoke were the visible dwelling place of God as He guided and protected them. There is no mention of either sitting on the Ark when it was being transported.

                      I have watched part of Haramein's video, I just momentarily forgot his name. I have not gotten to the part about the Ark and the King Tut box, etc., but it appears he has fallen victim to bad science and worse speculation, as with the "Baghdad Batteries" and "The Lights of the Pharaohs". Lights of the Pharaohs: the Electric Lights in Egypt? Guest article by Frank Dörnenburg I have seen the sarcophogi of several Egyptian kings. As they usually had several resting one inside the other you could usually fit one or more Ark size boxes in them, depending on which one you are measuring. If they had had a box with that kind of power I think they would have used it and they or their enemies (which included the Hebrews) would have mentioned it. Of course ,the Egyptian kings were notorious liars, but still?

                      Last, here is a thought I will share about the "technology". If the Ark was a giant capacitor or battery or Orgone Accumulator, etc., then how did they handle it without injuring or killing more people? Why did it not kill or injure the family of Obed-edom in whose house it spent 3 months (II Sam. 6:11)? Why were the priests standing in the Jordan river water not electrocuted? How could you cram enough power into a box that size to stop a river in flood instantaneously? and this with no explosions or ill side effects and have it immediately start flowing again when the people were safe? Why were the Philistines who carried off the Ark in I Sam. 4 not killed on the spot? Hmmm?

                      I think because , while a crate of those dimensions might be used as a capacitor, a battery or an Orgone Accumulator, the Ark of the Covenant was not and such should not be inferred.


                      re: Howard Hughes and Philidelphia Experiment
                      You seem to have some knowledge not generally known.
                      I've read a lot about the PE ... and never once
                      was Howard Hughes mentioned.
                      Tesla was involved. John von Neumann. Yes the Navy.
                      But Howard Hughes? Hughes was much more of
                      an aeronautical guru and so I could see him interested
                      in invisibility .. for planes perhaps. But my understanding
                      was that this was a Navy experiment.
                      If you saw a "report" .. presumably that would be a Navy
                      report then...

                      re: implying the use of the Ark to divide The Red Sea
                      I was just explaining Nassim Haramein's statement
                      about Joshua 4:23.
                      I'm not sure how you can come to such an immediate
                      conclusion that this is a gross misreading.
                      It stands to reason that ... if technology was used
                      part the Jordan in Joshua ... and the Red Sea in Exodus ..
                      that it was the same technology ... same power source.
                      You may object to the notion that it was technology.
                      I'm open to that idea as well. It could have been in fact
                      God as a sort of very small little pillar of fire (energy vortex).
                      But to point at the energy vortex and say ... hey that's God ..
                      seems a bit narrow minded in my opinion. Certainly
                      God must be WAY more than that.
                      As for the ARK being mentioned ... we can point
                      to many many events in scriptures where the ARK was present ... but
                      not mentioned. Did Jesus ever enter the same room
                      as the ARK? If yes, why wasn't it mentioned?
                      Not everything is documented and explained. An event such
                      as the parting of the Red Sea is so amazing that the viewer
                      who attempts to describe it will be overwhelmed with such
                      emotions as to not notice or remember everything.
                      You cannot assume that every little detail will be explained.
                      The "Just as" statement Nassim refers to is interesting in
                      that it ties these two events in time ... so that they
                      can be compared. In the Red Sea case the pillar of fire may have
                      been OUTSIDE. In the Joshua/Jordan case it may have been
                      "inside" the ARK.
                      Another question I have on this is ... IF the pillar of fire (aka God)
                      can cruz around and do things ... WHY must the ARK exist
                      in the first place. Why would Mosses need an ARK?
                      The pillar of fire (aka God) should be just fine OUTSIDE
                      and shouldn't need to sit on ... or reside in an ARK. Right?

                      re: why ARK doesn't kill everyone
                      It seems ONLY the priests were allowed to handle it ..
                      and they had to take precautions. They were educated
                      in its mysteries .. certainly.
                      You can stand right NEAR and even TOUCH a source
                      of high voltage ... and it won't hurt you.
                      There are videos on youtube of guys being lowered from helicopters
                      unto high-tension wires ... to repair them. They are the
                      modern day high-voltage AC priests.
                      The ARK did hurt unintended victims -- implying that
                      there were times when it was not an intelligent GOD force --
                      but rather a force of unpredictable & uncontrolled energy.

