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Gravity - just pure plain GRAVITY

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  • Good idea <> do something new <> works for me. My interruptions here have been erased.


    • How about Leedskalnin, he basically described "electricity" is two opposite streams like magnets spiraling together. Sometimes it's good to have another point of view, and notice how the rules apply there.

      Anyway, Isn't this also the basic form with most pictures of galaxies with two spiraling arms. Also this idea is farily easy to model with numbers, which are basically mirrors of themselves.

      1 is mirror of 8
      2 is mirror of 7
      3 is mirror of 6
      4 is mirror of 5

      If you reduce results to their digital roots you will notice that dividing and multiplying with 2 & 5 will give identical results with 4 & 7 for example.

      Also 4 + 7 = 11 = 2 and 2 + 5 = 7

      Yeah, there's the numerology again, but still it makes you think.

      Is it a coincidence in our solar system we have two groups of planets, others smaller, others bigger. Other group less dense, the other group more dense. Think about our planet, the atmosphere is the gas layer, crust is the high density layer, core is sun. Just one examle..

      And what is this thing about waves, we get waves everywhere, in the ocean, in the air, even on the sun.. Sound has a wave, light has a wave. And what is a wave but a spiral..

      There is a big unified system there for us to find I think.

      This is all I have to say about theory at this point, and basically what I've been thinking. I'll try to do some experiments in the near future too. Aromaz is right that there is no excuse, we can do experiments in different ways, with sound, with magnets. Not necessarily need of electricity, but learning the basics is also on my to do list. I can't ignore it any longer coming this far..

      I may not know everything and my knowledge is still limited in many areas, but one can always learn more, right..?


      • Numerology and Photons

        Certainly is very interesting @jtstatic

        From numerology one can not run away.
        1-4-7 mirrors 2-8-5

        What exactly does a mirror do? It duplicates = x2. When you have one,
        it becomes two, if you have two it becomes four...

        1x2=2 1 mirror 2
        4x2=8 4 mirror 8
        7x2=14=5 7 mirror 5


        3 and 6 oscillates
        9 is pure.
        0 is Before the beginning and after the end.
        ZERO 123456789 ZERO 123456789 ZERO

        Now wind a coil with these numbers sets: 147, 285 then see where is
        the 3, 6 and 9. Forget about the 'complicated' Rodin coil; which is not
        correct anyway.

        To get the answer on the unified system; off course main science will
        never accept this; "Numerology is for children, Algebra is for adults...."

        BUT the answer lies in the root of all. What is omnipresent? Before you
        can talk of Galaxies, planets, molecules...atoms... you find the ROOT of all.
        It is so simple to see. THE ROOT is whatever everything else comes from.
        The point of origin must be the Unification too. ZERO is nothing, therfore
        it can not be the origin - Nothing is just that NOTHING. So the origin of all
        numbers is 1 ONE, the first ONE. Day One.

        The unification of ALL energy and ALL matter and ALL forces is just plainly
        called Photons or better known as LIGHT. The very first action of CREATION.

        If you take LIGHT away; in other words remove all PHOTONS from all atoms;
        you will have and absolute void/vacuum/NOTHING.

        Always interesting to be able to answer 'debunkers' of the Bible and
        Bhagavad-Gita: How come God made LIGHT before he made water,
        earth, sun, moon..... How could there be light without the sun?

        Simplified: It is because He made PHOTONS. Photons combined to become
        electrons, combined with more photons to become neutrons, add more
        photons and you get protons. Now you have the atom - the first atom is
        Hydrogen - Hydrogen is 2/3 of water.

        Coming to gravity: The answer must lie within Photons. How exactly does
        our light bulbs work? WHY Does it emit light. Are all light emiting devided
        also creating a magnetic field? YES! Does all electrical deviced also have
        magnetism present? YES again.


        At least we know that gravity has an effect on light, Gravity DO bend light!

