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Holcomb Energy Systems - the Holy Grail may have arrived

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  • #16
    Yes, he had 18 capacitors in series (500F each, 2.7V rating, max total series rating about 48V) and the capacitor back was charged up to 24-25V as his transformer wouldn't output more voltage to charge higher. So your calculation above is incorrect.


    • #17
      Originally posted by pmgriphone View Post
      Yes, he had 18 capacitors in series (500F each, 2.7V rating, max total series rating about 48V) and the capacitor back was charged up to 24-25V as his transformer wouldn't output more voltage to charge higher. So your calculation above is incorrect.
      Yes. 2.7 not 3.7 volts. Working with Li cells lately and UCs were a long time ago. I stand corrected. But where is his technology today? Replications? Independent test?


      • #18
        Original=. 03-24-2022, 03:43 PM
        Originally posted by bistander View Post

        Proof. Not too much to ask, but never forthcoming.That DNV Verification Report smells pretty fishy.

        If [this] theory of free energy is true, from non-motion rotating magnetic field, it would occur everytime a polyphase induction motor is started across the line, which never shows up. And a common characterization test on induction motors is the blocked rotor test. Over all these years, thousands of tests, never once has "extra" energy been noticed.

        It's a scam.
        Just a bump.
        Been quite a while. Has anyone seen one in the wild?
        Last edited by bistander; 07-05-2023, 05:07 AM.


        • #19
          Originally posted by ewizard View Post
          Ernst, I believe I saw them mention that type of metal that Bearden used in his MEG. Not sure but it's more than just a transformer as they have electronics which I believe create rotating fields similar to what Pierre Cotnoir was doing which was discussed on the thread I started where he had 1600 watts out from 170 watts in and eventually ran it closed loop.

          Also their work has been verified by (see that website as they are a major global company that does verification of energy devices). Another company also verified the HES system. Attached is a report from DNV on the Holcomb Energy system.

          Also Holcomb himself has hundreds of patents. If you look on overunity you'll see links to some of those. In following alternative energy for over 30 years now I don't believe I've ever seen anything this promising. It seems they plan on having units ready to sell in a couple months including home units. If it's a scam it's a very well played one but I don't think that is the case this time.
          Your Electricity * Over Unity: Over Unity - Holcomb Energy System (

          The Robert Holcomb solid-state synchronous machine, operates according to the algorithm of a traditional electromechanical synchronous machine, generating electricity. The solid state rotor is a system of electromagnets that mimic the action of a mechanical magnetic rotor. The task is to create magnetic excitation flux, hold it and move it in the stator and rotor, synchronously inducing an EMF in the generator phases. When the load is connected, the excited current in the phase wires amplifies the magnetic field of the system's magnetic flux. The magnetic flux [ϕ] has a constant component for both the traditional electromechanical generator machine and the Holcomb solid state machine. A Holcomb machine, like a synchronous generator, relies heavily on a connected load to create a working constant "rotating" field.

          Your Electricity * Over Unity: GENERATORS CLEMENTE FIGUERA 1902 (

          There is no question of originality or primacy here. Holcomb was the first to translate the idea into a real model, which is available in drawings and working products of various modifications.
          If you are from the U.S., no one is stopping you from contacting the experts at Holcomb Center directly and deciding on a visit to their center.
          Last edited by Rakarskiy; 07-09-2023, 04:28 PM.


          • #20
            Seems some issues with Holcomb building and location ?
            going to call some contacts tomorrow ( in that part of US)
            and try to get some news.
            I have been told they are not doing too good …
            will report back ( hopefully report is an error ( from associate of
            key investor/principal?)
            Chet K
            If you want to Change the world
            BE that change !!


            • #21
              Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
              Seems some issues with Holcomb building and location ?
              going to call some contacts tomorrow ( in that part of US)
              and try to get some news.
              I have been told they are not doing too good …
              will report back ( hopefully report is an error ( from associate of
              key investor/principal?)
              Chet K
              Thanks Chet,
              Bob Walker had reported HES was fighting eviction last month. Bob is former HES VP. But also runs company which leases the building, I believe.


              • #22
                Put in a call last week to a few who had dealings
                with them
                one mirrored your comments

                the other seems to have other thoughts on this
                will be ringing him back Monday for clarity!
                2nd hand report on another recent purchaser who’s unit failed to work .
                another person commented on necessity of
                onsite adjustments to get things tuned ( mentioned phases?

                this coming week should yield more info ( from me)
                If you want to Change the world
                BE that change !!


                • #23
                  Has there been any recent news? Or has this faded off into oblivion?


                  • #24
                    Here's something new.