                      I think Nassim was not implying that the Eyptian Pharaohs
                      necessarily understood what they had. I think he was implying
                      that this was an Atlantean relic. It certainly would have
                      appeared to the Egyptians as a magical device ... but they
                      may not have fully understood what they had.

                      Also, was the burning bush the pillar of fire ... sitting on a bush?
                      Again, if we are speaking of technology its as if static-electricity
                      or lightning was observed ... and the ARK was made to harness it.



                      • #26
                        Hi Al,

                        I guess it all comes down to one's perspective. Do you believe the bible to be the inerrant word of God? If so, then that certainly colors your perspective. As far as accounts in the bible go, all we have to go on is what Moses (an Egyptian name, BTW) wrote in the pentateuch. Personally, I'm not sure that I buy his take on things 100% and if he had anything to hide, then anything he had to say about the Ark or his interactions with God are suspect. Yes, that goes for the plans of the Ark that he gave, too.

                        As far as Hutchison goes, I certainly wouldn't put any stock in anything that Wikipedia has to say about the man (or, for that matter, anything of any real interest) as the Wikipedia is merely an amplifier for the general indoctrination that everyone who has gone through public schools and/or college gets. I don't the man personally and I don't know if he's a fraud but the pages he put up in relation to the Ark are certainly worth investigating in my opinion, as he's actually built not one, but two! With a third one on the way!

                        And of course he says it's not a 100% reproduction; how could it be since we were never given any details about the interior! BTW, have you ever built any large capacitors? If not, then how can you even comment on them?


                        • #27
                          Hi Shamus;
                          Well, I guess some of it does come down to perspective, but common sense, facts and study to understand the subject are often involved also. And yes, I believe the Bible is the word of God and as I don't believe you do your perspective is a different color. I hope you don't mind if I like mine better.

                          But regardless, I see no reason to think Moses hid or twisted what is written and much of it is confirmed by later writers and by some outside sources, as well as archeology. And his name is Hebrew, meaning "drawn out of the water." His Egyptian name was Osarsiph.

                          I posted the Wiki site about Hutchison as it seemed to be a good summary of what I found in checking several sources. So far he has produced nothing repeatable or useful, including arks. Anyone who cares to can build a large crate, stick a couple of brass eagles on top of it and some copper coils in it with some wires and claim anything they want. Since neither of us know him we'll just have to wait and see if he comes up with anything this time, as promised.

                          As far as interior plans Moses was given all that was required. He was to build an object of worship to hold other objects of worship, not a piece of technology as some are claiming. More on that later.

                          No, I have never built any large capacitors, or any arks either, for that matter. Have you? Never had any use for either. If I needed to know anything about capacitors I have 2 very reliable sources (long time friends). One is an engineer at a t.v.station and the other a member of the ASE who worked for Westinghouse for 25 years designing and building complicated parts for steam turbines, among other things. But what's the point? From what they have told me the tech. to build, charge and control a cap. of this or any size did not exist then. And as I mentioned to Morpher44, if anyone had had it they would never have lost a battle, esp. against swords, spears and arrows. It would have been "The Lost Ark against The Nazi's, Chap. 1".

                          I watched the first 5 sections of Nassim's video. I will leave it to the physicists to figure out if his theories in that field are valid or not. He should stick to writing and speaking on that and not biblical matters until he understands them more and can better read and under stand English. Watch the first 45 seconds of video #40/45; he can hardly read Joshua. No wonder he doesn't understand it. This lecture is like the blind leading the blind. He just throws out wild speculation, makes unsupported statements he says came about through "research", never citing sources, and everyone apparently swallows it hook, line and sinker. His lecture is as full of holes as a swiss cheese.

                          A few examples;
                          He says a capacitor discharges instantly. How did it then control the Jordan River for hours? What charged it up to start with?

                          Here's a biggie; He says there is a "vortex" effect as evidenced by the pillar of fire/smoke rotating. Problem is the Bible doesn't say the pillar rotated. A pillar is defined as a strong upright support as for a roof or a column or shaft standing alone esp. as a monument. No rotating.

                          He says the Ark picked itself up and moved along on it's own. Where did he get that? I guess those priests assigned to carry it were running along behind trying to catch up!

                          The Ark lifted the High Priest? Where's that?

                          He says the Hebrews were following the Ark. Nope, they followed the pillar.