        I would rather be a child and play with Numerology which I understand
        than being an adult playing with a,b,c and x,y,z which anyone can manipulate
        to their own liking. THAT I think is the biggest flaw in our science today.
        Last edited by Aromaz; 12-13-2009, 03:38 AM.
        Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


        • I think I'll just write a short sum up about my numerological findings:

          First comparing how the same number reoccurs (counting the amount of steps using 3 as an example here) running numbers in two strands and three strands. The numbers are separated between odd & even. In three strands the middle is 3 6 9, switching between odd to even, keeping everything in balance. I think you'll notice quickly which is the more favourable presentation. Try summing the numbers next to each other for example.

          Here is the multiply tables. I'm not going to talk about it much here (except what I mean with how 4/5 (=8) and 2/7 (=8) are similar (4x4=7, 5x5=7 and 2x2=4, 7x7=4). 8 is a powerful number like you can see from the above examples. It basically creates halves of 9.

          Mentioning of 8 also leads to 8x8= 64. I think it's an important number in many ways ..If cells start by dividing to 2 4 8 etc.. it creates the 1 2 4 8 7 5 seq, where 64 is the first completion of the cycle. Also how about Nassim Harameins 64 tetrahedron grid, anyone? - This blown to two starting shapes contraction / expansion -> startetra and octahemiocta which are both basically 8 tetrahedrons (2x4 tetrahedron facing opposite directions). Basic octahedron may have a role to play here too as it's basically the core of star tetra for example, with 8 triangles which serve as bases for the tetrahedrons.

          I don't necessarily agree with all of harameins ideas, but the 64 tetrahedron grid is worth noting, IMO it brings together a lot of things.

          Also I don't want to clutter the topic too much with numbers, there are magic squares etc, and it's a fun subject. Anyway like we see understanding numerology may bring additional views to other things as well..

          Btw, talking about rodin coil, the thing that bugs me about it is that it seems to cancel out the natural stream of magnets (or how leedskalnin describes it), practically creating a monopole (or at least so it would seem based on some of the tests). Not sure if that's beneficial or not yet, or why it's happening, although I think I'm starting to get a rough idea.

          PS. Aromaz mentioned light, but what about sound? There are interesting experiments with sound waves, like leviating things, sonoluminence etc.


          • @jtstatic;
            Without light, there will be no sound. Light (as in aether) supplies the
            medium through which hertzian waves and travel.

            There is one interesting thing about numerology many people tend to overlook. You always have to work down to the single digit to get the real understanding. So 64 is the end of one cycle and the start of another - in fact just another beginning - #1.

            Only one I will differ from you: 8 is not THE magical number, it is a multiply of 2 and 4, or it is 9-1. The real magical number is 9 ( it can only be reached from ADDING previous numbers. There is no division, multiply or subtracting to reach 9. The God number is ZERO. It is not the result of any calculation; but without the ZERO there can be no digits 1 to 9, there can be no beginning and there can be no end.

            Take the challenge: Use your numerology system to design a coil. Then wind that coil and test it. I am winding a number now, but will only able to test when my lab is finished and unpacked again.
            Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


            • Hi Corrie,

              I was just wondering why you believe that the Rodin coil is incorrect. Not trying to defend Rodin here, just honestly curious. If you can't say because of NDAs or such, I understand.

              For my money, I think that there's a rich vein to be mined in T. T. Brown's work WRT gravity. Naudin was starting to see some interesting results in this area with the right dielectric; it makes me wonder why he seems to be obsessed with the air dielectric lifter these days.

              Once I get some things in order (new lab, new house) I intend to investigate this area and will post results--good or bad.


              • Originally posted by Aromaz View Post
                Without light, there will be no sound. Light (as in aether) supplies the
                medium through which hertzian waves and travel.

                There is one interesting thing about numerology many people tend to overlook. You always have to work down to the single digit to get the real understanding. So 64 is the end of one cycle and the start of another - in fact just another beginning - #1.

                Only one I will differ from you: 8 is not THE magical number, it is a multiply of 2 and 4, or it is 9-1. The real magical number is 9 ( it can only be reached from ADDING previous numbers. There is no division, multiply or subtracting to reach 9. The God number is ZERO. It is not the result of any calculation; but without the ZERO there can be no digits 1 to 9, there can be no beginning and there can be no end.

                Take the challenge: Use your numerology system to design a coil. Then wind that coil and test it. I am winding a number now, but will only able to test when my lab is finished and unpacked again.
                64 is a new beginning yes, anyway it's an important milestone, restart of a sequence, becoming one again.