                    Tuesday, 01/23/2024 10:37:10 PM

                    Holcomb Technology has proved to be rejected by the USPTO, they have kicked their patents to the curb.

                    Holcomb is also being sued by B&K Energy in the Chancery Court of Davidson County, TN, in Nashville (Court No. 23-1020-II) for $5m for selling a license to the technology, the licensee installed the HES Generator in their premises and it increased power usage from the mains supply and provided no extra juice.

                    Ron issued Holcomb 10 millions shares in Sept 2023, whilst knowing about the court case and the Patents being challenged, he did this for his pump and dump and short selling which we know the SEC are investigating.

                    Its a complete scam and ASRE are in on it, there Manufacuring JV and agreement is worth zilch now and they refuse to update the market when it is vital knowing that one of their biggest shareholders 'Holcomb' and a director of ASRE is being sued for fraud for technology that does not work but which ASRE are knowingly promoting and the USPTO are saying sorry Holcomb your tech does not work. The market needs to know this as its price sensitive information.

                    Investor's hub

                    Take it for what it's worth, as everything thing you find on the interwebs.
                    Last edited by bistander; 01-24-2024, 06:34 AM. Reason: Original article correction, was Sept 2022.


                    • #25
                      Давайте почекаємо, щоб побачити, що з цього вийде! Я не впевнений, що "заявники" не порушили умови користування. Своїми думками з цього приводу я вже ділився. Якщо вони це зроблять, позов може бути скасований з відшкодуванням моральної шкоди.

                      Ролик прикріплений, хороший приклад технологічності. Завжди можна замінити щітку на транзистор.

                      Electromagnetic generator over unity (


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Rakarskiy View Post
                        Давайте почекаємо, щоб побачити, що з цього вийде! Я не впевнений, що "заявники" не порушили умови користування. Своїми думками з цього приводу я вже ділився. Якщо вони це зроблять, позов може бути скасований з відшкодуванням моральної шкоди.

                        Ролик прикріплений, хороший приклад технологічності. Завжди можна замінити щітку на транзистор.

                        Electromagnetic generator over unity (
                        Hi Rakarskiy,

                        Below is a Google translation. And a screenshot from near the end of your video. Regarding the device in the video, please prove your contention by removing the battery and running for extended period, like hours, days, or weeks. Then I take you seriously.

                        Let's wait and see what comes of it! I am not sure that the "applicants" did not violate the terms of use. I have already shared my thoughts on this matter. If they do, the lawsuit can be dismissed with punitive damages. The roller is attached, a good example of manufacturability. You can always replace the brush with a transistor.


                        • #27
                          It's totally irrelevant, a buffer drive is needed for systems like this. That the design is crude I know, and the total result is no more than 120-130%, I'm just sure. I will make step-by-step instructions on how to calculate and manufacture a magical system with control through a brush or transistor. I think it will be possible to get 200%. Just keep the orthodox physicists in the corner.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Rakarskiy View Post
                            It's totally irrelevant, a buffer drive is needed for systems like this. That the design is crude I know, and the total result is no more than 120-130%, I'm just sure. I will make step-by-step instructions on how to calculate and manufacture a magical system with control through a brush or transistor. I think it will be possible to get 200%. Just keep the orthodox physicists in the corner.
                            "no more than 120-130%, I'm just sure." ? And science is sure, certain, it is no more than 100%. Need a buffer? Use a capacitor. Then prove it by running for a long, long time. You can't.

                            Good luck.


                            • #29
                              Science is in a stupor over the Korean generator, although no, Korean science just made it. I certainly don't want to prove anything to anyone. Capacitors or batteries, either way needs a starting charge. The fact remains that in DC mode, the system operates autonomously. Pretty crooked by the way, the only thing left is to teach them to do it right. I am glad that my labours were useful to someone. The author referred to my post, although he did not agree that I made it public. The material did not come to me from him, I waited a pause, he did not contact me and published it. If he wants to improve it, I'm always open.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Rakarskiy View Post
                                Science is in a stupor over the Korean generator, although no, Korean science just made it. I certainly don't want to prove anything to anyone. Capacitors or batteries, either way needs a starting charge. The fact remains that in DC mode, the system operates autonomously. Pretty crooked by the way, the only thing left is to teach them to do it right. I am glad that my labours were useful to someone. The author referred to my post, although he did not agree that I made it public. The material did not come to me from him, I waited a pause, he did not contact me and published it. If he wants to improve it, I'm always open.
                                Hi Rakarskiy,
                                you say "Capacitors or batteries, either way needs a starting charge."

                                Then start it, remove battery, and run it continuously, maybe even doing some useful work. Bet you can't.