                          He says his grandfather made the round trip from Iran to Mecca and back in a year, so that's all the time the Hebrews needed. Well, Egypt to Jordan is a lot further and his grandfather wasn't leading 2 million people through a desert under very primitive conditions, having to gather and cook food, find water, tend the animals,fight battles, etc. And if he would read it God kept them in the wilderness until all the generation who grumbled against God and Moses was dead (Num. 14:22-34). Their descendants crossed into Jordan.

                          He claims something is omitted in Jos. 4 and everyone else missed it. No, it's all there, he just can't read it correctly. Another biggie; the waters in the two events were not controlled in the same way. At Jordan the Ark was used, at the Red Sea the east wind was used.Ex. 14:21.

                          Then he claims there was a big pool built behind the Tabernacle or in the back of it behind the Ark and somehow they slow-charged the water and then used that to charge up the Ark. What? I have seen many drawings of the Tabernacle and Solomon's Temple and never any pond. That's because one is never mentioned anywhere.

                          He claims the Egyptians did the same by running water through the Pyramids. Anyone else ever here of this? of course not. Didn't happen and there is no evidence of it. Where would they or the Hebrews get all that water in a desert?

                          He says the walls of the Tabernacle were very thick and in concentric circles around the "Holy of Holies" where the Ark was kept. The young "initiates" into the priesthood were allowed through each wall as their training progressed until they could enter "The Holy of Holies".What? Only The High Priest was allowed into The Holy of Holies and only once a year to offer annual sacrifice on the mercy seat for the sins of the nation. His dress and manner of the ceremony are described in detail. The Holy of Holies was surrounded by veils, not walls. Anyone else trying to enter was killed.
                          He says the Ark weighed 2-3 tons and not possible to carry. Well, a crate that size in 1 1/2" acacia would be about 175 lbs. It was covered in very thin
                          gold, about another 25 lbs. We don't know thickness of mercy seat and all dimensions of cherubim, but a reasonable guess in solid gold is about 100 lbs., no more. Plus poles covered in thin gold, another 40 lbs. So about 340 lbs. not 2-3 tons. Easily carried by 6 men in shifts even with the other stuff in there.

                          I think that's enough to show he is way off base with his Ark lecture esp. when he starts adding the Jewish Mysticism (Kabbalah) stuff to it. Here's a link if you're not familiar with it.(Yes, Shamus, I know it's Wiki but it's quick and a good place to start).

                          It could have been in fact
                          God as a sort of very small little pillar of fire (energy vortex).
                          But to point at the energy vortex and say ... hey that's God ..
                          seems a bit narrow minded in my opinion. Certainly
                          God must be WAY more than that.
                          Personally I find it pretty humbling that the creator of the universe would spend so much time with his chosen people on such a personal basis. And that's not narrow minded, which implies a choice, that's just reading what the Bible says about it.

                          As for the ARK being mentioned ... we can point
                          to many many events in scriptures where the ARK was present ... but
                          not mentioned.
                          Really? If it wasn't mentioned how do you know it was there?

                          An event such
                          as the parting of the Red Sea is so amazing that the viewer
                          who attempts to describe it will be overwhelmed with such
                          emotions as to not notice or remember everything.
                          Not Moses; He told the rest of the Hebrews to calm down, God was going to protect and fight for them.Ex. 14:13-14.

                          Another question I have on this is ... IF the pillar of fire (aka God)
                          can cruz around and do things ... WHY must the ARK exist
                          in the first place. Why would Mosses need an ARK?
                          The pillar of fire (aka God) should be just fine OUTSIDE
                          and shouldn't need to sit on ... or reside in an ARK. Right?
                          Good question. The short answer- The pillar of fire/cloud was a visible guide and protection and showed them God was there for them. It could be seen by all the people all the time. The Ark was an article of worship used to carry and house other articles of worship.
                          re: why ARK doesn't kill everyone
                          It seems ONLY the priests were allowed to handle it ..
                          and they had to take precautions. They were educated
                          in its mysteries .. certainly
                          What about the Phillistines who hauled it off and others I mentioned? Did they have rubber gloves they forgot to mention?
                          There are videos on youtube of guys being lowered from helicopters
                          unto high-tension wires ... to repair them. They are the
                          modern day high-voltage AC priests.
                          The ARK did hurt unintended victims -- implying that
                          there were times when it was not an intelligent GOD force --
                          but rather a force of unpredictable & uncontrolled energy.
                          You can stand on or hold onto one hi-tension line with no problem, as long as you don't ground yourself. Linemen do it all the time. Same with DC. But hi-tension DC will grab on to you and kill you. AC knocks you away so better chance of living. What innocents did the Ark hurt?
                          I think Nassim was not implying that the Eyptian Pharaohs
                          necessarily understood what they had. I think he was implying
                          that this was an Atlantean relic. It certainly would have
                          appeared to the Egyptians as a magical device ... but they
                          may not have fully understood what they had.
                          According to Nassim the Egyptians chased after it with an army, so they must have known something significant about it. And that must have been one tough box to have lasted that long.(about 20,000 years?) Again, according to him.