                And I didn't mean to say that 8 is necessarily THE number, like 9 is. I'm saying that it is an important number in many senses. I think it was also mentioned important in David Wilcock's work for example, don't know as I'm yet to study it further.. Anyway each number has its use, and I'm only learning like I've said. I haven't been at this that long..

                My plan is to take a look at the coils, but there are quite a few other things I have to do first. It's not like one gets these things sorted over night and like you said with numbers it's better to start from the basics, what I think I'm already doing at the moment, so bear with me.


                • @jtstatic;

                  Ahh yes you are very right. 8 is a very important number; especially for us today.
                  I had a night time revelation a few months ago, and started playing the
                  numbers together again to get a very shocking revelation.

                  Going back to Bible and Koran:
                  We are today actually living in the 8th day, soon will be the 9th day.

                  This from an essay I wrote:

                  The bible is full of numbers, in fact all Persian, Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek alphabet was/is numerical based. I will not spend too much on this but to point out a few pointers since this is a huge study on its own.

                  0 = Darkness, Void, nothing - ZERO
                  1 = Light, the force that is the building block of all
                  2 = Hydrogen, root of all matter, beginning
                  3 = Elements, matter, conflict, opposites, biological plant life - Algae
                  4 = Cosmic bodies, motion, divine - always present everywhere
                  5 = Fishes, four directions, four seasons, division
                  6 = Animals & Man, reserve, conflict, selfishness
                  7 = Resting, review, satisfaction, perfection
                  8 = Growth, make fat, expand, getting old, building - decorating
                  9 = The final, Judgement, God, Creator, Destruction

                  0 = Darkness, Void
                  1 = Light ............

                  Rodin Coil:
                  In truth, the RODING COIL is not wrong; it is the Rodin designed coil; so as long as
                  One remains with that coil / design it will remain “Rodin Coil”.

                  What I am ‘claiming’ is the Rodin Coil is a conflict.

                  #1: The numerical digits printed all over the surface and not applicable
                  to real effects has people ecstatic - but no result and no value. Just eye candy.
                  #2: The empty space is lost energy. There is nothing else in fact happening there.
                  It is NOT the GATE some people claims.
                  #3: Crossing the conductors neutralizes the magnetic field. Lost energy.
                  #4: The coil does NOT fit with the Numerology of Rodin;

                  The only true result you are ending up with is oscillation; that explain the erratic
                  Jumping of the magnets in an erratic oscillating EM Field

                  More when I have all set to go again and can do the experiments with video reports soon again.
                  Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                  • @Shamus;... T. T. Brown's work WRT gravity. Naudin was starting to see some interesting results in this area with the right dielectric; it makes me wonder why he seems to be obsessed with the air dielectric lifter these days. [/QUOTE]

                    I do agree full heartedly with you. Of all the people in the past 120 years, I do place N. Tesla, TT Brown and S. Flloyd on the top shelf. Other than their experiments really proving something, there is no way in which I could debunk any of their findings.

                    Naudin has a gut feeling, probably the same as mine. He is in a bit of a flat
                    spin; might need to get directions again. I still need to complete my verification experiments.
                    Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                    • vacuum in front of ship to eliminate resistance to travel

                      Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                      This is almost identical to what I proposed in my book is a shielding technique...or actually a deflection of the aether around the shell utilizing ultra high frequency and voltage to create a polarization instantly of the "ambient" aether as the ship touches it.

                      The positive charge is pulled to the rear of the shell of the ship causing a pressure from behind while there is a vacuum at the front, in the true sense of a vacuum lacking even the aether.

                      The ship is then not simply pushed from one spot to another but sucked with negative resistance through the aether.

                      If the aether is deflected around the ship instead of through it, there is no inertia.
                      "They also utilize a form of a space displacement system, which basically causes a vacuum in front of the propulsion that allows nothing to interfere with the created thrust. At the present time, we cannot understand how they accomplish this."

                      "The source(s) added, "They use a vacuum chamber, which consists of a mini-nuclear reactor that forces some type of matter into space that deletes the molecules and causes that very small portion of space to become a vacuum.""