                          I should say here that Hassim seems a smart young man and pleasant as well. Anyone who can understand The Unified Field Theory has to be. But if you are presenting yourself as a teacher you should know what you are trying to teach and he is out of his field here. I would actually enjoy sitting down and discussing it with him.

                          Also, was the burning bush the pillar of fire ... sitting on a bush?
                          Again, if we are speaking of technology its as if static-electricity
                          or lightning was observed ... and the ARK was made to harness it.
                          I think it's clear this was a fire like a bush aflame in a well burning brush fire, not a pillar. The bush burned but was not consumed and yes, it says God spoke from out of the bush. I don't think that could be compared to a static discharge as in a Van de Graaff generator.

                          Hope that answers all your questions to you satisfaction.



                          • #28
                            defending Nassim


                            Hutchison is quite an eccentric character.
                            As for him producing nothing useful or repeatable --
                            you cannot say because you do not know who he worked
                            for and what was accomplished.
                            I find him to be a fascinating personality and I think I would
                            immediately get along with him. He seems quite warm,
                            intelligent, and a deep thinker. His life is his ... and he is
                            free to "accomplish" or "not accomplish".
                            I think in his case .. he definitely wanted to be OUTSIDE looking in.
                            And that was his choice.
                            Typically people go all hermit because they were abused ...
                            so let us not judge or abuse further.

                            I can take a stab at defending Nassim, only because I liked his
                            talk ... but many of your points are well made.
                            Nassim does appear to have a difficulty with English.
                            Is it his first language? He might be quite fluent in his first language.
                            Certainly he was brilliant enough to write an acceptable
                            paper on the unified field theory.

                            >He says a capacitor discharges instantly. How did it
                            >then control the Jordan River for hours? What charged it up to
                            >start with?

                            They do with a direct short. Yes he can't know what role capacitance
                            played in creating that force or how it was charged.
                            Certainly the box did have capacitance, however. That is known
                            by physics to be the case.
                            I watched a very nice show on HAARP by Paranormal TV -- see
                            the "Down Goes the Grid" Thread. I put the link to it there.
                            In that show there is a mention of technology we have today
                            in HAARP and satellites that can modify weather -- and bring
                            down storms and huge lighting bolts to the planet earth.
                            We can do this TODAY! An antenna (lampstands?) can
                            beam energy into the ionosphere and heat it in one spot.
                            This can do dramatic things like bend the jet stream,
                            moving weather systems.
                            Anyway, this equipment ... both on the ground and in space
                            uses capacitors and Joules of energy to get the job done.
                            Please don't be mad at me that the military decided to
                            "play God" with respect to this technology. I'm against
                            weapons in space and playing God. I point this out
                            only to show that it is possible .. they've done it..
                            and the knowledge of this is in the public domain.

                            re: pillar of fire as vortex
                            Perhaps he was thinking of how it was depicted in the
                            movie "Ten Commandments (1956)" ...
                            or various main-stream media depictions like this:
                            YouTube - PILLAR of FIRE
                            When you observe electric ARCing ... the ARC
                            appears as a sort of bolt or pillar. Up close, however,
                            it actually is a vortex. So if the fire was electricity ..
                            and if the laws of nature are the same now as they
                            were then ...and God operates using those laws...
                            then it does stand to reason it was a vortex -- even
                            if it did look like a pillar.
                            If it was fire, the law of thermodynamics and heat rising
                            would SPIN the flames. Firefighters see this all the
                            time -- tornados of fire.
                            YouTube - Fire Tornadoes

                            re: ARK as technology
                            It clearly is technology .. knowledge of tools and craft.
                            It may not be understood by us in these modern times
                            but it was their technology.

                            re: ARK moving by itself
                            How much did the ARC weight? You estimate 340 lbs.
                            How many men did it take to carry it -- only 4 I thought .. not 6.
                            I personally couldn't support 85 lbs for 1 mile. Not easy.
                            Even with 6 ... its would not be easy ... and if one guy trips ... down
                            goes the ARK... Did they ever drop it?
                            No references to dropping it?
                            People have wonder about those questions and
                            speculated that it levitated. I don't know the Bible
                            well enough to know if there is ever a reference
                            to it levitating ... but I've certainly heard that discussed.
                            Exodus 40:36 talks about the cloud lifting up and then they
                            would break camp and move. I suppose they could have
                            "moved" the ARK when the cloud (or fire) moved. Sure.

                            re: water under pyramid
                            Yes dessert now. Then there were vast rivers and underwater ways
                            leading to the base of the pyramid. They moved material
                            in boats on the water to the pyramid. Scientists have
                            found these ancient river beds ... and they have also found
                            evidence of lots of water under the pyramid.
                            Nassim is just going from the current knowledge of what was found
                            with regard to the pyramid.
                            As for water near Tabernacle -- I have nothing to say about that.
                            I don't know.

                            re: Kabbalah
                            I'm not sure why discussing Kabbalah would be off base.
                            The Kabbalah seems very appropriate actually.

                            re: What innocents did the Ark hurt?
                            There is actually not much about the ARK
                            in the Bible. Just the account in Exodus and
                            its mentioned in Revelations. I'm not an
                            expert, but there are likely other scholarly
                            works outside the bible that mention the Ark.
                            The accounts of the ARK used in battle, etc.
                            are probably described in those other
                            works. I would assume the Dead Sea Scrolls
                            would mention the Ark ... but those scrolls
                            haven't been fully released to the public.

                            This is a fun conversation .. .but perhaps a bit off topic.

                            On topic would be more URLs that refer to details about the
                            ARK not mentioned in the bible.
                            Is there anyone who can post such URLs?


                            • #29

                              Agreed; this is going offtopic. Again Al, since you believe the bible to be the literal word of God that means that you have a fixed interpretation of said book and quite frankly that is not going to be of any use to this thread.

                              Also you admitted that you have no knowledge of large capacitors; even if you have friends experienced in electronics that doesn't mean they have any experience with them either. It's a moot point anyway, since it's only your assertion that a large capacitor is waste of time to investigate.

                              So please, unless you have something useful or concrete to offer I would respectfully ask that you refrain from posting in this thread.

                              Also: I'm not here to defend Hutchison or Haramein, only to judge whether or not what they are offering is of any use to the topic at hand. A rigid viewpoint, as you seem to have, is not going to bring any enlightenment. For example, your insistence on Moses as a Hebrew name, which is only cut and dried if you have an flag planted in a fixed ideology, is a case in point. Again, apologetics is not welcome in this thread, please take it elsewhere.


                              • #30
                                NOW we're talking!

                                Now this is the kind of thing I was hoping would be posted here. Reposting here, since it's relevant (hope you don't mind lamare):

                                Originally posted by lamare View Post
                                Science Fiction by Doug Yurchey

                                In Exodus, Moses was given instructions on building the Ark of the Covenant. The inventive genius, Nikola Tesla, wrote in 'The Wall of Light' that Moses had to have been a skilled electrical engineer. The Ark, Tesla concluded, was a very powerful 'condenser.' It created intense vibrations that could smash solid stone. The Israelites carted the device into battle and won wars with it; not unlike the vibration weapons the Fremen used in the film 'Dune.'

                                I Samuel 14/5: 'And when the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord came into the camp, all Israel shouted with a great shout...' 4/8: '...who shall deliver us out of the hand of these mighty Gods? these are the Gods that smote the Egyptians...'
                                In II Samuel 6/6-7...a simple man named Uzzah, disregarded warnings, touched the Ark improperly and was electrocuted! '...Uzzah put forth his hand to the ark of God, and took hold of it; for the oxen shook it. And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzzah; and God smote him there for his error; and there he died by the ark of God.' The man attempted to place it back on the ox-drawn cart and died. They had no concept of high-voltage. 6/9: 'And David was afraid of the Lord that day.'
                                fUSION Anomaly. The Influence of Vedic Philosophy on Nikola Tesla's Understanding of Free Energy