                      Sounds like they got the general idea from somewhere Interesting
                      in concept it is what I explained but this article talks about matter
                      that deletes the molecules to create the vacuum... those "molecules"
                      aren't there in outer space filling up "empty space" lol. But in any case
                      it is an entertaining article:

                      American Chronicle | International officials met with ETs in November?
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • "They also utilize anti-matter in such a way as to force their propulsion system into 'streams' of energy in front of their craft that enables the craft to move and flow much easier through space without any friction from the atmosphere"

                        Hmm, that sounds awfully familiar to something I said a few pages earlier..

                        edit: to correct myself it was in another topic

                        Anyway, page 32:


                        Never mind the story if it's not to your liking, pay attention to the anti-matter part..
                        Last edited by jtstatic; 12-20-2009, 09:33 PM.


                        • Dangerous thing - To THINK

                          Thursday 24 December I will put the doors (last final item) on my new lab. Already started installing shelves and work tops. Xmas gift from me to me - New Lab door will be unlocked and sort of operation right on 25 December; guess it will be very early in morning?

                          In the mean time: I was thinking (dangerous!) today about this gravity and all these potential variables and actions we got so accustomed to see. Amongst I pondered the LIFTER for much over past week or so; How and what exactly;

                          My Question #1: Why did NOBODY ever tried to expand on it; beyond the lifter design? A complete different kind of design?

                          Secondly I ponder this HV COIL GUN. I wondered how come this force is not only effective on electrical or magnetic material; but even on plastic, fruit, vegetables - just anything whatsoever. That is a VERY strong explosive force; repulsive and severe. Now I started wondering ….

                          My Question #2: Is it not possible that the coil gun is in effect a sort of counter gravity device. Ha..Ha… yes so did I too but then I came to think more. Try to use a loaded spring or even rubber catapult and see how far or high you can shoot an object. Then try with HV coil gun. Hey there is a huge difference. My theory is this: Is it possible that the HV energy does enclose the object for a little while and forces the graviton fields around the object – out Vacuum-Pushing force idea. Got to think more about this one; guess I will have to build one to expand on that theory of why, what, how ….
                          whatsoever. That is a VERY strong explosive force.
                          Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                          • Where the Money Goes? Defending U.S. soil from the mighty Taiwanese Army

                            Anything military comes first. US expenditures for military + R & D gets fast track. They depend on independents to work on peaceful stuff seems like. If one of us files a patent they wait for the patent money to run out then they take it if it looks promising. Patents give them a window into what we're doing <> also Copyrights. They take what they want, figuring they're protecting us from the mighty Taiwanese military assault forces. The concept of intellectual property is easily extrapolated to include your home government.

                            Sort of like being a sub-directory on their hard drive. Anyway, there's no need for them to expend money on lifters til someone rises to the top of the butter churn and files a patent. I played the game once and they got my wind engine to use. It gave them a military cargo transport plane that flies without fuel. They can carry troops and munitions anywhere in the world, any amount, any time, no refueling planes required, from my wind engine adaptation. That's why I leave out key stuff when I write. I don't give away any more farmland. That one was enough.
                            Last edited by CloudSeeder; 12-23-2009, 04:36 PM. Reason: They can carry troops and munitions anywhere in the world, any amount, any time, no refueling planes required.


                            • projectile


                              My friend's uncle was an eccentric tinkerer. He developed one of the first
                              non-ferrous metal magnets.

                              With those experiments, a piece of metal, not sure what kind was in the
                              field of that electromagnet and took off and accelerated exponentially
                              straight up and through the roof of the house or garage. There was a patch
                              on that hole and was a famous family story of theirs.

                              Anyway, it is interesting how something like that can happen when the
                              object is away from the power source that launched it. It seems that
                              something in the projectile has changed at some level where gravity or
                              other resistances that it could encounter are suddenly gone.
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO


                              • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                                ....With those experiments, a piece of metal, not sure what kind was in the field of that electromagnet and took off and accelerated exponentially straight up and through the roof ...
                                @Aaron; Now THAT is exactly what I expect will happen if you get some object with no gravity push on the 'upside'. The acceleration will be incredible - until gravity can get hold and push back.

                                Big question after all this years: How / What exactly did he do?
                                Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.