                                By the year 1891, Nikola Tesla had invented many useful devices. These included a system of arc lighting (1886), the internal linkalternating current motor, power generation and transmission systems (1888), systems of electrical conversion and distribution by internal linkoscillatory discharges (1889), and a generator of high internal linkfrequency currents (1890), to name a few. The most well known patent centers around an inspiration that occurred while walking with a friend in a park in Budapest, Hungry. It was while observing the sunset that Tesla had a vision of how rotating electromagnetic fields could be used in a new form of electric motor. his led to the well known system of alternating current power distribution. In 1891 however, Tesla patented what one day may become his most famous invention. It is the basis for the wireless transmission of electrical power and is know as the Tesla Coil Transformer. It was during this year that Tesla made the following comments during a speech before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers; "Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point in the universe. This idea is not novel... We find it in the delightful myth of Antheus, who derives power from the earth; we find it among the subtle speculations of one of your splendid mathematicians... Throughout space there is energy. Is this energy static or kinetic.? If static our hopes are in vain; if kinetic - and this we know it is, for certain - then it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature." 1 This description of the physical mechanisms of the universe was given before Tesla became familiar with the Vedic science of the eastern Nations of India, internal linkTibet, and Nepal. This science was first popualized in the United States and the west during the three year visit of Swami Vivekananda.
                                Science and the Bible: Encyclopedia II - Science and the Bible - The natural world

                                Some have inquired on a scientific explianation of the Ark of the Covenant's operation.[13] [14] [15] Electronic textbooks have discussed the concept in discussions of capacitors through time. Some have suggested that it could be a microwave cavity resonator.[16] Historical inquiry concerning the Ark of the Covenant indicates that it operated as an electrical circuit have been held by some, including, in the 1900s, electrician Nikola Tesla. The design of the ark have characteristics to generate an electric charge, and thus could facilitate an electric discharge between the cherubs. Exodus 28 also describe priests garments which seem similar to static control smocks. [17] [18]

                                The biblical accounts of individuals sudden deaths from touching the Ark could correspond to death by a lethal high voltage charge. In Leviticus 10, Nadab and Abihu perform unprescribed procedures with the Ark which results in a "fire from the Lord," which "devoured" Aaron's sons. [19] Some biblical accounts could correspond with exposure to some extremely high frequency electromagnetic fields (such as ultraviolet light or x-rays). "Fiery jets" occasionally burned and destroyed close objects. Louis Ginzberg’s "Legends of the Jews" has ancient oral traditions referring to "sparks" from the cherubim.
                                Two sparks issued from the Cherubim that shaded the Ark, and these killed all the serpents and scorpions that crossed the path of the Israelites, and furthermore burned all thorns that threatened to injure the wanderers on their march through the desert.[20]

                                Jewish legend also has occasional records of a "cloud" between the cherubim. The Ark was considered dangerous at these times and Moses would not approach it.[21]

                                Tesla, in the article "The fairy tale of electricity" (published September 9, 1915), stated in regards to the Ark:
                                The records, though scanty, are of a nature to fill us with conviction that a few initiated, at least, had a deeper knowledge of amber phenomena. To mention one, Moses was undoubtedly a practical and skillful electrician far in advance of his time. The Bible describes precisely, and minutely, arrangements constituting a machine in which electricity was generated by friction of air against silk curtains, and stored in a box constructed like a condenser. It is very plausible to assume that the sons of Aaron were killed by a high-tension discharge, and that the vestal fires of the Romans were electrical. [22]

                                Of the archaeological discoveries of the last century (which include the Baghdad Battery among others), there is an indication that a working knowledge of energy devices might have been present in ancient Middle Eastern cultures. According to Exodus 2:10, Moses received specialized training in the house of Pharaoh.
                                Ark of the Covenant - Discussion and Encyclopedia Article

                                Nikola Tesla, in the article "A fairy tale of electricity" (published September 9, 1915), stated in regards to the Ark:

                                "The records, though scanty, are of a nature to fill us with conviction that a few initiated, at least, had a deeper knowledge of amber phenomena. To mention one, Moses was undoubtedly a practical and skillful electrician far in advance of his time. The Bible describes precisely, and minutely, arrangements constituting a machine in which electricity was generated by friction of air against silk curtains, and stored in a box constructed like a condenser. It is very plausible to assume that the sons of Aaron were killed by a high-tension discharge, and that the vestal fires of the Romans were electrical." [1]
                                This quote can also be found in "THE WONDER WORLD TO BE CREATED BY ELECTRICITY":

                                "The Wonder World to Be Created By Electricity" by Nikola Tesla

